Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 121: Heart

  Chapter 1201 Heart


  The sound of cloth tearing resounded through the blood vessels. In the vein, the side of truth is suspended in the translucent sphere, using the power of the mind creation system, controlling the three-headed astral behemoth, and cooperating with Zhongli Mieming and Wang Bu Liuxing on both sides, efficiently slaughtering the surrounding people who are constantly pouring in. Immune Cells.

   How long do fights like this go on?

  Three hours? Or four hours?

  The king did not stay to activate the bismuth armor. In the shooting hole inside the sphere, he released a beam cannon and smashed a neutrophil that was rushing towards it. Just as he was about to turn the muzzle, the bismuth armor itself burst into flames. A wisp of blue smoke was visible to the naked eye.

   is overloaded again.

  The king pulled out a one-time-use [Master Mechanical Maintenance Scroll] from the void without changing his face, and shredded it directly to restore the armor to its perfect state. Said: “These immune cells are getting stronger and stronger, and if we go on like this, we won’t even be able to reach the vena cava.”

  Any potions/potions/props that restore spiritual power are “drug resistant”,

  The side of truth manipulated the ball and carried three people to float in the veins, defending against the steady flow of immune cells along the way. I don’t know how many monsters at the level of 50 meters and hundreds of meters were killed. How many bottles of potion,

   But the immune cells in front of them are like endless, killing and slaughtering endlessly, and the number increases instead of decreasing.

   What is even more frightening is that the defense capabilities of immune cells are also steadily improving.

  In the beginning, it only takes a random blow to blast the immune cells into pieces. However, as time goes by, the immune cells will only be seriously injured after a single blow, and they can still have a certain combat effectiveness. The second attack must be made to make up. A knife can kill completely.

  Sometimes, the three of them are obviously doing nothing, but the next round of immune cells will inexplicably improve their defense capabilities.

   or armor growing on the body surface, immune to stab attacks,

   or secrete mucus on the body surface, immune to fire attacks.


  These immune cells are producing antibodies against the superhumans at a very fast rate.

  In the giant’s body, there must be other extraordinary beings swallowed by the army of immune cells, absorbing antigens, producing antibodies, causing other armies of immune cells thousands of miles away to upgrade remotely.

   Every moment, the immune system in the giant is strengthened until all the superhumans are dead and wounded. Is this the hidden time limit set by the killing game?

   Wang Buxing’s thoughts flashed in his mind, but he heard Zhongli Mieming shouting from the side: “Be careful!”

   I saw a macrophage, jumping out of the corner, the fluff on the body waving heavily, entangling the side of the translucent ball.

  The fluffy tentacles squeezed hard, causing cobweb cracks to appear on the surface of the ball, and the ball’s shooting hole collapsed along with it, pressing Wang Bu Liuxing’s arm.

   At the critical moment, a zigzag-shaped golden light swept past countless immune cells, hitting the surface of the macrophage and shattering it.

  ”It’s you.”

  The king did not stay and his eyes were fixed. As the golden light dissipated, what appeared in front of everyone was a shuttle-shaped charging boat made of gold. There were three figures sitting on the boat. It was Taihao, out of control, and Hohenheim.

  ”Found you.”

   Hohenheim, who was wearing a trench coat, smiled slightly, raised his cane slightly, and released the waterspout spell, inspiring the surrounding blood river.

   makes the waves of the blood river toss, swept away the surrounding cells.

   The out-of-control and Taihao next to him also shot together, killing the few immune cells that remained in place.

  The side of truth controls the translucent sphere to open a hole, allowing the shuttle-shaped assault boat to enter, and the six people converge,

   While taking turns knocking off surrounding immune cells, they quickly exchange information.


  ”. So you haven’t met other players along the way?”

  Hohenheim said meaningfully: “That’s really good luck.”

  ”Have you met other players?”

   Wang Bu Liu frowned and said, “Is it a player on Earth, or an extraordinary person from another world?”


  Hohenheim said quickly: “The initial delivery position of the three of us was near the left gastroepiploic artery, and the confluence was quickly completed. After figuring out the situation, we moved towards the gastric vein.

   Along the way, I met many extraordinary people on Earth, such as [Isomorphism], [Agares] from Euro Heavy Industries, [Torch] from GRU, and several others from Syndicate.

   However, the battle situation is too fierce, and every corner of the giant’s body is breaking out the war between the immune system and the superhuman.

   In addition, the immune system can produce antibodies, which are constantly escalating. There have always been players who can’t stand the increasing combat intensity, or admit defeat and teleport away, or are too late to escape, and are killed and digested.

   Only the strongest few can continue to persevere.

  Isomorphic and Torch They exited the scene on their own, and the rest of us reached the stomach. “

  The side of truth frowned, “Stomach?”

  ”That’s right.”

  Hohenheim said: “We originally wanted to bypass the major organs and ride the venous blood of the systemic circulation directly to the heart, but the counterattack of the immune system along the way dispelled our idea.

   If you don’t know the specific condition of the giant, even if you go to the heart, you can’t win.

   So we go through the gastric muscle layer, to the stomach. “

  Hohenheim paused, with a solemn expression on his face, “Standing on the upper part of the stomach, overlooking the stomach, is as magnificent as overlooking the earth from the space station.

  In the colorless sea of ​​gastric juice, hundreds of billions of immune cells fought fiercely with ugly stomach bacteria, and the corpses accumulated on both sides were almost as thick as land plates.

   Even if you throw giants like the hundred-armed giant and the worldly python into the battlefield, they will probably be killed by endless immune cells and bacteria. “

  Hohenheim shook his head solemnly and said slowly: “However, what we saw in the stomach also helped us determine a conclusion.”

   Wang asked subconsciously, “What conclusion?”

  Hohenheim turned his attention to Taihao, who coughed lightly and said, “Giants and the real world are inextricably linked.

   The overall structure of his stomach is very similar to the prison den held by the Secret Service in the real world. “


  Wang Bu Liu Xing opened his eyes in disbelief, Tai Hao didn’t talk nonsense, he flicked his finger in the air, and cast a spell similar to “Water Mirror Technique” to create a mirror.

The picture in the mirror is exactly what Hohenheim and others saw in the stomach.

  ”Generally speaking, the gastric mucosa is the mucosa on the inner surface of the stomach cavity, which forms many folds to protect the stomach itself from gastric juice corrosion.

   But the giant’s gastric mucosa is like a tower, dividing the entire stomach into layers,

   The further down you go, the more ferocious the imprisoned pathogens become. “


  Wang Bu Liuxing and Zhong Li Mie Ming looked at the picture in the water mirror technique. As members of the special affairs bureau, they could naturally see the giant’s stomach and the prisoner’s warehouse, which had many similarities in structure.

  It’s like. The prisoner’s cave was built to imitate the stomach of a giant.

  Hohenheim and others glanced at the expressions on Wang Buxing and Zhongli Mieming, and determined that they were equally shocked and confused, and continued: “We have looked at the stomach, the stomach juice is empty, there is no digestive matter, the intestines The same is true of Tao.

   Almost all of it is full of energy-rich, pure bodily fluids comparable to rough crystals.

  The giant has not eaten for a long time. The energy source of all cells comes from the giant’s own energy reserves. God knows how many years he has been sleeping.

   In addition, we also found traces of breath left by some extraordinary people in the lymph tissue of the stomach and surrounding areas. “

  The side of truth frowned and said, “breath?”


  Hohenheim said: “Lymphoid tissue has immune function, so it is also called immune organ. It is the place where immune cells at all levels occur, differentiate and mature, and can be regarded as the command center of the immune system.

   Don’t you think it’s weird?

   Normally, it takes at least a few hours for the immune system to detect our arrival and send out macrophages, NK natural killer cells, these “main army”.

   However, not long after the players teleported over, everyone was surrounded and blocked by the immune system.

  We believe that it is a situation caused by some, or some extraordinary beings commanding behind.

   They are one step ahead of us, rushing to the thymus and other organizations, and by controlling commanders such as helper T cells, they mobilize and guide immune cells to destroy players from other camps.

   And the breath of these people is very similar to Michael. “

  The side of truth narrowed his eyes, and instantly thought of the information about Michael’s true identity that he had obtained from the Holy See of the Vatican.

  Michael is different from Su Nisheng. He has real parents and his hometown. His life experience can be traced back to after he became a player.

   But this is where the side of truth confuses it.

  Every top-level superhuman, whether it is Hohenheim, out of control or the side of the truth, before becoming a player, has shown outstanding talents far exceeding ordinary people in certain fields,

   Even that Li Risheng is an alternative genius.

   And Michael, according to the information, is just a common girl born in Corsica, France. His parents and ancestors are unknown farmers, and his school resume does not see anything commendable. Talented, dull, silent, inarticulate.

   But after becoming the first player in the first phase, her strength increased rapidly at a terrifying speed, and Yiqi Juechen crushed the superhumans of the same period. These data were also sealed, and all relevant people were captured by the global supernatural The Alliance brainwashes and cleans memory.

   That is, Michael’s parents have a Catholic background, and this part of the information was retained by the Holy See and kept as confidential.

  Boom! !

  The veins shook violently, interrupting the thinking on the side of truth,

  I saw dense cracks appearing on the walls of the blood vessels on both sides, and a large number of extremely hideous and ugly diseased cells infiltrated from the walls of the blood vessels.

   The white blood cells that were constantly attacking around the translucent sphere suddenly abandoned the side of truth and the others. Under the leadership of NK natural killer cells, they rushed to that section of blood vessels and fought fiercely with the diseased cells.

  ”That is.”

  Wang Bu Liuxing was stunned for a while with his mouth open, a flash of lightning suddenly flashed in his mind, “Cancer cells?!”

  I saw the newly emerged diseased cells, the number of which was as many as hundreds of thousands, which were densely packed and obscured the sight.

  NK natural killer cells are inexorable, rushing into the cluster of diseased cells, slaughtering and phagocytosing, and the diseased cells have only one countermeasure—proliferation.

  When the diseased cells enter the blood vessels, they begin to absorb nutrients and divide rapidly. After a few breaths, they accumulate into the size of a hill.

   And there are constantly cancer cells falling off the mountain, along the blood river, flowing to other places, and once they are fixed, they continue to proliferate.

  The war between immune cells and cancer cells quickly spread to the entire vein,

   The blood vessels kept shaking, as if they would burst open in the next second.

  ”Hidden time limit!”

  Hohenheim flipped through the book of all spells, continuously released high-level spells, knocked back the cells in front, and shouted: “Cancer cells are the hidden time limit.

  No wonder those who were previously left in the lymphatic tissue retreated, they were also afraid of cancerous cells.

  Go, get out of here!

   We must get to the heart before the giant’s body collapses.

  If I’m not wrong, we have the answer in the heart.”


   inferior vena cava orifice.

   A three-meter-high mecha staggered to a stop, looking up at the towering cloud-like barrier in front of it.

  This is the inferior vena cava port of the right atrium. As long as you take one step forward, you can reach the heart.

  Ding Shinji slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air, controlled the mecha against the side wall of the blood vessel, and slowly sat down.

  The state of the Kui Niu mecha is not very good, it can even be said to be quite bad.

  All the armor plates on the mecha’s surface were broken, sixteen or eight of the vector jet propulsion ports on the back were damaged, the magic ammunition was exhausted, the shoulder missile compartment was damaged, and sparks were constantly flashing in the cockpit.

   Even the life-saving trump card—the ultimate means of combining the two into one, turning the mecha into half a wild beast, has been used twice to deal with the endless immunity along the way. cell.

   He has never been so tired, not only physically tired, but also mentally exhausted and tired. Every time he closes his eyes, he wonders if he has the strength to open his eyelids.

  Fortunately, it’s finally here.

  Ding Shinji calmed down and took out a bottle of potion and a silver-white test tube from his backpack,

   He drank the potion slowly, and then broke the silver-white test tube, letting the perfect-grade [Advanced Mechanical Repair Fluid] flow in the cockpit, quickly repairing the damage to the mecha, and restoring the combat ability as much as possible.

  ”If I were you, I would not have chosen to enter the right atrium.”

   a low, hoarse man’s voice suddenly sounded from the side,

   The Kui Niu Mecha, which had been sitting in the corner recovering its strength for the last second, seemed to have lost its ability to fight, and jumped up instantly, the Gauss weapon in his hand, and fired directly in the direction of the sound.


  The Gaussian rifle hit the side wall of the blood vessel, opening a huge gap on it, but in the radar display, the red warning bright spot symbolizing an unknown high-energy lifeform did not disappear.

  ”Your Excellency followed me from the inferior vena cava, why haven’t you shown up yet?”

  Ding Shinji asked coldly, the voice chuckled lightly, and slowly walked out of the darkness.

  ”How are you?”

  Ding Shinji had a look of astonishment on his face. The figure walking out of the darkness, half human and half insect, was covered with a layer of dark red chitin armor, with a hideous shape.

   And the half of his face that was not covered by chitin was particularly familiar.

  The former Shichibukai in Brazil, who has disappeared since the battle for the gate, the Ant King.

  ”Long time no see.”

  The Ant King gave a grim smile, and behind him slowly paced dozens of giant ants over three meters high.

  (end of this chapter)

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