Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 180: hope

Li Ang opened his eyes and blinked with a cool breeze blowing across his face.

He is standing on the street of a small town,

The cement pavement under my feet is left with cracks,

A large number of unowned vehicles were parked on the side of the road,

Street shops with an average height of one or two storeys have English signboards hanging, and there are also no figures in the shops.

Not a long-abandoned township.

Li Ang glanced around. There were still car keys in many vehicles, and unfinished meals were placed on the table by the window in the restaurant. Judging from the heat remaining in the food, the time for people to leave was not counted. too long.

At this moment, the sound of the sky arena sounded in his ears, and Li Ang raised his eyebrows in surprise.

“Will 500 million be wiped out in 15 hours… The AIM on the opposite side entered three hours earlier than me, these should be his arrangements…”

He figured out the joints in an instant, and with a flick of his palm, his psychic energy leaked out, penetrated the concrete pavement, and built an invisible circle around him.


Li Ang threw a few plant seeds at random with his right hand. The seeds took root and sprouted as soon as they touched the ground, turned into flowers and vines, and spread along the cracks in the ground surface to the shops on both sides of the street.

And Li Ang’s own line of sight turned to a warehouse at the end of the street, the soles of his feet slammed on the ground, and his figure instantly disappeared in place.


The shutter door of the warehouse at the end of the street was directly smashed open by brute force,

In the dim warehouse, three white teenagers with tattoos on their bodies who were drunk with syringes heard the loud noise, and looked at the door in a dazed way, slightly blinded by the sudden sunlight.

Before they could take any further action, the psychic energy like a sea of ​​abyss drowned their minds, absorbing their recent memories.

The history of bugs…the national broadcast suddenly sounded…the emergency order to evacuate all the bugs…the global nuclear bomb silos collectively fired several rounds of nuclear warheads…the people faced the panic and anxiety of the end of the world…depressed Desperate, they would rather go to the end of the world…

Li Ang picked up their memories at will, and quickly figured out AIM’s series of arrangements, and let go of the psychic hand that was holding the throats of the three teenagers, causing them to fall heavily to the ground.

“Has the world released several rounds of ICBMs into the sky…”

Li Ang groaned, the soles of his feet slammed on the ground, and his body leaped up like an arrow, breaking through the roof of the warehouse, suspended in mid-air, and glanced around.

This is a rural town near Palm Springs, a city on the west coast of the United States, with a population of nearly 10,000 and beautiful scenery. It is close to the National Nature Reserve and often attracts tourists.

At this moment, however, what attracted Li Ang’s attention was not the beautiful surrounding scenery, but the dozens of indistinct white dots on the skyline.

Cruise missiles.

“Have you found me so soon?”

Li Ang raised his head casually and looked up at the sky, as if he wanted to cross a distance of 4,000 miles to see the monitoring satellites in low-Earth orbit.


The sound of breaking the air is from far to near. The dozens of six-meter long cruise missiles with main wings are flying rapidly from the east.

And in the unseen distance, there are more cruise missiles, galloping from all directions.

The maximum range of cruise missiles is about 1,000 kilometers, and some models can reach 2,000 kilometers or even 2,500 kilometers. The maximum flight speed is close to 1,000 kilometers per hour, which is close to the speed of sound.

When a person sees the shadow of a cruise missile in sight, it means that it is about to hit.

Li Ang indifferently retracted his gaze towards the white dot in the distance. He stepped on the vertical ladder of the cloud with his feet and climbed rapidly. With his left hand, he pulled out the Colt revolver from the void and pulled the trigger toward the west.


With the sound of gunshots, his figure instantly disappeared in place,

In the next second, dozens of cruise missiles arrived at their predetermined positions and detonated directly in the air at a distance of 100 meters.

The fire from the explosion shot into the sky, and the shock wave shattered the glass windows of the street below.


Far away, Li Ang flickered in the crater on the city street.

This is Los Angeles.

The second largest city in the United States, the City of Angels, one of the centers of international trade, science, education, entertainment, and sports, and is also home to Hollywood.

As usual, there should be a large number of pedestrians and vehicles on the streets of this city. Tourists from all over the world will wear cultural shirts and cultural caps printed with patterns to visit this beautiful city.

But now, the whole city has fallen into a strange dead silence. Half of the pedestrians can’t be seen on the surface. Instead, stray cats and dogs don’t know what happened. strolling around.

Li Ang stood up from the huge crater caused by the Colt revolver and looked in the direction of Palm Springs.

He threw a few plant seeds on the ground of the small town as divine power nodes,

And now, those divine power nodes have sent back information – all cruise missiles are Tomahawks, most of them are BGM-109Ds and mother-child warheads, containing nearly 166 BLU-97B small-caliber bombs. ,

A small part is a BGM-109B with a B-61 blasting warhead,

The BGM-109A (with a power of 150,000 tons) is not loaded with the W-80 nuclear warhead.

“Is there no nuclear warhead? I don’t know if it was a deliberate sign of weakness, or the ground-based missile vehicle in that direction did not have the BGM-109A installed.”

Li Ang muttered to himself, and his psychic energy came out.


“Shoot! Launch!”

In the Pacific Ocean, on a Ticonderoga-class cruiser, the cruiser captain named Kelson is holding a microphone and giving orders to launch cruise missiles.

This Ticonderoga-class cruiser is parked in the waters 100 kilometers west of Los Angeles, supported by four other cruisers.

Typically, Ticonderoga-class cruisers serve as the primary command center for carrier battle groups (CVBGs) and amphibious assault groups, providing protection for aircraft carriers.

The Aegis system equipped on it can provide excellent prevention and control capabilities, so that the aircraft carrier battle group has sufficient strength to resist missile attacks from the surface, air, and underwater, but now, it exists for only one purpose,

Follow the commands of surveillance satellites in low-Earth orbit and launch cruise missiles without interruption.


On the cruiser deck, a fan of square baffles popped up automatically, and cruise missiles took off from the vertical missile bays, turned their directions in mid-air, and galloped toward Los Angeles.

Everything, as expected in the B-23 program.

Colonel Kelsen’s face tensed, his left hand clenched tightly on the left side of his trousers.

In order to deal with the unprecedented disaster, governments all over the world worked intensively within three hours, following the arrangement of AIM, and formulated a complete set of complicated and complicated doomsday response plans.

In the B-23 plan, they expected that Li Risheng would use his psionic power to extract the memory of the nearby residents of the landing site as soon as possible.

Find out where he is, and where he is now.

Then, after seeing the cruise missile, he will teleport directly to a nearby big city.

This is because the main Tomahawk cruise missile currently in service in the United States can carry a W-80 nuclear warhead with a maximum equivalent of 150,000 tons of Trinitrotoluene, with a killing range of up to three kilometers.

When he realized that he had been exposed to low-Earth orbit satellite monitoring and would be continuously bombarded by cruise and ballistic missiles from the United States and the world,

The best choice is definitely not to stay in place and test the power of the nuclear bomb, but to move quickly, and move to a nearby big city.

Large cities have relatively complex dense high-rise buildings, which can effectively block low-flying cruise missiles, and there are also a large number of insect people taking refuge in the underground facilities of large cities…

He was wrong!

Colonel Kelsen looked through the bridge glass, watching the fires rising into the sky on the deck, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

Perhaps that otherworldly existence named Li Risheng possesses personal might that is unimaginable for ordinary people,

But the collective intelligence of the worms is definitely not weak.

They have a chance,

As long as everything goes according to plan…


Far in the sky, a white light spot lights up again, and a new round of cruise missile bombing has arrived.

Li Ang frowned slightly, pressing his palm lightly on the ground, the soil melted and loosened into mud in an instant, exposing the subway tunnel under the rock formation.

He jumped into the subway tunnel, and he was greeted by a dense hail of bullets.

The U.S. military has already repeatedly emphasized in the doomsday response plan that the mortal army with conventional weapons is extremely weak against Li Risheng.

Therefore, whether it is the US police, or the National Guard, the Coast Guard, the Marine Corps, they are all sheltering in place.

If in the city, assist the city residents to evacuate and evacuate, and carry weapons to ensure the order of evacuation.

At this moment, in the subway tunnel, it is such an army-the moment they saw someone falling from the ground, they chose to fire with all their strength,

The flames from the muzzle even overshadowed the light of the searchlights in the corner of the tunnel. The sound of gunfire echoed back and forth in the empty tunnel, making noise and noise.

Li Ang stared blankly at the US troops who were struggling to fire, and walked forward like a leisurely stroll.

The small-caliber bullets hit his skin and bounced off as many as they could without causing a dent.

A medium-caliber bullet can destroy the white coat on his body, revealing the Mirage dragon red mana coat hidden below.

“Ah, ah, ah!”

The soldiers of the American company in front of the tunnel let out a hoarse cry. I don’t know if they were cheering for themselves or venting the fear and despair in their hearts.


Li Ang raised his palm and snapped his fingers,

The psychic energy was released, and the American soldiers in front of the company ceased fire in an instant, dropped their guns, raised their hands, left and right, and held their heads under each other’s desperate eyes.


They twisted their necks abruptly, and the crowd fell neatly from front to back like straws cut off.

The U.S. military behind the tunnel roared in panic, and several soldiers turned and ran back, lying on the back of the XM777 155mm howitzer.

This howitzer is a joint project of the Marine Corps and the Army. It was developed by the British Aerospace Corporation (BAE) and is made of titanium alloy. The 155mm grenade launched has an ultra-long range of 30 kilometers and can easily tear crack any heavy vehicle.

Boom! ! !

The howitzer burst into flames, and the loud sound echoed wildly in the tunnel, tearing the eardrums of these American soldiers, causing blood to flow out of their ears.

And Li Ang, still standing in the same place.

Countless plant tentacles stretched out from under his feet, hooking the ground firmly, raising his right hand forward, and holding the 155mm high-explosive grenade with his bare hands through the Mirage dragon red mane coat.


Li Ang’s palm slowly tightened, and the metal shell of the high-explosive grenade made a sour twisting sound, and finally was overwhelmed and exploded.

The firelight illuminates the subway tunnel as bright as day,

The few remaining U.S. troops who were blind and deaf, in a daze, saw the figure still standing in place after the fire had dissipated.


Li Ang shook his palm full of smoke and continued to walk forward,

The invisible and intangible psionic circle spreads out, like a lawn mower, harvesting the Los Angeles bug in front of the subway tunnel

All the bugs saw was that people kept raising their palms and wringing their own necks.

Efficiency is still too slow.

Li Ang stopped, frowning slightly, time is limited and cannot be wasted.

He thought for a moment, AIM was really well prepared, most of the bug people hiding in the subway tunnels were wearing gas masks, and some soldiers were also wearing full-coverage protective clothing,

This also means that in the subway tunnel environment, the most effective gas weapons cannot achieve rapid killing effects.

Then, use psionic power.

Li Ang smiled slightly, waved his palm lightly, and his psychic energy quietly changed its nature.

“Ah, ah, ah!”

The U.S. military stationed in various sections of the subway to protect the people instantly burst into a neat roar.

Their eyes were bloodshot, the world in their eyes changed quietly, and the surface of all objects was smeared with a layer of strange flesh and blood.

Those ordinary people who are protected by them are no longer the appearance of ordinary insects,

And turned into ferocious and terrifying monsters, showing their teeth and claws, and making a sharp roar ready to harvest their lives.

“Don’t come here!!!”

Hundreds of thousands of American soldiers fell into madness in an instant. They turned their guns collectively, and pulled the trigger at the bug people who took refuge in the subway tunnel.

The sound of gunfire,

The continuous sound of fully automatic guns echoed in the subway tunnel, and the tunnel pavement covered with gravel was instantly soaked with blood.

Efficient extinction?

Li Ang smiled, half squatted down, and pressed his palms to the ground.

The luminous pattern of the alchemy circle quietly emerged on the ground,

The dirt is refined, reconstructed, and shaped,

Soon, a huge subway train appeared in the tunnel.

This train is pitch-black and covered with terrifying steel thorns on its surface. There are no windows on the surface. The whole train looks flat and ugly. typeface.

“Go, Iron Trainer.”

Li Ang patted the body of the train lightly, and the Hope train slowly started, sprinting towards the front of the tunnel.

Thanks to AIM’s decision, a large number of bugs are hiding in subway tunnels,

This also means that the speed at which death spreads will be equated with the speed of subway trains.

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