Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 173: Iron Scorpion

In the auditorium of the Sky Arena, Li Ang folded his arms in front of him and stared at the arena below.

The competition on the first floor has already started for three hours, and dozens of arenas are fighting at the same time.

Bright light, flames, acid, flying swords, guns, and even invisible and intangible curses and psychic powers appeared one after another in each arena, almost obscuring the sight.

Although it is impossible to cross the invisible barrier of the ring, through the strong sound and light blocking, the real-time situation in the ring can be perceived,

However, experienced and advanced players can still guess the general situation with experience.

“…The body enhancement type in the ring No. 13 is going to win. His hidden bloodline potential is working, and in ten seconds, the opponent’s magic missiles will not be able to penetrate his skin. /

The battle on the 14th ring will soon be over. The illusion player thinks he is in control, but he does not know that it is himself who is caught in the deep hallucination – the guy on the opposite side who looks like a puppet master In fact, he is also an illusionist.

The Hijima player on the No. 15 ring still has about a minute to surrender, his magic talisman paper is about to be exhausted, and he will be beheaded by the opposite demon…”

Li Ang casually assessed the situation in the various arenas on the arena, and told Wang Congshan, who was holding a binoculars to the side.

In order to take care of the general audience, the people of the Watchmen Guild have prepared an all-round shooting system, and like last time, they have arranged enough commentators to explain in the real world,

However, the professionalism of those commentators is more reflected in the ability to control the field and describe the language, obviously not as accurate as Li Ang’s judgment of the situation.


Wang Congshan put down the special telescope and smacked her mouth, “How can you predict it?”

“The more you see, the more you will judge.”

Li Ang curled his lips casually. He opened the Wushou Furnace shop for such a long time, and he produced a lot of equipment and props.

I have seen all kinds of strange items sent by players, and I have a lot of experience in the field of supernatural elements.

“This time, there is no public lottery system for the Battle of Fate game,

On the other hand, some private platforms have privately opened bets on the results of the competition. Unfortunately, no one asked me to do a plan or something. “

Li Ang said casually: “If you come to me, the probability of winning or losing in each game has to be 70% to 80%.”

“Let’s judge Li Ang, right? Someone has to dare to look for you.”

Wang Congshan sighed, in fact, the last time the competition for the door was fought, the chain of interests extending around the competition was called terror,

Nowadays, due to the rapid deterioration of the situation in the real world, most of the people in the East have been evacuated by the special affairs bureau, European residents are under martial law-style militarized management, North America has become a scene of gun battles, and other places are left to fend for themselves.

This time, the chain of interests surrounding the Battle of Commander was much less than last time.

“That’s right, if I’m not mistaken,

The players who are playing now should be the players who are in the back of the competition, right? “

Wang Congshan thought of something and asked, “Is it any good for them to play early?

If you use logical reasoning, the later you appear, the greater the advantage, right? You can collect as much information on other competitors as possible to reduce your own flaws.

If you play first, you will reveal information to your opponent. “

“The reason is very simple. They know that they are not strong enough, so they can only grab time.”

Li Ang said casually: “Judging from the results observed before, there are more than 4,000 contestants on Earth in this battle of fate.

Only 2,000 of these players will qualify. In other words, it is an internal competition within the Earth Contestants.

To win and advance, you have to climb higher and farther in the arena than everyone else.

If you show up early, you will expose your intelligence,

But it is also possible to climb to a high place in the early stage, before those players in the first and second echelons have yet to participate in the competition, such as the appearance of the 30th or 40th floor, and occupy a favorable position.

Maybe with luck, the players in the first and second echelons will also stay there because of increased internal friction?

In that case, they will have a higher chance of making the cut. “

“So it was.”

Wang Congshan nodded, “I understand. Another advantage of participating early is that you can get rewards from the Sky Arena earlier, right?

Judging from the experience of the previous month, the Sky Arena is now more ‘generous’. Sending items, scrolls, experience points, etc., and participating early can give yourself a little development time. “

“That’s right.”

Li Ang smiled slightly, nodded at Wang Congshan with a “teachable” smile, and suddenly stood up.

Wang Congshan was taken aback for a moment, “Huh? What are you doing?”


Li Ang answered rightly, reaching out to pat the non-existent dust on the white coat.

“You’re not saying that only rookies advance…”

“That’s them, my word, the exception.”

Li Ang waved his hand with a smile and walked down the steps.

Wherever they went, people sitting in the auditorium retreated and avoided, making way for Li Ang.

“So soon?”

Wanli Fengdao and others, who were scanning the audience with special glasses, also noticed the figure in the white coat walking down.

“I’m here to compete.”

Li Ang skillfully filled out the application in the virtual panel, and soon the Sky Arena arranged for him an opponent, a player from the GRU department.

In the battle of life, every second counts, Li Ang boarded the ring,

The player opposite the arena glanced at Li Ang, and then looked at the line that appeared in the sky [Authentic Good Supermarket, Authentic Good Clinic, the newly opened shop in the southeast corner of the square, Wushou Furnace…] I took a deep breath. in one breath.

With such a long string of IDs, there is one and only Li Risheng, and there is no imitation.

The GRU player raised his arm without hesitation and said solemnly: “I abstain.”

With a flash of light, he was directly teleported out of the ring, leaving Li Ang to stand alone on the ring,

And no one in the audience expressed any surprise at the result.

On the first floor of the Sky Arena, a top-level player like Li Ang is matched. It is completely normal to admit defeat and surrender.

In other words, matching him on the first floor of the Sky Arena is actually considered lucky in a certain sense-the first floor admits defeat without deducting points.


Before making a shot, the opponent surrendered and conceded defeat, which made Li Ang a little boring.

He stood on the ring, nodded to Wang Congshan in the auditorium, directly gestured to the sky arena with the virtual panel, and instantly teleported to the second floor.

He then stood in the ring on the second floor and continued to apply for the ring.

The opponent surrenders, wins easily, and advances to the floor.

Third floor,

The opponent surrenders and wins easily.

Fourth floor,

The opponent surrenders and wins easily.

Three hours after the start of the game, many players have reached the 10th or 20th floor, and after seeing that their matching opponent is Li Ang, these people directly chose to surrender and give up,

I would rather waste the level earned from hard battles and downgrade on the spot,

Nor want to spend an extra second in the ring.

“Am I so scary?”

Li Ang shook his head helplessly and continued on the road where his opponent surrendered in seconds until the twenty-seventh floor.

[The opponent “Iron Scorpion” has been matched]

[The opponent has agreed to the duel agreement]


Li Ang raised his eyebrows and looked around when he heard the sudden sound of the system.

As before, players can teleport and shuttle between the floors of the Sky Arena at will (ordinary people without player qualifications have to climb the stairs or take the elevator by themselves).

On the twenty-seventh floor of the Sky Arena, there were no people,

The tens of thousands of spectators who appeared in the auditorium were all sent along with them.

“The twenty-sixth floor just now should be the highest floor that Earth players have reached before, right?

I haven’t seen a so-called Iron Scorpion on the list of opponents that the mule gave me to watch.

Is it a randomly generated puppet in the Sky Arena?

Or rather, players from other worlds…”

Li Ang thought at random and waved at Wang Congshan, who appeared in the audience, and said hello.

【Generating arena protection force field】

[The 30-second countdown to the duel]

The sound of the system was still steady, and soon a ripple appeared in the space in front of Li Ang,

A strange creature emerged from the void.

It was a giant three-tailed scorpion as big as a truck. The chitinous carapace on its body was shiny with black oil. It looked thick and sturdy.

The crab claw-like forelimbs on the front of the body are thick and powerful, and there is no doubt that special alloys can be easily pulverized into powder,

At the back of the body, there are three tails, each with barb-shaped spikes at the end, and the surface of the spikes flashes with blue light, which seems to be stained with deadly toxins.

Of course, the most interesting thing is the object on the back of the scorpion,

That’s four people put together,

Separately for men, women and children,

All of them are wearing brown coats, their faces are dull, their eyes are dull, and all eight hands are holding swords and weapons.

The surface of each weapon is covered with jewels, which does not look like a mundane object, giving people an inscrutable feeling.

An unseen opponent.

Li Ang tilted his head slightly, there are some extraordinary people on earth who will abandon their human appearance and become monsters,

But I’ve never seen one like this one.

It’s not so much a human as it is some kind of deformed creature resembling a synthetic beast that definitely doesn’t exist on Earth’s player list.

“A supernatural being from an alien planet?”

Li Ang raised his palm and took out the Colt revolver from the void. Taking advantage of the thirty-second countdown before the start of the duel, he waved to the opponent,

However, the strange creature did not respond.

In the audience, the players who saw this strange scorpion looked surprised,

Wang Congshan frowned slightly, and immediately took out her tablet and logged into the Special Affairs Bureau’s database to search for information.

During the off-season of the previous month, the Sky Arena was open as usual, and many players challenged and fought in it to get rewards. During the battle, they also encountered alien stars that were obviously not native to the earth. biology.

This Iron Scorpion is one of them.

As soon as it came out, it had a duel battle with a Lv25 Earth player.

The earth player, originally belonged to Prometheus,

After Prometheus Labs was merged and acquired by European Heavy Industries, it did not choose to remain loyal to European Heavy Industries, but instead carried important Prometheus data and samples and absconded directly.

That information is very important to European Heavy Industries, they sent a lot of manpower and resources to hunt down the operator,

But it’s all useless, the former Prometheus operator is experienced and powerful,

Repelled the pursuit of European heavy industry again and again, killed the killer assassins they sent, and lived in style and calm.

European Heavy Industry regards him as a thorn in the flesh, and keeps issuing bounties and hiring anyone to kill him. Several times, even at dawn, he participated in the siege and interception in a Kabini mecha, but he still let him get away and failed to put him away. His arrest was brought to justice.

The player is therefore included in the second tier.

His fighting skills are not necessarily strong, but there are definitely not many people who can control him calmly.

Until the Battle of Fate offseason.

“…this creature called the Iron Scorpion appeared in the offseason,

It disappears in place and appears in front of the opponent directly at the moment when the absolute protection countdown resets to zero. It cuts off the opponent’s neck with one claws, causing the opponent to die instantly, and it is too late to even surrender.

The other two battles with Earth players are the same,

Flash, kill, win.

The observation department of the Special Affairs Bureau didn’t even understand what extraordinary skills it used, whether it was skills, props, equipment, or racial talents…”

Wang Congshan looked at the information in the file, her eyelids twitched,

The depth of this creature is unknown and its strength is unknown. It is hard to say whether it is an intelligent life that humans can understand. It is really dangerous to face it in a hurry. She can’t help but feel for Li Ang’s safety

Especially after Wang Congshan noticed the sentence at the bottom of the document-

[If the contestants of the Special Affairs Bureau match with the Iron Scorpion in the preliminaries of the Battle of Life, it is recommended to release the detection skills and detection items at the end of the and then activate the Level 5 life-saving type device , observe the opponent’s action pattern, and use the data in the battle analysis of other companions]

The Special Affairs Bureau noticed during the offseason that the alien creatures that appeared in the Sky Arena during the offseason may be a terrible opponent for the follow-up schedule,

Detailed documentation for those powerful alien creatures,

All suggestions are to observe first, then fight,

It is better to surrender directly after encountering it, and do not fight an unprepared battle-after all, the preliminaries are competing with other players in the interior of the earth, and the safety is more guaranteed.

Even if it’s Zhongli Mieming, the first-tier player who can rank ninth on the power rankings before the battle for the door,

They also suggest this.

Wang Congshan quickly browsed through all the texts, and her anxiety slowly rose in her heart. She stood up without hesitation, released the Cardinal Rubik’s Cube, and summoned fine particles like pitch-black iron sand, which formed a line of large characters in the air and gave it to the players on the ring. Leon watched.

【Be careful of your opponent…】

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