Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 132: Behemoth (12)

More than 20 gunships flew back and forth from the eight sets of tarmac in the Broken Dome and climbed high into the sky,

Half went to patrol the sea, and half stayed where they were, illuminating the fort below with searchlights.


With the roar of the engine, the three thousand-ton hangar doors on the sea side of the fortress slid open along the chute to reveal three heavy mechas.

[Storm Crimson], with bright red paint and a relatively thin body, walked out of the hangar first,

The soles of his feet, which are equipped with magnetorheological dampers, stepped into the sea water, and with just a slight vibration, he regained his balance and supported his body weight with the help of the huge amount of sea water.

“The storm is crimson advancing, and it is expected to arrive at the predetermined location in one minute.”

In the cabin, the pilots of the Wei’s triplets with oriental faces pushed the levers in unison and walked in unison.

Heavy mech pierced the waves and headed towards the sea under the light of the searchlights of the helicopters in the sky.

In this world where the monster war broke out, human civilization had to find another way in order to gain the power to compete with the deep sea monsters,

They collected the pineal organs of the deep-sea giants and connected the pineal organs to human pilots, mechas, and mecha AIs through a device called the “Drift Flow System”.

Form four corner links.

The Drift flow system consists of the following parts,

Full Coverage Tactical Suit – This tactical suit is filled with electrical sensors that read physiological data.

Spinal Clamp – This part uses the robotic arm in the cockpit to attach to the back of the tactical suit during combat. The function of the spinal clip is to transmit the movements of the driver in the full-coverage tactical suit to the mech. At the same time, the driver’s chaotic brain waves are sorted out so that they can be understood by the mecha AI.

Relay Gel – This gel resembles a yellowish orange juice that fills the helmet component of the tactical suit, flooding the driver’s face. The driver can breathe in the relay gel without suffocation, and the relay gel will turn transparent after power-on.

At the same time, the relay gel can also play the most crucial role – integrating thinking.

A single pilot cannot control a heavy-duty mecha over 50 meters, nor can he control the pineal gland of a third- or fourth-level deep-sea behemoth to release the A.T. force field,

As a result, multiple drivers must share the massive load attached to the beast’s pineal organ.

It’s not enough, once the Drift flow system is used, the brains of multiple drivers will be connected, each other can feel each other’s thoughts, read all of each other’s memories,

Understanding even the most obscure and filthy shards of the subconscious deep within.

If one party cannot bear this mental burden, the other drivers will quickly lose control, ranging from mental disorder to death on the spot.

The PPDC has paid a lot of blood for this in history.

Therefore, when the Drift flow system technology is mature, all the mecha pilots of PPDC will be divided into two, three and four groups.

Each group of pilots must be intimate with each other and may share memories at will.

The three Wei brothers driving the [Storm Crimson] mecha are young triplets born in Xingang City.

Driving the [Cherno Alpha] mecha, Alex Kadnovsky and Sasha Kadnovsky are childhood sweethearts and husband and wife,

And driving [Eureka Raiders] Kelly Hansen and Chuck Hansen are father and son from Sydney, Australia.

“The storm crimson has reached the predetermined target location, and the lighthouse on the shoulder of the mech is turned on, patrolling the sea.”

Wei Jinlong, the eldest of the three Wei brothers, took a deep breath and informed the command center through the broadcast system.

He stands in the middle of the cockpit. Although he looks no different from his two younger brothers, the expression between his eyebrows and his eyes is more calm.

General Styke’s voice came from the command center, “Command center received.

The storm is crimson. This time, the deep-sea giants are the powerful [leatherback] and the agile [tailed rat]. By convention, the stronger and thicker armored Cherno Alpha mecha will come. Get the other person’s attention.

Wait until Cherno Alpha entangles one of the opponents before you attack.

The Eureka Raider will stay behind you, ready for fire support.

As for the 120 small and medium-sized deep-sea creatures following the [leatherback turtle] and [tailed rat], they will be intercepted by other medium-sized mecha arrays at the coastal port.

You’ll only have to deal with Leatherback Turtles and Squirrels. “


Wei Jinlong nodded heavily, his voice as calm as ever,

But the younger brother Wei Yinhu next to him frowned slightly. After the broadcast was turned off, he asked in a deep voice, “Brother, are you worried about your parents?”


Wei Jinlong nodded. There is no secret between the three brothers who are connected to the Drift mobile system. “I don’t know if they are safe in Pengzhou…”

In order to let the mecha pilots have no worries, the parents of the three Wei brothers were previously arranged in the more inland Pengzhou City,

However, the lichen mutation in the pale world just now has spread widely, and even Pengzhou may not be completely safe.

“Mom and Dad, they should be fine. PPDC colleagues will protect them.”

Wei Tongshi, the eldest of the three brothers, comforted: “Even if the situation gets out of control, we can still resist while driving the red storm.

The big deal is to drive the storm red and let that Li Risheng completely destroy the lichen he made. “

Storm Crimson is the fourth generation mecha manufactured by North Industries Corporation. It has learned from the experience and lessons of the previous three generations of mechas and optimized the details in all aspects.

The style is high mobility, low armor, melee specialization,

Able to perform more flexible tactical maneuvers than other heavy mechs,

The cutter formed by the rotation of the three palms has so far killed seven deep-sea beasts and turned them into seven star sticker patterns, which were attached to the red chest of the storm.

The overall technological advancement, strength and record of the mecha are second only to the fifth-generation mecha [Eureka Raider] just produced in Australia – the Australian father and son have killed ten giant beasts so far.


Wei Jinlong pursed his lips, still a little worried.

The Storm Crimson Mecha equipped with three pilots releases the A.T. force field, which can withstand the world’s most advanced cluster bombs and missile bombing,

It can also resist the attacks of all deep-sea creatures below level 3 and 4.

But for some reason, controlling this most advanced mecha on earth, he still felt a certain unease about the visitor from another world who claimed to be Li Risheng.

Tap Tap Tap.

Beside the crimson storm, the larger and bulkier Cherno Alpha mecha walked past the sea with its sturdy legs,

He is followed by the Eureka Raiders.

Three heavy mechas stood on the sea, standing slowly, like three gods, with their backs to the city, overlooking the turbulent waters, waiting for the enemy who would come at any time.


“…So, Pony, you’ve been promoted now?”

In the command hall of the Broken Dome Fortress, Li Ang chatted with the black Trojan horse and Dawn while flipping through the materials brought by PPDC.

“That’s right.”

The black Trojan gave a wry smile. After the battle for the door, although they did not receive a direct door reward,

But the senior staff of Whale Song, I don’t know what means of benefit exchange,

Successfully caught the line on the side of truth,

With more than a dozen large and medium-sized guilds such as the Monster Alliance and the Thousand-Mawed Beast, under the leadership of the Demon Scientist Alliance, they will jointly develop the resources within a door.

And in the battle for the door, the four Jin Ge iron horses who successfully passed the news such as the wild lion and demon to other players have also been promoted,

Some time ago, I officially entered the core layer of Whale Song and came into contact with more top-secret information.

However, this also made Black Trojan more deeply aware of the strength gap between him and Li Ang.

Even if he is promoted to the core layer of Whale Song, gets more resource support, and has perfect equipment and props,

Standing in front of Li Ang, he still didn’t have the slightest confidence.

The matching mechanism of this killing game is really outrageous. How could I, a civil servant who plays code, join Li Risheng in the platoon?

What about balancing strength and ensuring fairness?

The black Trojan was helpless, and inadvertently glanced at the pink-haired girl Dawn, who was pretending to be watching the big screen in the command hall, but was actually peeping at PPDC’s confidential information.

Dawn’s combat power is basically concentrated on her personal binding equipment, the Kabini Mecha, and training herself alone will not bring about rapid progress in overall strength.

But I heard that the European Heavy Industry Group installed a lot of new equipment on the Kabini mecha some time ago.

And from the action of summoning the Kabini mecha at dawn just now, her fighting style is also much more flexible than before, and her strength has improved.

Suitable for playing in this mecha and monster-themed scripted world.

“It’s good to be promoted. I’m very interested in your guild’s electronic information engineering technology. I can buy and sell it someday.”

Li Ang didn’t care about the restraint of the black Trojan horse and the sneaking glance at dawn, and with a wave of his hand, a spiritual connection was formed in the minds of the two.

Said in the psionic communication channel: “Do you two have any clues about this script mission?”


The black Trojan was stunned for a moment, pursed his lips, and said in the psionic connection: “The tasks of the three of us should be the same, right?

It’s all [get rid of the human camp and kill three deep sea monsters].

When Dawn and I teleported over, we appeared directly near the Broken Dome base. With my ability to control the computer system, we bypassed the PPDC’s detection methods and entered the Broken Dome Fortress.

Li…cough, Brother Li, you may have been targeted because your strength exceeded the average line of the script task, so you were targeted,

The initial teleportation location was not around us, directly detected by the PPDC and hunted.

This should be the first trap of the system layout. “


Li Ang said calmly: “The technology tree in this scripted world is quite is much more advanced than Earth in some aspects.

You should see it too, right?

The A.T. force field released by the PPDC mech can greatly reduce the power of modern weapons, as well as any form of extraordinary power.

Not even on Earth.

Without the Pale World Lichen, it would be a bit of a hassle to get around a lot of medium mechs. “

Just “a little trouble”?

The corner of the black Trojan’s mouth grinned, he had tried it before,

A.T. force field not only can prevent fire and electricity,

Once it’s turned on, it’s really like “confronting the world with personal will”,

Even the computer technology of the black Trojan cannot penetrate the inside of the mech.

If you change to a weaker player and stand in front of the mecha, it will feel like facing an indestructible and indestructible iron can. The attack method cannot even break through the armor.

“Cough cough.”

Dawn coughed lightly and said, “The level of technology in this world is indeed slightly more advanced than the earth, especially materials science and engineering,

But in some aspects, such as medicine, chemical biology, molecular biology, the level is slightly lower,

It’s almost like Earth two years ago without a kill game. “

“That’s right.”

Black Trojan added: “The technology tree of this scripted world is a little bit crooked.

I checked the side just now, and the PPDC has several other forts besides Newport City.

Lima, Anchorage, Vladivostok, Tokyo, Sydney, Los Angeles, Panama and more.

Their scientific research and technology are shared, and there is no particular disparity.

In addition, several other fortresses also store some specimens of the deep-sea giants they killed, but there are no living creatures. “

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