Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 152: Conspiracy


Alphonse seemed to be caught in a memory. He lowered his head and said faintly: “The people on the ground can’t remember the truth of this matter…

Oh, it’s normal. After all, even I forget how long it has been, twenty years, or thirty years…”

Without waiting for the player to speak, Alphonse took a deep breath, raised his head and said, “Where do you start…

I’m Alphonse Anderson, billionaire, 21st century’s preeminent biochemist, philanthropist, and owner of The Balance Company.

When I took my father’s place, the Balance Company was just an unnamed local juice factory in Boston, and by the second millennium, the Balance Company has grown into a monopoly that provides chemical bliss to mankind around the world . “

Mentioning these things, Alphonse’s tone became vivid. He glanced at the silent player in tight protective clothing and sighed,

“You may have forgotten the name of this company, but at the time, Libra was a symbol of wealth, a symbol of hope.

The balance company made its fortune on energy drinks, and countless people took my talent in the field of biochemistry as the reason for my success,

But they don’t know that my biochemistry talent can only be regarded as outstanding, not top-notch,

I owe most of my achievements to Mastering. “

The mason frowned: “Master?”

“A biological master, to be precise.”

Alphonse said dullly: “After my father died, I was depressed for a long time. At the suggestion of a friend, I went to the Keweenaw Peninsula in northern Michigan to travel,

In a fractured shale layer in the wild, a plate of chitin, hair and nails that resembles a computer motherboard has been excavated.

I took it back to Boston and in the process of taking it to the university lab for testing, I accidentally scratched my finger and dropped a drop of blood on the master…”

Alphonse Anderson paused, seemingly caught in some bad memory,

“As I watched, it soaked up the blood like a sponge and quickly turned it into some sort of powder.

I took the powder for testing and found that its composition, similar to phenpiperidine methyl acetate, is a psychiatric drug that modulates dopamine.

After constant experimentation, I found that by exposing the master to organics like dead skin cells, hair, chitin, enamel, etc.

It will absorb it and convert it into random compounds.

Some of these compounds have been known to humans, while others have never been discovered by humans…”

Alphonse Anderson smiled sadly, “At that time, the business situation of the balance company was not good, and the company was about to go bankrupt,

I used the gift of biological masters to pretend that I had invented new compounds and referenced them to functional drinks.

The new type of energy drink was very popular, and the company came back to life. I was always worried that someone would find out the existence of the master, and I gradually became more courageous.

Spend money to establish a secret laboratory to continuously explore the functions of biological masters.

In the past ten years, I have ‘invented’ harmless cigarettes, high-efficiency and non-polluting pesticides, new biological fertilizers, chemical patches…

I invest in charity to fight hunger, ignorance, disease,

I was admired and respected wildly, and I was hailed as the most brilliant scholar, the most conscientious businessman…”

Li Ang raised his eyebrows, and it seemed that Mr. Alphonse Anderson’s first half of his life was very much like a web novel written by a scholar.

“Scholar’s Biochemistry System”, “I Just Want to Be a Quiet Boston Scholar”, “Reborn Boston Scholar”

“But, hehe, once a perfect story adds a ‘but’ once, it symbolizes the tragedy to come.”

Alphonse Anderson smiled miserably, “All the gifts of fate are priced in secret.

In November of the second millennium, the autopsy report of a Scales employee who died suddenly from overwork caught my attention.

In his brain, there is a very small amount of structurally abnormal DNA similar to that caused by prions. “

Prions were discovered in the 1950s by American biochemist Stanley Prusina in the cannibal Frey tribe of Papua New Guinea,

Although it is called a virus, it is not a virus, it has no dna or rna,

Strictly speaking, it’s not even a living thing, just some structurally abnormal proteins that don’t contain nucleic acids.

It does not replicate itself, but by polymerizing with normal proteins, it converts it into the same protein as prions, and accumulates in human central nervous cells, eventually damaging the brain and making the brain hollow and spongy.

Alphons continued: “Because prions typically accumulate in the central nervous system and are most commonly transmitted by eating the brain, large-scale transmission other than cannibalism is difficult.

I checked the employee’s residency record and found no experience of cannibalism.

I was a little uneasy, and I immediately arranged a company-wide medical examination, and found that all employees, including me, contained a small amount of structurally abnormal protein in their bodies.

I was so terrified that I immediately collected samples from all over the world and found that humans all over the world were ‘infected’ with this structurally abnormal protein. “

The Twilight Knight couldn’t help but say, “How is this possible?”

“Yeah, how is that possible? Every time I use a compound provided by the biological master, I will be extremely careful to double-check it to make sure it’s not harmful to humans.

After careful search, I found that this type of structurally abnormal protein originated from a biochemical fertilizer produced by our balance company in the early 1990s.

This new type of fertilizer, which is produced and sold all over the world because of its high efficiency, environmental protection and low price, will contaminate the forage. When cattle and sheep eat it, a very small amount of protein in the body will be misfolded, producing a structurally abnormal protein similar to prions.

This novel structurally abnormal protein is scarce and has no ‘species barrier’ and can be passed from beef and mutton to humans.

Due to the scarcity of abnormal proteins, long incubation period, and seemingly harmless, they have not been discovered by the public for more than ten years.

By the time I noticed it, at least 40% of the world was infected with it. “

“Wait a minute,” Li Ang interrupted, “what do you mean by ‘seemingly harmless’?”

Alphonse Anderson said leisurely: “The new structurally abnormal protein is very similar in structure to a normal protein in the human body. It does not cause an immune system attack, and it does appear to be harmless.

Only at an extremely slow speed, similar proteins are replicated in the human body-according to its accumulation speed, it will take at least two or three hundred years to attack the human central nervous system.

But, as I suspected, the biomaster was deceiving me from the start,

It’s all a master conspiracy. “


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