Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 126: Behemoth (6)

“Command… authority…”

Fang Xuewen in the cockpit was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously repeated a sentence.

“That’s right.”

Li Ang nodded, raised his finger and pointed at Fang Xuewen’s mecha, “At this moment, your superior, and your superior’s superior, should be using the optical sensor on your helmet, and the monitoring head in this hall, Come watch me?

A group of brains and think tanks sit together,

Urgently rummaging through the database, retrieving data, looking for matching data, locking the identity, tracing the history of my identity,

Lest I’m a human-skinned deep-sea beast that could wreak havoc on this city.

Tell me, have you found my identity? “

In the cockpit of the mecha, Fang Xuewen flicked his fingers slightly and remained silent.

In his communication channel, there was indeed a voice from his superior, and the other party was indeed trying his best to find Li Ang’s trace.

“It appears to be gone.”

Li Ang smiled. When he used his psychic energy to violently search the brains of the guests in the banquet hall, he already knew that

In the eyes of these ordinary people in the script mission, their appearance is the initial attitude when entering the script mission.

That is, a middle-aged man in casual clothes with a face that Zhang Li Ang casually pinched out.

This script mission does not give players the identity of the natives of the scripted world,

And when sending, deliberately did not cover up the traces,

It is estimated that it is to cause difficulties for the player, so that the player cannot integrate into the script world with a hidden identity in the first time,

On the contrary, because of his suspicious identity, he was suspected by the officials in this world and sent people to hunt him down.

However, none of this hurts.

Under Fang Xuewen’s uneasy and fearful gaze, Li Ang took a step forward with the silver-backed gorilla mecha.

The mecha warriors in the surrounding circle instantly raised their heavy and powerful firearms, aimed at Li Ang, and were ready to fire at any time.

However, Li Ang ignored all threats, and in the silence that could be heard from falling needles, his face calmly passed by the mecha warriors, came to the floor-to-ceiling windows, and looked up at the sky.

“It’s beautiful, the world.”

Li Ang looked up at the stars in the sky, tilted his head, and the other party Xuewen said, “The planet under your feet carries everything you know.

Species, civilizations, countries, geography, religions, ideologies, economics, technology, drama, songs, movies, games, sports…

Everything you come into contact with, understand, and recognize happens on this planet,

Everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you’ve ever heard of, has spent their time on this planet.

Robbers, criminals, heroes, wise men, kings, farmers, poets, scientists, inventors, explorers, teachers, priests, politicians, chaebols…

All the love and hate, love and hatred, sorrow and joy in the world,

It all happened on this planet, which is as insignificant as dust compared to the magnificent starry sky.

This is all you have. “

He paused, looked at Fang Xuewen who was puzzled, and smiled lightly, “However, this is not mine.”

He raised his hand and snapped his fingers.


The carpet on the floor of the banquet hall suddenly wriggled,

A large number of dark green lichen-like plants have sprung up from the red carpet and spread rapidly along the carpet.

Crack Kaka Kaka.

These lichens grow extremely fast, and their lush roots, mercilessly penetrate the floor tiles, pierce the walls, and burrow into the solid reinforced concrete by means of corrosion and brute force, spreading all the way down.

Wherever I went, the walls cracked, the glass shattered,

The painting hanging on the wall fell to the ground,

Before the tilt cover falls,

It was submerged in a tide of lichen.

All floors, from top to bottom, become a sea of ​​moss lichen layer by layer, exuding a strong aroma of post-rain grass.

The PPDC operators who were guarding outside the high-rise building were dumbfounded at the strange sight of dressing-up magic, almost forgetting their responsibilities.

“Don’t be distracted!”

The middle-level commander of the PPDC snarled and angrily rebuked his subordinates. He continued to greet the ordinary people who had just escaped from the high-rise building and fled to the rear of the armored vehicle.

However, something went wrong.

The party guests who escaped from the top floor screamed at about the same time.

A steady stream of white smoke billowed from their hair, underarms, and cuffs, like runaway fire extinguisher cylinders.

PPDC’s paramedics rushed up immediately, only to find white mist rising from the guests.

Not the smoke from the flames,

It is a moist, suspended droplet.

“This is…”

The PPDC field commander subconsciously waved his gloved palm and stroked the air,

Clearly see a layer of dew on the gloves.

The next second, his eyes widened – the droplet quickly penetrated into the glove, took root, and condensed into a cauliflower-like white mass.

The white mass is very light, like cotton,

Light, tough,

Like fermented dough, it grows in the wind.


The on-site commander was soaked by a cold current, and desperately slammed the palm of his hand and threw the mass down, but the light white fluff continued to emerge from the until he let go of the gun , tore off the glove with the other hand and threw it on the ground, only to relieve a little.

But those hundreds of guests are like a self-propelled smoke generator, releasing a steady stream of white smoke, creating **** of cotton wool on the spot,

Blur everything on site.

Clothes, firearms, vehicles, roads…

The pilots of the armed helicopters hovering in the sky watched in horror as these scenes happened below, and instinctively raised their helicopters to stay away from the changing high-rise buildings.


The mutation of the building has also entered a new stage,

The high-rise buildings that have turned into a sea of ​​green plants will no longer be covered with lichen,

Instead, the lichen moss is interspersed with vines and wickers and woven into artillery barrels, assuming the floor-to-ceiling windows on each floor of the high-rise building.


Boom boom boom boom boom!

All the plant cannons fired in unison, sending clumps of green plant **** far into every corner of the city.

“What did you do?!”

Fang Xuewen was inexplicably shrouded in a chill. He stared at Li Ang with a split canthus. With a roar, he opened the six sets of vector vents on the back of the mecha, emitting a faint blue flame.

Push the mech to fly like lightning, dashing forward.


The ubiquitous, crawling lichen moss in the halls, suddenly stretched out densely of tenacious vines,

Form a big mouth, covering the front of Fang Xuewen’s mecha like a Venus flytrap,

It’s just a plant vine, but it burst out with a speed no less than a mecha,

Precisely fit the joints of the mecha’s hand and foot joints and tighten slowly.


Li Ang looked at Fang Xuewen, who was struggling in the vine cage, and said indifferently: “You know, mold?”

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