Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 179: Peace

Although AIM has used the [Electronic Ghost] form many times in previous script missions and battles, at this moment he is already fascinated by his current powerful state.

The mind is unusually clear, and the speed of thinking is far beyond that of ordinary people. This feeling of transcending the sluggish body is more difficult to extricate than all the sensory stimuli in the world.

AIM took a deep breath and said, “The probability of the other party looting nuclear bombs and bombing the city to kill the population has decreased. Next, we will discuss the other party’s other strategy for destroying the world.”

The worm elites at the meeting seemed to recognize the status quo and had to use their brains to discuss quickly.

“In addition to nuclear explosions, there are only a few natural disasters that can accomplish mass extinction within 15 hours. Tsunami, earthquake, super typhoon, meteorite…”

A tsunami expert stood up and said, “Tsunami is impossible. In most cases, tsunamis are caused by geological activities such as undersea earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Some reinforced concrete buildings caused third-level damage, washed away farmland, destroyed ships, and swept away people.

In the 15th century, a tsunami of 15-20 meters was caused by an 8.6-magnitude earthquake in the Tokai Island of Japan, killing more than 40,000 people,

85,000 people died in the Messina tsunami at the end of the 18th century,

The Indonesian tsunami in the early 20th century killed 156,000 people.

A super tsunami will cause no more direct casualties than a nuclear bomb. “

Someone frowned and asked, “What about the superimposed tsunami caused by successive earthquakes?”

The tsunami expert replied: “The same is true. In the early 1960s, there were consecutive earthquakes in the waters near Puerto Monterey, Chile, with a total of 225 earthquakes, including 10 earthquakes with a magnitude of 7 or higher, and 10 earthquakes with a magnitude greater than 8. On three occasions, the waves averaged 8 to 9 meters and reached a maximum of 25 meters, resulting in tens of thousands of deaths and disappearances and 2 million homeless – still worse than a nuclear bomb.

And to cause an earthquake of this magnitude, the energy level required is also much higher than that of a single nuclear bomb.

In terms of cost-effectiveness, the tsunami is very low. “

“The same goes for super typhoons.”

The typhoon expert said: “Typhoon is essentially a tropical cyclone, a super typhoon above 16, with an average wind speed of 51 m/s or more in the center of the bottom layer. can destroy houses and swept away vehicles.

But even a typhoon with the strongest theoretical wind speed of 160m/s, its direct lethality is still inferior to that of a high-yield nuclear bomb.

And a typhoon of that level…isn’t something that humans can produce. “

Although in the minds of these experts who study natural disasters, the natural disasters they track and study are extremely powerful, each of which is a major hazard to the survival and development of the insect civilization,

But science is science, and in this case they must respect the facts.

“Man-made natural disasters…”

AIM quickly simulated it in his mind and found that even with the assistance of skills/expendable scrolls/expendable items, a high-level player with a spiritual power value of 5000 would not be able to create a tsunami or typhoon beyond the theory.

The idea of ​​throwing a nuclear bomb into the sea to detonate and create a super tsunami is absolutely unrealistic and worthless.

“Under limited conditions, the biggest threats other than nuclear bombs are earthquakes and meteorites.”

An earthquake expert said: “There are earthquake zones all over the world, and tens of thousands of earthquakes occur every day, but most of them are so low in magnitude that they cannot be detected in everyday life.

And high-level earthquakes contain far more energy than nuclear bomb explosions. “

Another expert frowned and asked, “Well… is it possible to detonate a nuclear bomb underground and bombard weak spots on the plate?”

The earthquake expert glanced at him and said solemnly: “No way. Even the deepest Mariana Trench in the world is more than ten kilometers away from the weak point of the plate.

With such a thick depth, even if 1,000 nuclear bombs are **** and thrown into the water to detonate, it will only be heard.

Even the submarine canyon can’t collapse, let alone cause a large shock between the two plates.

Unless the opponent has the ability to efficiently affect plate activity, meteorites are the only way to achieve super destruction. “


AIM immediately searched the database. In the past data, Li Risheng had not seen the ability of meteorite direction, but another natural disaster-level player, Hohenheim, showed the spell of summoning meteorites in a script mission.

“The meteorite summoned by Hohenheim in that scripted mission has a diameter of about 20 meters, a density of 1500 kg/m3, an impact speed of 8 kilometers per second, an impact angle of 45 degrees, and an energy of about 2.01 before entering the atmosphere. Multiplied by 10 to the 14th joule, the energy of the airburst after entering the atmosphere is about 1.23 times 10 to the 14th joule, which is 29,000 tons of Trinitrotoluene equivalent, which is 1.3 times that of the ‘Fat Man’ atomic bomb…”

According to AIM’s calculations, it was immediately concluded that “Summoning meteorites is indeed the best solution for destroying cities and killing large areas.

65 million years ago, the meteorite with a diameter of about 10 kilometers had a power equivalent to 100 trillion tons of Trinitrotoluene equivalent and 5 billion Hiroshima atomic bombs.

After falling, the sea water evaporated instantly, causing a volcanic eruption, creating a 200-meter monstrous wave that reverberated hundreds of times around the world. directly wiped out the dinosaurs. It created a crater with a diameter of 180 kilometers and a depth of 900 meters.

To exterminate 500 million worms within 15 hours, it would probably only require a meteorite with a diameter of 5km, and one bombardment—equivalent to 1,744,000 Big Ivan thermonuclear bombs.

Or multiple small-diameter meteorites, bombed multiple times…”

He immediately ran the data simulation,

In the outer space of the earth, there is no meteorite that meets the standard, so he can only assume that Li Ang has the summoning meteorite technique, or similar skills.

The middle layer of the atmosphere is up to 50km away from the ground, the warm layer is 483km away, and the exosphere is further out, up to 1000km away. Low Earth Orbit 2000 km.

If Li Risheng was in low-Earth orbit and dropped the same 20-meter-level meteorite as Hohenheim, the landing would take about 250 seconds, or about 4 minutes.

This time is theoretically enough for an intercontinental missile to intercept, but it must be responded quickly and launched immediately when Li Risheng enters low-Earth orbit.

Considering that the countries with the largest and densest population of bugs are basically relatively powerful, especially the United States has deployed a large number of land-based nuclear bomb silos and missile vehicles throughout the United States, which can theoretically intercept and fly at a slower speed. of meteorites.

AIM’s mood relaxed immediately, he has always admired reason and calculation.

People will lie and deceive people, but numbers will not. As long as all variables are calculated with cold numbers, the situation will not be out of control.

“Only super-large meteorites about 5km in size cannot be intercepted by ICBMs. But Li Risheng will most likely not have that ability.”

AIM made a decision, “The main types of disasters to watch out for now are nuclear bombs and meteorites. Fortunately, the power of both is largely concentrated on the surface.

In this way, all residents of cities with a population of more than 10 million, on the edge of the city, leave the city on foot or in single-person vehicles.

On the outskirts of the city, leave the city in a vehicle.

In the center of the city, hide in underground facilities – parking lots, subway stations, subway tunnels, etc. “

Theoretically, the remaining two and a half hours is enough to drive a long distance, but AIM has to consider urban traffic issues.

The traffic situation in those megacities is not optimistic, and there is a lot of congestion at ordinary times.

Getting off work in the morning and evening will cause traffic jams in the city.

If the residents of megacities are allowed to evacuate themselves, it will inevitably cause congestion in the whole city. At that time, everyone will stay on the surface, and there will be nowhere to escape. It is better to let more people hide in the ground.

This is also the reason why AIM wants to call the top of the bugman civilization, instead of doing it alone – the bugman civilization has a special ability, high-level bugmen can release pheromones to inform low-level bugmen some simple information.

Usually, this ability is of little use.

The level of the worm is engraved in the genes, like an innate caste,

It does not affect their inheritance of human culture, and allows some worms to gain social status by virtue of their acquired talents and efforts.

But in this case, the pheromone ability is more useful. AIM can command the low-level insect people to evacuate in a relatively orderly manner through the high-level insect people.

Soon, the billions of bugs on this planet moved,

A large number of worms leave the city and go to the depths of the land,

And bugs in large cities enter underground parking lots and subway tunnels.

The whole process is relatively orderly, since AIM only considers these 18 hours,

So he directly asked all the city bugs to give up their personal property and so on. Each bug resident did not need to bring rations and went directly to the underground facility – the food and water sources were sent to the underground facility by the local department.

Also, wary of Li Risheng’s biological weapons capabilities, AIM ordered the disaster emergency personnel among the bug people to send gas masks, full-body protective clothing, etc. directly from the nearest factory to the city, to underground facilities, and to as many people as possible. Insect people equipped.

In addition, they must also beware of the psionic power that Li Risheng may release, or things like the T virus,

In each underground facility, in addition to civilians, armed personnel with real guns and live ammunition and wearing full-coverage protective clothing are also arranged.

If there are worms causing riots, or being transformed into biochemical monsters by the T virus, then these armed men have the right to shoot directly to minimize losses.

These are emergency strategies adopted by large cities, while in the vast sparsely populated villages, since there are no public underground facilities, AIM can only let them hide in their own houses,

Intensive people in factories, schools and other areas returned to their homes within 2.5 hours and waited for orders.

If there is a shelter built by the family, or a cellar or something, bring rations and water sources and hide in.

After doing all this, the AIM located in the mid-air of Times Square in New York will increase the power output of the [Electronic Ghost] form to the maximum,

The whole person was suspended in the sky, and his eyes turned into a dark blue color.

His will, jumping through tens of thousands of public networks and secret intranets,

At the same time, all the plains, mountains, snowfields, ice layers, and seabeds on the earth erupted with fire.

That’s a missile.

Thousands of missiles, leaping out of the ground, flying high into the air,

Drag a long tail of smoke in the blue sky, heading for deep space.

Second round.

Third round.

Fourth round.

AIM has launched a large number of active missiles, and the staff in those missile platforms are also working intensively to control the machinery and assist AIM to launch more missiles.

“Empty 70% of the world’s active-duty nuclear missiles to be launched. Only in each area, enough active-duty missiles to intercept meteorites and pursue Li Risheng are retained.

If I were in the real world, I would have won the Nobel Peace Prize, right? “

AIM looked at the dense, star-like spots of light in the sky,

A thousand strands of spiritual thoughts, one strand of spiritual thoughts thought so.

He lowered his head, scanned the empty streets of New York, greeted the National Guard of New York State, assisted the military, and drove ten special vehicles loaded with missiles, which were parked in the center of Times Square.

AIM’s own initial teleportation location is on the streets of Times Square. The missile vehicle is parked here, and it may be able to intercept Li Risheng who is teleported in.

In order to improve the effect, AIM also arranged several items of consumption type near Times Square, which can block the space transmission ability and suppress the player’s spiritual power——

Although he also knows that the killing game system has given him three hours to prepare, then there is a high probability that he will not be given such an opportunity to prepare in advance and snipe to kill opponents in seconds.

“These props I arranged should be able to suppress the opponent for a short period of time. If Li Risheng really teleports to Times Square, I will not directly detonate the nuclear bomb – each missile car has a program set by me. , even if I give the order to detonate, they will detonate with a delay of 10 minutes.

And, I’ll show this delayed detonation setting directly on the advertising screen in Times Square.

Inform Li Risheng that I have no intention of killing him directly.

This is not my coward,

It’s just that the battle of fate is not just a battle between players on Earth, but also a battle between players on Earth and players in other worlds.

There is no need for both of us to fight to the death in a small field in the semi-finals, right?

Even if the killing game will give the winner a special reward after some particularly exciting battles, it doesn’t need to be like this. “

AIM’s spiritual thoughts explained to myself,

While manipulating the Times Square screen, he displayed his own text explaining Li Risheng.

Peace and friendship, win-win cooperation.

After making all preparations, AIM disperse the National Guard and US military units below, and also ended the [electronic ghost] form, flew high into the sky, split into ten figures, and flew in different directions.

All the phantoms galloped all the way, and after flying 50 kilometers, they all disappeared,

The real AIM, in stealth form, dived into the waters of the eastern part of the United States, sank all the way, and passed over those unexplained wandering fishes, and landed on the bottom of the sea.

His body shrank into a ball, hiding all aura, shutting down all spiritual power fluctuations, and quietly waiting for Li Risheng’s arrival.

Countdown, ten seconds.




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