Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 176: It’s worth the money

“What do you want to do?”

Hong Sha subconsciously took a half step back, her pale fingers pinched the corner of her clothes, her voice trembled a little, and she stammered,

“My mother knitted this wedding dress for me…”

“Oh? It’s still an antique, not bad.”

Wei Yueyan licked her lips, squeezed her fists until it rattled, and walked slowly towards Hongsha with a strange smile,

“It’s easy to see things and think about people in this dress, and make yourself sad,

Please leave it to me, and let me bear this grief. “

If both sides are in full state, then Miss Chai, who has been AFK for a long time and lags behind several versions, naturally has no advantage in the life and death fight,

But now, Hong Sha has already been hit hard by the three-edged bone spear,

Even maintaining the shape is quite difficult, how could it be Miss Chai’s opponent.

I saw Wei Yueyan’s eyes gleaming, like a vicious local gangster and a gangster,

Ignoring Hongsha’s pleading,

Ripped off its red hijab, yanked off the phoenix crown, and even the embroidered boots, all of which were taken away,

Only an official green horse-faced skirt was left for Hong Sha.

Hong Sha covered the horse-faced skirt, embarrassed and grieved, tears streaming down her face, choked and unable to speak, but she did not even have the courage to look directly at Wei Yueyan with resentful eyes.

As for Miss Chai, who was unaware that she was evil, she raised her wedding dress above her head, looked at it carefully, and from time to time she was amazed and praised the craftsmanship of the dress.

This wedding dress has been with Hongsha for many years and has been infected with Yin Qi, and to some extent it has become an extraordinary equipment.

Have a certain defense ability, can nourish the spirit body, and can automatically repair in an environment with abundant yin.

Good, very good.

Wei Yueyan nodded again and again, seeing the extremely shameless appearance of her teammates, Wei Linglan couldn’t help but turn her head away,

In the bottom of my heart, I dropped a few points in the evaluation of the imposing name of the Hall of Heaven.

“I accept this dress.”

Wei Yueyan snorted frivolously, put away her wedding dress, and turned to look at the half-dead Bai Sha.

This man’s vitality is really strong, even if his belly was cut open by Li Ang, he was only seriously injured,

If you let him escape to a place of stagnation, I’m afraid he will be a hero again in a few months,

Wei Yueyan stretched out her small hand towards Bai Sha, “It’s your turn, you have something good on you, take it out quickly.”


Bai Sha’s bloated and greasy face was visibly oozing out a lot of sweat, “Your Excellency is wronged!

I don’t, I really have nothing of value!

I’m a worthless piece of shit! “


Wai Yueyan’s brows stand upright, like a vicious villain in a film and television drama, “Bullshit, how can you, such a good man, say that you are useless?

No matter how bad it is, you can still sell yourself! “

She glanced up and down at Bai Sha, and saw that the belly of the other party, which was cut open by the triangular bone spear, was slowly healing,

I immediately rolled my eyes and had an idea.

Seeing her eyes light up, Bai Sha almost froze his soul, sweat dripping down his body like a waterfall.

“Well, I don’t want to do that either.”

Whispering, Wei Yueyan took the triangular bone spear from Li Ang’s hand,

His feet are shoulder-width apart, holding the handle of the gun in both hands, the blade of the gun swaying back and forth on Bai Sha, “You hold back…”

The terrified Bai Sha saw this battle and wanted to turn around and escape,

However, Wei Yueyan moved faster than him, poking a gun directly into his belly, and with a light stroke, the newly healed waist and abdomen were cut open again.

Bai Sha had used up the poisonous water in his stomach before, and now his stomach is cut open again, and the outflow is no longer venom, but a large number of transparent sewage organs.

Wei Yueyan is quick-witted, and with a single spear, cuts off the stomach organ in Bai Sha’s body and places it on the tip of the spear.

Bai Sha screamed, and Wei Yueyan didn’t seem to hear the miserable scream at all, hehe smiled and put the spear horizontally, examining the stomach.

Bai Sha’s stomach, specially used to store green poisonous water, is unusually large,

And it’s an unusually dark green color, and it looks very strange – maybe this is a supernatural material that can be put into a forging furnace?

Wei Linglan, who saw Wei Yueyan’s cruelty, opened his mouth wide, and pulled back the evaluation of the Temple of Heaven again – it is definitely not easy to raise such a mysterious organization with such a madman. !

Bai Sha, whose organs were cut off, rolled on the floor in pain, and the screams gradually weakened,

If it hadn’t been for the red evil thing to hurt him and give him a little bit of yin qi, I’m afraid he would have just lost his soul.

“Very good.”

Wei Yueyan returned the long spear hanging from her stomach to Li Ang, crossed her arms in front of her, and said coldly at Hongsha Baisha: “After paying the toll, you can live.”

Faced with such ruthless villains, Hongsha Baisha could no longer arouse the slightest resistance, and kowtow like garlic.


Wei Yueyan dragged her end, admiring the terrified expression on the other party’s face, and said viciously, “Aren’t you very upset?”

“No no no!”

Hongsha smiled dryly and said, “You can see my clothes, it is a blessing that I have cultivated in three lifetimes.”


Bai Sha covered his stomach to keep his organs from leaking out, his forehead was covered in sweat, and he was still flatteringly said: “My generation is charming, why do I have a stomach?”

“Yes, this optimistic attitude is very positive, very sunny, very good.”

Wei Yueyan nodded in appreciation, looked at Yu Zhengzhou, and said coldly, “Would you like to follow us, or continue to hide?”

“I’m watching in the dark, you keep going.”

Yu Zhengzhe put away the spear, put the stomach hanging on the spear blade into the back of the backpack, and withdrew it until it was hidden in the thick fog.

Actually, he really wanted to use this vest again, to brush his presence in Wei Linglan’s line of sight, and to make the Special Affairs Bureau pay attention to the so-called shadow apprentice cave.

Unfortunately, the special effects of the cat’s eye will not last long, and the temporary vest of Yu Zhengzhou can only be withdrawn.

After he left, Wei Yueyan, as the strongest person here, threatened Hongsha and Baisha to lead the way,

And Li Ang took advantage of this opportunity to repack his clothes, replace the hallucinations he had created, and re-mix into the crowd.

As the saying goes, there is no downside. There are two powerful monsters who open the way. On the way, there are no monsters who can’t open their eyes.

Shuangsha is also quite sensible, and did not lead them to any fog singularity.

The group walked through the foggy streets until they were about to reach their final destination, No. 149 Heshan Road, when Wei Yueyan suddenly stopped. Even the entire team stopped.

Wei Yueyan held her breath for a while and calmly said to Shuangsha, “You can go.”

Shuangsha is like being granted amnesty, so why not ask for the reason, and escape directly into the ground, escaping and disappearing.

Seeing Wei Yueyan’s quiet appearance, Wei Linglan was shocked,

Could it be that the other party saw knew that No. 149 Heshan Road was a stronghold of the Special Affairs Bureau?

She just wanted to inquire about the temptation, but she saw Wei Yueyan waved her arms and summoned a thick fog, and her figure disappeared.

And the tall building at No. 149 Heshan Road in the distance lit up with a giant searchlight. The bright column-shaped light penetrated the thick fog and completely enveloped the crowd.

“This is the Heshan Road Office of the Special Affairs Bureau, please indicate your identity!”

The loud speaker outside the high-rise building sounded the vicissitudes of a middle-aged man. Wei Linglan couldn’t help but let out a long breath and relaxed a lot.

This voice is very familiar to Wei Linglan. It is the captain of the Second Team of the Mobile Task Force of the Yin City Special Affairs Bureau, and she is also her commander.

Xing He is worried.

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