Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 107: My Love (Quad K)

“Take a ten thousand steps back and say, even if you never thought about taking Steven’s parents’ estate, how can you prove that I am Steven?”

Li Ang asked: “Walking in the spirit world will disturb people’s memory.

I could be anyone,

A hapless man hired by money as a pathfinder, or a kidnapped roadside homeless man. “

“You misunderstood, Steven.”

The old woman psychic smiled wryly and shook her head: “Anyone who meets the requirements can walk in the spirit world, that’s right,

But want to find a specific existence in the world of the dead,

There must be a deep bond with the dead.

Mei Weisi has no other relatives in this world, you are Mei Weisi’s husband,

Only you can enter the spiritual world where this room is located, and you will not be attacked indiscriminately by Meiweisi in the first place.

As for me,

I am too old, and my body is fragile and decayed, which does not allow me to walk in the spiritual world for a long time, and I have no spare energy to deal with the instinctive attack of the spiritual body like a stress response.

You and your parents are aware of this, and it is you who agreed to your astral walk.

Besides, didn’t you hear your own voice on the tape recorder? “

“Ordinary people hear their own voice, and there is a difference between the voice recorded by the tape recorder and the voice.”

Li Ang turned his head and picked up a picture frame from the cabinet in the living room.

There is a photo of the Steven family of four in the photo frame. Unlike the spiritual world, the photo shows the appearance of son Robin and daughter Lin.

Both are blonde and inherited from their father,

The eyes are dark brown, inherited from their mother, Steven’s own glasses, which are pale blue in the photo.

‘In the spiritual world, the two children in the photo cannot be seen, but the world can see them.

What does this mean? ’

Li Ang squinted his eyes, his mind turned sharply,

On the glass covering the photo frame, only Li Ang’s own appearance was reflected, but Steven’s appearance was not shown.

Li Ang reached out and touched the pocket of the suit. There was no key or padlock in the bag.

Just as he was thinking, the lights on the living room ceiling suddenly flickered,

From upstairs came the slight footsteps of “tread, tread, tread”.

The footsteps were not heavy, like someone walking on a solid wood floor with bare feet and water.

The lights flashed on and off, illuminating the four people in the house.

Steven’s parents were terrified, clutching each other’s hands tightly,

The psychic old woman’s face changed greatly, and instinctively clenched the necklace with the silver cross on her chest,

Li Ang narrowed his eyes, staring at the direction of the footsteps above.

As the footsteps approached, a small, dark and dim feline footprint appeared on the white ceiling, facing the four.

The pale old psychic woman stood up immediately and stood in front of the other three, chanting a large Latin Bible prayer.

The black footprints of the house cat were not influenced by the Bible at all,

One step at a time, stepping on the ceiling, slowly approaching.

Zi La-Zi La-

The lights on the ceiling flickered more intensely, and the electrical appliances in the room kept sparking, scrapping and failing,

Even the street lights on the street outside the house began to dim.

Li Ang only felt a coolness coming from the surface, his whole body seemed to be immersed in ice water, the cold was biting,

Steven’s parents’ faces turned blue at a speed visible to the naked eye, looking like they were suffocating.


The psychic Barbara shouted, grabbed the necklace around her neck and snapped it, holding a silver cross in her hand, waving tremblingly in the direction of the footprints.


A shrill cat meow could be heard from the ceiling,

Light bulbs in restaurants and kitchens burst instantly,

Darkness came from all directions like a tide, and in an instant, the four people’s visible sight was compressed to the limit, and they could only vaguely see each other.

However, before the darkness completely engulfed the four,

The cross in Barbara’s hand radiates a faint light,

Like a barrier, it blocks the deep darkness and shelters the four.

“Hoo, ho…”

The old psychic woman, breathing heavily, with sweat on her forehead, took a few steps back and fell on the sofa.

“How are you Barbara?”

Steven’s parents looked better and immediately walked over to the psychic and asked.

Barbara waved her hands weakly and looked around.

Except for the living room, all other areas of the room are shrouded in an inexplicable ominous shadow,

Through the floor-to-ceiling windows, I couldn’t see the outside scene at all. I could only vaguely hear the sirens of those cars on the street outside the window.

“She…she’s here.”

Barbara shivered and took out her phone from her pocket, but it was pitch black, and no response was made to any buttons, and the same was true for televisions and other electrical appliances.

“She is stronger than before. She is still in the bedroom on the second floor of the spirit world. The black cat is an extension of her strength. My strength is limited and I can’t last long.”

Barbara looked at Li Ang with difficulty, “Steven, you have to go back, go back there, find Meiweisi…

Otherwise, she will take you, your parents, your children…”


Li Ang stood there, frowning and thinking for a moment,

Unexpectedly, he nodded and said, “Okay, I can go back. What should I do?”

“Just like that, just lay on the sofa.”

Barbara was relieved when Li Ang agreed,

She made Li Ang lie down on the sofa, stretched out her palm and thumb to press Li Ang’s forehead, “empty your mind, imagine that you are sitting on the floating clouds, not bound by gravity…”

Accompanied by Barbara’s words, Li Ang felt groggy again,

The whole figure is like floating, gradually rising, rising, rising to a very high place,

Then, plummet down.


He returned to the room again, holding the wooden puppet, cutting the glass of the floor-to-ceiling window with the utility knife in the puppet’s hand.


The heart was beating violently as before, but it took a while to calm down.

At the same time, there was a burning pain on the arm again, and a line of black tattoos appeared on the arm. [Hurry up, I can’t support it for long]


Li Ang narrowed his eyes and looked at the line of tattoos on his arm. He didn’t say much. He directly picked up the wooden doll suspended in the air, lit it with a flashlight, and dragged it to the second floor.

Just ran to the second floor,

Li Ang felt a biting chill, rushing from all directions.


A cat meow came from the darkened corner of the second floor, Li Ang felt a chill on the back of his neck, turned around instinctively, and blocked the front with a wooden doll.


A black cat’s paw swept diagonally, grabbed the puppet, and scratched the sawdust.

Compared with the one encountered in the bedroom, the current black cat has swelled in a circle, and the black hair on the body seems to blend into the shadow,

If it weren’t for the dark green eyes that gleamed in the dark, it was almost impossible to see it.


The black cat let out a shrill cry, scratching the wall and running upwards,

However, Li Ang was faster, turning the flashlight in his hand towards the black cat, covering the latter with light.

Like the wooden puppet, the black cat is also illuminated by the light, slowly froze and fixed on the wall.


Li Ang walked over the black cat quickly, his eyes stayed on the black and white hair on the black cat’s surface for a second, and then rushed into the corridor on the second floor,

I saw a black gas full of ominous aura constantly pouring out from the crack of the door of the bedroom on the innermost side of the second floor, like a dry ice fog, which was deposited on the corridor floor.

“Is Mei Weisi about to wake up…”

Li Ang waved the flashlight in his hand, and the flashlight beam swept left and right, melting and erasing the black gas, temporarily clearing a path.

According to the old lady psychic, the flashlight in the spiritual world is a conceptualization of goodness in human nature,

As the flashlight dimmed, he could feel his heart beating erratically in his chest.

“If the soul energy is used up, the end may be miserable.

Not the conscience of the real world.

You can make more money when you run out of money,

Without conscience, you earn more. “

Li Ang thought wildly, “The black cat is obviously stronger than the wooden doll. The flashlight may not be sealed for 20 minutes for the first time. The time is limited, and the battle is quick.”

He took out the spare study key from the children’s bedroom from his pocket, inserted it into the study lock cylinder, turned the key, and pushed open the wooden door.

The study area is quite large, with two huge bookcases on the wall,

There is a dazzling array of books on it,

In front of the bookcase, there is a long desk with chairs on the front and back of the desk – it seems that the study room is shared by the husband and wife.

On the desk, there is a pile of Lego toys,

There are quite a lot of Lego bricks, including trees, houses, vehicles, and villains, which together make up the appearance of a community.

Judging from the shape of the house in the community, it is clearly the community where the house is located.

And in the center of all the green-roofed houses, there is a red-roofed house,

In front of the house stands a family of four villain building blocks, which should be the Steven family.

‘This is what Steven did with his son and daughter? ’

Li Ang’s eyes swept over the building block toy, looking inside the desk,

There is a piano there, with a blank sheet of paper on the piano’s music shelf.

On the left wall of the piano, there is a landscape painting, the style of which is the same as the oil painting hanging on the wall on the first floor downstairs, but the frame of the picture seems to be fixed to the wall and cannot be removed.

“Where’s the key to the bedroom…”

Li Ang glanced at all the elements in the study room. In the mission log, the mission objective of [Find the Truth] was still not completed.

According to Barbara, he needs to enter the master bedroom on the second floor to find Mayvis,

Regardless of whether Barbara lied or not, entering the master bedroom is obviously a necessary process for system tasks.

In the whole house, only the study and master bedroom are left unexplored,

If there is a bedroom key, it must be in the study.

“Hoo, calm down.”

Li Ang slowly exhaled a turbid breath to calm himself down,

The wooden puppet he was holding had passed the sealing time, and there were signs of movement again, but Li Ang directly pressed the flashlight button to keep the flashlight in strong light strobe mode,

Continuously shines light on the wooden doll, immobilizing it.

“Where would the key… be…”

Li Ang walked quickly to the desk, inspected the huge building block model of the community, and demolished the house representing Steven’s house in the community model.

Unfortunately there is no key inside,

There are just a few toys that symbolize furniture, appliances, and a model Chevrolet SUV in the garage.

And there is no trace of the key on the building block figure, which symbolizes the Steven family of four.

“Is it in the bookcase?”

Li Ang walked to the bookcase and inspected the wooden bookcase itself, as well as the various books in the bookcase.

There is nothing unusual about the books in the bookcase, just like everywhere else, only the beginning and no sequel.

The only strange thing is the number of books placed.

The bookcase on the left, from top to bottom, contains 16, 5, 1, 15, 4, 5, and 9 books in each compartment.

The bookcase on the right, from top to bottom, contains 21, 11, 23, 20, 5, and 14 books in each compartment.

“The bookcases in other parts of the house are densely packed with various books, filling every row of the bookcases,

Only the bookcase in this study room is not full, and the number of books in each row varies.

The number of books…represents what? “

Li Ang narrowed his eyes and thought quickly.

The books on the shelf, in terms of title and content, do not have much in common.

Everything from parenting books, to telegraphy, cryptography, and even cookbooks.

“Could it be that the number of books is a set of passwords?

The number of books in each row should be related to the name of each book, or the content of the book? “

Li Ang took out a few books from the bookshelf and checked it carefully, but found nothing wrong.

If we say the numbers 16, 5, 1, 15, 4, 5, 9, we need to select letters from the English title of the book,

However, the English names of some books themselves are not long enough to make up 16 letters.

“There’s nothing wrong with what’s in the book…what will it be?”

Li Ang groaned, put the books in the bookcase back to their original positions, and walked to the piano.

The piano in the study looks quite expensive, with the piano stand open,

Li Ang’s fingers were attached to the keys at will, and the sound of the piano itself was crisp and pleasant, as if it had just been tuned.

“The sheet music on the piano is blank,”

Li Ang put the blank sheet music under the light of the flashlight and carefully scanned and flipped it,

No nicks were found, or only hidden words that appeared in the light, and no interlayers.

“Blank sheet music…Books on the shelf…

The books on the shelf have no rhythm…”

Li Ang took a deep suddenly thought of something, “The position where the piano is played is facing the bookshelf, don’t tell me…”

He groaned, put the flashlight on the piano, and continued to illuminate the levitating puppet,

Then move to the piano keys, press the keys with both hands and ten fingers in the order of 16, 5, 1, 15, 4, 5, 9, 21, 11, 23, 20, 5, 14,

Play the melody.

The piano makes a sound, and the tune itself has no regularity.

But after a song, there was a creaking sound from the left wall of the room.

The landscape painting on the wall opened automatically, revealing a secret compartment hidden in the wall. In the compartment, a safe was placed

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