Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 168: Revenge

A mule leans against the window of a high-rise hotel in Chicago, Illinois, United States, looking down at the city streetscape.

It’s a bit reluctant to say it’s a street view, at this moment,

The streets of the former Seattle city are full of American people who are holding demonstrations.

They wore sunglasses and masks of various colors, covering their eyes, mouth and nose,

Wear body armor, protective clothing,

Rifle weapon on shoulder and back,

Holding up wooden signs with slogans, banners, and the American Stars and Stripes, they strode toward the city tower.

With the help of various forces, the news of the upcoming version update of the game is still leaked out,

Known by ordinary people around the world.

In order to prevent the rumors from deviating and causing even worse repercussions, the Global Occult Coalition had to hold a press conference to release the full text of the updated content of the killing game in the name of the United Nations.

But it didn’t work very well.

After such a long period of edification, most ordinary people around the world already know the basic operating mechanism of the killing game,

It is very clear that the words [will dynamically increase the intensity of regular tasks] in the version update will trigger a new round of more terrifying mutations on a global scale.

Emotions of panic, despair, grief and anger spread among the people,

No one can stay calm in the midst of the upheaval of the world-

This is different from the last doomsday predictions in 2012 or the millennium,

The large-scale mutation caused by the killing game can be seen and touched,

In the past two years, people have watched the news of death and injury cases constantly being broadcast, and some relatives and friends were also involved and died silently.

2012 or the end of the millennium prophecy, at best, everyone will die together,

While killing a game, it can make it impossible for people to survive and die.

The panic was brewing and accumulating, and finally a jar of deadly poisonous wine was brewed, which finally broke out at this moment.

The mule leaned against the windowsill, calmly overlooking the streetscape below.

More and more people in Seattle are walking out of buildings and apartments to join the demonstrations.

Suddenly, they did not have time to formulate a unified parade slogan and purpose,

But as they walked, they were discussing and talking, clarifying the demands of everyone.

“Open city buildings! Open doors to the world! Safeguard civil rights! Fairness! Fairness! We need fairness!”

Messy shouts rang out from the parade,

This sentiment spreads and spreads through word of mouth along the well-connected city streets.

From scattered to neat,

From weak to powerful.

“That’s at least… a million people?”

The mule glanced over, and with the eyes under the props, quickly calculated the total number of people participating in the demonstrations on the street.

This time the parade,

More violent than all previous marches (including the one on the City Tower project),

Not just Seattle, but other major American cities,

New York, Los Angeles, Houston…

There are also waves of parades breaking out one after another.

Fair but unfair city tower projects are prime targets for discontent.

Only the rich and powerful, high-level intellectuals, and a few lucky draws are eligible to live in the city buildings with clearly marked prices,

Others will continue to live elsewhere.

Although this change has caused housing prices in big cities to plummet, ordinary middle-class people can live in the most upscale neighborhoods,

But everyone knows that if you continue to stay outside, you will only allow yourself and your family to die silently.

The mule stretched out his fingernails and flicked the glass window lightly, cracking the tempered glass easily, falling out of the window, and fell on the ground at the hotel entrance, blown into a ground of glass fragments,

Strictly speaking, mules are still American,

Contrary to what people in other parts of the world imagine, the American people are quite…contradictory,

On the one hand, they can set off a wave of protests sweeping the United States because of the black man being knelt down by the police,

Hundreds of thousands of marches could be held in support of or against abortion.

On the other hand, they can also turn a blind eye to some long-standing bad phenomena in society,

Like the amazing annual disappearances in Indian settlements,

Forty-seven of the fifty states in the United States allow child marriage,

Such as Benghazi Incident, Mailgate Incident, Prism Door Incident…

These events that truly distorted the spirit of the American Constitution,

It would be better if a black man was killed by a police officer, or a congressman proposed to ban abortion, etc.

It can attract the attention of the American people and cause a wave of opposition.

The mule couldn’t help showing a mocking, indifferent smile,

She has a deep understanding of the eccentric psychology of the American people,

Under long-term edification and brainwashing, the American people can only see what the upper class wants them to see, and only want to see what they want to see.

Even if the city building has a price tag,

These Americans, who have long accepted the spirit of “the sanctity of private property,” “liberal democracy,” and “resistance to nanny government,” are also likely to resign, admitting that the rich are more qualified than them to live in a safe house City Building.

They don’t think about why American officials don’t make policies to protect the poor as much as possible,

I think about how to make myself rich and how to make myself eligible to live in a city mansion.

The government of the United States has no power to compel or assign the people what to do, so the people have no reason to force or assign the government to do something,

They think so, and they think so.

So the mule added another fire.

She released news of the door world in the hands of America.

The intelligence broker looked on the city below,

The crowd of protesters gradually gathered along the street, walked towards the city building, and bumped into the police team and the army who were on guard.

Conflict is inevitable,

The parade is like a thick wall,

Crashed into a guardrail set up by the police force.

Those Americans, wearing masks, sunglasses, and holding the Stars and Stripes, swayed wildly at the guardrail and shouted at the police officers who were waiting behind the guardrail.

“I worked hard for America for 40 years! I paid taxes for 40 years! Why don’t you tell us the truth!”

“I’m an Afghan veteran! I broke my leg, disfigured, and earned the National Medal of Honor for America! Look what they did to me!”

“The government has a whole new world to immigrate to! Why not tell us! Why not let us migrate!”

“You love America, does America love you?!”

A heated quarrel echoed over Seattle and almost every American city.

The mule tilted his head, as one of the best intelligence brokers in the world,

She has her own channels of information.

After several detours, I finally found the information about the world of Doors from the most secret military bases and research facilities in the United States.

During the last door fight, David was rewarded with a door as a member of the FBI’s Unusual Incidents Unit.

The door world in his hands, although unlike the previous ones, is a colony planet with superior environment and abundant resources. With a little modification, the population can be relocated at will.

But in theory, it can still accommodate a population of 500 million,

And to ensure that all residents can live a dignified life, have enough food and clothing, not suffer from cold and starvation, and their living standards are the same as before the killing game.

The reason why the U.S. government has been hiding the news,

On the one hand, it’s because they don’t want to expose the news of the world in their hands and let other organizations have an assessment,

On the other hand, they don’t want the public to know.

First of all, the selection rate of players in the door world is only 12% of the real world,

If the group relocates, it means the loss of future potential.

Secondly, the living space of the door world in David’s hands is relatively limited, and the ideal population model is fifty million.

Fifty million scientists, engineers, soldiers.

Among them, there is not much room left for ordinary people (especially ordinary people whose education level is not high enough).

Again, the factories, arsenals, military bases and financial institutions on the earth cannot lack sufficient personnel to maintain them,

A collective relocation is equivalent to a semi-permanent relinquishment of the Earth’s hegemony.

In addition, there are various reasons,

For example, some behind-the-scenes classes in America hope to take this opportunity to make the American racial population more… pure.

Clear out some people of color.

For example, they have developed relatively efficient cloning technology with unlimited potential,

In the future, it can provide more excellent colonial talents for the new world behind the door,

There is no need for these “defectives” on Earth.

The Mule integrates all classified information and selectively publishes information after the update of the Killing Field game.

Desperate Americans who feel abandoned and fooled,

Under the impetus of mules and some people with a heart, they embarked on the road of demonstrations.

They came from all directions, crowded under the city buildings,

Desperately shaking the horse-rejecting fence,

Roars and roars at officers in blast suits holding assault rifles (loaded with rubber bullets).


Finally, a gunshot broke the threshold of protest.

I don’t know who fired first,

I don’t know why the gun was fired,

After the gunshots, the sound of gunshots resounded throughout the city.

The chronic proliferation of guns,

As well as the help of private arms dealers such as mules,

Let the common people have firepower no less than the army,

They fired at towering city buildings, at roadside shops that had long since closed, and at heavily armed police forces.

Conflict broke out,

Rubber bullets, tear gas and water cannons, which have always been ineffective in the past, are useless in the face of a fully upgraded population – some of whom wear full-coverage hazmat suits,

Some people even drove a single-person mecha produced by the European Heavy Industry Group,

Withstands a rain of rubber bullets fired from a machine gun.

“It’s like a carnival.”

The mule casually lowered his legs on the windowsill, bent his body, got out of the window, and stood on the slap-wide sill.

As assessed by intelligence traders,

The conflict is not one-sided.

Police officers and troops of the United States, well-trained and well-equipped,

However, the equipment of the protesters was also updated, and they held a large number of heavy weapons,

There are also some people who swallowed the genetic medicine and temporarily possessed extraordinary power.

Guns, cannons, explosions, roars, wailing.

The protest scene, which was orderly just now, has become a battlefield,

Blood from countless people mingles and flows to the sewers on both sides of the street.

“Tonight, and for the next three days, people will die all over the world, and many, many people will die.”

The mule gave a silent assessment in his heart, stepped on the soles of his feet, and jumped onto the roof of the hotel.

A wave of conflict erupted across the United States,

Successfully diverted the attention of the FBI’s Unusual Incidents Unit, as well as other intelligence agencies,

All monitoring satellites are closely watching the conflict scene,

The vast majority of American extraordinary people have been urgently mobilized and dispatched to key positions to protect the national interests of the United States.

Unnoticed, the mule drew an oddly shaped heavy sniper rifle from the void.

[Name: Gun of Revenge]

[Type: Weapon/Consumable]

【Quality: Perfect】

【Attack Power: High】

[Special effect: fires untraceable, unstoppable, undefendable magic-breaking bullets at enemies that have a grudge against the user]

[Consumption: 500 spiritual power points]

[Cooldown: None]

【Conditions of use: level higher than or equal to lv25】

[Note: The magic-breaking bullet can be fired at the same time, and the power depends on the amount of spiritual power invested. The bullet is invisible and intangible, the farther the distance, the higher the flight speed]

[Note: The user needs to clearly know the location of all enemy targets. After the launch, the fixed revenge gun will be automatically destroyed]

[Note: The noblest revenge is tolerance. But unfortunately, I don’t want to be noble]

This sniper rifle is pitch black and has an extremely bulky silencer mounted on the muzzle.

The mule took a deep breath and took out a list from the void, with a dozen pictures of people.

The paper on the list was crumpled and looked like it was more than a decade old,

It is filled with many names,

Most of these have been crossed out, and the remaining names are all high-level figures in America today.

And those pictures of people are also “survivors” on the list.

The mule silently put the sniper rifle on his shoulder on the edge of the roof,

My mind is racing.

She thought of the dead family members, the big people who ruined her family, and the injustice she had encountered over the years.

Many years of operation, long-term planning, and finally an opportunity,

One, all high-level figures in the United States, because of the sudden wave of nationwide protests, and the opportunity to take refuge in underground bunkers.

“…wish me luck.”

The mule let out a slow breath and finally glanced at the photos before pulling the trigger resolutely.


The muzzle of the heavy sniper rifle suddenly burst into bright red flames, and more than a dozen invisible bullets flew out of the muzzle, centered on the rooftop of the Chicago Hotel, flying towards all parts of the United States.

Revenge, right now.


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