Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 120: Delivery

  Chapter 1200 Delivery

   Under the frosty glow of the dome’s blue-green algae, the war begins.

  The mountain-like Leviathan opened its huge mouth in the abyss and spewed thunderous high-temperature plasma, which was sprinkled on the heads of the immune cell clusters attacked by the sprint, corroding the microvilli on their surfaces.

   At the same time, Leviathan waved the giant tentacles growing on his back and wrapped around the tentacles smashed by the frontmost macrophages,

   The two sides slammed into each other like wild beasts fighting in the ancient Roman Colosseum, and a shock wave of air that was visible to the naked eye erupted.

   at the feet of two hill-like beasts,

  Thousands of Hive Soldiers, recovering from dehydration, charged forward.

  The number and types of beast-level soldiers are the largest,

   They run faster than vehicles and come in a variety of forms. They carry equipment including but not limited to giant axes and claws, acid cannons, flamethrowers, carnivorous beetle guns, etc.

  Before the hive occupied the gate world, the beast-level soldiers often used modern firearms made by the workers of the hive factory.

   And after occupying the door world, collecting genetic samples, and developing biological weapons, the current insect hive soldiers are basically all biological weapons.

   Even an ordinary carnivorous beetle rifle in the hands of a beast-level soldier is a worm-hive creature – it is a carnivorous beetle with a high degree of specialization, which is in the form of a firearm.

   The body is the gun body, the throat is the barrel, the abdomen is the magazine, and the eggs are the bullets – when the eggs of the carnivorous beetles hit the organism, they will quickly hatch larvae in the opponent’s body and begin to devour the target body.

   In addition, the hive brain worms have also developed a plurality of biological weapons in combination form through unremitting efforts.

   A rifle can be composed of several small bugs. If necessary, you can change the combination form and switch functions.

  The huge number and variety of beast-level soldiers and insects greeted the vast army of immune cells under the feet of macrophages.

   As soon as the two sides came into contact, shocking casualties broke out.

  In the immune cells, whether it is killer T cells, B lymphocytes, or ordinary neutrophils, the body size is much larger than that of beast-level soldiers.

   And due to the expansion of the body size, the tentacles on the surface of these immune cells can extend a distance of tens of meters. Once they are wrapped around the worms, they will immediately retract and stuff the soldiers into the immune cells.

  The lysosomal enzymes contained in the immune cells can corrode the bodies of soldiers and insects like sulfuric acid.

  It was indeed like this at the beginning, the army of immune cells ran over the front line of the worm nest like a broken bamboo,

  killer T cells and neutrophils, like mighty monsters, waving frantic tentacles and devouring soldier insects one after another – even through the translucent cell membrane, you can see the cells suspended in the cell fluid, The remnants of soldiers and insects that are constantly dissolving.

   However, as more and more Hive Soldiers were released and activated, the battle situation quickly changed.

  Boom boom boom boom boom!

  The shell exploded and the flames shot into the sky.

   As soon as the heavy armored soldiers entered the battlefield, they immediately suppressed the charge of the immune cells.

   Today’s heavy armored soldiers have a huge improvement in size and firepower compared to before.

   They are equipped with a wide variety of weapons – the flea cannon. Its bullets are small flea-shaped bugs that can quickly shoot out of the barrel with the help of hydraulically ejected leg structures.

   Devouring Cannon – It can open its muzzle and shoot chameleon tongue-like hooks, grab the target’s flesh and blood at a distance, and drag it over to devour it.

   Heavy Venom Cannon – Not only can fire liquid poison, but it can also fire crystallized poison projectiles that generate corrosive smoke at the target location.

  Hot Melt Cannon – Can fire a viscous, napalm-like oily substance that burns at a temperature of up to 2,000 degrees and erodes the bones.

   Blast Cannon – One of the most powerful conventional weapons, each cannonball is a swollen tick full of explosive ammunition, capable of shattering even a steel fortress.

The first round of firing of the    artillery array shattered the immune cells at the forefront—before the opponent could stretch out his tentacles, he was overwhelmed by artillery fire far outnumbering his own.

   One shell can’t penetrate the body surface defense, so what about ten, twenty, thirty?

  Under the fierce shelling at any cost, the army of immune cells that had just broken into the front line of the Hive Base was directly crushed and shattered,

  Countless cells died, and a large amount of cell fluid seeped out, overflowing on the surface.


   The sound of continuous artillery fire was mixed with the sound of rustling.

   The black and red mushroom creep spreads rapidly in all directions with the first insect nest base as the center.

  Underground, lush roots grow and shuttle, madly absorbing biomass resources.

  On the ground, the activated fungus automatically collects the cross-flowing cell fluid, and continuously transports the biomass components to the insect nest base through the intricate micro-pipes inside the fungus.

  The scary part of the worm nest is not only the endless and fearless soldiers, but also the terrifying efficiency of resource utilization-the flesh and blood of the dead worms will also be efficiently absorbed by the creep. Provide nutrients to the nest base.

  The Hive Base will have different structures in different environments.

   (for example, in an urban environment, the worm nest base is built around the city, on the bottom of the sea, it is built on the cave, and in the sky, it is integrated with the mothership)

   When there are no objects attached, the hive base has a pyramid shape as a whole.

   The top of the    is a specialized insect hive radar, which has radar detection function and telepathy ability, and can detect the surrounding environment.

   Downward is the habitat of the worm-hive brain worm, which is protected by guard-level and guard-level soldiers.

   Further down, there are different buildings in the Hive base.

  For example, the biological gene resource bank-stores a wide variety of biological genes.

   Digestive tank – digests biomass (including but not limited to corpses, amputated limbs, cell fluids, living organisms) and concentrates nutrients.

   Psionic Tower – Low-level hive soldiers do not have the ability to think and must be directed by their superiors. The hive brain worm can use the psionic tower to strengthen its own psionic power and accurately command and control the soldiers. Of course, in addition to psionic energy, the Hive Brain Worm can also command the lower-level Beast-Class and Attendant-Class Soldiers by controlling the release of pheromones from a single Heavy Armored Soldier.

   and the most important hatching pool.

  The current hatching pond is no longer a huge dark green pond, it is more like countless factory assembly lines side by side,

  Each red-black blood vessel that runs through the pyramid nest is covered with huge grape-like cysts on its surface.

   Through the translucent protective film, you can see the fast-growing worm nest units at all levels in the sac—the larger the worm nest unit, the larger the sac that is responsible for hatching.

   In addition to these structures, there are spore smoke towers growing on the periphery of the insect nest base – these spiral-shaped dead coral-like chimneys, the energy source continuously erupts spores, and the creepage is in the distance.

  Considering that the entire world is currently a biomass ocean,

  The effective range of the spore smoke tower is basically equal to unlimited.

  Unlimited resources, unlimited territory, unlimited enemies.

  Li Ang was suspended above the worm nest base, and he could feel a pressure coming from somewhere – the immune system in the giant’s body was slowly and fully awakened,

   Those macrophages in front also seemed to realize the importance of the worm hive base, and they sprinted under the artillery bombardment without fear of death.

   However, the Hive Base just getting on the right track doesn’t give them a chance.


  The flying soldiers that covered the sky and the sun flew out from the rear of the insect nest base and swept the entire battlefield.

  These insect hive flying units, like ground units, are divided into squire-level, beast-level, and heavy-duty-level divisions. Some of these soldiers also have hot melt cannons and even blasting cannons that are not inferior to the surface heavy-duty level.

  The air unit of the Hive, with its flight advantage, quickly covers every corner of the immune cell army with firepower.

   As far as the eye can see, there are flaming flames everywhere, thick smoke emitting sulphur, stumps, broken arms, and broken flesh.

  Some macrophages try to eject the tentacles from the body surface to intercept the flying soldiers.

   But the latter is just too agile, light, mobile, and aided by other hive units—

  The smallest ground attendant-level soldier, with its light body, climbs up along the sidewall of the pipe,

   used the sharp claws extending from the tips of the limbs to hook the cyanobacteria layer of the dome, crawl quickly on the ceiling, cross the army of immune cells on the surface, and land directly on the top of the macrophages.

  The size of the ground attendant-level soldier is similar to that of a large dog.

  Their size and structure are destined to be unable to become the main force on the battlefield, but it is precisely because of their light weight that they can bounce and move on the surface vesicles of macrophages, using sharp claws extending from their forelimbs, Rapid cleavage of microvilli on the surface of macrophages.

   prevents macrophages from interfering with airborne soldiers.

   Soon, the battlefield situation tilted towards the worm nest.

   Creep swept over the front and grew forward and backwards in the pipeline.

   “The Kraken Hive Mothership has been dehydrated and ready for release.”

   In the psionic network, the voice of the Kraken brainworm sounded.

  Li Ang silently observed the situation on the battlefield, how many immune cells just died here?

  100,000? Two hundred thousand?

   Compared to the planet-like giants, this immune cell is just a drop in the ocean.

   More Hive Bases and more Hive Motherships are needed to fight this war against the entire immune system.

   To fight to support the war, life is endless.

  ”Get started.”

  Li Ang waved his arm indifferently, and the door opened a small half circle again.

   The Hive Mothership, which was dehydrated and looked extremely withered and shriveled, slowly drove out of the Stargate.


   In the player panel, Li Ang’s divine power gauge dropped rapidly like diving.

  In each worm hive mothership, there are not only countless soldiers, but also a complete worm hive base.

   If an ordinary Lv27 superhuman has a star gate, when such a behemoth passes through the gate, the energy consumption is enough to squeeze the superhuman, and even death on the spot is not impossible.

   Fortunately, Li Ang was well prepared.

  In the worm’s nest building in the door world, hundreds of millions of human beings, in the church of the Lord of Flesh and Swamp, listen to the teachings of the Patriarchs, and sincerely appreciate the blessings of the Lord of Flesh and Swamp.

   The continuous power of belief generated from this crosses the star gate and is added to Li Ang,

   made his spiritual power tank like a high-speed elevator, going up and down, and finally completed the launch of the Kraken Hive Mothership.

   bang bang bang.

As soon as the    Kraken mothership entered the airspace, it immediately followed the pre-war plan and dropped hundreds of flexible pipes and connected them to the digester of the base below.

   Just like refueling in the air, it directly absorbs the energy in the dehydration tank and quickly recovers from dehydration.

   “The Kraken Mothership has been restored and ready for the second Hive Base.”

  The voice of the brainworm Kraken sounded in the psionic network. As the first brainworm to officially enter the giant planet (Leviathan does not count),

   Kraken, who has always been calm, the nerve plexus in his mind could not help but tremble with excitement at this moment.

  ”No, cancel the original plan.”

  Li Ang said lightly: “Cerberus is responsible for this, you follow me, leave here, and go to the next location.”

   His will runs through the psionic energy network of the hive, and Cerberus behind the door received the order to drain the water without hesitation, and jumped out of the star gate and entered the first worm hive base in a dehydrated state. be stationed.

  The immune system is far from being defeated, the first worm nest base, at best, only activates the lung macrophages in this area,

  In addition to T lymphocytes and B lymphocytes, there are also K lymphocytes and NK lymphocytes,

   There is also inflammation and specific immunity.

   The fierce battle inside the giant has just begun.


  Li Ang pulled up the star gate, raised the fingers of his left hand, pointed to the side wall of the tunnel, and released the dissociation technique.


   One after another dark green dissociation beam bombarded the tunnel sidewall,

   A huge fissure was cut in the thick sidewall, allowing a large amount of reddish liquid to pour in from the fissure.

  Li Ang put down his arm, snapped his fingers at will, and used the power of the mind creation system to prop up an invisible barrier on the surface of the body,

   The soles of the feet stepped on the invisible steps and rushed into the cracks.

   And the Kraken Hive Mothership, followed in the footsteps of the Lord of Flesh and Swamp.

The world inside the    giant is too huge, and there is no point in the hive base sticking to one place.

   to expand, devour, utilize, transform.

  The hunger and thirst of the Hive will never end. This world, which is completely composed of biomass, is simply the most suitable home for the Hive to play.

   liver, gallbladder, cecum, large intestine, small intestine, appendix, lung, stomach

  Li Ang wants to place insect nest bases in multiple locations, and use giant blood vessels as the road for the insect nest to march.

   Finally, surround the heart.

   At the same time, he also wanted to use the scout soldiers as his eyes and ears to observe the movements of other people.

  (end of this chapter)

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