Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 190: Transcendence

The first people to surround it were naturally the operatives of the Unusual Incident Division of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. They consciously formed a circle to prevent unrelated people from entering and snooping.

The logistics superhuman who specializes in medical care quickly and carefully observed the injuries on David’s body.

David’s injuries are quite serious, the skin on the body surface is open in large areas, and the bones can be seen deep.

The wound was charred as black as carbon, and the skin and muscles lifted up faintly glowed with the red heat left by the high temperature roasting

These wounds were all opened by the opponent’s Thunder Cleave.

The life essence of the first-tier players is far stronger than that of ordinary creatures, especially the martial arts extraordinary like David, even if they don’t wear any armor,

Ordinary energy blows can’t leave scars on the surface of the tempered body.

Not to mention the uniform on David’s body, it is the perfect quality armor produced by the FBI, which can greatly reduce the damage of external energy.

Through the injury, it is enough to imagine what a fierce battle broke out on that storm-shrouded island.

David waved his hand to screen away his companion who was trying to release the healing spell. He took out a glass bottle of high-concentration holy water from his backpack, opened the cap, and sprinkled holy water on the wound.

As the strongest person in the FBI, and the holder of the Stargate, David can naturally get the organization’s full support.

This bottle of high-concentration holy water from the Holy See has a much better healing effect than the expensive medium-sized healing potions in the game mall.

It can even be used on ordinary people to live dead and flesh and bones.

But when the holy water was sprinkled on the wound, the wound immediately burst out with green smoke, it did not heal immediately, but fell into a state of stalemate with the wound,

The sprouted muscles and skins will die as they grow, and they will grow as they die. They are still charred as black as charcoal, with a meaty fragrance, and they will not heal for a long time.

The onlookers outside the human wall are not sure why,

On the other hand, David himself, several high-ranking officials of the FBI, and many first-tier players in the sky arena, have all changed.

It can weaken or even cancel the healing effect of holy water, proving that the power level contained in the wound is no less than the power of faith accumulated by the Holy See for thousands of years.


David stared at his wound, silent for a few seconds, and looked at the top of the FBI, teleported out of the sky arena at the same time with great tacit understanding, and apparently went to the real-world stronghold to have a secret conversation.

And their departure confirmed the ominous premonition in everyone’s heart, and soon another group of players hesitated to teleport away.

“What the **** is this…”

The epidemic doctor was stunned because he didn’t know why. Out of the corner of his eyes, he subconsciously swept over the people next to him, and found that the Whale Song quartet had a solemn expression, while Li Ang had a thoughtful expression.

The one who appeared in the sky arena just now looks very much like Thor, the **** of thunder. Although Li Ang was not present, he could not feel the fluctuation of the other party’s breath.

However, the form of divine power shown in the picture is exactly the same as his swamp divine power.


Soon, the friend’s communication list vibrated, and more than a dozen text messages were sent at the same time.

From Xing Hechou, Hohenheim, The Side of Truth, David, Dawn, etc.

When you click on the text message, the main idea is to go to a conference room in the Global Occult Alliance Building on the game plaza to discuss important matters.

Of course, it is not a trivial matter to be able to alarm so many organizations and top-level extraordinary people in an instant.

Li Ang glanced at the entire sky arena. Those familiar faces nodded to him and teleported away one after another. The black Trojan next to him also said hesitantly, “Brother Li…”

“I know.”

Li Ang nodded to the black Trojan horse and others, teleported away from the sky arena, and headed to the game square.


Dozens of people gathered in the conference room of the Global Occult Alliance, or the heads of various organizations and guilds, or representatives of political entities,

Basically, the current stage of the earth, or the top-level forces of the earth’s human civilization (some organizations have already carried out cross-star gate colonization), can be included.

“Is Michael there?”

As an individual player who is not attached to any power, Li Ang is also one of the few natural disaster-level existences. He has the right to sit alone in the conference room without any interruption, and coldly observe the familiar faces in the conference room.

As the conference room gradually filled up, there were also slight discussions around.

“What the **** is going on here? Why did the Global Occult Coalition call us? What’s going to happen?”

“Maybe it’s David’s business? It’s said that he was attacked by thunder in the sky arena?”

“Did the gods really recover… Then doesn’t the Vatican want to…”

“Shh, be quiet, the meeting has begun.”

Alina of the Global Occult Coalition stepped into the middle seat of the conference room. On the left is a virtual projection of the titular leader of the Global Occult Coalition, and on the right is Michael, who is completely hidden in silver armor.


Alina pressed the microphone button, cleared her throat, and spoke as a representative of the Global Occult Alliance, “Everyone present is representatives of various forces, and some of them have already received news in private, so I will make a long story short.

Just now, David of the FBI, the first echelon player on our earth, encountered a suspected existence of Thor, the **** of thunder in Norse mythology, in the seventh battle of the rematch of the Battle of Fate.

The two sides engaged in a fierce battle, which ended in David’s defeat. Experts dispatched by various guild organizations determined that David’s injuries were indeed caused by high-level divine erosion…”


There was a slight astonishment in the conference room again, but the presence of representatives of various forces quickly lowered the sound consciously.

Alina just glanced at the direction of the sound, but was not affected, and continued: “However, there is no more evidence to prove that it is the ‘earth’, the ‘real’ Thor Thor.

Today, the Global Occult Coalition, together with the Secret Service, the FBI, European Heavy Industries and other organizations co-organized this meeting to reveal to you the follow-up to the Shivwang incident a few months ago. “

Having said that, Alina pressed the button on the table and called up several holographic projection patterns, all of which are the ruins of religious monuments such as Luyeyuan and St. Peter’s Basilica.

“Following the warning from King Shibi, several of our organizations jointly developed a plan,

demolish or transfer some religious monuments,

Seal up or destroy some ancient books related to religion and mythology,

In the network, in reality, spread controllable memetic weapons,

Gradually weaken, or even erase, the belief in gods in ordinary people’s minds.

Up to now, we have solved 80% of religious buildings, 70% of religious and mythological literary and artistic works (including ancient and modern books, as well as films, TV series, video games and other art forms),

According to the average value of the ‘World Belief Index Evaluation’ given by various expert teams, we have successfully reduced the ‘total value of mind power output’ of the people of the earth to gods to 37% of the original. “

“World Faith Index” and “Total Psychic Output” are both internal terms of the Global Occult Coalition, but their literal meaning is not difficult to understand,

Moreover, when organizations such as the Global Occult Coalition conduct actions to weaken the influence of gods, they are basically open – there are no religious buildings such as temples, Taoist temples, and churches in each city building.

Even the portraits of door gods and wealth gods posted by ordinary people in their homes are considered contraband.

However, religious myths are an important part of modern culture after all, and it is difficult to remove them all at once. A behemoth, including the Holy See, can only weaken its influence and cannot be directly destroyed.

“After reducing the total output of global psychic power,

Due to some well-known reasons, including organizations such as the Secret Service, cross-star gate colonization began, which further reduced the global population, and incidentally weakened the source of the power of gods’ beliefs.

According to the common sense of mysticism, these measures should be able to successfully slow down the awakening speed of the gods of various gods, but the observation results show an abnormality. “

Alina continued to call up the holographic projection, and in religious buildings such as the Sistine Chapel, the power of faith similar to that of King Shivi still lit up.

“The representatives of some organizations may have learned about the nature of the gods of the earth through their own channels.

Most of the images of gods handed down through myths and legends are basically superhumans with special powers, that is, the recruits selected by the killing games in ancient times. “

Alina said: “They may have more extraordinary power than the current game players, but all evidence shows that the natural lifespan of each individual is still within the theoretical human lifespan.

When they live to be more than a hundred years old, they will die for some reason – most likely due to the sanctions of the killing game.

These gods try to make ordinary people remember them by leaving myths and legends behind, and continue in the form of belief in gods.

According to this theory, the way of waking up the ancient gods should be to absorb the power of belief of the human beings in the real world and resurrect,

But after we weakened the total global psychic output,

The awakening speed of those gods has only dropped a little,

It even includes some gods that have no true believers for a long time, only a few experts and scholars are still concentrating on research, and are the most severely damaged in action.

Such as Norse mythology, Sumerian mythology, South American mythology, etc.

The theory contradicts the phenomenon. The only explanation is that the earth is not the only basic disk of the gods. “

Li Ang’s eyes narrowed,

As the creator and controller of the worm nest, he also has his own eyes and ears in every corner of the earth, and the amount of information obtained is no less than that of ordinary guild organizations, and he can understand the deep meaning behind Alina’s words.

Someone in the conference room couldn’t help but ask, “Earth…isn’t the base plate of the gods? What does this mean?”

“Simply, the gods exist, but they don’t really exist on Earth.”

Alina said: “According to the data of major forces, tens of thousands of players, and hundreds of thousands of scripted missions, the summary of data,

We found that the influence of the gods of the earth was very large.

In many scripted missions with a background similar to the modern earth, there are also shadows of gods.

It doesn’t make sense, does it?

If the Earth Gods are native players on Earth, why would their influence appear on planets for other scripted missions?

Could it be that other planets also gave birth to very similar gods? “


In the conference room, some lower-level representatives looked at each other. It’s not that they haven’t thought about this issue, but it’s more practical to think about how to strengthen their own strength when thinking about the content that is too esoteric.

“In order to explain these phenomena, the think tank teams of our major organizations have given a conjecture that includes two principles,”

Alina said: “The first principle of conjecture is called world correction power, that is, the killing game will correct the ‘reality’ on the earth, allowing the life of the earth to adapt to environmental changes.

Such as the dinosaur extinction event.

Before the arrival of the killing field game, modern scientists found a large number of fossils and related evidence in the soil and rock formations, proving the theory that the “dinosaur race died from a meteorite falling from the sky”.

And now we know that the dinosaurs went extinct because of killing games. The so-called evidence that appears in the rock formation is also the effect of the “correction” of the killing game.

In addition, this theory can also explain why the superhumans of previous killing games did not interfere much with the real world-their interference results were also at the end of that killing game. , the kill field itself was fixed.

The same is true for the miracles of the gods. “

The delegates in the conference room looked in astonishment. They had also suspected a long time ago that if there were too many killing game players on the earth, how could they not leave too many traces?

Any high-level superhuman can wave his hand to enslave tens of thousands of ordinary people and build a human kingdom that belongs to him alone?

If the theory that Alina said is true, then the “world history” that everyone is familiar with now is not the result of being forcibly revised countless times by the killing game,

Like a gardener’s landscape pot?

That’s a bit… despairing.

“The second principle is ‘Person’.”

Alina didn’t seem to notice the astonished expressions on the faces of the delegates in the conference room, and said to herself: “All the gods known to have existed on Earth were once the strongest supernatural beings at that time. .

Since they are the recruits selected by the killing field game, they will naturally go to the script world to perform tasks like us.

In the process, they can leave their own influence in different worlds, and let the civilization of that world remember the names of gods…”

Someone in the conference room exclaimed: “You mean, we have experienced those scripted worlds with the background of the earth, and there are also legends of gods in them, because the gods on earth have really been to the world of scripted missions before?”

Alina glanced at the representative of the Monster Alliance who spoke without permission, and said, “Not exactly.

According to the data, the earth gods in the scripted world often appear together in groups, including Hinduism, Christianity, and Greek mythology.

If it’s a single **** teleporting there, there’s no reason to advertise it for one’s competitors, right?

And each god’s life is limited, it is impossible to spread influence one by one in hundreds of thousands of worlds.

The only explanation is the person.

We can understand the personality as the position in the whole system of the killing game.

The personality of the earth is higher than other worlds provided by the killing game,

It’s like many sheets of rice paper stacked together. When painting on the top one, the ink will penetrate through the first sheet and penetrate into the paper below.

Like ‘copying’, batches have an impact on other worlds.

Therefore, the planets that Earth players go to most often are also planets that have a high similarity to the real world Earth – not the water element plane and the fire element plane,

Or an odd planet full of couchmen and gnolls.

At the same time, this is why, after we greatly reduced the output of Earth’s psychic power,

The awakening speed of those gods has only been slowed down a little – they still have some believers in other lower worlds of the earth system.

Just like the world tree, a main trunk can extend into countless branches,

The Earth is the main trunk. “

“No wonder, no wonder…”

Someone in the conference room couldn’t help but mutter to himself, “This will explain why there are so many myths and stories.

However, if those gods have influence on hundreds of thousands of worlds, why did they resurrect on Earth?

How strong will their true strength be?

Aren’t there millions of believers in each world, hundreds of thousands of worlds, and hundreds of millions of sources of faith?

Can humans really fight against such a god? “

“Don’t worry about this for now.”

Alina said solemnly: “As I said, for some reason, Earth has a unique position in the killing field game system,

Those deceased gods, although they can be resurrected through extensive influence,

But its fundamental disk is still on Earth,

They only truly return when they are resurrected on Earth.

In fact, we believe that what the Battle of Fate is up for is such a truly detached opportunity.

An opportunity to step out of the realm of the earth and spread its influence to the world of all dimensions. “

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