Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 183: Boilers

“What is he doing?”

“Where is he going?”

Similar exclamations of fear sounded from military bases around the world.

Li Ang did not deliberately hide his whereabouts – he estimated that the low-Earth orbit satellites had long been infiltrated by AIM’s software, and any surface movement could not avoid monitoring.

And now almost all North American bugs are following emergency evacuation orders, hibernating and hiding,

The only one who can teleport and make noises at will on the surface is Li Ang.

Over time, other sovereign entities around the world have also learned of the memetic attacks on the top ranks of the US military.

Fortunately, AIM has reminded beforehand that the major sovereign entities have not developed a system such as a global joint army, a global military coordinated command and operations, etc.

The militaries of different sovereign entities are independent of each other,

Communicate with each other through multiple liaisons and the encryption program given by AIM.

Therefore, the first round of memetic pollution was limited to the top U.S. military and failed to wipe out the military command system of global sovereign entities in one go.

In addition, AIM also secretly left behind a backhand – his legacy artificial intelligence program, after detecting memetic contamination, quickly cut off the communication rights of the US military’s top management, subordinates and the outside world, /

Using network remote control to block the underground air defense facilities where the four-star general and others are located, to slow down the speed of memetic pollution as much as possible,

In order to prevent Li Ang from using high-level US military officials to launch intercontinental ballistic missiles towards Europe and Russia.

But this has also caused the militaries of other countries to be even more panicked.

They vaguely guessed that Li Ang used the long-range artillery bombardment of Davis Monsan Air Force Base to achieve memetic pollution of the high-level US military,

Using the objective geo-military pattern in the real world, greatly reducing the number of cruise missiles on the U.S. soil and tracking him, so that other countries such as Russia and the United Kingdom can only continue to use ICBMs to attack.

However, unlike cruise missiles that can maneuver at high speed in the atmosphere, once an ICBM is launched, it is not easy to change its target at will, let alone track it over long distances in the atmosphere.

As long as Li Ang is determined to move and perform ultra-long-range teleportation at the level of 500km, it is impossible for the ICBM to catch up with him.

“Still, it’s too slow…”

In just three teleports, Li Ang traveled from Los Angeles to Wyoming, 1,300 kilometers away, to… above a geyser.

The water quality of this geyser shows a translucent dark blue, the spring water is not deep, and the soil quality at the edge of the spring water presents distinct layers of light brown and dark brown, just like the paint that an oil painter randomly sprinkles on the canvas spot.


Li Ang smiled, stood up from the crater of the Colt revolver, stepped on the invisible ladder, and ascended to the sky.

This is a national park in Wyoming, with a vast area and beautiful scenery, scattered with landscapes such as canyons, waterfalls, hot springs, etc., and wildlife such as American bison, American cormorants, and Yellowstone trout inhabit it, and occasionally see To treasure animals such as whooping cranes.

Yellowstone Park.

The world’s first national park, covering an area of ​​898,317 hectares, has one of the largest forests in the world, 10,000 hot springs, more than 300 geysers, and more than 290 waterfalls.

It also has… Yellowstone Volcano.

Li Ang walked forward in the sky, pacing to the top of Yellowstone Lake, overlooking the 350-square-kilometer inland lake.

As usual, around this lake, there are always tourists who come to fish for trout, but now, there is no one here, only a few water birds play and play by the lake.

Li Ang lowered his hands, and a large number of plant vines hung down from his sleeves. Controlled by the power of the swamp, these vines traveled through the blue water with high sulfur content, drilled into the bottom of the lake, through the rock formations, all the way down.

This entire lake is, in fact, the center of Yellowstone’s active volcano.


The sound of a huge number of vines crossing the lake is pleasant and pleasant to the ears. Li Ang lowered his eyes and felt the rushing and spreading of the vines in the rock formation.


The sound of breaking the air came from far away. Li Ang looked westward and saw a dense number of light spots lit up in the sky.

That’s not a cruise missile, it’s an M270 rocket launcher,

20 kilometers from the center of Yellowstone Park, thirty M2 infantry tracked combat vehicles, clad in camouflage, hid on the edge of the jungle.

This is a thousand-person U.S. Army. The M270 rockets they used had excellent performance in the Gulf War. There are two launch boxes on the left and right, and each box has six launch tubes, which store six rounds. rocket missile.

Thirty tracked chariots, that is, three hundred and sixty rounds in a salvo.

Dense rain of rockets poured over the surface of the Yellowstone Lake where Li Ang was located,

He didn’t have much expression on his face. With a wave of his hand, a giant plant tentacle like Kraken’s sea monster stretched out from under the lake, intercepting all the rocket rain that hit him.


The plant tentacles were blown into pieces, and countless broken plant vines were recycled as soon as they fell into the lake.

A single rocket can’t pose any threat to Li Ang now, it’s just a question of how much divine power it takes to shoot it at will.

“I remember, the M270 rocket launcher seems to be able to launch tactical missiles…”

Li Ang thought casually,

This U.S. Army is so lurking in place, there is no doubt that AIM has spread its defenses in a wide net just in case – he and the think tank of the worm civilization are also afraid of Li Ang detonating all over the world. A certain, or even certain supervolcanoes.

But, that’s the same problem. Conventional weapons without the power of nuclear bombs are meaningless to Li Ang.

He took out a lesser master ball from the void and threw it at will,

Finx pit beast came to the world again, and when it landed, it roared up to the sky, expressing an unquenchable rage.

Compared with the last time, the size of the Finx pit beast has increased by a circle. The body surface is fixed with rivets and steel nails with thick and strong metal plate armor, and a chain hammer is attached to the waist.

Originally, Li Ang wanted to equip it with heavy cannons or something, but this creature is too stupid to use overly complicated weapons.

And due to some unknown mechanism, Li Ang has not been able to remodel his brain too deeply-once the brain of the Finx pit beast begins to evolve, it will inexplicably absorb nutrients from the whole body, causing muscle atrophy and degeneration.

Unable to be a super soldier with a “Hulk body, Bruce Banner mind”,

A super iron boil that will only become “Bruce Banner body, Hulk head”,

What can’t be can’t eat enough.

I don’t know exactly why this is happening, I just let it go.


Li Ang gave an order casually, and the Finks pit beast immediately rushed towards the direction of the Rocket Army under the mountain.

A distance of 20 kilometers is just a matter of hundreds of breaths for this behemoth of war.

The U.S. Army soldier who stayed on the edge of the forest was caught up by the Finx pit beast before he could abandon the car and escape. A chain hammer smashed several bazooka vehicles, and the remaining survivors had to open fire while storing Fleeing into the forest.

And Li Ang in the distance continued to control the expansion and spread of plant vines.

The plants on the surface cover the rock formations around the lake, forming several small Dawn Train cannons and a dense array of anti-aircraft cannons,

Beware of impending cruise missiles and ICBMs.

The plants under the lake continue to drill down along the rock formations of the crater, exploring the volcanic tube and magma channel of the Yellowstone Volcano.

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