Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 153: Props

Due to fears of nuclear war and distrust of officialdom during the Cold War of the last century, America has always had a culture of building private sanctuaries.

Some ordinary folks will buy land in the backyard or in the countryside, dig the ground,

Using steel, cement, lead plates and other materials to build underground radiation shelters,

And stock up on various items in the shelter,

Generators, fuel, radio receivers, sleeping bags, gas masks, radiation suits, medical kits, and a whole bunch of canned food to last a family of three for a long time.

Modern also has a number of American construction companies that specialize in building high standard safe shelters,

It is fully equipped with water and electricity, equipped with cinema, gym, medical room, spa, kindergarten, broadcasting station and other facilities.

Many wealthy people will buy such shelters anonymously, privately exclusive,

And some middle-class families with less money can also pay annual membership fees so that when disaster strikes, they can qualify for shared shelters.

Of course, it turns out that people are not as good as God.

This kind of underground shelter is used to protect against nuclear radiation or bomber bombing, maybe it’s okay,

But when faced with abnormal events caused by killing games, it seems useless,

Even, some remote and deserted shelters that no one cares about will become nests for abnormal events.

Only extraordinary elements can solve extraordinary elements.

Private shelter is useless, want to live, live long,

You have to make yourself, your family and friends extraordinary, or live in a city mansion.

“I saw on TV a few days ago that there was a very fierce wave of protests in the United States.”

Wang Congshan said casually: “The construction period of their city building is tight, and the final volume is not very large.

Rich and middle-class families move in first,

Then there must be someone who wants to live in later, or even is completely ineligible to live in. “


Li Ang nodded,

The private company that contracted the construction project of the American City Building has signed contracts with the federal and state governments of the United States,

Desperately selling real estate to make money,

We should also deal with the social responsibility mentioned in the contract a little bit–some American families with good ingredients can apply for low-interest loans and buy a house, and they can pay off in as little as 30 to 40 years.

In addition, there is also the social welfare of sending rooms by lottery – every family can receive a lottery ticket every week, and if they get it, they can live in the city building for free.

However, these measures are a drop in the bucket,

In the current situation, ordinary Americans live in old towns and rural areas, and are in danger every day.

No matter how they receive a happy education and receive the nurture of democracy and freedom, they also know that their lives are more important.

Major cities have set off waves of protests and demonstrations one after another,

A lot of American people with some brains, seeing the Secret Service City Building project on the other side of the ocean in full swing, even put on a Guy Fawkes mask (that is, the smiling face mask in the movie “V for Vendetta”) ,

Hold up protest signs against Wall Street, against giant corporations, and demanded improvements in housing, health care, education, and labor conditions,

Requires the federal government to break up monopolies.

The American monopoly enterprises are so angry that they are connected to each other and produce biased TV programs and documentaries on TV media and other platforms to promote “beware of foreign forces playing the card of ‘protecting people’s rights and interests'”.

Li Ang took a sip of the milk tea, knowing the logic behind this behavior.

In the past, capitalists possessed capital, dominated the production process and financial decision-making, and economic behavior was mainly aimed at the pursuit of profit, and the ultimate goal was to achieve absolute monopoly, pursue infinite value-added, and maintain this system for a long time and protect their control over the means of production power.

And now, thanks to the killing game,

A supernatural element with a higher, purer, and more direct force advantage takes the place of capital.

Bourgeois not only want to have the power to govern the production process and financial decision-making, and control the means of production,

Also want to gain the power to govern the process of distributing the supernatural elements and control the supernatural power system.

The most typical example is the European Heavy Industry Group,

They are looking for new players in the private sector, promising them generous rewards and favorable conditions,

Recruit them into the company and provide them with systematic training and equipment support.

This is of course not a charity. The employees of the European Heavy Industry Group must pay a part of the rewards obtained in the script tasks to the company in exchange for the contribution points within the company, which can be exchanged for better and better equipment and props, so as to make themselves a part of the company. Survive the test of life and death.

The hard-hitting European heavy industry group is a flowing player.

In addition, the European Heavy Industry Group is also building experimental centers around the world to study seeds of strength and genetic medicine.

If ordinary people who lack luck and talent want to jump into the dragon gate, they must seek the help of multinational companies, sign labor contracts, and belong to the company.

The purpose of the European Heavy Industry Group is to become the largest distributor of extraordinary power in addition to killing games – they can not only control the distribution and outflow of extraordinary power,

You can also directly grasp the life and death of low-level superhumans and ordinary people.

Actually, they already do.

European Heavy Industries Group in Africa, South America, the Middle East and other places,

With tens of thousands of companies of different names and types,

Millions of employees at all levels on every continent. Ordinary people can walk through the system of the European Heavy Industry Group from birth to death.

The path of the European heavy industry group is from the control of the means of production,

Evolution to control the person himself,

Grow into a behemoth that surpasses all the monopolies such as cartels, syndicates, contien, trusts, etc.

America’s business, in America,

Due to historical reasons and various obstacles, there is no way to be as reckless as the European Heavy Industry Group is in South America, Africa and other places,

However, this does not prevent them from secretly promoting further control over “people”.

How do you say that sentence?

Life is valuable, but not so valuable.

Ordinary people, in the eyes of the concept of “monopoly of supernatural elements”, are just potential providers and petri dishes of supernatural elements.

Restricting the occupancy qualifications of city buildings is more conducive to the control of ordinary people by enterprises-limited living conditions and terrifyingly high mortgages will make ordinary people, either actively or passively, sell all their power to enterprises and fall into into the net of clothing, food, housing and transportation woven by the enterprise,

Until it becomes a contract worker, and even…


Read as a corporate employee and write as a slave.

The only thing that is lucky is that the monopoly of extraordinary elements, although they have such and such advantages,

However, in terms of resource utilization efficiency and total resources, at this stage, it is still inferior to national organizations.

Also, the monopoly of extraordinary elements is not the absolute owner of the supreme force-Michael, Runaway, Su Nisheng, Li Ang and other talents are.

“As long as there is a supreme force owner,

A monopoly of supernatural elements must have some scruples.

In a sense, I am still the protector who protects the most ordinary people from the monopoly of supernatural elements? “

Lee Ang’s mind jumped, thinking aimlessly.

The chaos caused by American city buildings is only a microcosm of human society on a global scale,

Even the United States, once the world’s hegemony and the beacon of human beings, can fall to the lower limit of “normal people and dogs are not allowed to enter”,

In South America, Africa and other places, they must have already been immersed in the rule of chaos.

However, none of this has anything to do with him.


Li Ang quickly drank the milk tea, led by Wang Congshan and Chai Chai, and continued to stroll around the city building.

“This is the new Yinshi Experimental Middle School. Today is a holiday, and the students are all going home. By the way, a few days ago, Mr. Shi was a teacher representative and gave a speech at our senior year mobilization meeting. I haven’t been back to school for a long time, and I miss my life where I just studied hard and didn’t have to worry about other things…”

“Oh, this is the city building’s streetcar, with tracks embedded in high-strength ceiling construction materials that can travel at high altitudes.

The public transportation system in the city building is quite good, very convenient,

Bus, elevators, trams and shared bikes,

Citizens basically don’t need to drive by themselves,

Some time ago, high-emission vehicles have been banned, and electric vehicles that are too small have been restricted.

After a while, maybe not many people will buy a car, right? It is more about treating the car as a luxury.

In addition, there are surveillance cameras everywhere now, and the crime rate has plummeted. Citizens are not afraid to walk at night. The patrol team can arrive at the scene less than one and a half minutes after receiving the alarm. “

“This is an enchantment pillar with dozens of different spells engraved on it. Usually disguised in the shape of a telephone pole, it is buried in every corner of the city.

When necessary, the members of the mobile task force only need to remotely control the command center to make the enchantment column cast spells.

Such as [Idlers Retreat], [Insulation Barrier], [Flame Elimination], etc.

Mainly used to prevent abnormal events and protect citizens. “

Wang Congshan casually explained the internal structure of the city building to Li Ang, raised her hand and clapped her hands,

The ceiling of the floor above the three people’s heads immediately changed color, becoming a sky with a few white clouds floating.

“This is a weather control system for city buildings, in order to prevent citizens from becoming depressed in a closed environment for a long time,

High-resolution LCD panels are installed on the ceilings of each floor,

With the super-large fresh air system and precipitation facilities,

It can simulate spring, summer, autumn and winter, as well as sunny, cloudy, rainy, snowy and other weather. “

Wang Congshan smiled and clapped her palms again, causing the ceiling two meters in front to start raining, “Usually weather changes are made by the municipal committee based on the mental health of citizens,

However, sometimes citizens can participate in a public vote to decide whether the weather on a certain floor should rain tomorrow – I personally prefer rainy days. “

Speaking, Wang Congshan waved her hand to cancel the ceiling rain, and jumped forward gently,

The sandals under the dress stepped in the water, splashing clear water.


Wang Congshan turned around with a smile, tilted her head, and smacked her lips: “Well… how do you say it.

Although our city building project is very good and user-friendly, ordinary people may not have the opportunity to step outside the city building for a long time. “


Li Ang nodded, “Not only this generation, the next generation, and even the people of the next generation may not be able to get out of this building.

After all, there will be more and more cows, ghosts, snakes and gods outside, and they will kill them endlessly,

Unless the killing game suddenly stops one day, or the people relocate to a safer world of doors. “

“Ah, it’s twelve o’clock.”

Chai Chai, who has been playing with his mobile phone, raised his arm, “Comic Show! I’m going to Comic Con!”

“Uh, okay.”

Li Ang nodded, “Where is the exhibition hall?”

He came to visit the city building today. In addition to looking for Wang Congshan, he was also annoyed by Chai Chai.

Chai Chai signed up for a comic exhibition some time ago, not as a photographer or a COSER,

It’s a costume maker – her tailoring skills have always been good, and she often makes props and costumes for herself and Li Ang,

Sometimes I will have a whim, and the artistic cells will sprout, and I will make some clothes I like.

She doesn’t get compliments from Li Ang for making these clothes,

Look for the swarm, and you can only hear a bunch of flattery and pompous words,

So I posted photos of the costumes on the Internet, and the results were unexpectedly popular.

In some otaku cultural circles, there is even a nickname of “Teacher Chai”,

A relatively large comic exhibition also sent an invitation letter to her fake identity on the Internet.

As a result, Li Ang was dragged over by Chai Chai, who was dizzy.

Li Ang said hello to Xing Hechou through his friend’s communication, canceled the surrounding idlers retreating barrier, and went to the comic exhibition.

At the exhibition, I saw all kinds of clothing made by Chai Chai.

Chai Chai smirked: “How is it? My clothes are not bad, right?

This is a colorful feather coat, green and red like a rainbow, with a graceful posture.

This is an imitation of the Song Dynasty walking man armor light, safe and indestructible.

This is the Admiral’s white robe of justice,

This is the red cloud black windbreaker of the Akatsuki organization…”


Li Ang nodded, and I have to say, Chai Chai’s craftsmanship is very good, and all kinds of styles of clothing can be worn on the coser without any sense of disobedience, “Wait, uh…

Why do I feel like those clothing materials are leftovers from a forging furnace? “

Li Ang narrowed his eyes and glanced carefully,

The eyelids jumped inexplicably.

Yes, the clothes on the coser in front of you are indeed made of scraps from the forging furnace,

Vaguely, you can also feel the fluctuations of the extraordinary elements contained in it.

“Uh… this one.”

Chai Chai looked up at the sky, poked his fingers and said, “I see that you have never touched those things in the corner cabinet of the alchemy workshop. And I heard from the turkey with two knives that those materials are useless. defective products,

So use it to make clothes.

Ahem, don’t you think these clothes are very charming? “

“It is made of extraordinary materials, of course it has a charm.”

Li Ang shook his head helplessly and glanced at it, “My dear, the neon clothes and feather clothes can reduce the gravity of the wearer and enable long-distance gliding;

The weight is very light, it looks like a plastic prop, it can withstand assault rifle fire;

The admiral’s white robe of justice can enhance the wearer’s physique;

Xiao’s red cloud black trench coat is even more outrageous,

I feel that if the unknowing coser is interested, pinching a handprint can really release the technique of shadow avatar.

My dear, you made a bunch of genuine products and put them in the props of the crew? “

Chai Chai blinked, “Eh…”

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