Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 177: The stronghold

Wei Linglan didn’t talk nonsense, he took out a flare gun directly from the backpack and pulled the trigger towards the sky.

The red-ray flares shot into the sky, bursting high up into a dazzling pattern of composite prisms.

Xing Hechou, standing by the floor-to-ceiling window in the temporary stronghold on Heshan Road, could not help but breathe a sigh of relief when he saw the somewhat vague coat of arms of the Mobile Task Force of the Special Affairs Bureau in the thick fog.

He turned his head to give a few words to his subordinates, and asked the two task force members to go down to meet them.

On the street, some apprehensive people whispered and turned their eyes to the building ahead.

This No. 149 Heshan Road is one of the strongholds of the Yin City Special Affairs Bureau, and its external cover is a company office building such as urban landscaping and cleaning.

Although the building is tall, it is very old. The green curved floor-to-ceiling glass windows from the early 21st century are used. The places on both sides of the windows that are not easy to clean are covered with dust.

On both sides of the marble steps at the entrance, there are two stone lions with green moss remaining,

The stone lion on the left is stepping on the stone ball, baring its teeth and grinning, very ugly.

The stone lion on the right shows its teeth and claws and glares at the lion on the left. It looks lifelike and extremely vivid.

The hall inside the door is dimly lit, and the furnishings are old. There is no one person in sight, and it is quite deserted.

However, it doesn’t look like a heavily guarded fortress.

Under the uneasy gaze of the crowd, two heavily armed, gun-wielding contingent operators walked down the second floor steps, crossed the hall, came to the door, and pressed a few times on the control panel on the wall beside the door. button.

As the button is pressed, ripples appear in the air around the main entrance,

The scene inside the door changed,

From the deserted department that no one cares about, it has changed into a bunker with dark gray alloy wall tiles and machine gun turret ammunition boxes everywhere,

The interior walls are also covered with complicated, mysterious gray oriental formation patterns, with a dim, pale light around the pattern.

Two task force operators walked out of the bunker and onto the street,

Using a handheld scanner, I checked Wei Linglan’s ID card handed over to the Special Affairs Bureau, and asked her to press her fingerprint on the scanner,

Then waved his hand without saying a word and let everyone follow them.

Everyone walked to the building nervously and climbed the steps. The stone lion placed on the left side of the marble steps suddenly moved, lowered its head, and sniffed at one of the cooks on both sides of the queue.

The chef screamed in horror and sat down on the ground,

And the stone lion was also startled, its eyes widened, and its two front limbs were raised high, as if saying “Brother, calm down, I will smell the vegetable smell on your body.”

The two stone lions are special props provided by the Abnormality Society’s friendship. They come from the legacy of the members of the Abnormality Society in a certain killing game.

Able to smell the odor of people’s body to judge whether the visitor has bad intentions or wants to harm the owner of the house.

In addition to the sniffing function, the combat effectiveness of the two stone lions is also considerable. The stone can ignore the attack of the main battle tank armor-piercing projectile, wave its claws, and easily tear the steel plate.

As long as you provide enough jade, you can hire them to leave the stone base and fight the enemy.

However, according to the records of the Abnormality Society, in ancient times, just a piece of junk jade could make them crazy,

And now that the market is rising, don’t give the two uncles half a catty of top-quality Lantian jade, don’t let them move their buttocks at all.


This episode did not have much impact, and soon, a group of people entered the hall.

【132 people in Yongyi Pavilion restaurant have been escorted to No. 149 Zhiheshan Road】

[The regular mission “Mist Escape” has been completed]

Listening to the sound of the system prompt, Wei Linglan couldn’t help letting out a long breath.

This **** mission takes Yinshi fog as the scene, involving a vote of ordinary people including her parents,

The execution was frightening, for fear that he would accidentally fail to take care of ordinary people and make them swallowed by the fog.

Fortunately, there are two thighs…

Thinking of this, Wei Linglan looked out the door.

At this time, the two contingent operators re-arranged the optical camouflage and a series of array trap barriers on the control panel next to the door with a few clicks.

“I don’t know where those two thighs are now…”

Wei Linglan secretly said: “This regular mission is based on the real world, and there is no setting for teleportation and return.

Can they get out of the fog on their own? “

Her thinking didn’t last long, and soon a special organization member came downstairs to inform her to report.

Wei Linglan hurriedly turned around and told her parents and cousin a few words, telling them to follow the arrangement and not worry about her.

“Well, Lan Lan, don’t worry.”

Li Ang frowned slightly and hugged Wei Linglan very solemnly. In Wang Congshan’s murderous eyes, he solemnly said to Wei Linglan,

“I will take good care of my parents, my mother and my cousin, so you can go in peace.”

God in peace, I’m just going to report a sermon, why do you look like I’m going to die,

And eldest brother, didn’t you almost get **** by Hong Sha to be the bridegroom?

It’s so quick to slow down and continue to complete the commission with dedication and dedication, I really should give you some extra money!

Wei Linglan complained wildly in her heart, but she could only smile awkwardly. She touched her cousin’s hair, turned around and followed her colleagues, walked through the hall, and took the elevator to the sixth floor.

Although this building is only one of the small strongholds of the Yin City Special Affairs Bureau, there are only more than 300 civilian staff and 180 mobile contingent operators (including more than 20 players stationed here) Operator)

However, in view of the potentially huge harm of the killing game, the Special Affairs Bureau operates every stronghold so that although the sparrow is small and complete, the infrastructure is quite comprehensive.

In this way, even if the headquarters is severely damaged, other small strongholds can be immediately put into use and reset as new command centers.

Building 149 Heshan Road has seven underground floors and seven above ground floors,

The underground part has staff dormitory, shooting training room, combat training room, physical fitness testing room, firearms storage warehouse, extraordinary props storage warehouse, battle arena and supporting emergency ward,

There is also a liaison office of the Abnormality Society and a series of scientific research rooms.

The first floor of the ground floor is the hall, usually without defense, as an urban landscaping cleaning service company, fooling ordinary people.

The second, third and fourth floors are office areas, responsible for processing various files, receiving free players, and releasing tasks

On the fifth floor, there are supervision office, information security office, logistics office and other departments.

The sixth floor is the command center, which is responsible for receiving orders from the headquarters and dispatching the mobile task force of the stronghold to perform tasks in Yin City and the surrounding areas.

The seventh and eighth floors usually restrict the entry and exit of idlers and others, and Wei Linglan has never been there.

Up to the sixth floor The elevator door opened, Wei Linglan followed his colleagues, pushed open the door of the command center, and walked in.

The command center covers a huge area. There are dozens of rows of tables and chairs equipped with computers on both sides. The middle area is empty. On the frontmost wall is a large screen composed of countless LCD screens.

Because of all the failure of electronic equipment, the many civilians sitting on the seats on both sides could only sit and wait, focusing on the blindfolded young man standing in the central open space of the command center.

Wei Linglan glanced curiously at the young man in commoner clothes, and found that his forehead was soaked with sweat.

This is, depicting the formation?

Wei Linglan was puzzled, but didn’t say it. He went straight to the podium and reported to the stronghold leader Jian Rushuang and the stronghold task force leader Xing Hechou.

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