Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 199: Artificial

In the scripted mission world, it seems that the development and delisting of the blood clan can only be achieved through the first embrace ceremony (the blood clan feeds back blood to ordinary people).

According to logical reasoning, either the first embrace is an occult ritual with extraordinary power, or there is a problem with the blood of the vampire.

The blood on Felix’s body has been drained by the nematodes, so let’s not consider it for the time being,

But the corpses of several noble blood clan members are full of blood.

For safety reasons, before dissecting the nobles of the blood clan, Li Ang deliberately set up a sterile isolation operating room with a plastic curtain that looked a little crude by the lake.

And use labware to keep all blood sealed.

As early as when he became a Lv10 player, Li Ang had a question in his heart.

What is the essence of extraordinary ability.

If the ripple energy that can dissolve the soul and strengthen the body can also be explained by the materialistic thought of “motivating the blood through breathing to activate the energy of the living body”,

So, how to explain the special effect ability of [Flesh Cutter] to eliminate the enemy’s flesh out of thin air?

The space scaling of the [Automated Pet Breeding Box]?

[No one can beat me in my bgm] Forcibly stuck in the air?

With the existing scientific system of human beings on earth, it is difficult to explain the working principle of these extraordinary elements, but this does not mean that science is powerless and useless in the face of extraordinary.

Science is a system of ordered knowledge based on testable explanations and predictions about the form, organization, etc. of objective things,

The objective material world is studied, enabling humans to make accurate assertions about objective reality and to understand its internal connections.

As an ordinary oriental teenager with a simple worldview, Li Ang, like most of his compatriots in this land, refuses to believe in the existence of the Personality of God,

Theology is a tool at the beginning of its birth. It is a spiritual framework that is spontaneously generated by the population for survival, continuation and expansion, and is used to unify the values ​​and concepts among different individuals.

In order to take care of the simple-minded members of the population, this mental framework must be monotonous and paranoid, and must be exclusive so that people (especially the simple-minded people in large numbers) do not get confused and confused.

Lee Ang spurned this spiritual framework, which, compared to science, seemed backward, outmoded, dull, utilitarian, and morally dishonest, encouraging self-deception.

Even if he was selected as the player of the killing game and saw all kinds of incredible things, Li Ang still did not give up his trust in rationalism and materialism.

Similar to theology, occultism, and metaphysics, science is a tool for human beings to understand and transform themselves and the world. In some fields, science may be too cautious and cumbersome and lag behind theology and occultism and metaphysics.

The only difference is that there is no absolute “truth” in science, and there is no personal God in the theory that can explain everything that cannot be explained.

Scientific research is continuous self-doubt, guesswork, hypothesis, experiment, demonstration, derivation, analysis, to make theory consistent with observational results, and self-doubt, guess, hypothesis again…

Repeat this process endlessly to get closer to the relative truth of the real world.

Lee Ang trusts science more than any other tool of paranoia—just as he trusts cold and impersonal mathematics.

Before the corpse of the blood race was found, Li Ang did not have sufficient conditions to explore the nature of the complex and extraordinary factors of cognition——

Whether it is [Flesh Cutting Machine] or [Automated Pet Breeding Box], the essence is too deep to be effectively analyzed with scientific theory.

However, the blood race, who was born with extraordinary abilities, opened a new door for him to a new world, a door that connected rational materialism and extraordinary elements.

“All the vampires have no abnormality in their clothing, which is consistent with the normal suits of modern Earth. It has been stored in the inventory before the autopsy and should be incinerated after the autopsy is completed.”

“From the autopsy results, the flat bones of the four nobles of the blood clan all have mild hollow bone marrow symptoms, red bone marrow tissue is scarce, and the liver and spleen are smaller than ordinary people. It produces blood by itself and must feed on human blood to survive.”

“Judging from the results of the blood type test, the four nobles of the blood family plus Felix Miller are all AB-type universal blood recipients, and the possibility of genetic defects in all members of the blood family cannot be ruled out. There were no abnormalities in red blood cells and other parameters.”

“In the dermis of most of the skin of the blood family, hair follicles other than normal body hair were found. These hair follicles are larger and are driven by the erector muscle. It is speculated that these large hair follicles can be triggered under special conditions. , forming black hairs in the form of half-human, half-bat.”

“For the time being, there is no special organ of the blood family to control blood and release blood The ripple energy has no special lethality to the blood and flesh that has been separated from the corpse.”

“Like Felix, the four Vampires have small pouch-shaped digestive organs. The growth of this organ varies. We cannot rule out the possibility that this organ is the source of Vampire energy.”

“Judging from the psionic detection feedback results of the cat’s eye, these small pouch-shaped digestive organs have strong psionic responses. Ripple energy and stomach bags have extremely strong rejection reactions. It is speculated that a small amount of ripple energy can induce stomach bags. Explosion.”

“Judging from the information that has been obtained so far, the source of the blood clan’s power should be these small stomach bags….blood is the currency of the soul?”

“If the stomach bag is the source, how does the first embrace ceremony work? From the observation results of laboratory instruments, there are no signs of the existence of special viruses, bacteria and mitochondria in blood cells of the blood family.”

“Or does it mean that the stomach bag itself has a mystical meaning, and as long as the ritual is performed, the same organs can be produced in the blood slave’s body?”

“Tsk, it’s so annoying, if only Felix hadn’t died, it’s too troublesome to just guess on your own.”

“Felix, you are so good! It’s too spicy! You can’t even bite a mere worm, what are you doing?”

“Hoo, calm down.”

Wearing a full chemical protective suit, Li Ang threw the scalpel into a stainless steel square plate, wrapped the five stomach bags and five blood clan corpses in plastic sealed bags, and put them in the backpack column.

I walked out of the surgical isolation room and disinfected and cleaned the chemical protective suit on my body.

In any case, with these five stomachs that carry the source of the blood clan’s power, Li Ang can use the [biological master] to try some tricks that were impossible before.

For example, artificial blood creatures.

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