Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 117: Shower

If this is in the women’s bath, maybe Li Ang is still interested in **** and taking a nice bath,

It’s a pity that this is a men’s bath. There are only male ghosts who covet Li Ang’s perfect body in the thick fog.

It makes me uncomfortable to think about it.

Li Ang shook his head and turned the faucet back.

The bathroom is divided into three parts. The left side is the single-person bathing compartment with the shower head installed, the inner side is the massage and rubbing compartment, and the right side is the two large bathtubs.

Almost the moment Li Ang turned on the faucet, the faucets in the entire bathroom were turned on, and all the nozzles spewed out a ferocious flow of water.

Li Ang, who was wearing the S.W.A.T. uniform, was doused by the shower nozzle, but this time, it was not comfortably warm water that was slightly higher than body temperature.

It’s hot water with extremely high temperature, close to the boiling point.

“Damn it, so suddenly.”

Li Ang scolded secretly, even though the uniform of the special operations team was slightly blocking, the boiling water still passed through the gap and scalded his skin.

Even with a constitution attribute as high as 8 points, the boiling water still left scarlet marks on the skin, and the entire skin was constantly stinged by a vague burning sensation.


Ripple breathing erupted instantly, gathering on the surface of the skin under the gap in the uniform, the entire skin tumbled gently like an ocean wave, shaking off the water droplets remaining on it.

Li Ang stepped back half a step, avoiding the water, reached out and hooked the field nozzle above his head, threw it on the ground, and reached out to turn off the water faucet.

This time, closing the faucet caused a change in the bathroom,

Those thick and sultry mist gradually became clear, and six human-shaped silhouettes composed of mist were pieced together.

The outlines are blurred, and it can only be seen that they are all a group of teenagers, lined up, bathing in the single shower cubicle.

Soon, another short and thin humanoid fog came in. He “looked” at the original six people and walked silently to a far corner.

However, the six people in the single-person shower stall seemed to notice him, turned off the faucet slowly, and walked towards him.

The two sides seemed to have grievances. After a few words of conversation, a conflict soon broke out.

The small and thin humanoid fog group was pressed on the ground and gang-fighted. A fog man instructed his companions to hold it firmly, and he took off the shower head.

He poured scalding hot water back and forth on him, pryed open his mouth, and shoved the largest shower head in.

The short, thin humanoid mist struggled violently for a while, but soon stopped moving,

The six fog people seemed to be frightened, and immediately ran towards the bathroom door,

However, before they ran to the door, the shower heads on both sides of the aisle sprayed a large amount of boiling water,

It burned their eyes,

burned their limbs,

Boiled their skin.

All the human-shaped mists gradually dissipated, and the entire bathroom returned to a state of dense fog.

“Is this a memory of death?”

Li Ang muttered.

Combined with the seven clothes in the locker in the dressing room, it can be guessed that these seven human-shaped mists are the source of the supernatural events here.

He frowned and shouted at the fog: “So, what do you, or you, want?”

After a long silence, an indistinct voice came out of the fog, “Take a shower.”

“Is it right for me to pick up the soap halfway through the wash?”

Li Ang categorically refused, and said earnestly: “You have grown up, you must learn to wash yourself.”

The voice in the thick fog didn’t seem to hear what Li Ang said, just repeated: “Take a shower.”

Li Ang looked at the faucet that was spraying hot water frantically, smiled, turned his head and said, “Tell me the truth, do you want to steal my bath water?”


The voice paused for a while, and seemed to resist the desire to complain, “Who wants to drink your bath water, you are not a big star worth hundreds of millions”, and said nothing.

Li Ang was overjoyed,

The voice in the dense fog responded, indicating that he was intelligent,

Being intelligent means being able to negotiate.

“Young man, I’ve encountered this quirk of liking bathing water with others before.”

Li Ang persuaded earnestly, “Once the director of our orphanage occasionally said that he wanted to drink a bowl of chicken soup from his hometown,

Respecting my elders, I immediately went to the bathing center near the red light district and stole a spoonful of bath water for him to drink. As a result, I was criticized and educated by him.

I think it must be that he is afraid of exposing his hobbies.

As a young man in Nishima, it is normal for you to have such a habit,

But you shouldn’t drink my bathwater either,

If you want to drink, you can turn left and go out to the women’s bath, where the taste is purer and stronger, it is best not to drink too much. “

The voice in the thick fog seemed to be shocked. For a while, I couldn’t hold back any words. After a long time, I said quietly: “If you don’t take a bath, you will die.”

Before he finished speaking, the shower head behind Li Ang spurted even more turbulent scalding hot water, pouring it towards him.

Li Ang twisted his toes and turned around. While avoiding the water, he swept the steel rod in his hand and smashed it towards the shower cubicle.

The single-person domain compartment made of marble was directly smashed open by the steel bar that swept across, and the gravel splashed and fell sparsely into the boiling water.

Li Ang brandished a steel rod and smashed one shower cubicle after another like a violent demolition.

The water supply pipes in the bath were originally buried in the walls and floors,

Now that Li Ang has dismantled it like this, all the metal water pipes are exposed to the outside.


Li Ang shouted, picked up a giant rock that fell from the wall of the shower cubicle, and smashed it **** the metal water pipe,

Only a “hum” sound was heard, and the pipe that was still spraying boiling water was abruptly smashed and bent. .


Li Ang released his hands and put the stone on the water pipe,

The turbulent boiling water sprayed from the pipe hit the surface of the stone, and soon a small pool of water accumulated on the ground.

“I’m actually a very elegant and easy-going person. As long as you are willing to have a good conversation, I don’t want to use violence.”

Li Ang said aloud while holding a steel rod and smashing it everywhere, “But since you refuse to show up, if you want to convince me, I can only use this method.”

His threats still went unanswered, just those water pipes covered with stones, no longer spraying hot water,

Instead, as if the water source was exhausted, it began to spew out high-temperature steam several meters long.

These steams did not dissipate quickly, but quickly dissolved into the thick fog, quickly raising the temperature in the men’s bathroom.

At a standard atmospheric pressure, the boiling point of water is only 100 degrees Celsius, but the upper temperature limit of steam is more than that.

The steam temperature in the low-pressure boiler is mostly saturated temperature, not higher than 400 degrees Celsius, while the steam in the high-pressure boiler can reach more than 500 degrees Celsius.

Right now, all the water pipes are spraying hot steam,

Even if Li Ang was tossing and turning, avoiding the direction of all the water pipes, he could not prevent the temperature in the entire bath from rising.

Forty degrees, fifty degrees, sixty degrees…

If it goes on like this, staying in this bathroom is no different from soaking in a boiling pool.

It will be steamed alive like fish, shrimp and crabs.

The raging heat attacked and eroded the special operations team uniform worn by Li Ang, and the full-coverage breathing mask on his face even had a tendency to melt.

Li Ang took off his breathing mask, his anger rose from his heart, and his wickedness turned to courage. He held the steel rod in both hands and slammed it against the wall on the right side of the bath.


A bowl-sized dent was smashed into the wall, and the ceramic patch around the dent clattered to the ground, splashing debris.

Li Ang held his breath, attached the ripple energy to the tip of the steel stick, and swung the stick again.

Just hear the sound of “Boom” The wall was abruptly smashed into a one-person-high gap leading to the outside of the swimming pool.

The effect of the heat wave at the gap was much smaller. Li Ang stood in front of the gravel pile, took a breath, and launched the consuming skill of [Hate and Taunt] towards the dense fog.

“Young man, the cherry blossoms in my hometown are blooming, the carp streamers are fluttering in the wind, and the wind chimes are hung under the eaves of the window. When the wind blows, the tinkling tinkles.

Come back and see, your mother and I both miss you. “

Li Ang said loudly: “If you come out now, I can let you live,

Maybe you can be reincarnated, become a student again, and live a beautiful campus life,

Through my own efforts, I improved my college entrance examination scores again and again, and finally got into my favorite college. “

Li Ang’s sarcasm was quite effective. After a moment of silence, the cloud of hot mist immediately boiled.

A tornado came together and charged towards him.

Li Ang shouted loudly: “Chai Chai fit together!”

“Who is Chai Chai!!”

Chai Cuiqiao shouted angrily, but honestly changed eight arms behind Li Ang.

Li Ang, who re-turned into a humanoid spider, nailed the spider claws to the wall firmly, while he held the steel rod and operated the ripple breathing method to the limit.

The spider claws kept tensing and flexing, and then it snapped abruptly, pushing Li Ang into the tornado mist like a cannonball.


The steel rod condensed with huge ripple energy, like a hot knife cutting butter, easily cut through the thick fog, and a vague human-shaped haze fell from the fog.

Before the fog could move, a spider claw that fell from the sky completely penetrated its chest cavity.

[Task goal: Solve seven supernatural events, currently completed 5/7]

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