Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 177: Messenger

Things are bad, but there is still a chance.

AIM slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air, calmed down, and ended the spell released on his hand.

The next second, the citizens of New York’s brain-eating worms suddenly came back to their senses, and looked at AIM in front of them with some blankness.

Other pedestrians not far away also suddenly realized that a group of people gathered here for no reason, and cast curious and suspicious eyes.

AIM ignored the strange eyes around him, kicked the ground lightly with the soles of his feet, and floated up like a feather, floating in mid-air.


Invisible and intangible power, spreading out with him as the center,

The outer glass of the high-rise buildings around Times Square suddenly cracked and splattered countless glass debris.

Passing brain-eating worm citizens screamed to avoid, but there were still worms smashed by the glass falling from the sky, and fell to the side of the road in blood,

And the car that was hit by the glass shards burst out with sharp alarms one after another.

AIM doesn’t care about this, he ignores the screams of panic in his ears, ignores the panic glances thrown at him, closes his eyes, and silently releases his power.

His power system is unique in the entire FBI, and even in the entire Americas.

Its name is [Electronic Ghost]

This kind of power system can make his will, using electromagnetic waves as the carrier, to shuttle at will.

Electromagnetic waves are oscillating particle waves that are generated and emitted in space by electric and magnetic fields that are in the same phase and perpendicular to each other.

When the electronic ghost state is turned on, AIM feels as if it has transcended the human body.

Wires are his blood vessels, and electrical waves are his brain nerves,

Personal computers and servers are his neurons,

Pervasive personal cell phones and surveillance cameras are his eyes…

Clap clap clap.

The street lights intermittently erupted with sparks,

In the stock exchange in Manhattan, countless traders stood up from their seats and stared at the high-speed flashing trading floor.

In the small single room, the manager who flattered the big customer with the landline phone, suddenly found that the phone was out of order, and there was a constant noise. The exchange has been shut down, and all PCs and even large screens are black.

“This, this…”

The manager felt blood pouring all over his body toward his brain. Nasdaq is the heart of finance in the United States and even the world. Even a momentary shutdown will lead to extremely disastrous consequences.

In the 1970s, New York City had a major power outage—a thunderstorm struck a substation south of Buchanan, tripped the main transformer, and then struck like a scalpel, hitting one in a row. The 345kv power line, the substation in Yonkers County, eventually plunged the whole of New York into darkness, triggering a massive act of vandalism and looting.

At that time, the brain-eating insect population was still among the mammoth corpses in Siberia, but as the brain-eating insects completely replaced humans, they also absorbed the memory and wealth of human civilization,

Know how to provide independent and uninterrupted power generation units for those important companies and institutions that cannot be shut down.

At this time, the sky is clear and clear, how can there be a sudden power outage?

As everyone panics and feels overwhelmed,

The turbulent current suddenly calmed down.

In midair, AIM slowly opened his eyes.

I have seen everything.

The [Electronic Ghost] form he opened not only instantly took control of all civilian networks in Manhattan, but also eroded and occupied those internal networks that were physically insulated from the outside world through pervasive radio waves.

For example, the New York City Management Network, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, the intranets of major banks in New York, New York law enforcement (including but not limited to state police, prison guards, prosecutors, FBI), Wall Street, United Nations Headquarters…

At this moment, as long as he wants,

He can make countless subway cars crash into each other,

Allows bank deposits to be cleared instantly,

It can stop the stock market or skyrocket,

Can make all planes dizzy and plunge into the sea.

All prison doors can be opened, and through the surveillance camera, you can enjoy the fight between the prison guards and the prisoners.

He can instantly turn a worthless homeless man into a billionaire,

It can make a potbellied rich man with countless companies lose everything in an instant,

He can sneak into everyone’s mobile phone, spy on their life and privacy, accurately know their love and hatred, and even discover hidden secrets that they don’t even know.

Marriage, love, promotion, finances, drug overdose, exams, hit-and-run, silent driving, contraband smuggling, candid photos of classmates, dissemination of pirated media files, community volunteering, parental divorce…

Innumerable sections of life, through computers and mobile phones, are spread out in front of AIM like books.

AIM’s handsome and handsome facial features, his muscles undulating slightly.

The power of [Electronic Ghost] is so powerful that even the FBI, who has served him for more than ten years, can’t believe him, and only dares to let him use it in scripted missions or in the virtual world.

This is the first time he has fully released his abilities in a realistic environment so close to the real world.

Not enough.

AIM took another deep breath and used Manhattan as a springboard to spread to New York City, New York State, the East Coast of the United States, and even the United States.

If there is any software that can accurately depict the network signal drawings of the United States,

Then you can clearly see such a scene on that map – countless golden threads, starting from the east coast of the United States and spreading to the west, like bacteria in a petri dish.

The golden threads, all the way to conquer the city and take control of each data center,

Straight across the middle of the film, all the way to the west coast, dyeing the United States a brilliant gold.

“Drop your arms!”

Cries of panic, mixed with panic, came from below.

AIM lowered his head indifferently, only to see four police cars parked in different order at the intersection below the street,

A dozen police officers in NCPD uniforms are hiding behind the car doors, holding their pistols in a standard position and pointing at the AIM suspended in mid-air.

Seeing the suspect overlooking, an NCPD police officer who looked a little young and immature shouted in a panic: “Suspect, please put down your weapon immediately! Don’t move!”

Drop your weapon? Do I have a deadly gun in my hand?

Not allowed to move? Shouldn’t you let me drop from mid-air right now?

AIM blinked, in the state of [Electronic Ghost], his thinking speed is unprecedentedly fast and fast, although he is limited by his human body and limited spiritual power,

It is impossible to centralize all computer and data processing for one’s own use, commanding like an arm,

But the network conditions in Manhattan alone are enough for him to use his heart and mind, separate thousands of minds, and quickly think about all the problems he faces.

Don’t need to pay attention to the insects on the ground, even if a few explosion-proof vehicles full of armed personnel are driven from key institutions such as Nasdaq, you don’t need to pay attention.

The level of technology in this world is not much different from the real world before the advent of the killing field game. The mortal worm can’t even break through the invisible barrier around him with only conventional weapons.

Now, it’s time to let mortals know of their existence.

He flicked the little finger of his right hand, and out of a thousand spiritual thoughts, there were immediately fifty of them. From the database in his mind, thousands of computer viruses were extracted and put on the international network.

Ten seconds later, the hacking talents hired by various intelligence and security agencies across the United States were all staring at the pictures on their personal computers.

Something they couldn’t comprehend happened. A newly emerged computer virus, with unheard-of invasiveness and spreading capabilities, spread almost immediately to the World Wide Web, affecting key nodes of the global network thousands of miles away.

The computer virus launched by AIM is far higher than this era, although the power of [Electronic Ghost] is limited by itself, it cannot spread too far, it is limited to the entire east coast of the United States, and a small part of the west coast of the United States,

But this is enough for him to use the two places as a springboard to remotely interfere with the network conditions in East Asia, Central Asia, Europe and other places.

Hello, world.

The corner of AIM’s mouth rose slightly, and he flicked the index finger of his left hand. The next moment,

A blue, artificially shaped human face with theoretically high affinity appears on hundreds of millions of electronic screens around the world.

“Hello, brain-eating civilization.”

The blue man’s face opened his mouth and made a gentle soft voice, which spread all over the world, “Citizens of the world, from now on, please don’t panic, don’t hesitate.

Workers in the factory, please shut down the machinery and leave the factory in accordance with the rules and regulations;

Railway train drivers, please stop the vehicles you are driving;

Civil aviation pilots, please go to the nearest airport to land immediately – don’t worry about the plane getting out of control or the airport being blocked, just follow the voice telling you in the headset.

Workers, white-collar workers, students, peasants, please stop production and labor, stay in your own building, don’t panic, don’t run, don’t make trouble.

Do what I do and no one gets hurt. “

The blue face paused for a few seconds, as if really waiting for the world’s civilians to quiet down,

As for AIM itself, another 100 spiritual senses were created to control the encrypted channel dedicated to the president at the White House in Washington.

The next moment, on the large-screen TV on the wall of the president’s office, the video conference screen automatically appeared – the picture of the heads of ten countries, divided into ten grids and arranged on the TV screen.

Some of them didn’t even know they were being filmed – AIM’s mind hacked into the surveillance cameras in their office and, via personal cellphones carried by security guards, made a sound, prompting them to look at the nearest TV screen .

Driven by the will of AIM, such a high-profile and extremely hasty and irregular global summit was temporarily held.

“Sorry to meet you in this situation.”

Without giving any breathing time, a pale blue face emerges above the video conference, with a calm voice and a gentle expression.

If you change the scene, it will definitely be suitable for major auto companies to use as a short film promoter to introduce the driving system of new cars.

AIM’s face waited silently for a few seconds, and no one asked aloud about his purpose, or his purpose.

The faces of all leaders are solemn and serious – they have recognized the dire situation through the reports of their subordinates.

“Okay, I’m AIM. As you all know, I control 3,051 active nuclear warheads in the United States, including 1,210 strategic nuclear warheads, 951 non-strategic nuclear warheads, and 890 spare nuclear warheads.

These nuclear warheads come from America’s ‘Trinity’ and force programs, including but not limited to the land-based Minuteman 3 ICBMs, the sea-based 14 Ohio-class strategic nuclear submarines, and the air-based B-52H and B-2A strategic bombers .

And this value is still increasing as I deepen my control over the U.S. Internet.

Thanks to the United States for many years in the construction of American military bases in various countries around the world, as well as the investment in aircraft carrier formations and submarine formations,

At this moment, as long as I want, I can put nuclear warheads into every corner of the world through various platforms.

Moscow, Tokyo, Mumbai, London, Paris, oh yes, New York and Washington…

It is true that the missile interception systems in the hands of various countries are still beyond my control,

But I can fire a full 3051 rounds of bullets, and as long as the defending countries have one or two rounds in key cities, it will cause a large-scale collapse of social order. “

“You’ve now caused a massive collapse.”

A white-skinned leader said with a tight face: “Your Excellency, who are you? What do you want from us?”

If 30 minutes ago, someone said that a nuclear apocalypse by aliens was imminent, the leaders in the video conference would have thought it was a lunatic.

But now they can’t help but believe it – the confidential intranets in Moscow, Paris, and Tokyo are being attacked frantically by the virus, and the security networks of some key military facilities are gradually being compromised.

This is definitely not something that terrorists, or even the United States of America, can do.

Can only be interpreted as… a force beyond comprehension.


AIM’s face frowned for a second, then smiled again: “You can understand me as the prophet who guards the world, the messenger who sends the alarm, and the protector of civilization.”

“The Protector?”

A leader pursed his lips and said nothing,

However, AIM seemed to see what he was thinking and said directly: “Are you doubting that I steal the nuclear warhead to trigger the end of the nuclear bomb?

Hehe, you are wrong, the real doomsday is on its way.

Compared to him, I’m just a mere prelude. “

The screen flashed, and a modern city immediately appeared on the screen.

It is an exceptionally prosperous coastal city. The height of the tall buildings in the city is over 500 meters on average, and some of them are even as high as 800 meters.

In addition, there is an extremely majestic steel city wall on the city coast. The city wall is full of unheard-of heavy firepower weapons, and walking with humanoid upright mechs that are far more technologically advanced.

The whole city is like a military camp,

Definitely not any modern city in this world,

However, to the greater shock of the leaders present, the city was attacked.

Insanely growing white mycelium grows continuously from the ground, from the river, from the building, driving the civilians fleeing in panic,

Go straight to submerge all obstacles along the way.

Street, Street Signs…

The ocean of white mycelium swept over the entire city. Some mechas brought heavy machine guns and burners in an attempt to stop the ocean of white mycelium, but in vain, mud bulls entered the sea.

Not even a defoliant in a skull-patterned bottle, or napalm dropped by a bomber, could slow the white mycelium for an ounce.

The whole city was covered with a thick layer of white fluffy coat,

The white mycelium is still not satisfied, and it creates a mycelium tower, constantly erupting dandelion-like mycelium spores, and continues to spread to the land, the sky, and the ocean.

At the end of the video, there is a picture of white mycelium growing in major cities around the world, and the center of the picture, Li Ang wearing a white coat.

“In addition to this one, there is another titan footage that is not playing.

As you can see,”

AIM’s voice sounded at the right time, “I am not your doomsday, he is.”

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