Game of the World Tree Chapter 661: Convert, the fastest update to the latest chapters of the World Tree game!


Sofia muttered the name silently, took another look at the robe on the other person, and couldn’t help but ask:

“Are you also the Elf’s Chosen One?”

The female elf nodded slightly and smiled:

“That’s right.”

After receiving the other party’s affirmation, Sophia nodded slightly.

She gracefully held up the corner of her skirt and saluted, then introduced herself:

“Hello, Miss Feng, I am Sophia von Wells.”

As soon as the introduction was completed, the girl realized that she had used the honorific without knowing it.

But even though the honorific was used, she didn’t feel it was inappropriate at all. It seemed that the elf in front of her should be treated with respect.

This feels strange.

It’s just that Sophia has such a mysterious feeling…

No, or it cannot be said to be a feeling, but a natural identification ability formed after seeing too many nobles in the castle.

The unique temperament of this chosen one named Feng can only be gradually formed by people who have been in high positions for a long time.

Could it be that… she is one of the top leaders of the Elf Forest?

Sofia thought in her heart.

The more the girl thought about it, the more possible it became.

With this thought, her attitude became more and more respectful…

“Miss Feng, what do you mean when you just said there is no oppression and everyone is equal?”

Sophia asked seriously.

“That’s what it means literally.”

The wind said with a smile.

After saying that, she took out a handful of grains from her arms and scattered them on the ground, attracting a group of white pigeons to fly over to compete for food. She squatted down slightly, caressing the plump white pigeons, and said:

“There are no nobles among the elves. Even the chosen ones who are favored by the goddess do not have a transcendent status. They are just spontaneously respected by the elves… Even the royal family does not have real privileges, but only It just has a very high spiritual influence.”

“Not only that, even the half-elves in the Elf Forest will not be discriminated against by the elves because of their blood. In the eyes of the elves, everyone is a family, and the entire Elf Forest will always be in harmony. And united.”

As he spoke, Feng turned his head and smiled gently at Sophia:

“It is precisely because of equality and the lack of oppression that everyone lives happily here.”

After hearing Feng’s words, Sophia’s expression moved slightly.

She glanced at the carefree elves in the distance and shook her head slightly:

“No…it’s impossible. How can there be true equality in the world? In this world, there are strong people and weak people. The weak are inherently weaker than the strong and can only seek shelter from the strong…This The world cannot be equal.”

After speaking, Sophia pointed to the elves in the distance:

“For example, since you said that the elves here are all equal, why do some of them still dress more elegantly and noblely, while others are relatively simple and monotonous? If they are equal, why do some of the buildings here have magnificent villa gardens? Some are relatively simple bungalows?”


She looked at the wind again:

“Aren’t the robes and staffs on you much more powerful than those of many chosen elves? If they are truly equal, why is there such a big difference?”

Looking at Sophia with a serious expression, Feng smiled faintly:

“Miss Sophia.”

“Equality does not mean absolute fairness, nor does it mean average…”

“What I mean by equality is equality in terms of rules, and equality in rules… does not necessarily mean equality in substance.”

“As you said, the strong have stronger abilities and will naturally obtain more and occupy more resources. This phenomenon also exists in the Forest of Elves.”

After hearing what Feng said, Sophia sneered:

“Isn’t there still a difference? After all, the world is still unequal. Just like a noble with a nobler birth and extraordinary power will be stronger and have more power than the weak common people. There are so many resources, but what you said seems to be contradictory to each other.”

Looking at the half-elf girl who shook her head slightly, Feng smiled calmly:

“Miss Sophia, I want to ask you a question…”

“Excuse me.”

The girl said.

The wind continued to ask:

“Where did the noble come from?”

Sofia was slightly startled.

After a moment of silence, she said:

“Of course I inherited the glory of our ancestors.”

“What about the ancestors? Who did they inherit from?”

Feng asked again.

Sofia was slightly startled.

She thought for a while and said:

“Of course, through hard work and struggle, I gained everything I have.”

The wind nodded slightly:

“You are right.”

Then the conversation changed again:

“So, were they nobles from the beginning?”

Sophia fell silent.


She knew the answer was no.

There are detailed records in the history of the empire. The founding emperor and the founding nobles of the empire were just slaves of a tribe called Manyia thousands of years ago.

They won freedom through struggle, and finally established their own city-state. They fought in the north and south, defeated the Elf Kingdom, and unified the northern part of the continent…

“It seems that you already have the answer.”

Feng smiled.

“What exactly do you want to say?”

Sofia couldn’t help but ask.

The wind looked at the young elves playing happily in the distance and continued:

“There used to be no nobility in the human world. Nobility… was just a privilege created by human rulers in order to facilitate their rule, strengthen their own power, and solidify their class.”

“That is, the human world is fundamentally unequal in terms of rules.”

“But, the Elf Forest is different.”

“In the Forest of Elves, maybe everyone leads a different life because of different abilities and different powers, but everyone is equal in terms of rules…”

“The strong will not look down on the weak, and the weak will not belittle themselves…the weak can work hard through certain channels to become strong, and the strong will take the initiative to help the weak and let them grow.”

“This is the equality of the Elf Forest.”

After listening to Feng’s words, Sophia was thoughtful.

But she frowned and couldn’t help but said:

“But…there are also many nobles in the empire who will take the initiative to help civilians and let them live a good life…”

“Then, will they let commoners become nobles?”

Feng suddenly asked.

Sofia hesitated slightly.

Looking at the suddenly stunned girl, Feng continued:

“No way…”

“No matter how well the human nobles treat the common people, they will not become nobles like themselves. In the final analysis, even if many nobles treat the common people well, it is just to make their territory more prosperous and their own power more powerful. It’s just powerful…”

“This is determined by class attributes. Nobility and common people represent two different classes. In order to consolidate their own class, the nobility must be superior to the common people, which will inevitably oppress and exploit the common people. It is nothing more than a question of more and less. That’s all…”

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“The nobles will always be a minority. In order to consolidate their status, they will never let the common people truly grow up. Therefore… the bottom of society in the human world will always be dark.”

“If you betray your own class, then a noble is no longer a noble.”

After listening to Feng’s words, Sophia fell into silence completely.

The various scenes she saw in Riverbend Town and Morning Star City suddenly flashed through her mind.

She thought of the numbness and hardship of the common people, and the luxury and extravagance of the nobles.

She thought of the disdain with which the nobles talked about common people, and of the tragic dead babies in the ravine…

At this moment, the half-elf girl felt something vaguely touched in her heart.

She felt like she vaguely understood something, but it seemed that she was still a little behind.

“Then…isn’t it different in the Elf Forest?”

The girl asked.

This time, her expression was more serious.

“Of course.”

Feng nodded with a smile and continued:

“In the Forest of Elves, there is no privileged class.”

“Strength and ability, in the Forest of Elves, just represent different divisions of labor. No one here will trample on the dignity of the weak, and no one will block the road to advancement…”

“With hard work, everyone has the opportunity to become a chief priest, even a high priest.”

“Through hard work, everyone has the opportunity to become a strong person, even a favored person by God.”

“Through hard work, beings with elven blood can move closer to the goddess, purify their blood and become half-elves, and half-elves can continue to purify and become real elves…”

“This… is the equality of the Elf Forest. Here… there is always rising vitality, so everyone is full of hope for the future and full of love for life.”

“Of course, the equality in the Elf Forest is not perfect, such as the huge gap between rich and poor among the chosen ones, such as the uneven distribution of resources…”

“However, the road is tortuous, but the future is bright, and the future is constantly developing…”

“As long as we stick to our original aspiration and never forget our original intention, as long as we have a firm belief and a correct direction, as long as we have a relentless pursuit of equality and common progress…then the Elf Forest will always move upward and keep moving forward. .”

“Everything will be fine.”

After listening to Feng’s words, Sophia fell into deep thought.

However, when she glanced at the carefree smiles of the elves in the distance, she couldn’t help but say:

“Only the elves are like this. After all… the nature of the elves is kind…”

Looking at the girl’s complicated expression, Feng smiled slightly:

“Miss Sophia, you have seen the fighting power of the Chosen Elf, do you believe this?”

Sofia was slightly startled.

She suddenly remembered the ferocity of the Chosen Elf when they fought the guards in Morning Star City, and recalled the various legends about the Chosen Elf, and a trace of hesitation flashed across her expression.

“Miss Sophia.”

Feng continued:

“The Forest of Elves does not rely on the kindness of the elves. In fact… when the goddess became the protector of the elves, the elves had already abandoned the past…”

“Then…how do the elves achieve equality?”

Sofia couldn’t help but ask.

“It’s faith.”

The wind’s expression gradually became serious.


Sophia’s eyes widened.

“Yes, it is the faith of the goddess.”

The wind said piously.

“The equality of all things is one of the basic dogmas of the “Sacred Code of Life”. In the teachings of the Goddess, we are taught that all living things are equal. Everyone has the right to pursue progress, and everyone also has the right to defend themselves. …”

“The goddess of life…”

After listening to Feng’s words, Sophia was thoughtful.

She was silent for a moment and couldn’t help but said:

“This is the first time I have heard such a dogma… In the teachings of the Eternal Church, the church will only tell the world that everyone is born with original sin. Only by believing in God and enduring suffering can you survive after death. Get liberation and ascend to the mountain of heaven where there is no pain, no despair, happiness and beauty…”

“So…this is the difference.”

The wind smiled slightly.

She looked solemn and continued:

“The goddess is kind. In the eyes of the goddess, all living beings are equal… The goddess’s teachings hope that the whole world will become beautiful. The goddess’s teachings will not only persuade all living beings to believe in her, but will also truly bring happiness to all living beings. future.”

“However, for the Eternal Church, believers are just a tool to gain faith, and for the nobility, the church is just a tool to facilitate rule.”

After hearing what Feng said, Sophia was shocked.

A flash of enlightenment suddenly flashed through her heart, and she vaguely seemed to understand why there were so few devout believers among the nobles.

After realizing this, Sophia felt a little excited.

She felt as if she understood the crux of the empire’s decay and how to save this increasingly dark country…

At this moment, deep in her heart, she suddenly felt a strong curiosity about the teachings of the goddess of life, and she also developed an unprecedented respect and yearning for the goddess of life, Eve…

“Miss Feng… No, Mr. Feng, are you the priest of life? Can you tell me in detail about the teachings of the goddess of life?”

She asked slightly expectantly.

Feng smiled slightly and pointed to a majestic and tall building in the distance:

“See that temple?”

“Go there and look for a priest named Yuan Yuan, and you will get the answer you want…”

Following the direction of the wind, Sophia saw the Temple of Life in the distance.

Her expression became slightly solemn.

“I understand, thank you, Mr. Feng.”

She bowed deeply to the wind.

Then, the girl took a deep breath and walked towards the Temple of Life…

Like, a new-born pilgrim.

At this moment, the faint light on her body that symbolized the eternal church faith completely dissipated, and faintly, there seemed to be a trace of new power that was constantly gestating…

Watching the half-elf girl enter the Temple of Life, Feng smiled slightly and disappeared into the crowd.

Further away, Li Mu and Demacia, who were panting and chasing after them, stared blankly in the direction of the Temple of Life, with expressions of wonder on their faces.

“My dear, you are indeed Boss Feng… What on earth did she say? Is this a lie? Mission accomplished?!”

Demacia looked at Sophia’s faint believer’s light in the eyes of faith and couldn’t help but sigh.

“So I am the big player among the priests.”

Li Mu sighed slightly.

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