Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 167: Surgery

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Gynecological Holy Hand? What do you want to do?

Miss Chai’s face is blinded, but she can’t stand still, hurting Wei Yueyan’s force,

I had no choice but to turn around and said in a stern tone, “You guys, who are the gynecologists.”

The crowd looked at each other, but no one said a word.

Suddenly, the Queen of Swordsman stepped softly in front of her, her huge body almost fell to her knees,

I hurriedly chiseled into the pavement with two hand knives and stood up.

Her bulging waist and abdomen began to wriggle constantly, turbid blood continued to seep out of the gap in the bone armor in front of her waist, and her broad back spasmed and twitched like a wave.

The knives and ghosts around the crowd are restless,

These deformed monsters, which are slightly shorter than ordinary people, keep hitting the ground with their long knives, and they let out low-pitched threatening roars.


The Queen of Knives and Ghosts let out a long roar, stopping the restlessness of her subordinates,

She lowered her head, raised the door-like bone knife, pointed to the crowd, and pointed to her bulging waist.

The meaning is obvious, she is about to give birth and needs help.

Miss Chai, who was standing at the front of the team, took a deep breath and read to the crowd according to the subtitles projected by Li Ang: “What about doctors in other subjects?”

There was still no response. After a long while, Li Ang raised his hand hesitantly and said tremblingly, “I…”


Wei’s father and Wei’s mother were a little surprised, “Xiao Xu, aren’t you a photographer?”

Li Ang replied with a wry smile: “I graduated from a medical university with a five-year clinical medicine program. I didn’t go to graduate school due to an accident. I became a monk halfway through and did photography.”

Anyway, the situation is urgent, and it is difficult for the other party to carefully ask what “something went wrong” as the future father-in-law and mother-in-law, so he can only watch Li Ang walk out of the team and come to Miss Chai.

“What do you want me to do?” Li Ang asked nervously, rubbing his hands.

“Oh, don’t worry, it’s not that difficult.”

Miss Chai snorted coldly, and according to the line, she raised her chin towards the Queen of Swordsmen, “Look at her abdomen bulging and sinking, uterine contractions, rupture of amniotic fluid, regular back spasms and twitching, obvious is about to give birth.

If you know gynecology, go up and give her a baby. “


Li Ang looked horrified, “I haven’t had surgery for many years,

And, ghosts… ghosts also deliver babies? “

“Why can’t ghosts have children? Huh?”

Miss Chai frowned and scolded: “If you want to do it, you can do it, there is so much nonsense.”

“Yes yes yes.”

Li Ang nodded as if pounding garlic. Under the instruction of Miss Chai, he took a flashlight and went to the roadside, preparing to fetch various tools from the ambulance.

In order to prevent the swordsmen on both sides of the road from violently injuring people, Wei Linglan also followed with a grenade launcher.

While prying open the back door of the ambulance, Wei Linglan said apologetically to Li Ang: “Sorry, I’m implicated this time.”

“It doesn’t matter, doing things with money is my creed.”

Li Ang shook his head, forced a smile, and removed the disposable gloves, trauma kit, portable suction device, suction catheter, and medical first aid kit from the ambulance.

Seeing how busy he was, Wei Linglan, who was standing outside the car, pursed her lips and asked, “By the way, you are a high school student, right? Can you really deliver?”


Li Ang explained vaguely, “I used to like to read all kinds of miscellaneous books. After reading a lot of books, I know a little about these strange things.

What postpartum care and maintenance of sows, lawn cleaning, silkworm chrysalis breeding, police dog training, etc.

I can’t tell you how much I understand, it’s just half a bucket of water.

The body structure of a goblin….is not much different from that of a pig…isn’t it? “


Wei Linglan blinked, suddenly feeling that this mission might be over.

Seeing her nervous appearance, Li Ang comforted: “Don’t worry, when I performed gastric bypass surgery on Rhubarb downstairs, I used the technique very fast, and I could only see afterimages,

Everyone calls me Lord of the Shadow Stream. “

“…You performed gastric bypass surgery on a dog?” Wei Linglan’s expression was a little distorted.

Li Ang was even more inexplicable, “Who said Rhubarb is a dog?”

Wei Linglan shook her head, threw her messy thoughts aside, and whispered to Li Ang: “If the situation is critical later, you and Shanshan must stay by my side, and I will do my best to take you out. .”


Li Ang nodded, put on the first responder’s protective suit, put on a mask, put all the medical tools into the stretcher cloth, and jumped out of the back of the ambulance.

Under the icy gaze of the swordsmen and ghosts, the two returned to their original places.

At this time, the Queen of Swordsman’s condition further deteriorated,

Her howls were weak, her feet were completely paralyzed, her body leaned to one side, and she relied on two bone knives to support her weight.

The distended abdomen was like a water balloon that was about to burst, with blood dripping from the gaps in the bone armor.

In an emergency, Li Ang put on disposable gloves for himself, raised his hands, and walked forward slowly.

The Queen of Swordsman subconsciously moved the arm of the bone knife, and the surrounding group of ghosts howled and was about to charge forward. Fortunately, the Queen glanced at them in time and stopped the group of ghosts from charging.

A group of knives stood in the same place impatiently, constantly smashing the ground with the tip of their knives, as if shouting “Let her live! Let her live!”

Listening to the voices of the crowd, Li Ang let out a breath of foul breath, approached slowly, and uncovered the bone armor to investigate the situation.

“The fetus is too large and abnormally positioned, leading to dystocia.”

Li Ang turned his head and calmly said to Chai Cuiqiao and Wei Linglan, “Prepare for a cesarean section.”


The two women were a little stunned. Shouldn’t this be a script for an upgrade of fighting monsters?

This style is wrong.

Li Ang didn’t explain much, and asked them to lay a sterile sheet on the ground, and then brought down the Queen of Swordsman and made her lie on her back on the sterile sheet.

Because she couldn’t figure out the physical structure of the other party, Li Ang directly injected her with an elephant dose of anesthesia. After the anesthesia took effect, she cut her skin and muscles.

The physiology of the swordsman is not fundamentally different from that of humans, but it has some strange organs.

If there were no outsiders present, Li Ang, in the spirit of prioritizing scientific research, would probably have taken out the camera and clicked the record button on the left to start recording the operation of this bureau.

After the cesarean section the fetus in the other’s belly is also a magnetic knife, obviously just a baby, the forehead is not so prominent, the arms and legs have not completely degenerated into bone knives,

Curled up in the fetal membranes, like a little tiger.

Li Ang’s face remained unchanged, he punctured the fetal membrane, washed the amniotic fluid, stretched out his hand to support the head of the fetus, and took it out.

I have to say that ghosts are ghosts, and the fetuses of knife-laboring ghosts have already shown ferocious ferocity.

Even if Li Ang was holding him upside down, his sharp arms were unconsciously waving, almost cutting Li Ang.

“This giant baby is very strong.”

Li Ang couldn’t help but praised: “I’m also lucky, I have a Yinshi household registration right after I was born.”

Wei Linglan said dryly: “For it…hukou is not important.”

“Nonsense, hukou is very important.”

Li Angyi said sternly: “I remember when I sent Guanyin to drop babies around the world, I didn’t choose the location, and I regret it when I think about it carefully.”


Wei Linglan smacked her mouth, “Cut the umbilical cord.”

Li Ang nodded, picked up the scissors and cut off the umbilical cord, put the newly-born knife worker on the sterile sheet, took out the placenta, and quickly sutured seven or eight layers of wounds with needles and threads.

In a moment, the anesthesia effect disappeared, and the Queen of Swordsman stood up tremblingly. The injuries on her waist and abdomen healed quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The giant baby lying at her feet followed her mother’s footsteps and climbed up her back.

“Mother and son are safe.”

Li Ang nodded in relief, “Fortunately, I didn’t cut the artery this time, otherwise I would have to buy a bottle of Pulse to get the artery back.

Alas, poor rhubarb. Hope he is happy down there now. “

So what did you do to rhubarb? ! !

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