Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 153: Destroy the world

If the first half of Alphonse’s life is a successful web article from the Xueba system,

Then the second half of his life was a street-fighting online article that was attacked by the system.

“The biological master deceived me. She was like a ruthless conspirator, bewitching me to the top step by step with sweet words, and at the last minute she gave me a blow to the head and dragged me down from the altar.”

Alphonse Anderson said with a wry smile: “The rate at which abnormal structural proteins accumulate in the human body is very slow, but when humans began to widely use chemical patches,

These abnormal structural proteins will produce mutations,

Not only has the speed of replication accelerated, but the mode of transmission has also changed from a simple ‘direct consumption of livestock meat’ to one that can be transmitted through droplets.

I shut down the production line of chemical patches in disregard of the world’s opposition, but the abnormal structural protein still infects nearly 90% of the world’s human beings. “

Alphonse Anderson sighed, “Under pressure from all parties, I restarted the chemical patch production line,

I don’t know how harmful this abnormal protein will end up, so I can only form a small secret research team,

A full recovery, trying to find a cure before the crisis hits.

There is no cure for prion disease, and unsurprisingly, we failed.

In one or five years, there have been reports of convulsive deaths all over the world. The health organization is very alert and efficient to set up a medical team and found dozens of types of abnormal structural proteins that have mutated and differentiated.

I already had a hunch at that time, I dismissed all the staff of this experimental center, went to the back room on the third basement floor, and met with the master.

Like when I first met her, the master was motionless, cold, and numb, ignoring my pleas. “

Alphons said bitterly: “Three days, after being discovered by humans, it took only three days for the rapidly mutated abnormal protein,

Lightning strikes the central nervous system of all humans.

People twitched and fell in place, and death scribbled on the global map like a paintbrush dipped in paint.

The remaining officials of various countries tried to bomb enemy countries with nuclear bombs at first,

After discovering that this was a plague against humanity around the world, they also abandoned nuclear war and hid quietly in shelters, waiting for death to come.

Three days later, humanity was utterly defeated.

The terrifying Homo erectus that once ruled the earth has corpses everywhere, and the earth has returned to the wild age dominated by ignorant animals and plants…”

Alphonse Anderson looked at his bloated hands full of pustules and smiled bitterly: “I am the sinner who wiped out all mankind with one hand…”

“Then, why are you still alive?” asked the mason.

“I don’t know.” Alphonse shook his head, “Maybe the master took pity on me,

Perhaps it was her cruelty that allowed me to walk in the world in such an inhuman manner, watching the end of the human race that I created with my own hands. “

The six players fell silent, and what Alphonse, who had turned into a deformed monster, was quite shocking,

A prop that doesn’t seem to have any intelligence can actually take decades to lay out, step by step to lure the host into causing a world-annihilating catastrophe.

“I’m done.”

Alphonse sighed and looked at the player with some eager eyes, “It’s your turn to tell me.

How many human survivors are there on the surface? Have you rebuilt your civilization? “

The mason and others were silent, they were all travelers from another world, how could they know the state of this planet.

“There are survivors.”

Li Ang said, “The few survivors with immune genes against abnormal structural proteins have established human colonies near Boston.”

It’s not that Li Ang was lying to Alphonse, he met the Mothman in the hotel corridor with Wanli Fengdao and Dusk Knight,

The human on its back is wearing a broken but brand new body armor. It is estimated that it is a survivor who came to Boston from the settlement to explore and was unfortunately hunted by an aberration.

“That’s great….”

Facing the good news, this inhuman man was at a loss, his bloated eyes shed hot tears again, and he kept saying, “It’s good to be alive, just to be alive…”


The mason’s thoughts turned sharply, and he followed Li Ang’s words and said: “If a settlement wants to develop, it must make use of the remaining resources in the city.

But the aberrations have been wandering around the city with no way to enter,

We’re here to find out the source of the aberration. “

“I see.”

Alphonse wiped away tears, causing some concern that the pustules on his arm would wipe and rupture, “The master is the source of the aberrations.

As long as the backup motor set is activated and the power is restored, I can activate the self-destruction system of the experimental center,

Destroy the underground lab along with the master.

But the way to the backup motor unit was blocked by a distorted monster, and I haven’t found a way to get in for all these years,

Are you….have the ability to solve it? “

The players nodded.

“Then come with me.”

Alphons turned and continued along the corridor, the six players following far behind.

The group went down the stairs to the third basement, walking and walking. Zhuang Pengpai, who had not spoken much, suddenly asked, “How did you survive without eating for so many years?”

Alphonse, who was leading the way ahead, paused and continued to walk forward, “…eat the fruit.”

Ignoring the hints from other players’ eyes, Zhuang Pengpai continued to ask: “What fruit?”

Alphons didn’t answer, went to the valve on the third underground floor and opened the door.

Creep, the thick fleshy creep is spread on the ground of the third floor, compared to the creep in the surface buildings,

The color of the wriggling flesh here is fresher and more energetic, like a pot of boiling broth, ups and downs.

Countless columnar trees made entirely of flesh and are like pillars supporting the house, connecting the floor and ceiling of the third floor,

The branches of the flesh-and-blood tree are covered with round, fleshy fruits that gently sway as the light hits.

The terrifying scene like a nightmare made the six players chill, but Alphonse did not fluctuate.

Standing on the creep, he tore off a large piece of rotting skin on his arm without pain,

Amidst the splattering ichor, tear the skin into small pieces and throw them at the player.

“Stick to your feet and you won’t get attacked by creep.”

Alphons let the blood flow on his arm and said calmly, “Be careful not to touch the wall.”

The six players were silent for a while, glued the yellow-green skin that still had heat to the soles of their shoes, followed behind Alphonse, and entered the third underground floor.


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