Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 120: Blast

The black Trojan’s left eye blinked, and when he opened it again, the statues didn’t move or split again.

“Wow, that’s great.”

He breathed a sigh of relief and blinked his dry right eye.

As long as both eyes blink alternately, the “switch” of these statues will not be triggered.

Then the question is, what can he do to get rid of these undead and indestructible statues?

Black Trojan checked the backpack bar and found no suitable props or equipment in it.

To make matters worse, he found that the walkie-talkie he used to contact two teammates had fallen at the foot of a statue and had been broken in half,

It is estimated that it was broken when the rocket was fired just now and was attacked by the enemy.

[Task goal: Solve seven supernatural events, currently completed 5/7]

A system beep suddenly sounded in his ears, and the black Trojan immediately realized that it was probably that teammate Li Risheng who solved the supernatural incident in the swimming pool.

The black Trojan was overjoyed, and then fell into despair.

Think about it from another perspective, that Li Risheng is probably dialing the walkie-talkie to try to contact his teammates,

After discovering that the black Trojan could not be contacted, Li Risheng will most likely not come to the Art Building to rescue, but will go to the last club activity building in Ibaraki Middle School that has not been searched.

Because there are only ten minutes left until the sun sets, and there is still some distance between the art building and the swimming pool.

Instead of spending precious time to come to the rescue, it is better to trust that the black Trojan has a probability to solve the sixth paranormal incident independently, and then go to the location of the seventh paranormal incident and ask the epidemic doctor to help.

In this way, the mission team can complete the mission with maximum efficiency – this is also the safest and most secure way to clear the level.

This is the black Trojan’s prediction of Li Risheng’s actions,

As for the epidemic doctor…he has been severely injured in the school hospital, and even if he reluctantly rushes over, he can’t climb up the wall of the building to provide support.

Without the means to contact teammates, and unable to leave this corridor, the black Trojan horse felt that he was overwhelmed by deep despair as the sun was about to set.

There is nothing he can do.


At the other end of Ibaraki Middle School, Li Ang ran out of the swimming pool and hung up the walkie-talkie while running.

It is only about ten minutes before the sun completely sinks to the horizon. This is probably the hidden time limit set by the system.

As expected by the black Trojan, after discovering that there were only him and the epidemic doctor in the communication channel, Li Ang decisively asked the epidemic doctor to help,

He continued to carry out his mission to solve the seventh supernatural incident before the time limit came.

He is willing to believe in black Trojan horses and epidemic doctors to a certain extent,

If the Trojan horse still hasn’t completed the mission after the seventh paranormal incident is resolved, then he will go back and go to the Art Building for support…or finish.

Li Ang ran towards the club activity building against the strong wind.

When he came downstairs, Li Ang kicked open the door with a seal and a chain, and rushed into the building with an iron rod.

This two-story club building can be said to be the most dilapidated and old building in the entire Ibaraki Middle School. It was renovated from an old teaching building decades ago.

According to the map at the school entrance, the school will build a new building in the northeast corner of the school in the future to serve as a new club activity center.

I am afraid that this old club building will be demolished soon.


The sound of the iron rods dragging on the wooden floor was extremely harsh. Li Ang walked in the corridor relying on eight spider claws extending from his spine.


Li Ang’s friendly voice reverberated in the club activity building. He smashed open wooden doors one after another with a steel rod, lifted pieces of the floor, and broke the walls.

Gently shouted: “Come out and have a good talk, shall we?”

His current appearance is comparable to the monster hunt in B-grade horror movies. With the steel rod with the thickness of the bowl in his hand, he doesn’t look like he will “have a good talk” with others.

Li Ang did not expect to find the root cause of the supernatural incident in such a short period of time and solve it properly.

Since time is too late, it is better to take a direct approach…

After dismantling a few walls, he took out several packages tied with black tape from his backpack, each with a half-disassembled Casio F-91W digital watch attached to it.

These packages are IED improvised explosive devices made by Li Ang himself. They have a large charge and considerable power. They can not only trigger automatically, but also set a timing mode.

These IEDs were originally used by Li Ang for building fortifications and laying mines in the wild, but they can be used now.

“Unlike other buildings in Ibaraki Middle School, this club building is quite old, and the load-bearing wall will collapse as soon as it is blown up. As long as the buried location is suitable, a dozen IEDs are enough to blow up the entire building.”

As an ordinary netizen who likes to surf the Internet, it is normal for Li Ang to master engineering blasting skills.

He timed all the IEDs with a Casio F-91W digital watch and placed them under a weighing wall on the first floor.

When ready, he walked out of the building and silently began the countdown.

Ten, nine, eight….three, two, one.


The continuous sound of explosions resounded through the sky The fire flashed across the building, and the explosion shock wave directly shattered all the glass, and the glass fragments scattered.

Li Ang stood outside the building, silently watching the old club activity building collapse in situ.

The smoke and dust were quickly blown away by the whistling wind. With the detection function of the cat’s eye, Li Ang saw that in the collapsed ruins, a two-story wall stood alone.

The wall was unremarkable, except that at the height of the second floor, there was a small green spot that was almost indiscernible, as if it had been corroded by mold parasites.

Li Ang walked over with a steel rod, and slashed the lower half of the wall with one stick.

The wall collapsed in response. Li Ang held a stick and smashed the reinforced concrete structure around the green spot one after another.

As the gravel peels off, the internal structure of the wall gradually becomes clear,

It was originally just a small green spot on the surface of the wall, but it became bigger and bigger inside the wall, like a washbasin,

Even through the subtleties of this green spot, you can tell that it is a human face with a ferocious expression, despair and fear.

Li Ang was silent and continued to smash,

A small piece of gray cloth emerged from the concrete, followed by a piece of clothing, an arm, and a head.

In a certain wall on the second floor of the club activity building of Ibaraki Middle School, there is a person buried in it, a person who has been dead for decades.

Before the club building was abandoned, the students of Ibaraki Middle School had been using this classroom,

People come and go, laugh and play,

Little did they know that there was a pair of empty and dead eyes watching them all the time in the wall, and the green spots on the wall were not mold, but pus from the corpse’s decay.

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