Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 100: Bishop

Li Ang lowered his eyes. Although he had a hunch, when he heard the answer with his own ears, his heart was still filled with waves.

From Xu Tuoan, who had been dead for more than ten years in Longheng Plaza, to the poisonous den in Malawi, the Philippines, the system of Killing Game seems to be deliberately guiding Li Ang to connect with the so-called Epiphany Organization.

This feeling of being led by the nose is not good, very bad.

Li Ang’s expressionless face seemed to be thought by Santos as hesitation before the killing.

The younger brother of the rebel leader hurriedly said: “What I said is true, I didn’t lie to you!

Have you seen this test tube in my hand? It contains Epiphany 3, which only members of the organization are qualified to use.

Not only does it make the user fall into heaven, but it also grants the user a variety of incredible special abilities! Like Superman.

And, aren’t you an S.W.A.T. operator?

As long as you are willing to keep me alive, I will definitely recommend you to the organization as an elite fighter.

By then, with the credit for the success of the raid on the apartment building, you will surely be promoted within the Philippine system,

With the resource network of Epiphany, within three years, no, one year, you can become a senior official in the city of Malawi,

Going even further, in Lanao del Sur and even in the Philippines. “

Li Ang refused to deny this, lowered his head, and pondered the information revealed by the other party.

Santos is only a peripheral member responsible for chores, and his rank within the Epiphany Organization is too low to know the purpose of those people producing and selling special compounds on a global scale.

And Li Ang himself is not willing to contact the Epiphany Organization,

Such a secret organization composed of top dignitaries and local power leaders is trying to spread special compounds around the world.

No matter what their purpose is, it is definitely not for the great unity of the people of the world, to promote human civilization to the stars and seas, back and forth, I am afraid it is still the way of leading beasts to eat people.

In short, throw the blame to the Special Affairs Bureau and you’re done.

The sky is falling, and the Special Affairs Bureau is still holding on.

“How should I contact them?” Li Ang asked in a deep voice, “Do you have the contact information of other members of the Epiphyllum organization?”

“This…” Santos hesitantly said: “If the organization needs it, it will naturally contact you. As for the other members… I haven’t reached the level to be able to participate in the organization, and I haven’t seen the true faces of many members. “

Sure enough, Santos is so hyped that in the end he’s just a white glove for dirty work.

No, I’m afraid he doesn’t even count white gloves,

In the eyes of the powerful, his value is estimated to be about the same as a piece of toilet paper.

Santos looked at Li Ang flatteringly,

Suddenly, the floor trembled slightly.

Li Ang bowed down subconsciously, and after a short while, he realized that it was not the floor that was shaking, but the whole building and the whole city.

Boom boom boom —

The sound of artillery fire in the distance came through with incomparable clarity.

Outside the city, a war initiated by the rebels began.

Li Ang glanced at Santos calmly and said indifferently: “It seems that your position in your brother’s heart is not as important as you think.”

Santos listened to the sound of the gunfire in disbelief, bloodshot eyes in his astonished eyes, “Wait! This is impossible, I’m still in the city! My brother, he won’t start a war!”

Li Ang shook his head and twisted the opponent’s neck.

Santos still had an expression of fear and unwillingness on his face, and Li Ang Shiran took the so-called “ephemera 3” filled with dark green liquid from his hand.

With the roar of artillery fire in the distance, Li Ang walked out of the house and listened to the artillery fire from outside the city with the four S.W.A.T.

Brother Shield said bitterly: “We… failed.”

After paying so much price and dying so many brothers, it still did not prevent the war from happening in the end.

Once the artillery fire is launched, it is no longer a so-called brotherhood that can be interrupted.

The thirst for wealth and the desire for power will only make the heads of the rebel forces encourage and push the rebel “leader” Cruz Aquino to continue the rebel war until it hits the rocks The day it was stranded.

The four operators were all dead, but Li Ang shook his head, “Don’t think so much, you go downstairs first and send all the injured companions to the hospital.”

“What about you?” Brother Shield said subconsciously.

“I’ll clean the safe house, I’ll be there in a minute.”

Because of their trust in their companions, the four operators went downstairs and went to rescue their companions.

And Li Ang returned to the safe house and searched carefully.

A small selection of Epiphany 2 samples, weapons, ammunition, antiques, artifacts, cash in safes, gold bars, and process flow diagrams for compounds….

Li Ang scoured Tama Riady’s collection, feeling that he was almost done. He returned to the living room and overlooked the gang leader.

Tama Riadi is quite tenacious, with all limbs broken, lying in a pool of blood, still retains a trace of sobriety.

It seems that he noticed Li Ang standing in front of him, he struggled to open his eyes, his eyes were full of desire for life,

“Save, save me. I, I don’t want to die…”

“Who cares.”

Li Ang shook his head and stepped on the opponent’s neck.

[Destroy the gang leader Tamar Riady 1/1]

【Destroy the gangsters 100/100】

[Script task “Fool in Dangerous Building”, there are still 5 minutes to teleport, you can choose to teleport immediately]

【Reward settlement in progress】

Li Ang raised his military boots, took out high-purity alcohol from the backpack column, sprinkled it all over the room, and lit it with a lighter.

After 5 minutes, Li Ang, who stood by the warehouse window on the ninth floor and watched the members of the S.W.A.T. tactical team withdraw from the apartment building, disappeared in place.

A few minutes later, two helicopter gunships roared and hovered over the apartment Two teams of heavily armed and masked fighters who could not tell their nationality and skin color came from the helicopters via ziplines. Landed and quickly arrived at Tama Riadi’s safehouse.

Without looking at Tamar Riady or Santos, they searched the safe house, picked up the walkie-talkie, and said, “All batches of Epiphyllum 2 were burned with gasoline.

There are no special energy fluctuations left on the scene. “

The other end of the walkie-talkie was silent, and after a long while he replied, “I see, let’s close the team.”


The armed men quietly evacuated the apartment building and boarded the helicopter. There was no murmur throughout the process, and the movements were terrifyingly uniform.


In the distance, outside the city of Malawi, in a military tent,

A figure shrouded in black robes put down the walkie-talkie and said to Cruz Aquino: “Let your army retreat, there is nothing we want in Marawi City.”

Cruz Aquino in a military uniform gritted his teeth, clenched his fists, and the scars running through his face began to twist, “Where’s my brother?”

“Dead.” The black-robed man said calmly.


Cruz stared at each other, and there was a **** and fierce courage all over his body, “You promised me, as long as I start…”

“I don’t give you any guarantees.”

The figure in black robe interrupted the warlord’s words, and said coldly: “Do what you should do, soldier.”

Cruz Aquino’s teeth rubbed against each other, making a hard sound. After a long time, he lowered his head and said hard: “Follow your will, Lord Bishop,”

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