Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 178: Win rate

AIM explained the current situation as fast as possible, “…In summary, you can understand me and this Li Risheng as the projection of the higher-dimensional world here.

He will destroy the world and kill as many inhabitants of the planet as possible, and I will protect you.

This is a contradiction that cannot be mediated, and there is no room for mediation, negotiation, and bargaining. “


The leaders of the meeting and the high-level officials from various countries who were listening to the meeting fell into silence. After a while, someone said in a low and hoarse voice: “Isn’t this, treat our world as a video game…”

“So to speak.”

AIM calmly said: “Even, not even video games.

According to my estimation, if it is a human planet that is completely consistent with the earth, that Li Risheng may also consider whether to keep his hand because of the fact that they are all human beings with the same genetic sequence.

But your brain-eating worm population replaced all human beings as early as 20 years ago,

According to my estimation of him, he may be delighted to use all means to explore the maximum range of his destructive ability, regardless of the life and death of your bug civilization. “

AIM’s virtual projection paused. In fact, according to the FBI’s internal forecast, natural disaster-level powerhouses such as Li Risheng, Hohenheim, The Side of Truth, and Su Nisheng all have the strength to destroy a city by one person. /

There may even be several annihilation plans at hand.

Given enough time, they can effortlessly clean the surface of major cities one by one, killing millions, tens of millions.

“Fortunately, you have me.”

AIM said quickly: “Although I have a certain distance from Li Risheng in terms of individual strength,

But for sure, his computer skills are far inferior to mine.

This also means that he cannot bypass my obstruction and usurp control of the world’s nuclear missile launch systems.

Only by his own personal strength, he can carry out the actual operation of destroying the world. “

AIM said this with great confidence, and in fact it did.

The Unusual Accident Division of the FBI in the real world has established a complete database for all players in the first and second echelons, and each database will be updated in real time according to external changes.

Judging from the content in the database, Li Risheng does not possess very advanced skills in controlling large areas of modern computer networks,

The electronic information technology he masters is quite different from the [electronic ghost] form that AIM has been immersed in for many years (including the script world).

Although Li Risheng may have a [fool-style one-click hacking computer] bought from the Special Affairs Bureau or the European Heavy Industry Organization, at most that kind of thing is only a threat to the global World Wide Network before the start of the killing game. , unable to breach the defenses of the electronic ghost.

“The power of the individual…”

A leader pondered: “Including the so-called [pale world]?”


AIM replied: “[The Pale World] is a mycelium weapon developed by Li Risheng. Judging from the practical effect of a parallel universe like a modern earth planet, it is extremely threatening and has the potential to destroy the world. >

But, under the current circumstances, that’s not your primary concern. “

“Huh? Why?”

“Because of time, and cost.”

AIM calmly said: “After teleporting over, he only has 15 hours of annihilation time to use.

[The Pale World] has the potential to destroy the world, but it requires him to give his own strength.

A power such as psychic, divine, psionic energy.

When there are these hidden powers, 【Pale World】can be invulnerable to water and fire, expand rapidly, and even napalm can’t hurt it.

But when there is no power injected from somewhere, the [Pale World] mycelium still has to obey the physical laws of the real world, and will be hindered and delayed by special products such as defoliants, which will greatly reduce the expansion time. “

In the White House office, among the think tanks that were temporarily pulled over, a mycologist raised his hand and said, “It is greatly reduced? That is to say, if it is left alone, will the [Pale World] expand to the whole world?”

“That’s understandable.”

The unremarkable middle-aged mycologist pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose and said excitedly: “Then what about the mutation rate of this fungal bioweapon? In the absence of additional energy supply, in soil, grassland, urban What is the growth rate and growth cycle of medium platforms such as deserts, oceans, and clouds? What is the mechanism of damage to humans? How can we ensure that our civilization can survive the invasion of fungi after you leave… “

“No time to explain.”

AIM interrupted: “Li Risheng will not push [Pale World] with all his strength! Because I exist!

His fungal biological weapon is inseparable from his energy support, and my existence is an invisible lifeline!

When the time comes, I will hide in a corner where he can’t find me,

This way he needs to be on guard against me and not let go of energy without hesitation.

Although the difference in strength between the two of us under normal conditions is huge,

But if he uses up too much energy,

I will still give it to me, who has been hiding in the dark, saving energy and ready to go,

Opportunity to launch a raid! “

And! Now it’s just a small field of the battle of fate!

AIM said silently in his heart: “The reason why the killing game has such a limited deathmatch is also to balance the strength between us.

The next battle will start in 24 hours. Neither Li Risheng nor I will hand over the cards here, or spend too much spiritual power here.

He is very good at biological weapons, but whether it is [Pale World], or any other mycelium, fungi, poisonous gas, it can’t spread too far in 15 hours.

Even if there is such a means, it will consume a lot of his spiritual power. “

Destruction is always easier than protection, but from the perspective of consumption status, the two sides are still on the same level – the 18-hour duel, the longer it drags on, the more unfavorable it will be for Li Risheng, who takes the initiative.

“Also, you don’t have to think about the issue if he casts [The Pale World].”

AIM said indifferently: “As I said, losing Li Risheng’s [Pale World] will greatly reduce its power.

As for the follow-up damage…

He has the power to destroy you, and so do I.

More than 3,000 nuclear warheads scattered around the world are enough to wash the world’s major cities.

This battle is a duel between me and him, to win by manipulating you.

Understood? “

All the attendees looked extremely ugly, but AIM didn’t care, “Now, let’s start the discussion.

In the case of not using the pale world with all his strength, what method will he use to destroy the world. “

Let the world’s intellectuals provide advice,

This is one of the reasons why AIM holds the most advanced video conferencing.

“The fastest way to destroy the world, apart from [Pale World] and usurping the authority of the nuclear missile launch system through the Internet, is the most likely way to directly plunder nuclear missiles, right?”

A think tank took the lead: “According to your statement, the other party can perform teleport maneuvers at the level of 500km,

Smashing the main battle tank with one punch and one kick,

Crash a supersonic cruise fighter with one shot,

Destroy a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier with one finger,

With a wave of your hand you can deprive a small half of everyone in the city of their minds,

A single tap can melt even the most sturdy underground fortifications.

The conventional weapons and conventional armies in the world will have no effect on him at all, and will turn into a one-sided massacre.

This also means that there is no place in the world that he can’t go, and no secrets that he can’t get.

If he finds any nuclear weapon launch platform in any country in the world, he can quickly loot several, or even dozens of nuclear bombs.

Nuclear bombs are the most effective and quick way to kill a human population. “

There are currently three types of nuclear weapons delivery platforms in the world, road-based, sea-based, and air-based.

The roadbed refers to nuclear bomb silos and special missile vehicles,

Sea-based refers to warships and nuclear submarines,

Air-based refers to strategic bombers.

Due to the special nature of nuclear bombs, countries naturally want to cover up the specific location of each nuclear weapons delivery platform as much as possible. For example, the United States and Russia have a large number of road-based nuclear bomb silos hidden in deep mountains and forests.

Only a few people know the location of these nuclear bomb silos.

But the sea base, especially the battleship platform in the sea base, is difficult to hide.

“If you don’t consider the more stealthy nuclear submarines, just talk about the surface platform.

Russia’s Peter the Great, a 25,000-ton nuclear-powered missile cruiser launched in the late 1980s, is the world’s only active aircraft carrier nuclear-powered surface combatant. There are about 20 nuclear missiles on it.

Countries such as Italy and India also carry ballistic missiles on their destroyers.

In addition, all nuclear powers have the behavior of carrying nuclear bombs on aircraft platforms on aircraft carrier battle groups.

For example, the French aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle has ASMP-A development medium-range air-to-surface nuclear cruise missiles,

The US Hornet series of carrier-based aircraft carry the main B83 nuclear bombs like the B61 nuclear bombs. “

An official in military uniform said in a deep voice: “The nuclear submarines currently in service all over the world can dive underwater, turn off the sonar to communicate with the outside world, cut off all contact, and wait for 18 hours.

But destroyers, cruisers, and aircraft carriers can’t.

They will either continue to float at sea or hide in naval bases and shipyards.

In time and space, they are not enough to completely hide their existence.

According to Your Excellency, that Li Risheng has the ability to teleport at an ultra-long-range distance, and has a psychic force field around him.

Destroyers, cruisers, and carrier crews are rendered incapacitated once he gets close.

He can approach surface ships at super high speed and control the crew to launch nuclear missiles. “

“We detonate ships.”

AIM is indifferent.


The American officer froze, as if he didn’t hear what he was saying.

“We detonate ships.”

AIM said coldly: “Li Risheng’s ultra-long-range teleportation is not without consumption, nor is it without a distance upper limit.

When he teleports into this world, or makes obvious moves, low-Earth orbit satellites can detect his presence.

Once he tries to teleport very far, close to the direction of the ship, then we just detonate all the nuclear missiles on that ship – which theoretically works.

Whether I modify the missile launch program remotely, or arrange for two ships to shoot each other at close range, I can destroy the ship itself.

If you’re lucky, you can even get Li Risheng seriously injured as he approaches the ship. “

The officer’s eyelids jumped wildly, “Severely injured? Not a direct death?”

AIM glanced at him coldly, and all the information about the American officer appeared in his mind instantly, “The ability of the superhuman is beyond your imagination, even if it is a nuclear bomb,

It must also be at close range, without precautions, and without defense, so that it is possible to hurt the extraordinary person of the natural disaster level.

If there is a sense of caution and defensive measures, it is necessary to carry out wide-area saturation nuclear bombing in a very large area. “

Wide-area saturated nuclear bombing is a vocabulary created by AIM itself. Considering Li Risheng’s ability to teleport 500km, this sentence seems to be not bad.

“This is not the time to consider the lives of soldiers on nuclear missile ships. The meaning of soldiers’ existence is to protect the country and the people. Valuable and meaningful sacrifices are allowed.”

AIM said coldly: “Also, don’t put Baoquan on the fact that the self-detonation of a nuclear missile can kill Li Risheng.

We are smart, he is only more cunning than us.

What we can think of, he can think of too. “

After listening to AIM’s words, everyone was silent for a while, and then someone said: “Water ships can use self-destruction to deter the opponent from getting too close, but what about roadbeds, especially in military bases?

The United States currently has 374 overseas military bases in more than 140 countries.

871 local military bases, including 242 naval bases and 384 air force bases.

Many of these military bases have nuclear missile reserves and nuclear missile launch capabilities.

The most deadly thing is that the location of these military bases is public and exposed.

If the opponent is passing low over the United States,

And if we do self-destruction, we will take the lead in destroying America’s own homeland. “

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this. There are too many military bases in the United States. Although many of them are covered in no-man’s land, the power of nuclear bombs superimposed and exploded is enough to destroy…

“95.83 million people…”

AIM gave an estimate in an instant, “In each military base, the nuclear bombs exploded in a superimposed manner. Since it was a ground explosion and a superimposed explosion,

The huge amount of nuclear radiation dust raised will blow with the wind and kill 95.83 million people in 15 hours.

If all people are taken into account in underground shelters, the resulting death toll is estimated to be around 14 million. “

! ! !

Everyone in the video conference was stunned again, not at the speed of the other party’s calculation, but at the cold-blooded cruelty of the other party.

The collective explosion of military bases in the United States will raise a huge amount of nuclear radiation dust, which will kill 95.83 million people, but this is only 15 hours! In a week, far more people will die from nuclear radiation! More than 70% of America’s population will die!

And AIM doesn’t care at all, and blatantly shows that he doesn’t care!

There are cold sweats on the backs of many people, but AIM is still calculating for itself, “It is undoubtedly worthwhile to empty the nuclear arsenal in the United States at the cost of the death of 14 million people.

The question is whether this can completely prevent the other party from getting nuclear weapons…”

The result of the calculus comes quickly, no.

The effect of psionic power is really too strong,

Even if they detonate surface ships, military bases and nuclear bomb silos by themselves,

There is no way to stop Li Risheng from finding the remaining nuclear warheads through his psionic powers.

“Compared to the relatively cautious attitude of the United States on its own soil, many of the United States’ overseas military bases are closer to cities with large populations.

For example, the Atsugi Naval Air Base is stationed 35 kilometers southwest of Tokyo, the Yokosuka Naval Base 50 kilometers southwest, the South Korean Naval Base Jinhae in the southeast of South Korea, the Philippines Subic Bay Naval Base and Hawaii Naval Base…

The power of these bases to detonate nuclear bombs would also kill large numbers of people. “

The victory condition for this limited death battle is that more than 500 million people died due to the actions of both sides. If Li Ang just teleported around the world at will, he would be frightened to detonate nuclear bombs repeatedly by AIM, killing tens of millions of people. Insect-counter words,

Then the first to lose is definitely AIM himself.

“Unless, we launch a nuclear bomb into the sky.”

A German think tank said: “The United States and Russia have the most nuclear bombs in the world. Among the nuclear forces of the United States, a large number of them are intercontinental ballistic missiles and cruise missiles. There are only 1,538 B61 series of ground-penetrating nuclear bombs.

The intercontinental ballistic missile follows a parabolic trajectory. At the apex of the trajectory, it will go beyond the atmosphere and enter outer space, in order to obtain the ability to hit at a super long distance.

Since ballistic missiles can go beyond the atmosphere, let’s just launch them directly into outer space. As long as the nuclear warhead detonation function is turned off, these missiles will fly out of outer space by themselves, and will no longer affect the earth’s environment.

As for cruise missiles…”

“Although cruise missiles mainly fly in the atmosphere, they can all be launched into outer space with a change of launch procedure – after all, accuracy and precision are not required, as long as they fly out of the atmosphere.”

AIM immediately calculated, “In doing so, more than 70% of the world’s active nuclear weapons can be reduced, and the human casualties caused by the self-detonation of the nuclear bomb on the ground will not be considered.”

Everyone was overjoyed when they heard this, but before they could show their bitter smiles, AIM went further and said: “The remaining 30% of active nuclear weapons, as well as the penetrating nuclear bombs in the nuclear arsenal, and the cores, have not yet been resolved. It’s over.

In the United States alone, there are more than 2,000 nuclear warheads in active service, but they have no missile launch function for the time being.

1538 penetrating bombs,

5,000 plutonium cores at the Oak Ridge Y-12 plant in Tennessee and the Pentax plant in Texas.

In addition to these, there are a considerable number of thermonuclear secondary strategic reserves.

In addition, during the Cold War, the United States and the Soviet Union deployed military bases and nuclear missiles around the world. After the end of the Cold War, there are still many nuclear bombs left at these military bases.

The Incirlik Air Base in Turkey, for example, has about 50 B61 tactical nuclear bombs in stock.

Because of the age of these nuclear warheads, many of them cannot be launched as nuclear missiles and cannot be detonated remotely. If there are not enough people to dismantle them, they must be detonated manually. “

The quicker AIM thought, the more solemn his face became. “The part that was launched into outer space was used as a bait to attract Li Risheng to wait for self-destruction, and it was part of the weapon to deter Li Risheng.

All factors considered, there are still 1,000 detonable nuclear warheads in the world, as well as the same number of nuclear bombs to be dismantled and prefabricated cores, which can be used by Li Risheng.

In other words, it will definitely be taken away by Li Ang.

1000, 1000…”

AIM took a deep breath, and the brain in electronic ghost form quickly worked, calculating the maximum damage that 1,000 nuclear bombs of different models could cause.

According to the killing effect, the killing radius of an air-explosive nuclear bomb can be divided into the following layers.

Fireball Radius – The heat from a nuclear explosion in this area is hot enough to vaporize everything.

Bomb Radius – The energy from the explosion destroys all surface structures.

Radiation Radius – Surface creatures within this radius will die within hours to weeks, but those who hide underground may survive.

The first area of ​​the shock wave – the high temperature and high pressure gas generated by the explosion destroys most of the surface buildings and trees.

Thermal Radiation Radius – The thermal radiation and the subsequent huge amount of gas will burn and kill the remaining lucky people within the range.

Shockwave Second Zone – Some buildings and people hiding in buildings may survive, but will have to survive the subsequent nuclear fallout.

Actually, nuclear bombs are powerful, but not that powerful.

In the second area of ​​the shock wave, there are a considerable number of survivors,

And if you can hide in a thick enough underground in advance, there is a possibility of survival within the thermal radiation radius or even within the radiation radius – provided that you wear radiation protection equipment.

One of the main nuclear warheads in active service in the United States, the w78 nuclear warhead, with a yield of 350,000 tons,

If airburst is used, the fireball area is 1.27 square kilometers,

The medium blast damage area is 77.1 square kilometers,

The thermal radiation radius is 185 square kilometers,

The light damage area is 610 square kilometers, which looks large, but is only 13.9 kilometers in diameter.

In other words, if a W78 nuclear warhead were dropped on Plaza One in New York, not even Long Beach would be affected much.

And if the W53 nuclear bomb, the largest nuclear arsenal in the United States, has a yield of 9 million tons, and the maximum killing diameter is only 41.1km, it cannot reach surrounding areas such as New Haven and Allentown.

“As long as the citizens hide underground, the killing effect of nuclear bombs in big cities is not so exaggerated and is still within the acceptable range.

To destroy a city and cause massive casualties, multiple nuclear bombs must be detonated in succession.

Worldwide, there are 22 cities with a population of 10 million,

Tokyo 38 million people, New Delhi 25.7 million Sao Paulo 21.07 million people, Mumbai 21.04 million people, Mexico City 21 million people, Osaka 20.24 million people…

Even if all of these are added up, there are only more than 200 million people,

Destroy the city efficiently, ensuring that no population remains,

A total of about 380 high-yield nuclear bombs are required, 17 per city.

Considering that there are only small and medium-sized nuclear bombs left for Li Risheng, and that there will be a large number of citizens hiding in underground bunkers, the number of nuclear bombs required will continue to rise…”

AIM quickly came up with the calculation result, “The casualties of 500 million people are difficult to achieve just by grabbing 1,000 nuclear bombs of various grades.

And he is only one person. Although he has psionic power, I can also use the form of [Electronic Ghost] to intervene remotely.

Makes strategic bombers flightless.

This battle can be fought.

My win rate is higher than his. “

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