Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 175: Rematch

【Iron Scorpion is dead】

[Authentic and good supermarket, authentic good clinic, new store in the southeast corner of the square…winner]

Clear words appeared on the top of the ring. Li Ang looked at the iron scorpion that was rapidly dissipating under his feet. He shook his head tediously, shook his palm, degraded the woody features on his palm, and returned to the shape of a human palm. Go to the auditorium.

Wang Congshan saw Li Ang frowning and thinking, she thought what was wrong with him, and asked nervously, “What’s wrong? Are you injured?”

“It’s fine.”

Li Ang waved his hand, “I’m just thinking about the iron scorpion’s physiological structure. That creature is very… interesting. Maybe it can make some particularly novel inventions.”


Wang Congshan looked at Li Ang with vacant eyes. She was used to Li Ang’s so-called “invention” since she was a child.

The last time I heard this term, Li Ang claimed that he had made a good antihypertensive drug. After taking it, it could not only control blood pressure, treat hypertension, but also touch high-voltage electricity. /

The effect is so good that it can almost be ranked in the top 20 of Li Ang’s small invention list.

By the way, Li Ang’s other gadgets, including but not limited to new mobile phones with physical keyboards and replaceable batteries;

An electric generator powered by electricity;

Genuine, innocent, publicized peeing beef **** that are exactly the same as the real thing;

The god-level freckle cream can turn zebras into white horses, and Dalmatians into white dogs. Ordinary people can even apply a little bit every day to wash away the corpse spots on their bodies;

“It’s true.”

Li Ang recalled,

The arena in the Sky Arena has the function of actively cleaning corpses.

After the player dies, their corpse will disappear instantly, in order to prevent the player from applying the corpse explosion technique to himself and perishing with the opponent after death.

However, when Li Ang used a wooden arm to penetrate the iron scorpion, he had already used a detection tool made of plant fibers to scan the internal structure of the iron scorpion.

“The body of the creature is a humanoid embryo with a preliminary shape hidden in the back of the iron scorpion.

The embryo has completed the differentiation of head, face, neck, trunk and limbs.

Although the facial features are not fully developed, the actual age of its brain is over forty years old, and it is not an artificial thing like a synthetic beast. “

Li Ang thought about it and said slowly: “The scorpion body of the iron scorpion is more like a giant incubator that stores this humanoid embryo, providing it with nutrients and a living environment.

You can think of this human embryo as a tank driver, using neural networks to control the tank—that is, the body of a scorpion.

The four half mummified corpses on the back of the Iron Scorpion acted as an accessory brain, helping the embryo to better control the Iron Scorpion’s scorpion body.

In addition, the genetic sequences of the four mummified corpses are also very similar to humanoid embryos – they should be immediate relatives passed down by blood. “


Wang Congshan frowned slightly, “What does this mean…”

“Perhaps, the iron scorpion is one of the future evolution directions of mankind.”

Li Ang said lightly: “Maybe in a certain world line, the living environment of human civilization is extremely deteriorated.

Humans had to degenerate themselves into replaceable, highly adaptable augmented vehicles.

Incorporate your dead relatives into the plug-in body as an auxiliary intellectual brain. “

Wang Congshan imagined it for a while, then hesitated: “Really? This is so weird.”

“Who knows,”

Li Ang shrugged and said indifferently, “The world is full of wonders. Maybe in any plane, there are hot dogs that eat people, or bamboo sticks that eat hot dogs.”

Since this time, Li Ang has been trying to put terminal vending machines into new worlds, and the strangeness of some of the planets has greatly broken Li Ang’s original cognition.

For example, on a planet with gravity toward the sky, all humanoid inhabitants live in rock-formed cities. Their most dangerous natural disaster is earthquakes – the movement of plates will tear apart the rock layers, causing an entire city to be dragged by gravity. thrown into the sky.

The Planet of the Cat and Dog Wars – The planet’s old intelligent races were wiped out in a genetic weapons war that spread across the world, leaving the genetically-tuned cats and dogs as heirs to the torch of civilization. They took up arms and rebuilt factories. Based on the hatred engraved in their genes, they divided the world into two halves, each occupying one side, and started a tragic war between the two races that spanned thousands of years.

(By the way, the first people who discovered the vending machine were stray cats and dogs pacifists. They used the agent suits given by Li Ang to successfully infiltrate the presidential offices of the two camps, and the top leaders of the two camps were successfully infiltrated. Brainwashed, successfully prevented a race war that spanned millennia, and focused all animals on exploring the wider universe.

Li Ang also won the highest honor medal of the cat and dog planet – good human award)

There is even an underworld planet – where the inhabitants are all dead spirits, but the living people are horror legends that are close to urban ghost stories. Even when ghost mothers coax ghost children, they say, “If you don’t sleep, be careful of the living. you take away”.

As stated in the item description, the teleportation target of the vending machine is really random, and the span between planets is huge.

Li Ang sat on the spot and thought nonchalantly, waiting for the Colt revolver to be loaded. Not long after, new players appeared one after another on the twenty-eighth floor.

Deathsong of the Demon Scientist League,

AIM of the FBI’s Unusual Incidents Division,

The dawn of the European Heavy Industry Group, Agares, and the isomorphism of colonization.

The European Heavy Industry Group has the most extraordinary people. In addition to Dawn and others, there are also some unknown young faces. It is estimated that they have just cultivated new stars.

When they saw Li Ang, they waved their hands at dawn, as a greeting, while those new stars who did not know each other nodded respectfully to Li Ang from a distance, and some even bowed solemnly, like This is the first time a newcomer has seen a senior in the Hijima workplace.

There are not many traces of battle on the people of the European Heavy Industry. They also started climbing the tower not long ago. Like Li Ang, most of the opponents they encountered chose to surrender, so they climbed so fast.

But there is one difference – there are too many participants in the European heavy industry. They have integrated European and American folk extraordinary people. After the previous merger and acquisition of Prometheus and Gen-Sys biotechnology companies, their subordinates The number of superhumans has further expanded,

Ranked at the forefront of all extraordinary organizations in the world, both in numbers and quality.

In this battle of life, there are as many contestants of European Heavy Industries as always,

Because they are all an organization, their members meet in the sky arena, or directly based on the results of the company’s internal training competition, the weak surrender to the strong,

Either pretend to fight for a fight, click until the end, and let the superior side advance.

“It’s not really useful for them to do this?”

Wang Congshan curled her lips and said, “The preliminary round to the semi-finals of this battle of life does not completely depend on the number of layers in the sky arena. The overall performance of the players in the process of climbing the tower should also be considered.

Even if the European heavy industry all surrendered, it would not affect the final result.

On the contrary, they will be punished by the sky arena because they all meet and surrender, raise the ranks, and compete maliciously – such as arranging extra powerful combat puppets for them, or superhumans from other worlds or something. “

“Well…their approach is useless if you say it’s useless, and it’s a little bit useful if you say it’s useful.”

Li Ang thought for a while and said, “If they are ruthless, tear up the disguise, and take the initiative to abandon some players who have just reached Lv25, but have absolutely no hope of advancing to the finals,

Let them act as tools responsible for surrender.

As long as you meet a colleague on the lower floor, you will voluntarily surrender and send all the strong and middle-level European heavy industry upstairs.

At the same time, he was deliberately stuck on the lower floor, fighting earnestly with players of the same level in other organizations, slowing down their ascent.

And if the bottom layer is occupied by low-level players, then there will be many powerful players in the middle layer of the Sky Arena – they will inevitably be consumed by the fight.

Skill scrolls will be consumed, equipment items will be stuck on CD, and it will take time to restore aura.

In this way, the ascent of most players has been slowed down, and the high-level superhumans of European Heavy Industries have reduced the burden in disguise. “


Wang Congshan nodded thoughtfully, “But doing this will definitely cause a backlash from other organizations, right?

It is impossible for all the benefits to be taken by the European heavy industry, unless they want to see the extraordinary people of other organizations, work together, and deliberately play hard in the battle with the European heavy industry players. “

“So, I said ‘if’.”

Li Ang said casually: “Next, European Heavy Industries is expected to find the leaders of other organizations and guilds to meet and negotiate, so that everyone can return to normal competition.

Now this little trick will only be used on the first day. “


As Li Ang expected, the competition in the Sky Arena will gradually become fairer in the next period of time, especially in the last few days of the preliminaries, the battle is even more heated.

There are dozens of classic battles, such as Celsus of the Bell Tower against the Mother of Darkness of the Witch League,

Both of them are unquestionably high-level spellcasters. They have long since gotten out of the “big fireball” level of confrontation. When they fight, they show the wisdom, cunning, and courage of the mage.

They use advanced invisibility, teleportation to hide their location,

Using mirroring and deception to deceive each other,

Set up multiple traps such as anti-biological force field and anti-magic force field on the narrow ring,

And use foresight to predict the future and release spells in a targeted manner,

It is also mixed with fraud and anti-fraud – the two will release a special spell called “trigger” on themselves, and when the opponent makes a corresponding action on themselves, the spell will automatically take effect, generating another Spell effect.

The entire arena is like an extremely enthusiastic magic carnival show, in which countless magic moves, flashes and disappears, making people dazzled.

Another example is the dawn of European Heavy Industries, against Ding Shinji of the Special Affairs Bureau.

Before the start of the game, most people thought that Dawn would win the game without any suspense.

Because although Ding Shinji’s Kui Niu is the crystallization of the wisdom of the equipment R&D department of the Special Affairs Bureau, the Kabini of Dawn is an epic creation built by European heavy industry at all costs.

And Dawn himself became a player earlier than Ding Shinji, and has stronger personal power.

But the process of the game was a big surprise,

Ding Shinji’s Kui Niu mecha has developed new functions. Not only the same as before, you can continue to activate vector nozzles, launch rocket missiles, and wield high-frequency cutters,

It can also awaken the Kui Niu’s will inside the mecha, so that the Kui Niu’s will is connected with the driver’s heart.

The Shanhai series of mechas were originally developed by the equipment research and development department of the Special Affairs Bureau to intercept the soul fragments of the ancient monsters in the prisoners’ cave.

After awakening Kui Niu’s will, the mecha itself underwent a significant mutation, exuding a steady stream of rich and wild demonic energy, and the movement speed and combat instinct increased sharply, and even completely suppressed the Kabini machine in a short period of time. Armor’s firepower pulled the two sides into close combat.

It wasn’t until dawn that she activated one of her trump cards, the A.T. force field she got from the deep-sea monster world, that she struggled to control the Kui Niu mecha. Only when Ding Shinji couldn’t bear the burden of his spiritual link and withdrew from the battle, he was victorious. .

In general, the battle in the preliminaries was already thrilling, but it was a pity for the majority of the melon eaters that they still failed to see the desperate struggle between the real top players.

Whether it was Michael, Out of Control, Hanshuishi, Hohenheim or Li Ang, they all maintained a certain tacit understanding and did not use their full power during the tower climbing process.

In the last battle for the gate, there were players from another world, and this time, in the battle of fate, the superhumans from other worlds appeared even more frequently.

They don’t have to fight to death so early, in vain.

At least not in the preliminaries.

As a result, the preliminaries of the Battle of Fate came to an end, with a total of 2,000 players who won and entered the semi-finals.


“I didn’t expect the first floor of the sky arena to have infinite capacity.”

At this moment, it was already the second day of the rematch of the Battle of Commander. Chai Chai, holding a bucket of fried chicken and coke in his hands, sat in the corner of the auditorium and looked around the vast space, tsk tsk tsk amazement.

Sitting next to her were Liu Wulan and Wang Congshan. Chai Chai was not a player. Wang Congshan just reached Lv20 not long ago. Of the three, only Liu Wulan signed up for the Battle of Si Ming and advanced to the semi-finals.

“The scale of the first floor is now comparable to the five largest stadiums in the real world, right? Nearly half a million people sit on the first floor, and most of them are ordinary people.”

Chai Chai said while nibbling on the fried chicken: “I don’t know what they think. They waste so much effort just to watch the game.”

Liu Wulan glanced at her, the rematch stage of the Battle of Si Ming also used the Sky Arena as a platform,

The difference is that 2,000 contestants have to play one game a day for ten days, and the final qualification will be determined based on the average performance of the ten games.

Moreover, although the contestants are all ready to participate in the battle on the first floor platform, their real arena is the virtual space constructed by the sky arena, not the arena.

All the spectators who come to the stadium, whether they are players or ordinary people, can use their thoughts to let the big screen play the games they want to watch, and everyone does not interfere with each other.

And those viewers who didn’t come to the scene will need to rely on the live broadcast of the Watchmen Guild.

“Ordinary people who come to the scene should be in pursuit of excitement.”

Liu Wulan calmly said: “This kind of person is quite common. For example, when there was no killing game in the past, there were rich and powerful people who kept dangerous pets such as tigers and cheetahs, or went to Africa to hunt with hunting guns— The conventional entertainment in the real world does not stimulate them, so they deliberately and actively seek danger,

But they are not really brave. Whether they are raising tigers or hunting in Africa, they have to ensure their own safety.

These people are the same to this day – they rarely inject themselves with genetic medicines to give themselves extraordinary powers, because that will increase the probability of becoming a player. “


Hearing this, Chai Chai blinked, looked around, and found that many ordinary people present were all dressed in gorgeous clothes, looking at rich or expensive, and there were bodyguards around.

“Even the security team brought it here?”

Chai Chai grinned, turned to ask Liu Wulan and said, “Oh, by the way, if those rich and powerful people dare not inject themselves with genetic medicine, how can they guarantee their wealth status?

Isn’t the forum saying that only supernatural power is the real power? “

“Well…they have other options.”

Liu Wulan said: “The saying that supernatural power is the real power is mainly popular before and after the battle for the door.

It was a chaotic time.

Now, these old world rich and powerful groups choose to attach themselves to guild organizations such as European Heavy Industries.

On the one hand, they provided huge economic assistance and real industrial assistance to European Heavy Industries to obtain seats on the second-level board of directors of European Heavy Industries to ensure their own safety,

On the one hand, they are very prolific. “

“Huh? Very prolific?”

Chai Chai blinked and immediately reacted, “You mean, they are giving birth to children like crazy?”


Liu Wulan smiled and said, “Actually, the wealthy families in the old world were very capable of giving birth. They had a lot of children in marriage, and even more illegitimate children. In the past, those illegitimate children were troublesome, and every time they gave birth, they gave away a little money. gone,

Now… illegitimate children have become family resources.

As far as I know, those families in the old world started the layout long before the battle for the door,

They secretly found the illegitimate children of the family, injected them with genetic medicines, provided them with player qualifications, and gave them the best training to allow these illegitimate children to return to the family. “

“Hey, the grievances of the giants.”

Chai Chai pouted and thought about it with his head, and then he thought of the reasons for those old world families to do this.

In the old world,

A person or a family is crazy about accumulating money, accumulating wealth, having a position of power,

The ultimate goal is always to let the family continue and remain brilliant,

That’s why there are family businesses that have been passed down from generation to generation, elites in various fields have been cultivated within the family, and there are many family charitable foundations.

However, the killing game has greatly destroyed the old “family” way of power transmission.

Supernatural power is the real power, even higher than the wealth based on the social order, and even the social order itself.

Since the original social order had to give way in the face of extraordinary power, the money and power accumulated by those families would no longer be safe,

The only way for the family to continue to rule,

It is to make the inheritance of power and wealth in the family style into the inheritance of extraordinary power in the style of family blood.

“The return of the illegitimate children will also have an impact on the original legitimate children. I have read the information before, and many people have died abroad because of this.”

Wang Congshan took a chicken wing from Chai Chai’s fried chicken bucket and nibbled it, casually said: “But they don’t seem to care very much. Anyway, as long as each generation in the family has enough powerful supernatural beings, the family will be able to To be passed on forever.

In addition, European Heavy Industry is also a kind of insurance in a sense – the existence of European Heavy Industry allows those children of top powers who do not have extraordinary power to get the best security treatment.

In a sense, they are the Dragons of the new era.

Oh, yes,

Sometimes those old-time families will also adopt the method of marriage, such as allowing family children to marry potential superhumans.

Or cast a wide net and catch more fish,

Looking for talented children who are young and easy to brainwash from the folks, recruit them into the family, and treat them as adopted children and daughters, and provide them with the best educational environment since childhood, and want to cultivate them into powerful and extraordinary people.

An aristocratic family in England or France adopted nearly 200 gifted children at one time, and will adopt more in the future.

It can only be said that there is nothing new under the sun, and the ancient tradition of adopting children is back. “

Wang Congshan said with some disdain: “Of course, only abroad. Those old-time families couldn’t pick up talented children from us – those who dared to reach out were hacked to death.”

The three of them chatted with each other. In the past month, many major events have happened in the world.

For example, the war between the European heavy industry and the military-industrial complex has also intensified, and both sides have even used small tactical nuclear weapons to kill each other’s players and leaders.

At the same time, the wave of protests in the United States gradually subsided – the National Guard and the regular army of the United States used military-level weapons and equipment to suppress the protests one after another.

However, it seems that infighting is also breaking out at the top of the United States – some policymakers want to abandon part of the low-end population in the United, while a small number of policymakers with American conscience are firmly opposed, and it seems that there will be more It was like making a fuss.

In addition, Russia’s GRU department is fully developing the Alskalisan stargate world in Siberia.

The Special Affairs Bureau and the Global Occult Alliance also have certain rights to develop the Stargate world. With the efforts of the two, the GRU department agreed to set up a “humanitarian relief area” in the Stargate world.

That is, to draw an open space on the planet for the refugees who have no Stargate world to migrate to.


The vibration of the communication watch interrupted the chat of the three,

“His game is about to begin.”

Chai Chai, who was eating fried chicken, was shocked, wiped it on the napkin with his backhand, and hurriedly focused on the big screen.

The familiar figure in a white coat with a dragon head immediately appeared in the center of the screen.

[Currently, the second game of the semi-final stage of the Battle of the Commander]

[Random mode selection…]

[The mode has been selected, locked to single-player deathmatch]

[Contestants, AIM, Authentic Good Supermarket, Authentic Good Clinic…]


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