Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 181: Cannonball

Clap clap clap.

Bang bang bang.

bang dong bang dong.

In the subway tunnel, there is a continuous noise.

There are not only the sound of guns firing, but also the sound of screaming and running, and the dense sound of heavy-loaded trains crashing through the skeletons of bug people.

It’s still a bit slow.

Li Ang shook his head a little regretfully. The population of Los Angeles is relatively scattered, and the subway system is not very advanced.

Iron Daredevil’s extinction efficiency is still a bit slow.

“It can’t be like the trolley problem. For the sake of fairness, make multiple trains and run over all the bug people on all tracks?”

Li Ang sighed, raised his head and glanced at the top of the subway tunnel that was constantly shaking the dust, and frowned slightly.

Boom! ! !

A loud noise resounded from the back of the subway tunnel, a missile with a strange shape, like an expansion screw,

Through thick rock, mud and metal retaining walls,

The upper half of the missile protrudes into the subway tunnel.


The next second, the missile exploded, metal shrapnel splattered and splattered, and the heat and explosion shock wave continued to reverberate in the tunnel, setting off a fiery gust of wind that blew Li Ang’s mirage red mane coat into a screeching sound.

The GBU-28 “Paveway” III laser-guided bomb, a laser-guided ground-penetrating bomb urgently produced by the United States in response to the Gulf War, although it was an urgently developed “premature child”, the effect was unexpectedly good,

The first batch of GBU-28 bombs put into actual combat successfully destroyed the underground complex of the air base several kilometers north of Baghdad, causing devastating damage to the underground bunker. However, due to intelligence errors, nearly a thousand civilians were in the bunker. die.




One, two, three.

More and more ground-penetrating bombs penetrated from the top of the tunnel, like a woodworker driving a nail on a plank, steadily moving in Li Ang’s direction.

The U.S. military previously knew Li Ang’s approximate location through the video connection equipment of the helmets carried by the dead U.S. military.

They didn’t expect the 306kg high-explosive warhead compartment carried on the GBU-28 penetrating bomb to kill Li Ang directly,

I just hope that the shock wave and shrapnel generated by the explosion can slow down Li Ang’s movement a little and waste even a little bit of Li Ang’s energy.

“In vain.”

Li Ang looked at the approaching dense earth-penetrating bombs, shook his head, kicked the ground with the soles of his feet, jumped out of the subway tunnel, and returned to the ground.

A formation of four F-111 fighter-bombers and four F/A-18 “Hornets” is flying rapidly over Los Angeles. They have just completed the first wave of close-to-ground bombing missions when they see ahead A scarlet figure shot up from the ground and rose to an altitude of more than 400 meters.

“Call the command center, call the command center, we found enemy marks…”

The pilot of an F/A-18 fighter attack aircraft fell into a certain panic when he saw Li Ang. He instinctively wanted to finish his words, tried to press the button, and fired at the target Air-to-air missiles.

However, Li Ang raised his palm faster than him.

The psionic power close to the seventh level is released recklessly,

The invisible shock wave formed by the vibration of the mind forms a huge invisible circle in the sky,

Directly penetrates the fragile glass protection of the fighter cockpit and penetrates the pilot’s mind.


All the pilots on the fighter jets had bloodshot eyes, and there seemed to be countless extremely terrifying pictures in front of them.

The sanity in my mind is rapidly stripping away.

“Mayday! Mayday!”

The pilot desperately asked for help from the command center, exhausted his last sanity, and slowly tightened his finger pressing the missile launch button,

The next second, all the pilots’ brains burst,

Red and white suspicious substances spilled over every corner of the cockpit,

The brain-eating insect body hidden in the brain also shattered into countless pieces.

However, the F-111 bombers and Hornet fighters are still flying.

“It’s now!”

A U.S. Air Force major general slams the palm of his hand from an underground facility at Loughlin Air Force Base, 5 miles east of De Leo, Texas.

They had long imagined that Li Risheng might have the ability to kill anyone from a distance, and even use psionic power to pollute and control American soldiers on a large scale.

So they got a piece of software from AIM.

This kind of software is actually an improved version of the soldier simulation training device in the US land, sea and air military bases.

Soldiers in military bases can remotely control missile vehicles, fighter jets, and bombers thousands of miles away by wearing VR helmets or controlling computer programs.

The power of psionic power is invisible, intangible, extremely wide-ranging, and extremely permeable.

But as long as they have this kind of software, they can continue to control the fighter after Li Risheng killed the pilot on a large scale, and even deprive the real pilot of the fighter to a certain extent.

“Missile fired!”

The US military pilot in the simulation training device said calmly,

Meanwhile, in the sky over Los Angeles, the F/A-18 Hornet, which lost its pilot, was shooting flames from under its wings.

The advanced short-range air-to-air missiles named AIM-132 were launched together,

Four slender cylinder-like missiles, dragging long tail flames, drew arc-shaped tracks in mid-air, and attacked Li Ang from different directions.


Li Ang raised his eyebrows in surprise. He could continue to launch missiles without a driver…

Is AIM, as the data says, a first-tier player specializing in electronic information technology?

He thought as he casually raised his left arm.


A large number of plant vines grew and spread under the Mirage Dragon’s red mane coat, covering the entire left arm, causing Li Ang’s left arm to swell up suddenly.

Kind of like… a localized demigod titan form.

Li Ang raised his left arm with a diameter of nearly one meter, and opened his palm towards the four AIM-132 air-to-air missiles that were flying fast.

Bang! ! !

His left arm, billowing hot steam rises,

Fifty wooden spikes nearly one meter long, like the scattered flowers of a goddess, were shot from the arms, and some of them penetrated the air-to-air missiles with lightning speed.

The 10kg explosive fragmentation warhead that detonated the missile.

The remaining wooden pegs, unabated, penetrated all the bombers and fighters that were trying to move to the sides.


Eight planes exploded over Los Angeles,

The bug-human civilization war vehicle, costing hundreds of millions of dollars, lost its ability to control, swirls black smoke, and smashes into the high-rise buildings in Los Angeles, bursting into the sky.


Li Ang, who was suspended in mid-air, indifferently retracted his gaze towards the downed plane.


At Loughlin Air Force Base Underground Command,

The Air Force Lieutenant General, with the star medal on his shoulders, and his subordinates silently stared at the big screen, the images sent back by the low-Earth orbit monitoring satellite.

Everyone’s faces were extremely ugly. None of them would have imagined that the US military fighter jet, representing the world’s most advanced killing technology, would be destroyed and dropped so neatly and smashed into their native city.

“Sure enough…conventional weapons…too weak.”

The Air Force Lieutenant General took a deep breath, glanced at the subordinates who had been choking for a long time in the underground headquarters, and shouted in a deep voice: “All cheer me up!

No matter how strong the opponent is, they are still carbon-based creatures.

And as long as it is a carbon-based organism, there must be defects and weaknesses.

Project B-23, not lost yet!

Continue to dispatch fighter jets! Stop him at all costs! “


The air force base continued to operate in full swing, and over Los Angeles, Li Ang was also blocked by a new round.

A large number of cruise missiles and ballistic missiles followed like gangrene.

The cruise missile has a range of 2,500 kilometers,

The range of ICBMs is usually more than 8,000 kilometers, and a few models can even reach more than 15,000 kilometers.

The United States is 4,500 kilometers from east to west, which means,

Most of the US cruise missiles can reach Li Ang’s position, and some ICBMs can even be launched from Europe.

Regardless of cost or loss, just need to hold Li Ang.


A continuous sound of breaking through the sky resounded in the sky,

Li Ang squinted his eyes, and the left arm of the localized demigod Titan further expanded into a giant,

A large number of plant vines drilled holes in the cloak of the Mirage dragon red mana,

Connect to the high-rise buildings around the intersection, and weave a large net of plants across the hundred meters in midair.

This large net grew rapidly. On the one hand, like a banyan tree, a large number of vines fell to the surface, and they continued to drill down into the subway tunnel, spewing dense pollen into the tunnel.

Any worm who inhales pollen will cough violently in pain and grow flowers and weeds from the eyes, nose, mouth and ears.

The most terrifying thing is that these worms do not die, but follow biological instincts and try to escape in a direction away from danger.

And the flowers and weeds that grow on them will continue to spread the next round of deadly pollen.

On the other hand, the large net of plants above the intersection of Los Angeles is constantly growing and enriching itself, and with Li Ang’s alchemy, it has formed some kind of giant turret-like device mixed with steel, flesh, and plants.

That’s the blueprint that Li Ang got from the deep sea monster world,

It is the Pacific Rim Joint Defense Force in the world of deep-sea monsters. In the middle of the monster war, it tried to use the “Dawn” type super-heavy train gun to deal with the deep-sea monsters.

This kind of train cannon has huge firepower, extremely long range, and the barrel diameter reaches a terrifying 800 mm. Each gun must be installed on the defense behemoth fortress, or a special type of battleship to reduce the huge recoil of the train cannon. .

In the expectation of the Pacific Rim Joint Defense Force, their mecha pilots release the A.T. force field, which cancels each other out with the A.T. force field of the deep-sea behemoth,

When the body surface defense of the deep-sea behemoth is removed, the Dawn-type super-heavy train cannon is launched thousands of miles away, and the heavy projectile of the entity will kill the deep-sea behemoth in one shot.

This idea is undoubtedly wild and eye-popping, but it does play a good role in actual combat – when the driver controls the mecha to control the deep sea monster, the vector nozzle of the mecha can be opened, Push the deep-sea monster to a certain degree of displacement to make up for the offset of the super-heavy train projectile launch,

Only because the construction of this kind of train gun requires a lot of resources, and consumes a lot of manpower, material resources, and financial resources, and the cost is even higher than the construction of heavy mechas, and finally was forced to stop the follow-up construction plan, /

The few remaining train guns were also worn out one by one in the subsequent monster wars, and eventually all were destroyed.

And now…

Li Ang recklessly unleashed the power of the swamp and alchemy, transforming the entire intersection into a turret base for a super-heavy train gun,

On the roofs of high-rise buildings in a large area around, there are several circles of dense rapid-fire anti-aircraft guns – this anti-aircraft gun is also a product of the deep-sea monster world, which can effectively launch metal bullet chains and destroy approaching cruise missiles and even ballistic missiles.

“The first is…. Davis-Monthan Air Force Base.”

Li Ang silently estimated the distance on the map in his mind. The pollen he released in the subway tunnel parasitized thousands of insects.

Drawing from the minds of these bugmen, including bugmen soldiers, their map concepts of the surrounding area,

In order to prevent the deviation of the launch of the train Li Ang calculates the countdown time for himself, “3, 2, 1…”

Boom! ! !

The train turrets erected obliquely above Los Angeles burst into flames,

The turret base, which is mixed with plants and steel, makes a tooth-crushing sound of twisting and breaking,

The huge recoil of the train cannon even caused some of the plant vines reinforced by divine power to break, squeezing out dark green plant juice.

The dark green huge metal projectile flew out,

The low-Earth orbit monitoring satellite in the sky captured the picture for the first time,

In the underground headquarters of Loughlin Air Force Base, the Air Force Lieutenant General’s pupils shrank suddenly. He instinctively wanted to issue an order to make the missile interception system work.

Intercept the giant metal projectile that is almost invisible,

But the intuition in his mind told him that it was all in vain.

Too late…

Davis Monson Air Force Base, Tucson, Arizona.

This Air Force Base occupies a special place in the US military sequence. It covers an area of ​​2,600 acres, where obsolete aircraft worth $35 billion are kept, known as the aircraft cemetery.

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