Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 205: Manpower

As Li Ang guessed, the last murderers in this case were the father-in-law and mother-in-law who lived with the deceased.

The father-in-law took advantage of his son to go out to work, and he had always had bad intentions against the deceased and repeatedly coerced him.

The deceased asked her mother-in-law for help, but the latter kept her acquiescence and even imprisoned her daughter-in-law together with her husband in order to “keep the shame of the family behind”.

In the course of an insult, the deceased claimed to inform the husband who was about to return from work. His father-in-law and mother-in-law panicked, strangled him, and tried to escape responsibility by pretending to hang himself.

During this process, the two did not dare to look directly at the dead body, and deliberately covered its face with cloth.

Seeing on the TV show that the two elderly murderers whose faces had been beaten with mosaics were tearfully repenting in prison, Li Ang couldn’t help laughing, “It’s so funny these people.”


Wang Fengnian cast a questioning look.

Li Ang spread his hands, “I don’t think they are really repenting when they cry,

In the course of their crimes, they have countless opportunities to stop harming their victims.

Did they stop? No,

The tears that the criminals who took the initiative to harm innocents shed after putting on prison uniforms were all just regrets for being caught and fearing the imminent punishment.

A scum is always a scum. “

Wang Fengnian nodded noncommittally and asked, “Xiao Li, your reasoning ability is good, I heard Shanshan say you have read a lot of detective reasoning before?”

Of course, Li Ang couldn’t tell the other party that he used Xinhua Bookstore to read a lot of reasoning when he was in junior high school.

Began to use the Internet to learn a series of books such as “Criminal Science and Technology”, “Criminal Investigation”, “Trace Inspection”, “Investigation Law” (the electronic version is available online, and the physical version is also sold)

Immediately nodded with a smile, “Yes, my dream when I was a child was to become a crime nemesis, maintain social order, and protect the safety of people’s lives and property.”


Wang Fengnian nodded, suddenly remembered something, and went back to the study to get some documents.

These documents are all recent cases received by Yin city officials. In recent months, all kinds of strange things have happened one after another, and the grass-roots operators are too busy.

For a front-line operator like Wang Fengnian, it has been a long time since he returned home and had a normal meal with his family.

He took out more than 20 photos from the file bag, “What do you think about these photos?”

Li Ang took the photo and found that the crime scene where the photo was taken was located in an ordinary residential building.

In the room with two bedrooms and one living room, the host and hostess were lying on the floor of the living room. There were several deep knife wounds on the waist and abdomen, and there was a large pool of blood around the body.

All cabinet doors in the room were opened, and some sundries were stacked on the sofa. There were no **** footprints or other bloodstains on the ground.

The murder weapon, located in the narrow bathroom with the lights on, was a steel western knife with a short handle and a smooth curved blade, which was soaking in the sink.

There is also a string of dripping blood under the light switch box on the right side of the sink below the wall.

Li Ang looked at the photo and asked without looking up, “Break and robbery?”


Wang Fengnian nodded, “There is a fire ladder standing outside the window. The murderer sneaked into the house at night and murdered the owner of the house during the robbery. The location of the entry and exit was just in the blind spot of the surveillance camera, and he was not photographed.”


Li Ang flicked the photo with his finger and said, “How long has this case been?”

“Two days ago.”

Li Ang put the photo on the table and said, “I’m not sure, but I suggest you go to the hospital or clinic near the place where the crime happened and look up the recent admission records.

Check to see if there is a deep scar on the palm of the right hand. “


Wang Fengnian frowned, “Why?”

Li Ang spread out the photos on the glass coffee table with melons, fruits and tea leaves, and pointed to a few photos,

Said: “The toilet in this house is quite narrow and dark, especially the switch box for the light, which is located on the right side of the wall under the sink.

The only bloodstain here is just below the light box, and the trail of blood dripping is vertical.

The blood in this shape is obviously dripping on the ground when the suspect pressed the switch.

The light switch box is located on the right side of the sink, which determines that it is difficult for normal people to put their left hand in and press the switch, and can only use their right hand, indicating that the blood comes from the suspect’s right palm. “

He glanced at Wang Fengnian and said with a smile, “Then, does this blood stain come from the suspect himself? Or does it come from the victim?

I prefer the suspect’s own blood.

If it is the blood stained by the murderer from the victim, then the traces of blood dripping should be from top to bottom, from thick to thin;

And the concentration of these bloodstains at the scene is consistent, it can only be caused by the murderer’s own injury.

According to the shape of the knife, I guess it was the murderer, because the handle of the knife is shorter and the blade is longer.

When holding the handle of the knife and stabbing forward, due to excessive force, the blade turned against the palm of the hand and cut the suspect’s right palm.

As for the crime scene without any blood, and all the clutter on the sofa…

I guess the killer went to the bathroom to treat the palm of his hand in an and returned to the living room to wipe the blood on the ground before fleeing the crime scene.

Finally, according to the blood volume under the light switch box,

I guess his hand injury is quite serious, and he must go to a professional institution, that is, a hospital or clinic for sutures,

As long as you check to see if there are any recent injuries with cut marks on the palm of your right hand, you can easily find out. “

Having said that, Li Ang glanced at Wang Fengnian, who had a calm face, and smiled: “Uncle Wang, you must have passed the test by now, and you have found that the blood belongs to a third party in the room, that is, the suspect himself.

As long as there is a DNA sample, it is only a matter of time before the suspect is caught. “

Li Ang also hid a word and didn’t say it, that is, he speculated that there has been a large-scale bizarre incident in Yin City recently——

This case of burglary and murder is actually quite simple,

Even if they don’t go to the hospital or clinic for investigation according to Li Ang’s speculation, or search based on DNA samples, the official can still find the murderer by checking the monitoring data on a large scale and relying on a lot of manpower.

Generally speaking, a murder case must be solved. Two days have passed since this case, which is enough to prove that the official manpower of Yin City is very likely to be stretched.

This situation is caused by the extraordinary factors randomly generated in the killing game,

Or, is there another reason?

Li Ang still kept a flat smile on his face, and his thoughts kept surging in his mind.

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