Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 130: Handprint

At night, Wei Linglan tossed and turned on the bed, listening to the crackling rain outside the window, unable to fall asleep for a long time.

If she can, she really wants to get out of this ghost place,

Move far away, leaving the oppressive feeling at the center of the eyebrows like a maggot in the tarsus behind you.

Unfortunately, who made her only a low-level player at Lv4.

In the mission log, a bunch of small print is clearly visible.

【Task Type: Regular Task】

[Task Name: Song in the Rain]

[Task goal: to find out the truth about the supernatural incident in Dusheng Village]

【Task time limit: 7 days】

[Task reward 1: 300 extra experience points]

[Task reward 2: 400 game currency points]

[Quest Reward 3: Random Quality Skill Scroll*1]

[Mission failure penalty: none]

Wei Linglan is a well-known painter. She was supposed to live a little bourgeois life, but she believes that she is just an ordinary young literary woman.

It is incomparable to the genius who has all-round development of wisdom, xinxing, perseverance and physical ability,

Being involved in this morbid and crazy game, you can only struggle to survive. If you take a wrong step, you will fall into the abyss.

“The task reward is very rich, and it is a bit abnormal.”

Wei Linglan, who was lying on the bed, thought silently: “Among all the tasks in the killing game, the survival task is the most difficult, because the system believes that even if the player is only alive, it is already very difficult.

Killing quests and puzzle-solving quests are on a par with each other in difficulty, and the latter is even easier in some cases.

Because of the puzzle-solving task, it means that the system can clear the level without fierce fighting methods by default,

The means that can be used are more diverse, and the time is relatively ample. “

The relatively simple task requirements are in stark contrast to the generous task rewards,

This most likely means that the system believes that she will encounter a life-threatening threat that matches the mission reward in the process of inquiring the truth…

Especially this evening, she went up the mountain and found that all the tombs of the recent deceased in Dusheng Village had been pried open.

Who did it?

A ghost? passenger? villagers? Or….other players?

If there really are high-level players with good intentions here, Wei Linglan will definitely kneel on the ground immediately, hugging her thighs angrily,

I will do my best to perform “Big Brother, please take me, please woo woo woo.jpg”

Thinking about it, Wei Linglan felt that her eyebrows hurt again,

Different from the faint throbbing pain during this period, the center of the forehead at this time felt like being stabbed by a needle, and there was a severe stinging pain.

This perception ability, which can predict danger in advance, not only allows her to have another secret identity in the real world, but also helps her safely survive several life-threatening situations.

Something is approaching the house belonging to villager Lu He…

Wei Linglan glanced at Tian Yourong and Song Zhen sleeping on the bed in the distance, took a deep breath, lifted the quilt, and stood barefoot on the bedroom floor.

For seven months, people have been dying in Dusheng Village, but all the people who died were local villagers.

Shi Derong was the only one who died last night, and the three college students in the door were not harmed.

Perhaps, as long as you don’t overreact, you won’t be attacked…. right?

Boom, boom, boom.

The sound of hitting the wall heavily came from outside, as if someone was hitting the wall with their fists.

Wei Linglan immediately quietly lay back on the bed,

He took out a small hand crossbow smeared with green and highly poisonous from the backpack, put up one foot, and placed the hand crossbow on the left side of the body, just enough to block it with a quilt.

The sound of pounding on the wall never stopped, Wei Linglan kept breathing evenly, and kept her sleepy eyes fixed on the bedroom door.

“Gluck cluck cluck…”

There was a whimper from the throat outside the door,

Using the occasional flash of thunder and lightning outside the window, Wei Linglan clearly saw that a dark and thin palm came in from under the bedroom door.

The palm is too thin and too thin, the dry skin is tightly attached to the bones, the blood vessels are compressed by the skin, and it looks like stripes and ravines on the scorched bark.

Wei Linglan held her breath for a moment, her brows were about to split like someone was using an electric drill, and every organ in her body was screaming frantically, screaming in horror.

Her body wanted to pull the trigger of the crossbow, but her remaining sanity resisted the urge again and again.

Dong Dong Dong, the sound of smashing the wall outside the door continued.

As if she was really asleep, she looked at the dark palm reaching into the door, extending a forearm with a strange length, constantly groping from bottom to top, and finally touched the door handle of the bedroom.


The door opens.

Outside the window, thunder flashed by Wei Linglan could see clearly, a ghostly figure in ragged clothes crouched beside the bedroom door.

That body looks like a man, but also like a beast,

The shoulder-length hair floats on the back of his head without wind, swaying like seaweed soaked in water.

Behind the figure, Wei Linglan also saw the source of the sound of hitting the wall——

The elderly villager Lu He, who stayed with Wei Linglan and the driver and his wife, was being grabbed by an invisible force and hung in the air.

Like a sandbag, hit the wall with the forehead again and again.

There were a lot of red and white bone fragments embedded in the wall, and Lu He’s entire front head was flattened.

Wei Linglan’s heart was gripped by extreme fear, she trembled all over, watching the figure on all fours approaching slowly,

He stretched out his palm and gently scraped his clean calf with the back of his rough hand.

This scene has nothing to do with Yini at all.

The figure reached out and grabbed Wei Linglan’s slender ankle, just when she thought the other party was going to bite down,

Outside the door, Lu He’s body smashed to the ground.

In the shadows outside the bedroom door, there seemed to be something standing, communicating with the crouching figure beside her in a way Wei Linglan didn’t understand at all.

After a long time, the crouching figure on all fours released Wei Linglan’s ankles and walked out the door. Before the figure completely disappeared into the darkness, he turned his head and glanced at her silently.

Wei Linglan’s body was stiff and unable to move. It was not until the first **** crowing in the village in the early morning that she regained control of her body.

The bedroom door was still open, and Lu He’s dilapidated body was just outside the door, while her own ankle left a clearly visible iron handprint.

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