Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 169: Schedule

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If what broke out in America was just a conflict,

Then in other places, it can already be called war.

In South America, the struggle between the European Heavy Industry Group and the American military-industrial complex is very difficult to see.

Officially go to war in cities, fields, and barren hills.

Forty middle and high level superhumans died in one day.

In order to gain an advantage in the war, the two sides even directly resorted to assassination to physically destroy the management of each other’s interest groups.

As for ordinary residents in South America, they flock to the few cities in South America with giant buildings, namely Sao Paulo, Lima, Rio de Janeiro, Santiago…

The population volume of these city buildings is far from being able to accommodate so many people coming from all directions,

The security team of the European Heavy Industries/American Military-Industrial Complex guarding the foot of the city building was transferred from abroad,

For these non-residents,

Not as “gentle” as their American counterparts.

If South American people dared to storm the guardrails of city buildings, they would use assault rifles and even machine guns to direct fire, driving the crowd into the original slums of the city.

It is impossible for interest groups such as the European heavy industry/American military-industrial complex to be so humanitarian and willing to send these ordinary people to the door world,

All South American people must stay in South America,

To ensure the stability of the new probability of player qualification.

And Australia,

Their government officials have not been able to get a door, but have built two modestly defended city towers in Sydney and Melbourne,

Australia’s wealthy and middle-class also seem to be aware of the combat effectiveness of the Australian military, so they applied for immigration early and moved to Europe or the United States,

As a result, vast lands of Australia have returned to Aboriginal hands – ironic.

The situation in Southeast Asia is not optimistic,

The long-term weakness of the local government makes it impossible to control the panic among the people,

At the same time as the conflict broke out in the United States, there was also a lot of smoke in Southeast Asia,

The careerist took the opportunity to take over the army and staged a coup,

There has been a wave of looting and looting in some big cities.

Fortunately, the Special Affairs Bureau started the evacuation campaign as early as a year ago. The overseas Chinese who are willing to return to China basically recognize the situation, abandon their fixed assets and return to their homeland.

Only a few Asians who hate their motherland and their own nation still insist on staying in Southeast Asia.

They are also one of the first to suffer from the conflict.

As for South Asia, there is little to say,

Whether it is Vietnam, Myanmar, or India and Bangladesh,

Unrest also broke out in their big cities,

On the contrary, in remote villages, there are not so many **** incidents for the time being-it will take a few days for the fools in the ignorant villages to react after the news is completely spread.

Then there will be another South Asian version of witch trials.

Europe, especially Central and Western Europe,

Also facing a major test,

Millions of refugees from West Asia, Africa, Eastern Europe,

Or by boat, or by car, or by foot,

Towards the borders of Germany, France, and Italy.

These refugees, on the one hand, suffered from the war, on the other hand, they also knew that they could only live in the city buildings.

So enter the developed European countries at all costs.

However, the move was met with a head-on.

Millions of millions of refugees on the border saw barbed wire full of spikes, concrete walls several meters high, searchlights everywhere,

And the heavily armed soldiers on the concrete wall.

European countries that warmly welcomed refugees a few years ago have now changed their faces,

No refugees from the bottom (not doctors, scientists, engineers) are allowed in.

Previously, European countries were willing to treat refugees kindly and show off at a huge price,

One is to cater to the politically correct white-left wave and reap political dividends,

The second is to obtain low-cost labor to make up for the population collapse caused by low fertility.

But now, the whole earth is about to become a battlefield, who cares about refugees.

Ensure that there are enough local residents to survive,

Only qualified to consider developing the country, accommodate more population, and gain more player qualifications.

As a result, European countries officially broadcast TV directly,

Declared martial law across the country, banned refugees from entering, and at the same time strictly screened undocumented refugees in the country and sent them back to their hometowns.

Any person who takes refugees or hides refugees without permission will be subject to criminal punishment of up to life imprisonment.

In the beginning, European residents who had long been influenced by politically correct culture could not accept these official measures in any way,

Some intellectuals even took to the streets to shout that the 20th century Axis dictatorships are back.

For these people, European officials only hold one statement – the right to live in the city buildings in Europe and the qualifications for immigration to the world are very limited,

Available only to a subset of nationals.

Anyone who shelters and accommodates refugees is compromising other citizens’ right to live in city buildings and their right to immigrate to the world.

Death yourself, or die refugees.

The vast majority of European residents who are accustomed to seeing reports of all sorts of strange and unusual events obediently shut their mouths and choose to ignore the so-called human rights of refugees.

The mutation will really make people unable to survive or die.

Compared with this fear, the showy sympathy in human nature is nothing to mention.

Only a very small number of Europeans are still determined to speak up for the refugees who are in trouble on the border,

Small demonstrations were held in city buildings demanding that the authorities open the border to accommodate those poor refugees.

The fate of these people is very simple – kicked out of city buildings, or jailed for violating public security regulations.

As many players expected, during these three days,

The world is suffering from turmoil and war,

Almost a million people died.

And due to the collective shrinking of overseas military forces and overseas rescue efforts by major powers, their ships have been transferred to China,

The Global Occult Coalition and the World Health Organization of the United Nations, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, etc., are difficult to support,

Cannot send enough food, medicine and manpower to underdeveloped areas such as Africa.

In the next few days,

More people will starve to death.

Just a preview of a version update to kill the game, wiped out hundreds of thousands of Earth’s population,

Until the situation stabilizes, there may be more casualties on Earth than World War I and World War II combined…

Even the most optimistic sociologists and economists believe that the concept of the global village is gone forever.

Human civilization has returned to the situation in which they cut off contact with each other before the era of great voyages.


“Zi Liu…”

At the exit of Yin City City Building, Li Ang leaned against the street light pole and slowly sipped milk tea.

Wang Congshan also stood next to him holding a cup of milk tea, and the two watched the long queue, full of passengers, leaving the city building and heading north.

The Special Affairs Bureau and the Abnormal Society finally made a decision to move most of the residents to the door world,

A small number of residents who are willing to stay on Earth are concentrated in a few city buildings.

“They’ve all moved.”

Li Ang looked at the dense traffic that exited the gate side by side and said with emotion: “I didn’t expect it to be so fast.”


Wang Congshan put down the milk tea and said sadly, “It’s only been a year, and I feel like everything has changed.

First the towns were abolished, then the city buildings, and now they were collectively relocated to the door world.

I don’t know when this upheaval will end. “


Li Ang thought about it and asked, “Where are your parents?”

“Already relocated. The family’s passage was taken, and the colony in the first district of the New World was arranged.

I have been to that place before. The natural environment is much better than the earth. There are large virgin jungles, rivers, lakes and seas. The air is fresh and the products are rich.

That is, the wild animals are dense and vicious, and ordinary people still have to live in city buildings. “

Wang Congshan waved her hand dashingly, but there was still a hint of worry on her face.

The communication between the door world and the real world is realized by consuming the energy of the door holder,

This also means that the more powerful the Transcendent, the more tolls he has to spend to buy the road, and the more difficult it is to traverse the two worlds at will.

Fate is unpredictable,

After this separation, I don’t know when we will be able to meet again.

“You said that life would be better now if it never killed the game?”

Wang Congshan looked into the distance, staring at the gate exit, those people who were reluctant to part from the car window, whispered: “The villages and towns still exist, and everyone’s daily life is still playing with their mobile phones and swiping Douyin. Weibo, playing games,

We should still be preparing for the college entrance examination…”

“I don’t have to prepare for battle.”

Li Ang grinned and said casually, “Just wear a sweater during the exam.”

Wang Congshan tilted her head, “Eh? Sweater?”

Li Ang said as it should be: “I’m taking the test, but if I find that I can’t answer the question, just eat a sweater.”

“Make yourself full of acrylic, and you can answer any question, right?”

Wang Congshan’s eyes twitched, and Li Ang immediately gave a thumbs up and praised: “It really is the roundworms, pinworms, tapeworms, whipworms, hookworms, and strongyloides in my stomach.

A thumbs up for you. “

Wang Congshan rolled her eyes, “Why don’t I feel praised at all? Do you have to use such disgusting words to praise people?”

“It’s disgusting for people who repeat words.”

Li Ang curled his lips and said casually: “If there is no game, and everyone has a normal college entrance examination, what university and what major are you going to apply for?”


Wang Congshan tilted her head and thought about it. When they were promoted to the third year of high school this year, the teacher asked all the students to fill in their ideal wishes,

But at that time Wang Congshan also became a player and just missed it.

“Maybe a literature major?”

She said somewhat uncertainly: “Oh, I don’t know, I haven’t thought about it.

How about you? “

Li Ang thought for a while, “As a local candidate in Yin City, you must give priority to applying to local schools. For example, Yin City Experimental Middle School.”

“Where are you putting this on?”

Wang Congshan reluctantly said, “Classic repeating grades, right?”

“More like a school probation.”

Li Ang waved his hand and said casually: “Of course, with my ingenuity, even if I stay in school, I can set off a wave of resistance from the bottom up,

It shouldn’t be a problem to be a class teacher. “

Wang Congshan rolled her eyes, “So you can write comments on the students’ exam papers in an open and honest way, right?”

Beep! beep!

A long whistle sounded at the distant gate passage,

The high-speed train drove out of the city building and galloped towards the north.

The heat of the milk tea rises slowly, blurring the air,

The two of them were silent for a while looking at the spectacle of human migration far exceeding the Spring Festival.

Li Ang’s eyes flickered, not knowing what he was thinking.


The watch on Wang Congshan’s wrist vibrated, and it was finally time to update the version of the killing game.

Lee Ang stopped leaning on the telephone pole, stood up straight and looked into the distance.

No earth shakes, no visions, everything is extraordinarily peaceful.

“News from the front, the Sky Arena has appeared.”

Wang Congshan took a deep breath and pressed the watch button,

The small hole on the side of the watch immediately casts a holographic projection.

The holographic projection shows a vast ocean,

Dozens of aircraft carriers and warships from different countries and forces are hovering in the waters.


At the moment when the clock hands returned to twelve o’clock, the sea surface churned like a An unimaginably huge white tower pierced the sea water and rose out from below the sea surface.

Hundred meters, kilometers,

The huge white tower towered into the clouds, and a huge amount of sea water fell from the surface of the tower, hitting the vast bedrock below that rose out of the sea with the tower.

The version update of the killing field game has created a large island directly in the center of the Pacific Ocean.

The buildings on the island are also the sky arena in the game square.

Without any hesitation, the ships of various countries that had been waiting in the surrounding waters for a long time immediately sailed towards the island,

Send the crew on the boat to board the island full of black reefs, follow the passage, and head towards the sky arena.

For governments and ordinary people, the new version of Sky Arena allows ordinary people to have the opportunity to be promoted to players, so it is particularly important,

For players such as Li Ang,

Their focus is on the personal menu.

The schedule of the Battle of the Fate has finally been announced. It is divided into three stages, the preliminaries, the semi-finals and the finals.

In the preliminaries, the player’s task is to go to the sky arena, participate in the one-on-one arena, and make their arena layers as high as possible.

The top 2000 players in the final score will advance to the next round.

The semi-final stage will also be held in the Sky Arena, but in a more diverse form, including one-on-one deathmatch, team mode, random matching mode, and even a scripted mission mode.

Two or more teams fight each other to win.

Finally, the system will evaluate and select the top 1000 players to advance to the finals.

And this time, the killing game directly mentioned in the update description, the final will be the same as the battle for the door, it will be a competition with players from other worlds, and the scale will be larger.

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