Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 159: Justice

Latest URL: Now it’s your turn, Mr. Mo Da.

This sentence was uttered on this occasion, like a threat, like a coercion,

But Bateman’s tone was flat and straight, without ups and downs.

Everyone in the audience was terrified. Some martial arts heroes standing on the edge of the crowd and near the woodland looked at the deep pits that appeared in the forest.

Looking at the fuzzy flesh hanging on the tree,

Screamed in panic,

Shoving into the crowd.

It’s not like they haven’t seen Palm Thunder, they also use Thunderbolt frequently,

But like this, the “palm mine” that can blow people into fuzzy flesh, not even a piece of iron armor,

Unheard, unseen.

On the ring,

The slender old man in green shirt with a thin face like tree bark was silent for a while, looked at the iron rod in Bateman’s hand and said, “What is in your hand, is it a hidden weapon?”


Betterman nodded, “This thing is called a gun.”


The spear is the head of a hundred soldiers. The handle is longer than the blade, and the center is straight and straight. It can be agile and quick, unpredictable, and can move like a thunder, with a force like a thunderbolt.

There is no shortage of good guns in the audience, but no one has heard of any guns that look like this.

As if in response to the great silence, Bateman calmly introduced: “M16A4 assault rifle, caliber 5.56×45mm, full gun length 1000mm, 6 right-handed rifled, 178mm wrapping distance, theoretical rate of fire 700~900RPM, Muzzle kinetic energy 1765k. Magazine capacity 30 rounds.”

His tone was unwavering, as if two swordsmen met by a narrow path, introducing their weapons before the battle.


Mo Da didn’t understand what Bateman said, but many years of wandering experience in the rivers and lakes allowed him to see through some things that ordinary people can’t see through his deep feelings.

For example, Bateman did not lie, for example, Yu Canghai, who was lying on the ground, was guilty, for example, the M16A4 assault rifle was a murder weapon.

“Since it is a hidden weapon, then there are brackets and projectiles,”

Mr. Mo Da said with a bright eye: “There are projectiles, which means they will be exhausted.

The hidden weapon in your hand will eventually run out. “


Betterman admitted this pointlessly, “Mr. Mo Da, Abbot Xuanci, and Daoist Chongxu are unfathomable and unfathomable. Since they have seen the mechanism of action of the spear in my hand, they will not be left in the dark. Generally, they rush up in a daze,

You will hide, you will run away, you will avoid the muzzle of the gun.

Although seven steps away, the gun is fast,

Within seven steps, the gun is accurate and fast.

But if all three escape, I don’t have all the confidence that I can hit all three in one magazine without wasting too many bullets.

So, I won’t shoot you…”

Betterman aimed his gun at the Shaolin monks, Wudang Taoists and Hengshan disciples under the ring.

“If you flee, I will shoot them.

At this distance, you will never be able to support each other. “

Betterman said: “The three are all decent leaders, and they would not risk their disciples being slaughtered out of fear of being tested by kindness.

Escape alone. “

Battman’s words were extraordinarily calm, and he didn’t care about whether he, who was born to reward the good and punish the evil, was at odds with what he said and did now.

Mr. Mo Da was silent for a long time, and the disciples of the Hengshan faction below the ring were full of fear, sorrow and anger, and many people roared out, “The leader must not listen to the evil slander,

Even if we are smashed to pieces, we don’t want to drag the head down…”


Mr. Mo Da finally opened his mouth, with a look of sadness on his withered face, and said faintly: “A long time ago, I also doubted Zuo Lengchan and Yu Canghai as people,

But I can’t fight against the power by myself. Open confrontation is futile. I will only let my disciples accompany me to fall into the abyss.

I had no choice but to take the qin and walk far and wide. Facing the tumultuous world, I saw evil people on the road and killed them, and saw good deeds and helped them.

I can’t kill Dongfang Undefeated, I can’t kill Zuo Lengchan, I can’t kill Yu Canghai, so I have to kill some bandits to relieve my sorrow and depression.

The body is already there, but the heart is dying early,

In that case, let me, the rotten corpse, come first. “

After saying that, he inserted the rapier in his hand back into the huqin, took two steps forward, and squatted on the ground,

Print the palm of your hand into a kind heart.

Batman froze for a moment, then took three steps back respectfully,

I saw Shan Xinyi’s light flashing, and soon a soft female voice came from the tin box,

“On March 3rd of the eleventh year of Hongzhi, I took advantage of the night to break into the Dulong Village alone, killing eleven bandits in the mountains.

On May 19, 11th year of Hongzhi, I took advantage of the night to break into the house of the magistrate of Anning County, killing one of the magistrates…”

Mr. Mo Da is very old, and his murder experience is richer than that of Yu Canghai.

There was an uproar in the audience as they heard a lot of familiar names.

The green forest hero of Hedong Road,

Hexi Road’s Sun Moon God Sect undercover,

Mr. Mo Da not only killed road robbers and robbers in the city, but also killed rogues, evil officials, and even officials and county magistrates! Kill the famous and decent young heroes!

A pile of **** cases sealed in history were exposed one by one by Shan Xinyi,

There was also a noisy discussion mixed with anger and confusion in the audience – many of the names mentioned by Shan Xinyi just now were acquaintances and even relatives and friends of the people present.

And the disciples of the Hengshan School in the audience turned pale,

I don’t know if they are worried about the fate of Mr. Mo Da, or if they are afraid of the leader who they admire and respect, and who don’t eat human fireworks, they will be a murderous monster.


With a clear sound, Shan Xinyi finally ended her evaluation of Mr. Mo Da.

“The value of your guilt detected is -50 points, and the evaluation is prudent and selfish. It is recommended to reward Guiyuan Dan.”


Hearing this comment, the clamor from the audience was even louder,

Among them, many of their friends and relatives died quietly under the sword of Mr. Mo Da,

And Mr. Mo Da and Yu Canghai are equally murderous. Why does Yu Canghai suffer from Ling Chi, but Mr. Mo Da is safe and sound?

Speaking of Ling Chi,

The wailing on the ring has gradually subsided. Yu Canghai no longer has any good meat on his back. His whole body shrank into a ball like a boiled shrimp, and his face was distorted to the extreme.

It’s not that he doesn’t have pain anymore, but it’s so painful that he can’t cry out – the strange machine in the shape of a bat, injected with medicine, blocked his screams and multiplied the pain he suffered.

The corner of Mr. Mo Da’s eyes swept over Yu Canghai, who was lying on the ground, and a hint of surprise appeared on his bark-like face.

“You can’t go wrong with kindness,”

Betterman shook his head and said, “Although Mr. Mo Da did not stand up to openly confront Zuo Lengchan, Yu Canghai and others, this is due to the current situation.

The manpower is declining and it is difficult to compete with the general trend, so be yourself, keep your original heart, and shine a faint light alone in the dark.

Even if it’s just to remove a small evil and do a small good,

It is much better than finding various reasons for oneself, willingly soaking oneself in filth and self-deprecation. “

Speaking of which, Bateman pulled his palm behind his back, from under the cloak that seemed to be a bottomless pit,

Take out an elixir and hand it to Mr. Mo Da, “Please.”

Mr. Mo Da was silent for a moment. The knights and women on the rivers and lakes all like to go to the bright and beautiful capitals and big cities.

There are goulan and tile houses, there are rouge square boats, there are poetic and picturesque, and there are free and easy.

He is the only one who has been walking on farmland and deserted mountain paths for many years, fighting against those humble gangsters who do evil in the dirt,

An enemy of those so-called knights who pursue their own selfish desires in the name of a noble family.

At this moment, when he heard the kind evaluation given by Shanxinyi, his mood was even more energetic and cheerful than when he was entrusted by his teacher and served as the head of the Hengshan School.

Step forward a few steps, take the pill in one hand, and swallow it directly.


The gigantic pills were difficult to swallow in the throat, and once they reached the abdomen, they dissipated immediately, and turned into a gentle warm current that flowed all over the body.

Exclamations sounded around,

Mr. Mo Da glanced at himself left and right, and found that the white hair on his head fell off and was replaced by black hair,

Describes the withered face, the wrinkles like ravines are also rapidly plumping and plumping.

The wounds accumulated over the years healed on their own, and the palms were firm and strong again. When the white hair fell on his head, Mr. Mo Da seemed to be thirty or forty years younger and returned to his prime.

“Returning old and young… Is your Excellency really a fairy?”

Mr. Mo Da asked a question subconsciously, but Bateman laughed dumbly: “How can there be an immortal who takes the form of a bat in the world, even Zhang Guolao, one of the Eight Immortals, is only a white bat spirit, /

Eight poles can’t hit. “

Daoist Chongxu, who had been silent for a long time, finally broke the silence. He stepped forward and put his palm on Shanxinyi.

As always, Shan Xinyi began to assess the good and evil of the head of the Wudang sect.

“July 7th in the thirteenth year of Hongzhi…”

Compared to Mr. Yu Canghai and Mr. Yu Moda, Daoist Chongxu’s murder experience is not rich, and can even be said to be barren.

He killed more people from the Sun Moon God Cult, or the gangsters and bullies who had been rampant in the rivers and lakes for a long time.

Finally Shanxin gave a review,

“The detected sin value is -15 points, and the evaluation is no evil or small good. It is recommended that there be no reward and no punishment.”

Daoist Chongxu raised his palm silently, looked at Mr. Mo Da, and sighed slightly to express his approval.

The Wudang sect was at its peak during the period of Zhang Sanfeng and Zhang Junbao.

However, Zhang Junbao’s practice of imitation and Taoism is wonderful, but his disciples are not as good as the next generation.

When it comes to Daoist Chongxu’s generation, he can only barely maintain it, keep the inheritance of Taiji swordsmanship and Taijiquan, and can’t even fight against the faint strife of the Songshan faction, so he can only kill bandits occasionally.

A person who is kind and willing to evaluate is not wronged.

Seeing that Mr. Mo Da is getting old and young,

Seeing that Daoist Chongxu, who has always been known for his uprightness and modesty, recognized Shanxinyi’s evaluation,

Some people in the audience felt even more desperate.

They know very well what they’ve done over the years,

Murder and set fire, burn, kill and loot, as long as they are not known, then they are still heroes and heroes.

Take a step back and say, even if they haven’t done anything that hurts innocent people,

They also did the act of hiding and turning a blind eye to each other – people in the martial arts, involuntarily, many things are not black and white, and can be explained in a few words.

Mr. Mo Da and Daoist Chongxu are recognized as good people in the rivers and lakes. These two can pass the kindness test and can be recognized by the ghost-like bat spirit.

But they may not have such good luck in the audience.

Frightened, some martial artists on the edge of the crowd raised their inner strength, jumped into the jungle, and kicked several times on the tree trunk,

Trying to escape the forest by stepping on the trunk without touching the ground.

However, it wasn’t long before they escaped when they heard a “clanging” sound.

The tripwire tied to the tree trunk rang.

The explosion shook the sky, and the fire was everywhere,

Fearing that their sins would be discovered and trying to escape, all those in the martial arts were blasted into the sky.

“As I said, no one can escape.”

Betterman said something lightly, unlike sarcasm, released Zuo Lengchan from his hand, and pressed the latter’s palm on Shanxinyi.

With the soft female voice in the iron box, everyone present was once again in shock,

Zuo Lengchan killed a lot of people, even more than Mr. Mo Da and Yu Canghai, but he did not do it himself, but handed it over to his subordinates.

And the people he killed were not only demons, but also famous and decent.

Mr. Mo Da and Daoist Chongxu looked at each other, and he knew in his heart that Zuo Lengchan had always wanted to be the leader of the Five Sacred Mountains and the Wulin League. The faction was integrated into the largest martial arts faction, and even faintly overwhelmed Shaolin and the Beggar Gang.

For the sake of his ambition for power, he would do whatever it takes, and even secretly instructed his thirteen Taibao to invade and attack the famous and decent sects in the name of the Demon Sect, so everyone was in danger and had to rely on the Songshan Sect to build momentum for him as the leader of the martial arts alliance.

The result given by Shanxinyi is, “The detected sin value is 30 points, the evaluation is driven by ambition, there are good and evil, and moderate punishment is recommended.”

Moderate punishment? Bateman’s jaw dropped, Zuo Lengchan’s ambition was above everything else. Maybe he had a different ambition from the Sun Moon God Sect, but as his martial arts became higher and his status rose, he became accustomed to the martial arts sect. of decay,

The heart that wants to do things is also swallowed up by a greater desire for power.

If you want to do things, you must have power, and for power, you can sacrifice everything, even if the price is your own humanity.

In the process, no matter how many evil sects he killed or how many good knights he killed, it was just an insignificant footnote on his path of ambition.

“Just half a hero swallowed by ambition.”

Betterman gave his evaluation lightly, and lightly pressed Zuo Lengchan’s abdomen, abolished his dantian and martial arts, and stunned him.

“Next, it’s your turn, Abbot Xuanci.”

Battman turned to look at the only monk in the ring,

The gentle and generous Abbot Xuanci smiled and suddenly raised his arm and patted it on the top of his head.


A gunshot rang out, and Abbot Xuanci was injured on his left shoulder. It was difficult to take pictures again.

Batman raised his gun and frowned, “You want to kill yourself? Cover up a secret?”

Abbot Xuanci smiled slightly, as if no pain, and raised his right arm again.


Another shot,

Betterman, who had abolished Abbot Xuanci’s left and right arms, rushed forward and punched Abbot Xuanci in the chest, stopping the latter’s attempt to commit suicide by biting his tongue,

He savagely pressed Abbot Xuanci’s palm on Shan Xinyi.

Sin, 50 points,

I have only killed one innocent person in my life, and I feel extremely guilty about it. In addition, I also sit and watch a large number of martial arts people die tragically and remain indifferent, and let anyone do evil…

Shan Xinyi’s evaluation was extremely contradictory. Bateman frowned deeply. Just when he was about to call Shenlong to ask what was going on, there was a loud shout from the audience, “Let go of the abbot! “

I saw a strong man with a white turban on his head, arrogant and arrogant, not angry, jumped up from the crowd, pounced on Bateman, waved his palm, and could vaguely hear the roar of dragons and tigers .

“Qiao Feng! It’s him!”

There were bursts of exclamations from the audience, and the person who appeared was Qiao Feng, the elder of the Six Sacks of the Beggar Gang and most likely to be the help of the Beggar Gang in the future.

This person has a tenacious, loyal and brave character, and has countless friends. He is highly regarded in the arena, and his martial arts are extremely strong. He is known as South Murong North Qiaofeng, but he was suspected of being involved in the bizarre death of Wang Jiantong, the former leader of the Beggar Gang some time ago. , and was forced to disappear into the background to find the truth to prove his innocence,

I didn’t expect it to be here.

Facing Qiao Feng, one of the strongest in the younger generation, Bateman did not move in the face of his Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, his palm still pressing on the back of Abbot Xuanci’s hand.

He knew he wouldn’t be hurt.

Bang bang bang!

Several gunshots suddenly sounded in the jungle, and more than a dozen bullets flew, blocking Qiao Feng’s forward path, forcing the hooded hero who appeared to come with his own BGM to stop.

The people who fired these shots jumped out of the jungle and jumped to the stage,

They are all oddly dressed and look extremely odd.

A bloated middle-aged man who looks like a penguin,

A handsome young man in colorful clothes and a hat with a question mark on his head,

A coquettish woman wearing cat ears and tail decorations, and a tight black leather coat, clearly outlines her hot body,

A stern young man whose face was burned in half,

And a weirdo in a purple suit with a clown pattern on his face muttered, “whysoserious?”

Qiao Feng stopped in the ring and carefully observed these strange costumers who suddenly appeared. Unlike Bateman, they have deep inner strength.

And the breath of the inner force is also very’s like…

“Qingcheng Sword Sect!”

There was an exclamation from the audience, “They are all disciples of the Qingcheng Sword Sect!”


Mr. Mo Da and Daoist Chongxu looked in astonishment, only to see that under layers of disguise, these strangely dressed people who suddenly appeared to stand with Bateman were really the younger generation disciples of the Qingcheng Sword Sect. /

Those people in Qingcheng who couldn’t believe it in the audience also confirmed this.


Betterman said solemnly: “They used to be disciples of the Qingcheng Sword Sect and participated in the siege of the Yongcheng Escort.

But now they have a new name.


Justice League”

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