Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 106: My Love (11)

The old woman, who called herself a psychic, sighed and said, “A love that exceeds a certain level will become a heavy burden, and even a poison to kill.

The world of the dead is not as peaceful and quiet as people imagined, but is full of all kinds of incomprehensible weirdness.

Turn on the tape recorder, Steven, there’s something you have to say to yourself in there. “


Li Ang frowned, looking at the psychic who suddenly became melancholy,

In the normal function of the title skill of the digger, it shows that the secret deep in the opponent’s heart is, “I don’t want to die yet”

The other two middle-aged and elderly couples, that is, Steven’s parents, share the secret “Steven needs to kill her.”

I don’t want to die yet?

Judging from his appearance, this psychic is over seventy years old, somewhat old and senile,

Don’t want to die, may refer to not wanting to die naturally,

It may also refer to this anomalous event, which will put her in danger.

And the two Steven’s parents next to them are very interesting…

Li Ang’s mind changed sharply, but his face was still calm. After thinking for a while, he reached out and pressed the recorder button, and continued to play Steven’s own recording.

“Steven, this is my recording.

When I heard this recording, I should have entered the state of astral walking…

My wife, Mewis, and I got married and had children until the unexpected happened…

She died, of mental stress.

I’m useless, in the last few days of Meiweisi’s life, her mental state is close to breaking down, crying and begging me to let her go, get out of here,

But I didn’t have the courage to satisfy her, I was too weak.

After her death, I was in pain and despair, but I had to be strong, we have two children.

I took care of the children and explained to them that their mothers had gone far, far away, peaceful and quiet,

Every night, I cry silently by myself.

When she came back from another world, I was so happy that I even tried to contact her,

Insert a sentence, [mimireadingapp\] is really good, it’s worth installing it, even Android and Apple phones support it!

Speaking into the air at the head of the bed, speaking into the piano that makes its own voice, speaking into the swing, naively thinking that we can be the same as before.

I was wrong, very wrong.

She did come back from another world, in an even crazier gesture.

The house alarm keeps going off at night,

In the basement, the dolls that Meiweisi kept in the locked explosion-proof glass cabinet during her lifetime were often taken out by something and thrown on the ground.

On the monitor in the children’s bedroom, a long and thin shadow was constantly photographed, just standing there, staring at the head of Robin and Lynn’s bed,

My legs, when I wake up in the morning, have a lot of inexplicable scratch marks – the kind I’m very familiar with, from our long dead black cat, Hope.

The situation quickly spiraled out of control,

Robin’s school informed me that Robin almost used a utility knife in class to dig out the eyeballs of a classmate and himself,

The teacher tried to stop her, but nearly got her fingers chopped off.

Afterwards, he said he heard his mother’s voice, and she told him to do it.

In order to protect my son and daughter, I tried to move,

But even if I moved to New York with my kids and moved to Washington,

Even leaving the children in the custody of my parents,

Weird things continue to happen.

How do you say that sentence, family ties cannot be severed? “

On the tape recorder, Steven smiled wryly and continued: “My parents, who gave me advice when I was desperate.

They found a professional psychic who is said to be recognized by the American Church,

She claims there is a way to get Mevis to let go of her harm to us.

The solution is, let me do an astral walk…”

Suddenly, a loud electrical noise from the recorder drowns out Steven’s words.


Li Ang raised his eyebrows,

The sound in the recorder was intermittent and incomprehensible. After a while, it returned to normal.

“…The so-called astral walk is actually to let the psychic guide me and let my soul enter the world of the dead. There, find Meiweisi.

The more angry and ferocious the spirit, the stronger it will be in the world of the dead,

I don’t know about Mevis’ condition, but if nothing is done,

Robin and Lynn must die,

And I will never allow this to happen. “

The current noise is heard again,

Sweet, sizzled, sizzled—

Li Ang narrowed his eyes, removed the current interference, and listened to the recording.

“…The world of the dead, the spirit world, will be based on the real world.

If the plan goes well, I will wake up in the house we live in.

I must protect my family.

This recording is to prevent my memory from being disrupted when I wake up from my astral walk.

Good luck, Steven. “

With the current sound of “Zi-Zi”,

The recording is over,

Li Ang looked at the tape that stopped spinning inside the transparent plastic protective cover of the tape recorder, frowned, leaned back, and lay on the sofa without saying a word.

“This is the whole truth of the matter.”

The psychic took a deep breath and said to Li Ang: “Steven, your son and daughter are at your aunt and uncle’s house, they are safe.

I’m here to help you. “


Li Ang nodded calmly, glanced at the old psychic woman, and said peacefully: “Ma’am, what’s your name?”

“Just call me Barbara.”

The psychic smiled, “My father, Louis, and your mother, Ida, were old friends many years ago, and this time they were looking for me.”

“Good Barbara.”

Li Ang nodded and said, “Barbara, you are a psychic, right?

Your plan is to let Steven go on an astral walk and find Steven in the so-called spirit world, that is, my wife, Meiweisi, right?

What should Steven do after finding it. “

The old woman was taken aback, “Huh?”

Li Ang said calmly: “According to the recorder, the more angry and vicious the spirit body, the stronger it will be in the world of the dead.

I was in the spirit world just now, and I encountered several fatal threats, and I didn’t even see Meiweisi’s face.

At that time my memory was disordered,

Did you call me out when I wanted to leave the spirit world? “


The old woman nodded and said, “I am here, I can roughly perceive your state in the spiritual world and guide you.

I provided the tattoo on your arm. “

“Can you see me in the spirit world?”

Li Ang raised his eyebrows, “What about the flashlight in my hand?”

“That’s my help too.”

The old woman said: “In the spirit world, the living can never contend with the evil spirits of the dead.

I am in the outside world, guiding the goodness of your human nature to form a conceptual light,

Therefore, the evil spirit is temporarily sealed. “

Li Ang asked: “A short-term seal means that it cannot be completely sealed?”

“That’s right.”

Barbara smiled wryly: “Of all the evil spirits I have ever encountered, Meiweisi, sorry, your wife, is the most bizarre one.

She was in a very unstable mental state during her lifetime, and when she became a spirit body, it became even more bizarre and inexplicable.

The visions you see in the spirit world that take place in the house,

Such as wooden dolls, black cats, dead rabbit dolls, and even those extra organs in the room,

It’s all an extension of her power. “

Barbara paused after speaking, and Li Ang followed her gaze,

In the rear of the living room of this house, there is no fingerprint unlocking gate.

Barbara continued: “The only good news is that she is sullen, but she is generally lazy,

She often seals her body in the bedroom on the second floor,

All you have to do is find her,

Find a way to get her to stop harassing the living, you and your children. “

“How to stop?”

Li Ang frowned: “You want me to reason with the evil spirit?”

“Uh…so to speak.”

Barbara nodded and said, “Many times, evil spirits just keep their habits.

Evil spirits such as serial killers will continue to seek victims.

They didn’t even know they were dead.

Let them become, uh, ‘unaggressive’ because they can’t accept reality when they are told the evidence of their death.

And, Meiweisi loves you in essence, if you can make her calm down,

Tell her the truth,

There is a high probability that she can be stopped. “

“Oh, tell the evil spirit to talk about materialism, not feudal superstition?”

Lee Ang grinned, “So, what if it doesn’t work?”

“If it doesn’t work…”

The psychic’s expression became serious, looked at Steven’s parents, and said slowly, “The only way is to destroy her.”


Li Ang raised his eyebrows, “Evil spirits can also be eliminated?”

“Evil spirits are idealistic and exist because they believe in existence. What once killed them can kill them again in the spiritual world.”

The psychic said: “Mevis swallowed a large amount of sleeping pills before he died…”


Li Ang interrupted: “You want me to find sleeping pills to feed the evil spirit?”

“No no no,”

The psychic said helplessly: “The evil spirit exists only from the mind, it is a conceptual thing,

As long as it’s what they think will kill them.

Mevis attempted suicide with a knife after swallowing sleeping pills.

The real cause of her death was a drug overdose, and the knife was also confiscated by the police as evidence.

Before that event, however, Mevis had attempted self-destruction.

She used your house pistol to shoot herself.

Because you discovered the block in time, it failed.

However, that pistol can be used as a weapon to kill Meiweisi. “


Li Ang nodded, “Okay. Where’s that pistol?”

“As you said before, in the bedroom on the second floor.”

Barbara said: “You get a pistol in the real world and it doesn’t work.

The spirit world is based on, but beyond, the real world.

On the Astral World, only items from the Astral World can be used.

In other words, you need to enter the bedroom on the second floor of the house in the spirit world and get a pistol. “


Li Ang waved his hand and said, “If I remember correctly, Mei Weisi is in the bedroom on the second floor, right?”

Barbara took a deep breath, “Yes, you can try to persuade her to let her go.

If that doesn’t work, briefly seal her again with the flashlight and get the pistol. “

Besides, Steven’s parents also said, “Steven, son, I know this is difficult for you,

You love your Mavis, but…”

“These are not important.”

Li Ang waved his hand, directly interrupting the words of Steven’s parents, and waved his hand: “I want to know, what do you use to prove that I am Steven.”


Steven’s parents were stunned for a moment, and the psychic Barbara was also stunned, and subconsciously asked: “What?”

“Judging from the location of the house, the expensive price of the clothes on the two, Steven’s parents, and the luxury of the decoration,

Steven’s family must be quite rich. “

Li Ang said lightly: “My memory is disordered and I don’t remember who I am.

And judging from Barbara’s performance, this seems to be quite normal.

So how do you prove that I am Steven?

Instead of the scapegoat you hired at random? “

“Uh… what?”

Barbara was stunned for a while before she realized, “You suspect that you are not Steven?”

“Not a suspicion, just a reasonable assumption.”

Lee Ang said: “If I were rich, then the best strategy would be to spend money, such as millions of dollars, to hire professionals to serve me.

During the astral walk just now, I was chased by those weird things and almost lost my life.

But if you spend money,

Invite a dozen or two dozen strong and muscular men, mercenary warriors, urban management brigade, red-neck hunters,

Enter the star world directly demolish the house, hang up the weird and beat it,

Find my wife and force her to sign a divorce agreement,

Isn’t this much easier than taking my own risk and surviving on the astral plane? “


Steven’s parents were stunned when they heard this, not knowing what to say.

“Also, don’t say you have no money.”

Li Ang glanced at them and said lightly: “It was said on the tape recorder just now that Steven himself often moved after the accident, New York, Washington, etc.

And this house does not seem to have been sold or rented out.

Considering the superior geographical location of this community, it can be sold for hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars.

Not to mention Steven and your two rich or rich parents.

Steven was stupid himself, why are you two high-class people stupid?

Comfort is reserved for the rich,

How can rich people be allowed to take risks on their own? “

“This, this…”

Barbara was also dumbfounded. She couldn’t imagine a dozen or so muscular men lying in the room together and walking the astral world together.

Are you putting money aside to hire someone to play a dungeon?

“Cough cough.”

Barbara coughed and shook her head helplessly, “Steven, that’s not the case.”

“What’s that like?”

Li Ang glanced at her and said in a bad tone: “You can’t do it, or you don’t want to do it?

You claim to be a psychic recognized by the church,

The United States is so big, there must be more than one psychic, even if you can only let one person enter the astral wandering state at a time,

Then can’t we find a few more psychics?

Could it be that you coveted my parents’ inheritance and wanted me to die, so would you take a share? “

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