Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 151: Good people

They don’t study viruses to make bioweapons, but to eradicate them.

According to the records in the experiment log and other files, the Balance Company has invested tens of billions of dollars to establish research centers around the world to study how to prevent and eliminate various diseases.

The experimental center at the feet of Li Ang and others developed arv antiretroviral drugs with the support of Tianping Company many years ago [which can prevent the replication and spread of HIV in different ways],

And with the help of the World Health Organization, the drug was sold at an extremely low price and successfully reduced the number of new AIDS patients in the world to 10% each year.

There are many other charitable acts that can be called life Buddha of all families. Tuberculosis, anthrax, cholera, measles…. The research department of Tianping Company has made great contributions to the cause of eradicating diseases for all mankind,

Alphonse Anderson himself, who spared no expense in promoting these projects, is also respected and respected by all walks of life.

This is somewhat different from what players expected,

Everyone thinks that this Alphonse is either a mad scientist who pursues the truth, or a capitalist who uses science to gain fame and profit,

I didn’t think he had a side of a great man.

“Before the record was interrupted, researchers here had been studying small molecules of non-immune hydrophobic proteins, so-called prions,

This does not record the content of the aberration pathogen…”

The mason put down the file and said in a deep voice, “Either the records have been destroyed,

Either the laboratories that study pathogens are not here,”

Li Ang shook his head, “It is not ruled out that the aberration pathogen is in the core laboratory of this layer, but there is no paper document record.

I want to go inside the core lab and take a look. “

Staying in the hallway, staff break room or auxiliary room, and walking directly into the core experimental area are two completely different concepts,

The protection level of the chemical protective suit worn by the player is still too low,

In case of being infected by the aberration pathogen, the only way to do it is to fill a bottle of life potion immediately.

Although several players are members of the secret organization, the number of life potions they can obtain is very limited,

It hurts to waste on searching core labs.

Since Li Risheng is willing to sacrifice himself to complete the team, other people naturally have no opinion.

Li Ang took out another chemical protective suit from the backpack column, put it on for himself, and opened the valve while his companions watched,

Walk into the circular corridor, from the clean air area, into the steel keel – the core laboratory of the stainless steel panel envelope.

Layers of steel blocked the sight of other players. Li Ang raised a flashlight and quickly searched the many partitioned rooms, including the animal dissection room, disinfection room, and cell laboratory.

No aberrations were found,

The other deadly viruses that were stored in the core laboratory were also destroyed before the power outage.

“What’s the matter?”

Li Ang was confused, slapped his forehead, and staged “This is so confusing for the master.jpg”

No aberration pathogens are found, it does not mean that there is no harvest at all,

Li Ang put all the biosafety cabinets, ultra-low temperature refrigerators, centrifuges, electrothermal cell culture cabinets, microscopes, laboratory benches and other equipment in the core laboratory into the backpack,

Luckily he cleaned out his backpack and put most of the stuff in the alchemist’s box, otherwise he wouldn’t be able to move it.

After the search, he walked out of the core laboratory and told the other companions that no aberration pathogen was found at a distance.

Just when everyone was puzzled by this, Black Saint Son suddenly changed his face, raised a palm, turned to look at the back of the corridor.

Several other people closed their mouths instantly, and turned off the flashlight with Hei Shengzi.

A dead silence returned to the corridor,

In the tranquility, there seems to be a sound of footsteps that are sometimes light and heavy from a distance.

“The lame man, about 1.8 meters tall, weighs 80 kilograms, and walks barefoot.”

Li Ang’s mind sketched the appearance of the owner of the footsteps, and said silently in his heart: “A living person? Or a deformed body?”


The sound of breathing like a torn throat echoed in the corridor, and the owner of the footsteps wandered for a while, seeming to have found the broken elevator door, turned and ran to the other side of the corridor.


The mason shouted in a deep voice, and the six turned on their flashlights and pursued them along the corridor.

A few corners, the beam of the flashlight found the owner of the footsteps,

It was a deformed and ugly humanoid with greenish-yellow skin covered with giant pustules that hung from him like countless heavy water bags filled with water.

He was barefoot and covered in a torn cloth, which could barely be seen as a suit and trousers.

He was running awkwardly and slowly down the corridor with his swollen legs like elephants,

After discovering that he was shrouded in artificial he turned around sharply, his mushroom-like distortion face full of surprises,

“People! People! You are alive!”

He shouted incoherently, swinging his arms desperately to show he wasn’t hostile.

Six players stopped abruptly, pointing their weapons at the monster.

“No Approach!”

The mason stepped back half a step and shouted, “Stop there and don’t move!”

The aberration monster stopped cooperatively, tears streaming from its bloated eyes, which were oppressed by the pustules, and muttered to itself, “I knew… I knew there would be survivors…”

Li Ang and Wan Li Fengdao looked at each other, secretly thinking that the script really wasn’t that simple. The deformed monster in front of him even had his own mind, and he seemed to have lived from the beginning of the disaster to the present.

The mason took a deep breath and shouted at the humanoid aberration: “Your name?”

“My name?”

The aberration monster squeezed out a “wry smile” and said, “You may have heard… my name is Alphonse Anderson.”

Why did Alphonse Anderson, the suspect of the aberration disaster, one of the mission targets, and the big boss set up, suddenly appeared in front of Li Ang and others, and he was still so incompetent.

The mason’s thoughts turned sharply, but there was no expression on his face.

“Did you come from the ground? How many survivors are there? Have you rebuilt your civilization?”

Aberration, or Alphonse Anderson said eagerly: “How did you break through the blockade of those mutant monsters above? You are here to destroy…”

“Answer my questions first!”

The mason suddenly raised his voice. He looked at Alphonse Anderson coldly and asked in a deep voice, “What is going on with this disaster?”

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