Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 121: Downhill

The man trapped in the wall wears an old, dusty shirt, black trousers, and a pair of glasses on the bridge of his nose.

Due to the lack of air moisture in the walls, his face was not completely rotting, but rather shriveled and wrinkled like a shriveled fruit.

“A lot of cement and skin are sticking together, and judging from the style of clothes the corpse is wearing and the state of the corpse, it seems that it was buried in the wall during the construction of this club building decades ago. .”

Li Ang analyzed calmly, knocking off the gravel around the dead body with a steel rod,

“Recently, it seems that the club activity building was in disrepair, the roof leaked, and the rainwater penetrated into the walls, which caused the corpse to rot again, and green thick water oozes out on the walls.”

The half-dried body began to tremble slightly as the upper body was completely gouged out of the cement.

Li Ang took a half step back without haste, and skillfully took out a Soviet-style incendiary bottle from his backpack,

Holding the Molotov cocktail in the left hand and the steel rod in the right hand against the mummy’s head,

As long as the opponent shows a little bit of aggression, he will destroy the mummy on the spot without hesitation.


The mummy, whose lower body was still buried in the cement, trembled more and more, like a sieve of chaff.

After a long time, he suddenly opened his turbid eyes, and took a deep breath “his-“. It’s like inhaling all the air of the world into your lungs.

Li Ang looked at the mummified corpse indifferently beside him, and attacking rashly when the opponent’s strength was unknown was not a good option.

Attacks are inconvenient to attack, but inquiries are fine.

Li Ang used a steel rod and a pestle on the neck of the mummified corpse, and asked calmly, “Name, age, cause of death.”

The other party lowered his head and stared blankly at the steel rod on his neck, his dull eyes full of confusion.

Li Ang raised his voice and repeated,

The mummy finally reacted for a while. He raised his head dully, shook his head, and shook the dust off his head, “Who are you? Why am I here?”

Li Ang frowned, looking at the mummified corpse and lowering his head, he was terrified to find that he was built in concrete, his limbs and trunk as dry as firewood.

“Calm down, you need to calm down.”

Li Ang took a note of [Scattering Fragments], slapped the revived corpse, and slapped the other party a little dumbfounded, “Tell me your name, age, and cause of death.”

“Cause of death? Me, I’m dead?”

The stunned zombie was stunned for a few seconds, and finally, in Li Ang’s kind eyes, he stammered and began to introduce his life experience.

His name is Mizuhara Haruto, and he is a teacher at Ibaraki Middle School.

Twenty years ago, he discovered that there was an inside story about the funding problem in the entire school. A certain Ibaraki Middle School leader, together with his relative who was a project contractor, embezzled a large amount of money.

After a fierce psychological struggle, Suwon Harudou finally chose to report the matter to the public.

However, the anonymous letter he sent to the newspaper went unresolved, and there was no follow-up when he used the public telephone booth to call the local official in Ibaraki.

Instead, an interest group with a huge network of connections found the whistleblower’s true identity through various means, tied him to Ibaraki Middle School, which was still under construction, and beat him to a coma.

Suwon Haruto originally thought that those people would give him a hard lesson at most, but when he woke up again, it turned out to be inside a reinforced concrete wall.

“I’ve been dead…for so many years…”

Suwon Haruto looked at the modern buildings around him, covered his head, and collapsed: “Dad, Mom, Yumi, Rina…”

Obviously, the 20-year gap is just a blink of an eye for this man,

But for those who live in the real world, these two decades have been a real torment.

God knows how many tears they shed, how many miles they walked, and how much suffering they suffered for the “missing person” Suwon Haruto.

Li Ang glanced at the painful and regretful expression on his face and raised the steel rod, “Be patient, I’m in a hurry.”


Suwon Harudou looked at Li Ang, who was fully armed. The expression on his shriveled face changed several times. In the end, he lowered his head as if he had accepted his fate and muttered to himself,

“Yeah, what kind of face do monsters like me have to meet them? It’s better to become a Buddha as soon as possible.”

In the Japanese island culture, becoming a Buddha does not mean “becoming a Buddha and becoming an ancestor”, but it refers to a person who dies after letting go of all the disturbances in his life and reborn in bliss.

“Who said that I will send you to become a Buddha?”

Li Ang was a little strange. He waved a steel rod and completely pulled out Suwon Harudou, and said quickly: “You actually want to take revenge, don’t you?

Take revenge on the villains who killed you and kept your family in pain. “


Suwon Haruto was stunned for a moment, then nodded hesitantly.

“Very good.” Li Ang tapped the opponent’s shoulder with a steel stick, feeling as if he had hit a piece of steel, “Your body is now able to withstand small-caliber bullets. Taking revenge is easy,

After the grudges are written off, whether you want to cut yourself off or hide in the dark to protect your family has nothing to do with me. “

Suwon Haruto was speechless and stammered, “But I’m still like this…”

“Modern cosmetic surgery is very developed. You inject some preservative hyaluronic acid into your muscles and paint a layer of paint on your skin. You are the most beautiful boy in the village.

Apart from not being able to laugh like those Internet celebrities who have undergone plastic surgery, there is no inconvenience Li Ang waved his hand and motioned for Suwon Harudou to leave, “If there is a grievance, there is a debt, and there is a grievance. , revenge for revenge.

Hurry up, I have limited time. “

I don’t know what to say, Suwon Haruto hesitated for a moment, but turned around and left,

Standing in place, Li Ang put away the molotov cocktail and steel rod, took out an assault rifle with a grenade launcher, and turned the muzzle toward the mummy’s back.

[Task goal: Solve seven supernatural events, currently completed 6/7]

Even if the mission prompt sounded, Li Ang still did not put down the gun, but took out the walkie-talkie to contact the epidemic doctor, and met the code, “Have you solved it there?”

“Not yet.”

The epidemic doctor replied with some difficulty: “I have tried to climb up the wall of the building, and now I am with the black Trojan horse,

There are many statues here, and you have to look directly at them to stop their numbers from increasing. “

He paused and said with a wry smile: “It seems that someone has to be trapped here to complete the task.”

Li Ang was silent for a while. The reason why he wanted to contact the epidemic doctor was to ask about the situation there.

The second is to confirm that the task prompt sound just now was completed by myself and not by the black Trojan horse.

To prevent Suwon Haruto from lying to him.

After confirmation, now only the last paranormal incident at the black Trojan remains unsolved,

Just as Li Ang wanted to say that he would arrive soon, he found that the surrounding scene suddenly darkened, and the sky and the earth seemed to be covered with a thick shadow.

The sound of the wind whistling and wild hunting suddenly calmed down.

In Ibaraki Middle School, there was only absolute silence, so quiet that you could hear your own heartbeat.

The sun has set.

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