Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 178: Playing silly

As the person in charge of the Heshan Road stronghold of the Special Affairs Bureau, Director Jian Rushuang Jian is not qualified as a player.

She was born in the military defense technology system. She is a scientific researcher in nuclear engineering and nuclear technology. She is over 30 years old.

As for a research scholar (not even a player) in the direction of nuclear engineering, why was he assigned to the Yin City Special Affairs Bureau as the head of the stronghold…

This Wei Linglan doesn’t know – her secret level is too low.

“Director Jane, I’m Wei Linglan, a staff member of Yin City Mobile Task Force No. 2, number 024811.”

Wei Linglan saluted Jian Rushuang and began to report on everything from when she took up the task in the Yongyi Pavilion restaurant to when she brought people into the office building. The details were appropriate and concise.

Jian Rushuang listened to the report quietly, frowned slightly, and said noncommittally: “I understand, you can go downstairs and write a specific report according to the procedure.

As for your parents and other members of the public, we will conduct a full physical examination and A-level amnestics for them after leaving the fog. “

The announcement of the inside story of the killing game at this stage will have a huge impact on the original social order,

In order to reduce the adverse social impact and resist some abnormal events that are likely to cause cognitive disasters

(For example, a nightmare that kills people in a dream, a succubus that can make people dream 24/7 just by looking at it)

The Academy of Sciences, the Academy of Engineering, and the Research Office of the Special Affairs Bureau jointly developed a guidebook for amnestics,

Erase the memory of those in need in a number of ways that have been determined to have no side effects.

Amnestic erasure is divided into seven levels, A-level words use hypnotic suggestion and compound drug spray to clear the memory of ordinary people within hours.

Replaced with vague and forgettable memories,

Perfect for neutralizing the effects of large-scale anomalous sightings.


Wei Linglan saluted Jian Rushuang and Xing Hechou each. After hesitating for a moment, he resisted the urge to inquire about the inside story of the fog, and turned and left the command center.

After she left, Jian Rushuang continued to look at the young man of the Abnormality Institute who was drawing and painting in the center of the command center, with neither sadness nor joy in his eyes.

“Actually, you should laugh more.”

Xing Hechou, who was standing next to her, coughed and said softly to her: “It’s been so serious all the time, it’s putting a lot of pressure on them.”


Jian Rushuang pursed her lips coldly, and glanced at Xing Hechou, “I think you have little pressure.”


Xing He smiled wryly and rubbed his stubble, “My hair has been falling out badly recently. I have to get some herbs for hair growth and moisturizing from the Science and Technology Department.”

Speaking of the technology department, Jian Rushuang’s face was a little weird.

Since the launch of the killing field game, the special creations from different script worlds have opened a new door to the field of scientific research,

Many researchers spend all day in the laboratory, new theories are proposed every week, and new practical technologies are implemented.

There are quite a few bizarre experimental products among them.

For example, a purple fruit that looks like an apple will increase in height after eating, but the side effect is that the sphincter can no longer be controlled, and when and where to go to the toilet can only be left to chance

There is also a certain kind of scavenger-like fish, with less meat and more thorns, bitter and sour in taste, and taste comparable to dry wood.

However, long-term consumption of this fish can really strengthen the kidneys and strengthen the body, which is a good news for male compatriots.

The only side effect is crazy hair loss. If you eat too much in a short period of time, even your eyebrows will fall out.

There is quite a lot of this mess of experimental products,

The superiors had to order to suspend the investment of a batch of projects that have no prospect of utilization and research potential for the time being.

By the way, the scavenger fish breeding project that can nourish the kidneys and strengthen the body has not been directly cut off.

There are still many researchers who spontaneously use their spare time every day to “make suggestions” for the project team in the laboratory,

By the way, take a sip of the fifth-generation captive-raised scavenger fish soup with weak side effects.

Anyway, it’s always a good thing that researchers keep their enthusiasm high…probably.

Jian Rushuang shook her head and put aside her messy thoughts.

At this time, the blindfolded young man in white cloth finally finished painting the formation. He put a large brush on the ground and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

After a short rest, he snorted loudly and slammed the tip of his nose into the center of the formation, hitting the last point.

Including Jian Rushuang and Xing Hechou, everyone in the command center held their breath, quietly waiting for the change to happen.

One second, two seconds, nothing happened.

Xing Hechou looked around and waited for a long time, but couldn’t help but ask: “Comrade Zhu, what’s going on…”

Before he finished speaking, the air began to vibrate, and everyone heard the sound of glass breaking, and a distant cat meow that seemed to be absent.

The young scholar of the Abnormality Society named Zhu Xuemin let out a long sigh and sighed: “The Mirage Dispersing Cloud Formation has taken effect, and we have left the fog realm.

Yin City is safe…for now. “

At this time, Li Ang, who was in the downstairs resettlement room, also heard the sound. He raised his head like the others, his eyes full of daze and bewilderment.

Are you out of the fog?

This kind of premonition, welling up in everyone’s heart,

The agents inside and outside of the placement room were very excited,

The people in the room were more direct. Under the emotional mobilization of the rest of their lives, they hugged excitedly,

As an ordinary person, Li Ang also took the opportunity to hug Wang Congshan, which made the latter blushed and quickly pushed him away.

“What are you doing?”

Wang Congshan glared at Li Ang, her face a little hot, “Smiling so brightly.”

“It’s nothing, it’s just too much fun.”

Li Ang still had a sincere and bright smile on his face, but his brain was still absolutely calm.

At this moment, Wei Linglan must be reporting to his superiors in a certain office, and there must be information about “two companion players” in the report.

According to Li Ang’s judgment on the special affairs bureau, the latter will definitely arrange a comprehensive medical examination,

In the first place, it is to be responsible for the safety of the people’s lives and prevent them from being harmed by something in the fog.

Secondly, it is also to test whether there are other players hiding in the crowd.

Li Ang’s mind turned sharply and thought silently: “Players with far more physical fitness than ordinary people can easily reveal their secrets under a comprehensive physical examination,

Whether it is eye examination, ENT examination, red blood cell count, hemoglobin and other blood routines,

Or a full set of biochemical tests, bone density tests, thermal metabolism tests,

Players can be easily identified.

Fortunately, I’m ready…”

Actually, Li Ang thought of this before the Red and White Shuangsha was raided by Miss Chai.

When he changed from “Yu Zhengzhang” back to “Li Ang”, he was special in the thick fog, took out the biological master, and stuffed it into the lining of the clothes behind him.

After sending everyone into the special affairs bureau’s stronghold, he immediately added a little free attribute point brought by the upgrade to his intelligence, which met the conditions for using the biological master.

Afterwards, he immediately activated the biological master in the lining of the clothes behind him, made some modifications to his body structure, and adjusted the data such as bone density to the level of ordinary people.

This process requires a lot of sanity, and even Li Ang almost fainted when the remaining 25% sanity.

After the transformation was completed, taking advantage of the opportunity for everyone to embrace each other, he endured the headache, put the biological master on his back into his backpack, hugged Wang Congshan, and completed the entire concealment process.

Soon, a staff member of the Special Affairs Bureau entered the resettlement room, briefly reassured everyone, and on the grounds of recording oral statements and a comprehensive physical examination, they were divided into groups and entered into different interrogation rooms one by one.

Li Angqiang endured the headache and cooperated with the work of the Special Affairs Bureau. He explained with all sincerity why he pretended to be Wei Linglan’s boyfriend, and took off his makeup (the Special Affairs Bureau would check it later anyway) .

During the recording of the oral statement the two agents of the Special Affairs Bureau maintained a calm expression without any special reaction,

Just expressed a little surprise at Li Ang’s makeup skills – but that’s all, who can’t do makeup these days.

After the oral record was recorded, another specialist took him to another room for a comprehensive physical examination.

After the physical examination, he was taken to a secret room like a psychological counseling room, pretending to be hypnotized by a psychiatrist, and foolishly absorbed the forgetting chemical spray,

Pretend to have forgotten everything that happened in the past few hours, only remembering a long meal in the Yong Yi Ting restaurant.

Pretending to be a fool, Li Ang is quite professional.

Subsequently, the Special Affairs Bureau dispatched operatives to send all the people with dementia into special vehicles and take them home.

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