Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 181: Bionic

In the next half-day, Li Ang has been doing physical fitness tests such as running back, bench press, squat, and flexibility in the alchemist workshop.

Ms. Chai put on the white lab coat that Li Ang gave her, put on researcher glasses, held a pen and paper, a multi-parameter portable monitor purchased through a treasure, and the various items that Li Ang passed out from the underground laboratory of Distortion World. It is a kind of instrument that records various data of Li Ang’s physiological function in real time.

ECG, EEG, core temperature, skin temperature, nerve conduction velocity, blood pressure, blood oxygen saturation, oxygen consumption and oxygen debt capacity, sweat metabolism, lactic acid accumulation…

Combining the physical fitness test results and physiological parameter data, Li Ang continued to tinker on the original basis, patching loopholes and improving details.

For example, increasing the area of ​​villi in the olfactory mucosa and increasing the density of olfactory nerves,

Increase the area of ​​hair cells,

Strengthen ligament toughness, adjust the arrangement of knee cartilage collagen fibers,

Modify the fingerprint pattern,

Consolidate hair follicles, so that hair and fine hair are not easy to fall off,

Enhancing the heat dissipation function of sweat glands,

These modifications are relatively basic, relatively hidden, and it is not easy to find abnormalities.

For reasons of occultism and species complex, Li Ang still maintains a human appearance.

Only due to changes in bone weight, muscle density, and the number of organs, Li Ang’s weight has risen sharply, which is seriously inconsistent with his appearance, but as long as he pays more attention, he should not be found.

The human body is too small and the space level is narrow, which makes it difficult for the human body to carry more functions.

However, [Biomaster] itself has huge potential to be tapped,

For example, taking Li Ang’s own human body as a large-scale machine composed of countless parts, cultivating various organs with different functions,

According to different environments, take out all kinds of organs, plug and play.

arms that can discharge like electric eels,

Bat-like ears that can echolocate,

Like highly specialized flies, ultra-large area membrane wings with asynchronous muscles that can vibrate at hypervelocity,

Gland that shoots a column of fire like a western dragon (dual glands, one side shoots butane, and the other side shoots high pressure gas),

Green skin that can photosynthesize like a plant,

fins, gills, tails, poison glands…

During the battle, other players take out various equipment items from the backpack bar,

And Li Ang took out eyes, ears, arms, thighs, wings from the backpack column, and installed various organs on his body like assembling Lego blocks….

That picture is beautiful to think about.

But the ideal is very plump, the reality is very skinny

At present, Li Ang’s transformation of his body can only be done here, and he can’t go further for the time being – even if he cultivates specialized organs, his brain can’t directly adapt to it, and he commands like an arm.

If there is a problem with the limbs and trunk, you can still use [Miniature Life Potion] to cover the bottom. If there is a problem with the brain, it will be over.

“For more and more exaggerated transformation schemes, we have to try it with other animals first, hypotheses, conjectures, experiments, demonstrations, and explore step by step.”

Li Ang muttered to himself, and took out the [Automated Pet Breeding Box] from the backpack column.

The three-meter-long rearing box is filled with blood water poured from the bathtub before. Obviously, it regards human cells and bacteria in the blood water as the main breeding organisms, and automatically simulates the most suitable temperature and humidity for cell growth. .

Li Ang took some blood water, and after saving the sample, he paid 1,000 game coins to upgrade the [Automated Pet Breeding Box].

After the upgrade, the quality of the breeding box is still rare, and the appearance has not changed, but the blood level inside has plummeted, leaving only a small pool in the corner.

“Is this a tenfold reduction in space?”

Li Ang took off the glass cover quite curiously, looked over his head to look down, and found that the interior had become a large space 30 meters long, 20 meters wide and 15 meters high.

“600 square meters, slightly larger than a basketball court, this space is enough.”

Li Ang thought about it, took a small piece of pork from the refrigerator and tried to throw it into the breeding box, but found that the pork could not be thrown directly,

Instead, you have to hold it in your hand, hold down the glass lid of the breeding box at the same time, spend dozens of seconds to enter the state of wandering, and use your mind to transfer the pork directly to a certain place in the breeding box.

Think about it too. The name of this piece of equipment is called [Automated Pet Breeding Box]. Now the height difference in it is 15 meters. If you drop it directly, it will be enough to kill a lot of animals.

Li Ang experimented again and found that fertilizers, soil, kitchen knives and other dead objects can also be transported in,

When you want to take it out, you also have to hold down the surface of the breeding box and use your mind to take things out.

“If the dead can do it, what about the living?”

Li Ang went downstairs and pretended to be spreading. He caught a few mosquitoes and birds in the community. After returning upstairs, he experimented again and found that living things, including himself, could also be sent back and forth. .

However, it seems that only the owner of the [Automated Pet Breeding Box] can enter and exit at will, and the animals inside cannot leave even if they have the consciousness of wanting to leave.

“If you don’t have nearly a minute of reading time, this brood box can be used as an oversized backpack.”

Li Ang went downstairs and got on his bicycle. He came to a wilderness outside Yin City overnight. With the help of Miss Chai, he dug up a large pile of various kinds of soil, grass and trees, and put them all into the pet. in the breeding box.

The teleport effect of the breeding box cannot be applied to the part connected to the whole.

For example, Li Ang can’t touch the road surface with one hand and the breeding box with the other, and then put the whole road into the box,

The road has to be lifted in one piece to separate the road from the soil below.

Otherwise, this item is too powerful – if a player wants to destroy the dam, he can go directly to the underground parking lot, use the teleportation effect of the box to directly dig the foundation of the dam, and let the flood wash the dam.

In addition, the breeding box cannot transport animals that move at a high speed. For example, a tiger pounces on Li Ang. Li Ang cannot reach out and touch the tiger’s hair. When putting it into the breeding box, the animal must be kept still.

There are quite a few such restrictions, and it took Li Ang a night to figure it out.

Afterwards, he picked up a lot of water from a certain creek, put it into the breeding box, cleaned up some messy clothes, and returned to Yinshi’s home.

In the next few days, Li Ang spent the next few days in the [Automated Pet Breeding Box] in addition to going to school normally.

He built a forest with a small pond in the terrarium. The main plants were trees, with a few shrubs and herbs.

In terms of animals, there are small birds, small rodents, earthworms, slugs, snails, crabs, mussels, snails, locusts, cockroaches, flies, grasshoppers, mosquitoes, beetles…

Even if the [Automated Pet Breeding Box] has powerful special effects, the ecosystem in it is difficult to reach the level of infinite circulation, and the animals and plants are eliminated and died one after another.

The current prosperous ecology of the earth comes from the extremely high fault tolerance rate and infinite possibilities brought by the long time span and huge space.

The time flow rate of the [Automated Pet Breeding Box] is consistent with the outside world, and the internal space is only 600 square meters.

It is difficult to achieve a perfect and prosperous circular ecology in which multiple species are built.

Fortunately, the essential purpose of Li Ang’s use of [Automated Pet Breeding Box] is not to create an ecological park for himself,

The sole purpose of his construction of the ecological environment in the breeding box is to explore the infinite possibilities of the [damaged biological master].

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