Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 119: Sea beasts

Have you started yet?

Including Jonson Goode,

All the seafarers were nervous and crowded to the deck rails and looked down.

I saw a lot of bubbles on the sea surface where the blood pooled, like a hot pot of boiling water,

The water churned and churned, creating waves that contrasted sharply with the surrounding calm zone.

“Back to your posts!”

The first mate next to the captain gave a low voice, pulled out his machete, and slapped the guardrail with the side of the blade.

The dull sound of the blade colliding with the guardrail made these mentally ill seamen react.

Abandon viewing and return to their respective posts.

Or take care of the sails,

Or straighten the winch, ready to stow the anchor,

Or…tune the Harpoon Turret.


As the owner of the boat, Jonson Good has the right to stand with the captain and watch,

I saw a flat black object two meters high and ten meters long, surfaced,

Rolls the water to create long v-shaped waves.

Like the long and narrow dorsal fin of a certain fish,

It’s like the arms of an octopus.

I can’t help but imagine how huge the body below it will be.

The sailors on the boat let out bursts of depressed exclamations. They have been walking on the sea all year round, they have seen countless sea monsters, and they even hunted and killed a few of them.

The broken wood grain under the layers of brown paint on both sides of the hull,

Hidden behind the wooden baffle, the sharp-edged harpoon turret and rifled artillery shimmering with coldness are the best proof.

Of course, hunting giant sea beasts on the sea is not a lucky thing,

Superstitious sailors rarely do it,

Only whaling ships running for profit, and the Imperial Navy tasked with maintaining the safety of the shipping routes, will hunt sea monsters.

(Some rare biological materials on sea beasts are sometimes the reason why humans hunt them)

The sailors aboard the Atoka returned to their posts under the scolding of the chief mate,

The most elite sailors adjust harpoon guns, whaling nets and rifled guns in the cabin.

The strangely vast windless belt looks dead, but it is actually dangerous,

The sea kings here are more ferocious and violent than the sea beasts in the outer human channel, and they are generally larger in size.

Can these weapons that they use to deal with conventional sea kings really protect them after the summoning ritual fails?


The exaggerated black dorsal fin sinks under the water,

Neither actively attacking ships,

Did not dive away either,

Instead, it swims back and forth around the sunken Atoka.


Johnson Goode subconsciously swallowed while looking at the large dark shadow below the sea,

When he was a nobleman, in the Imperial Museum, he saw various giant skull specimens of sea kings, which could swallow a whole carriage in one bite.

The Imperial Navy will also drag a part of the sea kings it hunts into the city’s inner harbor along the waterway every year for the citizens to watch,

To show off imperial might.

But the shadow of the activity below the sea gave him a much stronger sense of oppression than the dead objects in the museum, or the stinking corpses of sea beasts in the inner harbor.

Johnson Goode couldn’t help but asked softly, “Your Excellency Captain, what kind of sea beast did you summon?”


The dark-skinned captain took a deep breath, but he didn’t know it.

The method he used to summon sea beasts was handed down from his ancestors,

In the captain’s life, he has only seen his father use it once,

He himself had never used it before.

Whether he can succeed, he has no confidence.

Just as the captain was about to tell the young employer,

Just a loud “bang”,

The entire four-masted ship shook violently.

The barrels tumbled on the deck, and the sailors stumbled,

Jonson Good, who has a year of sailing experience, instinctively reached out and grabbed the deck railing to keep himself from falling to the ground and sliding down the sloping deck into the sea.

Johnson Good turned his head to look at the captain, and saw that the other side inserted the blade of the machete into the deck to stabilize his body, and his dull and serious face was also a little pale.

“All in place, ready to attack…”

The voice didn’t fall,

Severe shaking was felt just ahead of the bottom of the boat,

With the sound of huge sea water,

The front half of the sailboat rises high,

Exposing the dense blue-black barnacles growing on the bottom of the boat,

Everyone on the boat finally saw the full picture of the attacker who pushed the sailboat.

It was a giant creature that looked like a hybrid of a crocodile and a lizard,

Its body surface skin is blue-black like a reef, and its overall body is relatively slender, like a snake.

The limbs are flippers,

There is a long black dorsal fin in the middle of the back,

On both sides of the dorsal fin, there are densely barbed protrusions.

The mouth is sharp and V-shaped, and the teeth are tapered, large and sharp, resembling a razor.

The upper body surfaced,

The orange beast’s eyes are condescending, like overlooking an ant,

Gaze coldly at the stunned crowd on board.


Jonson Goode was pale, gripping the railings of the turbulent boat, slurring a word from his throat.

There are as many species of sea kings in the deep sea as the stars, and the moss dragon is the most numerous of them. It is widely distributed in all parts of the ocean and is one of the most troublesome opponents of the imperial navy.

Mosasaurus around the regular waterway, the body length is close to a brig,

The farther north, the colder the water temperature, the larger the mosasaur, and the longest can be close to a three-masted sailboat.

However, the mosasaur in front of them was even bigger than the four-masted Atoka they were driving.

The sailors who controlled the harpoon turret and artillery in the hull were also shocked by this majestic and powerful deep-sea beast like a Titan creation.


Johnson Goode turned his head and looked at the exotic captain who had been given high hopes by him, “What should we do?”

“Hey hey,”

The dark-skinned captain seemed to have not heard the words of his employer. His eyes were fixed on the brown-yellow vertical pupils of the mosasaur, his eyes were absent, and he muttered to himself, “Hehehehehehehe, Hehehehehe…”


Johnson Goodton felt a chill run through his body,

Not only the captain, but all the sailors on the Atoka who looked into the eyes of the mosasaur fell into a sluggish state, standing motionless, constantly emitting strange laughter.

What the **** is going on here?

A strong sense of foreboding engulfed Jonson Goode, who dared not look at the mosasaur, but spread his legs and sprinted towards the lifeboat on the side of the ship.

However, before he could run a few steps, he was knocked to the ground by a loud roar from behind,

The long sword on the waist fell out of the scabbard, and the bright sword clearly reflected such a picture——

The mosasaur floating on the sea slowly opened its long and narrow mouthparts, splitting its upper and lower jaws to nearly 180°,

From the throat as dark as the abyss, a large number of barbed tentacles spewed out,

Like a goddess scattered flowers, shrouded towards the Atoka, grabbing everyone on board.

The captain, who was sluggish and grinning, was at the head, his hands and feet were grabbed by tentacles, and he was caught in the open mouth of the mosasaur, and disappeared.

And when he disappeared, there was still a weird smile on his face.

The remaining sailors panicked and fought back,

Or pull out the blade and slash at the tentacles,

Or activate harpoons and artillery to bombard.

Blade slashes have no effect on the tentacles, only a volley of artillery can break one or two of them, but the next second more tentacles gushed out of the mosasaur’s throat, hunting the sailors on board.

Johnson Good ran all the way, and along the way he saw that those tentacles seemed to have a sense of mind, and they drilled into the cabin very flexibly, like opening a can, dragging out the sailors hidden inside,

With the miserable screams of the sailors, they were thrown into the dark throats of the sea beasts one by one.



That thing is definitely not a mosasaur, but a more terrifying and evil creature parasitic on a snake dragon.

Johnson Goode looked crazy, at this moment his brain was occupied by the desire to survive What family revival ambition, in front of the strange creatures that prey on humans, is not worth mentioning.

Just…get there…

Jonson Good galloped on the bumpy and swaying deck, stomping **** the ground, over the deck rail, and fell towards the lifeboat tied to the side of the ship.


As if being punched heavily in the waist and abdomen, the falling momentum suddenly stopped,

Johnson Good looked down in despair and saw a giant tentacle wrapped tightly around his waist, rolling him backwards.

The roar of artillery, the screams of misery, the cries, the prayers, the creaking of ship decks, the sound of splashes.

Amidst the noise, the blond boy fell weightlessly,

The last scene in sight is the dark, fishy throat of the sea beast covered with tentacles.

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