Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 182: Nurture

Li Ang has witnessed the mission world with his own eyes, those strange-shaped aberrations created by the biological master.

Although those aberrations are ugly and ugly, their combat power is very impressive, and they are sufficient for some tough tasks – this is still under the premise that the biological master has no individual consciousness and is spontaneously created.

If the creatures that already exist on the earth can be transformed into biological weapons through guidance, mutagenesis, mutation, etc., then Li Ang can completely form an army by himself.

Li Ang was wearing a chemical protective suit, standing in the [Automated Pet Breeding Box] woodland that he built by himself, and muttered to himself, “The most critical question is, which animal should be selected as the prototype of biological transformation. …”

He thought for a moment and quickly identified several types of animals.

First, the earthworms of the Annelid phylum Oligochaete,

Second, planarians of the phylum Planaria

Third, the nematodes of the phylum Nervosa

Fourth, all kinds of insects in the class Insecta of the phylum Arthropoda.

As a low-level annelid, the body of earthworms is roughly cylindrical, with symmetrical sides, like two fusiform pipes. It is an alimentary canal filled with coelomic fluid between two fusiform ducts.

When the earthworm is cut into two parts, the muscle tissue of the cross-section will contract inward, and part of the muscle will self-dissolve to form a cell mass. At the same time, it cooperates with white blood cells to form an embolism, so that the wound can be quickly closed.

At the same time, the primary cells located in the body cavity will cooperate with the dissolved muscle cells to form regenerative buds in the cross section, and the cells in the digestive tract and nervous system in the body will grow towards the regenerative buds through mitosis, and finally restore the earthworm to its original state. .

There are about 2,500 kinds of earthworms in the world, not all earthworms have the ability to regenerate, and there are huge differences in the ability of regeneration between different species – Li Ang chose earthworms because there are enough types of earthworms for sale on a treasure. There are many, so you don’t have to look for them one by one.

Different from the cable nervous system of earthworms, the nervous system of planarians is ladder-shaped – this more primitive central nervous system makes planarians have the feature of “maintaining the original memory even after division”, which can be used for Rapid iteration of biological weapons.

The nematode is the most powerful animal in the world with the ability to divide and regenerate. The nematode Lineussanguineus, which lives in the northeastern Atlantic Ocean and two coasts of North America, can be cut repeatedly, even if it is chopped into 1/200,000. Broken moths can also regenerate new individuals, which is not much different from rebirth from a drop of blood in fantasy.

These three types of invertebrate worms have their own advantages and disadvantages. Li Ang decided to group them together to transform them simultaneously, and guide them to transform them to see which player can qualify first and become a qualified biological weapon.

Come on, irons, this is the last elimination system. If you can’t evolve, you will be thrown into the forging furnace by Li Ang and burned as garbage.

As for the fourth category of insects, the selection range is quite large, ants, bees, beetles, flies, fleas, butterflies… each insect has a very distinct advantage.

Unfortunately, the internal time flow rate of the [Automated Pet Breeding Box] is consistent with the outside world, and the killing game will not give Li Ang more development time, so he set the key target of biological modification as Hymenoptera bees.

There are 37 orders under Insecta, including Coleoptera, Diptera, Lepidoptera, Hemiptera, and Orthoptera. Among them, Hymenoptera honeybees are all in terms of physical strength and development potential. far inferior to other insects.

But bees have three advantages.

First of all, it belongs to complete metamorphosis. It goes through four stages: egg, larva, pupa and adult. During the process of pupa formation, most of the somatic cells in the larva will die programmed and disintegrate into a thick soup of cells. The imaginal disc of the worm is rapidly produced, and the individual parts of the adult worm are differentiated within the cell bisque.

In other words, larvae and adults of fully metamorphic insects are two different individuals…a bit scary to think about.

In short, in the process of pupa formation, Li Ang can use the [Biological Master] to intervene, so that it can differentiate the parts he wants in advance, and directly generate new insects – this can save a lot of Sanity points.

Another advantage of honeybees – it is itself a highly specialized and socialized species of labor.

The queen bee has a big belly. Relying on worker bees to feed her, she can produce 800 eggs a day. If she is fully productive, she can produce more eggs, which perfectly meets Li Ang’s needs for a large number of experimental individuals.

Xiongfeng worker bees also shoulder different social divisions of labor. The former is responsible for dedicating their lives to the reproduction of the group, while the latter is responsible for collecting honey, keeping eggs warm, raising larvae, secreting wax and making spleens, and guarding the nest door. A conscientious and hard-working tool man is the most suitable basic combat unit and labor force for biological weapons.

Finally, bees can communicate through pheromones. As long as Li Ang differentiates himself into a glandular organ that specializes in producing pheromones, he can communicate directly with bees and facilitate his control.

Selecting the four main players, Li Ang began to use the [Biological Master] to transform and differentiate.

He first picked dozens of earthworms with better nutritional status, cut them in half, and took advantage of the opportunity to twist and recover, “inflate” their regenerated buds with the master plate, and let the two new earthworms grow in half bigger than the original half.

After the two top-heavy earthworms got used to it for a while, Li Ang chopped off the original half with his knife and did the same again, making the earthworms bigger and bigger.

Afterwards, he carried out various modifications on the hundreds of giant earthworms, or grew four soft walking feet connected to the cable nervous system, or specialized a strong carapace on the head, or enhanced Its photosensitive organs, or all the advantages are available.

Li Ang divided dozens of groups of earthworms and put them into every corner of the woodland,

A major feature of [Automated Pet Breeding Box] is that it will use the most advanced life form inside it as a limited breeding object,

After the transformation, the ecological niche of these earthworms has risen sharply, and they are given priority to be the care of the breeding box – the box will subtly maximize the humus accumulation in front of the earthworms through the soft soil and the breeze. Keep earthworms alive.

Li Ang also did the same for planarians and nematodes, creating dozens of different specialized species and throwing them all over the woodland.

The last bee, Li Ang bought a few boxes directly from a treasure like buying earthworms, and stacked them in the corner of the woodland – it doesn’t matter if there is a lack of nectar sources, anyway, they can be fed with sugar and pollen.

Manufacturing biological weapons is a long-term investment, even if it fails.

Li Ang takes care of everything in the [Automated Pet Breeding Box]. After the queen bee starts laying eggs, he makes fine adjustments to the eggs, and then teleports out of the box and returns to the real world.

Counting the time, it’s almost time for the next script mission.

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