Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 147: Alliance

The three figures, also wearing chemical protective suits, jumped and shuttled between the dense forests, and each time they narrowly avoided the bombardment of the giant jaguar’s worm shells.

A handsome guy with a feminine and handsome face holds a thin sword in his hand, and his figure is like a ghost tossing and turning around the jaguar.

A blond, blue-eyed young man squeezed a narrow utility knife in his hand, the blade pierced into the leopard’s skin, and with a light stroke, he cut off a large piece of the leopard’s skin like a dice.

A mediocre middle-aged man rubbed the ground and quickly shoveled, avoiding the worm cannonball and the jaguar’s claws. At the same time, he clenched his fists, and a roaring flame was condensed on his fists.

The middle-aged man jumped up suddenly and smashed his fist into the leopard’s jaw from the bottom up. The flames burst, and the fist and shock wave staggered the jaguar.

The remaining two companions hurriedly stepped forward to support. With a flash of knife light, the leopard’s neck was cut open, and the plasma poured out like a fountain and was put on the ground.

The huge jaguar fell to the ground with a bang, but the three of them didn’t slack at all. They gathered together very quickly and looked vigilantly into the depths of the jungle.

The middle-aged man with the boulder glove shouted loudly: “My friend, everyone is here, why don’t you come out and meet?”

The jungle is silent, no response.

The white young man holding the narrow utility knife was depressed for a moment, raised his hands, put the utility knife away, and said toward the dense forest, “The place where we landed is closer to the scale company’s biotechnology laboratory than you are. .

The low building on the surface is just a cover for the laboratory,

The actual laboratory is located deep underground and requires a long elevator to reach it.

There are many such aberrations lingering at the elevator entrance on the surface. The individual strength is not strong, but it is extremely difficult to deal with in groups – most of the aberrations are stuck near low buildings, only this leopard will be lured out by us siege.

A single team can’t even break through the first layer of aberration guards, let alone entering the laboratory.

Only through cooperation can we have the opportunity to accomplish the mission objectives. “

He paused, as if giving the other person time to think,

“You didn’t shoot just now, did you?

This mission needs to get three points to be completed. It seems that as long as the team destroys another team, it can be teleported away immediately.

However, in the actual operation process, it is difficult for two teamfighting teams with similar strength to achieve zero-for-three-group-annihilation results.

No matter how bad the three of us are, we can still replace one or both of you at the cost of killing the group.

At that time, even if you have a positive one and two positive points,

You can only use the incomplete team configuration to clear the remaining extremely difficult scenario missions.

If it is not completed, it will be obliterated. “

The feminine and handsome guy with the rapier also said: “The Tianping Company laboratory is very close to the two teamfighting teams, and it doesn’t take long to get there,

Even if you go underground, one day is enough to explore the entire laboratory.

Then why does the system give a 7-day task time limit?

Everyone is a senior player and understands the hint of the system very well – even if you want to destroy us, we only need to escape one person here, hide and hide for the past seven days, waiting for an opportunity,

Cooperating with the distortion monsters in the scripted world itself, it can always attack and obliterate a person.

When the time comes, you can either guard against the attack while navigating the script,

Or spend the rest of your time playing a chase and escape game.

To sum up, this mission looks like it’s pushing the player into a life-and-death teamfight,

Actually, it encourages the two teams to put aside their prejudices and temporarily form an alliance,

Wait until at least two mission objectives have been completed, each with positive two points, before choosing whether to attack the other team. “

The analysis of these two hostile players is well-founded, and it is not much different from what Li Ang and others imagined,

The benefits of shouting and killing as soon as we meet, there is no temporary cooperation, and the strategy script is high (there may be bioengineering technology beyond the times in the laboratory),

Temporary cooperation is also less risky than direct war.

The three of Li Ang, who were hiding in the jungle, looked at each other and walked out slowly.


The white youth can’t help but breathe a sigh of relief, revealing his player id, 【Mason】

The handsome gentleman also put away the rapier, showing the id, [Black Saint Child]

The last middle-aged man named [Zhuang Pengpai] was expressionless, shook his fists, and dispersed the flames.

The three of Li Ang, who also visualized the player’s name, did not approach easily, and looked at each other from a distance.

Neither side spoke, the atmosphere was a little depressing and solemn, and the air seemed to reverberate with solemn and heavy music…

Everyone’s eyes turned to Li Ang,

The latter put down the phone that was playing the song “halloween” with a serious look,

“Sorry, this scene is very suitable for this bgm.”

Being interrupted by Li it is difficult for both sides to be serious again,

The mason waved his hand and said helplessly: “In short, let’s work together temporarily, at least to solve the distortion monsters around the scale company’s laboratory.”

Wanli Fengdao and the Dusk Knight nodded, watching the other three dissect the giant jaguar, dividing the leopard into three parts and packing them into separate packages.

After cleaning up, the three masons led the way,

Li Ang and the others did not follow directly along their path, but hung on the left rear, observed the opponent’s position through the drone, and continued to move forward.

Because the two sides confirmed the location of the other side, this time they didn’t need to hide their figures, and the speed was much faster.

Soon they see a giant structure in a dense jungle.

The modern building is roughly square in shape, with a huge footprint, entirely made of reinforced concrete, with only a small row of transparent windows high up on the outer walls,

In this dense forest surrounded by trees and the sound of birds,

This building, covered with green vines, looks… like a giant coffin made of cement, depressed and airtight.

At the entrance of the building, there are eight concrete pillars for supporting and decoration, all of which have been broken and collapsed,

The parking lot in front of the main entrance is full of abandoned vehicles, and low green weeds grow out of the concrete ground.

Passing a stone marked “Balance Corporation Boston Biotechnology Laboratory”, the mason took a deep breath, “This is it.”

Wanli Fengdao frowned and looked around, “How do I get in?”

“You can’t enter through the main entrance, there are too many monsters inside.”

The mason said in a deep voice, “We will go in through the small window on the third floor. Before that, you can use the drone to investigate the situation inside.

By the way, the scene inside is quite spectacular…”

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