Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 125: Through the wall

According to the information currently given by the system, the rarity levels of equipment items in the killing game from low to high are:

Broken, Common, Rare, Fine, Perfect, Epic.

As for whether there are higher-level equipment items, the system does not give an answer.

Of course, this rarity level is only a reference. It is used to classify the “special attributes” of the equipment. Ordinary whiteboard equipment is not necessarily worse than the excellent quality.

For example, a player once brushed out the 800mm Gustav train gun during World War II on the shelves of the mall. The entire gun was 53 meters long, 12 meters high, and weighed 1488 tons during combat. A 60-kilometer, 7.1-ton armor-piercing projectile can penetrate concrete fortifications 10 meters away with one shot.

Such a train cannon is powerful enough to explode a lot of rare and sophisticated equipment, but it is only of “ordinary” quality on the shelves of the system store.

Although it’s expensive.

At present, the highest level of equipment has been exposed on the forum, which is only the perfect level.

It is also a scabbard that has no attack power and can only restore the user’s physical condition.

Most of the lone wolf players who are alone seldom take the initiative to trigger regular tasks and scripted tasks.

Even if it is triggered, the clearance evaluation remains within the range of C+ to B+, and the experience value and game currency obtained are far less than Li Ang,

There are not many pieces of ordinary equipment, let alone rare equipment.

Even a large organization formed by a state machine or a multinational group is limited by the lack of current players and high-end combat power.

It is difficult to farm or buy good, perfect level items and equipment.

After all, this is a priceless era.

Li Ang, who owns nearly 5,000 in-game currency, bought it without hesitation after seeing a piece of equipment that met his current needs on the store shelf.

【Name: Boots of Phase】

[Type: Armor]

【Quality: Excellent】

[Special effect: Phase Rush. Increases movement speed and allows you to traverse terrain and units for 10 seconds. Ignores most kinetic damage while sprinting. During sprinting, the solidity of the bottom of the boot is determined by the user. ]

[Consumption: 10% total psionic power]

【Cooldown time: 5 minutes】

[Equipment conditions: Dexterity attribute is higher than or equal to 8, Perception attribute is higher than or equal to 8]

[Note: A notorious legendary thief often used this piece of equipment to climb over the wall. Once he just stole from the duke’s mansion, slipped his foot, and fell into the wall at the end of the phase rush. A disgraceful life]

This piece of sophisticated equipment cost Li Ang a full 2,000 game coins, but in terms of effect, it is still worth the money.

Low-level players are still far from ignoring modern light and heavy weapons, and a large-caliber bullet in the right position can end their lives.

Even if Li Ang faced the machine gun array located in the spacious area, I am afraid that he would only have to flee.

With this pair of phase boots, at least you don’t have to worry about being surrounded and killed by modern light weapons,

In the face of supernatural events, running through walls can also be a little faster.

After clicking to confirm the purchase, Li Ang clicked the treasure chest from the backpack bar and took out a pair of gray-black leather boots.

He immediately took off his shoes in his living room, put on phase boots, stepped on both feet, and found that they were quite suitable.

Under the gaze of Chai Cuiqiao, he activated the [Phase Speed] special effect and found that his entire body had become a phantom,

Hands slide across the wooden table, easily passing through.

Li Ang counted down the seven seconds in his heart, took a deep breath, slammed his head into the concrete wall, and passed through the wall with ease.

According to the system notes, this pair of [Phase Boots] can also modify the entity judgment at the bottom of the boots.

As long as Li Ang wants to, he can drop the entity at the bottom of the boot to zero when he releases the special effect, so that he can be entrapped by gravity and fall downstairs.

The only thing you need to pay attention to is not to keep in contact with objects that are denser than air at the end of the effect,

Otherwise, like the legendary thief in the remarks, the whole person will be embedded in the wall, and the flesh and the wall tiles will merge into one.

Well, going through the wall and crossing the door is really a must-have for the next-door Pharaoh.

While Li Ang was researching this new piece of equipment, a new message appeared in the friend list.

Mule: Hello.

An intelligence broker?

Li Ang raised his eyebrows, what was this intelligence monger looking for him to do?

Li Risheng: Is there something wrong?

Mule: Are you still in Yin market? I have a commission on hand, I don’t know if you are interested.

Li Ang frowned and typed: Let’s hear it.

Mule: It’s like this. There is a small boss called a construction company. Something weird happened in his home village recently, so he contacted me to see if I could help him find someone who could solve the problem. The remuneration is about 500,000 yuan, and I will extract 10% of the agency fee.

A reward of 500,000 yuan may be a huge sum of money for ordinary people,

But for a veteran player like Li Ang, it’s just a drizzle. Just sell some game currency and you can earn it back.

As an intelligence broker, the mule will naturally not use a mere half a million to trouble Li Ang,

The real allure to players in this commission is the so-called “weird thing”.

That is the breath of the As the player’s mule, it is natural to treat Li Ang, who is also a player, and the client differently.

Three times, five divisions and two, he told Li Ang all the news of the construction company’s little boss to reassure him.

The client’s name is Lu Maodian. He was born in a remote small mountain village called Dusheng Village. He came to the city to work in his early years. With his brain, physical strength and eloquence, he became a contractor and started a construction company. a sum of money.

Lu Maodian, who has a successful career, naturally wants to give back to his hometown, invest in the village, build a new road, and build a new house, so that his father Lu Guifeng, who is the head of the village, is beautiful.

However, seven months ago, some strange things started to happen in Tosei Village.

A drunk villager fell into an ankle-high shallow ditch while walking at night, drowning alive with a grim smile on his face.

A few days later, while cooking at home, a villager slipped his feet and fell to the stove. His entire face was fried in hot oil. After struggling for a few days, he finally died. At the time of his death, his festering face, which was full of swollen blisters, was also smiling grimly.

The people in the village were panicking.

Half a month later, a villager was thirsty at night and drank a bucket of soy sauce for some unknown reason. He suffered from acute hypernatremia and died of cardiac arrest.

Two days later, the only village teacher in the village also died of the disease.

Lu Maodian, the owner of a construction company in the city, hurriedly invited a highly respected mage to do a ritual in Dusheng Village, and the intensive death incident finally subsided.

However, a week ago, Dusheng Village began to die again. Lu Maodian went to find the mage at that time, but was told that the mage had gone abroad.

In desperation, the wealthy Lu Maodian, through his friends, contacted an intelligence broker who claims to have “wide connections”.

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