Game of the World Tree Chapter 644: Knocking, the fastest update to the latest chapters of the World Tree game!

After getting the Sword of Damocles, Eve did not stop at the Titan Tomb anymore, but returned directly to her own kingdom of God.

Speaking of which, this time He used Feng’s vest to “descend to earth” for a walk. On the one hand, he came down to harvest the last real artifact to see that the players had almost explored the Titan ruins. On the other hand, he also had nothing to do and wanted to wander around.

Of course, if there are new people who are pleasing to the eye, it is also interesting to give some advice. They are all my own workers. If you train them well, you can contribute more in the future.

When Eve returned to the Kingdom of God, the three-headed bone dragon was already waiting outside the Supreme Temple.

A group of cute elemental fairies were flying around them, looking curiously at these big guys and little guys with lively personalities. They had even struck up a conversation with these big guys and started chatting.

Especially the leader, Mars, was listening attentively to a blond light element elf enthusiastically introducing the Garden of Eden – that was Eve’s slightly unpleasant name for her own kingdom of God.

The three bone dragons seemed to be quite curious about the Kingdom of God. They looked at the magnificent and majestic temple for a while, and at the various strange, lush and charming plants in the Kingdom of God. The blue soul fire kept flickering. , seems quite shocking.

It wasn’t until the holy light flashed, the brilliance circulated, and Eve appeared in the Kingdom of God that she attracted their attention.

Looking at the holy goddess appearing in front of him, the three-headed bone dragon quickly came forward and bowed respectfully to Eve:

“Your Majesty Yggdrasil, you are back…”

Their attitude seems to be more respectful than before.

Eve was not surprised by this.

He looked at the increasingly bright soul fires of several bone dragons and smiled:

“No need to salute. How is your soul?”

The bone dragon Mars said with a little joy:

“Recovering very well. Your country has wonderful power, allowing our soul fire to recover quickly… I didn’t expect that you could open up such a wonderful world!”

This is why the three-headed bone dragon respects him more and more.

For the several skull dragons who are ancient creatures, they have never known the power of faith, let alone the wonders of the Kingdom of God, a world based on faith. Naturally, they will be fascinated by the wonders of the Kingdom of God. Produce shock.

The kingdom of God that believes in the true God is somewhat similar to a collection of the material world and the spiritual world. The power of faith filled within it has a great healing effect on existences such as souls and bodies.

Eve is especially the goddess of life, one of the true gods who understands the laws of the soul best in the universe, and her kingdom is even more helpful in the recovery of the soul.

This is quite a surprise for the three mythical dragons whose souls have become increasingly weakened due to being imprisoned for hundreds of thousands of years.

Of course, this is also the purpose of Eve directly throwing the three-headed bone dragon into the Kingdom of God. He is to repair their soul fire and prepare to help them reshape their bodies later.

In addition, he also means to rely on the power of faith in the Kingdom of God to influence the faith of the three bone dragons invisibly.

After all, the Kingdom of God is filled with faith and divine power, and all souls in the Kingdom of God are affected by faith.

Here, petitioners will gradually become one with the Kingdom of God, while the souls of unbelievers will gradually be assimilated by faith, becoming believers in the true God, and eventually assimilated into petitioners…

However, Eve did not expect to directly assimilate the three-headed bone dragon into a believer by relying on the power of the Kingdom of God.

Although they are in an undead state, they are still demigods and mythical existences. For such existences, unless they actively convert, it will be difficult to be assimilated by the power of faith.

However, it is still possible to subtly affect the other person’s perception of you.

As for missionary work, the group of players in Segas World have been training for more than two years, and they have a mature and value-for-money cheating package waiting for a few bone dragons to join the trap after they recover their dragon bodies. Anyway, that is Yi It’s about a mission order.

Hmm… At that time, it can also be made into a hidden mission, such as successfully cheating, ah no, the player group that successfully converts the mythical dragon to the goddess can obtain the ten-year blessing of the mythical dragon and become the leader of the main city. Guardian or something.

Eve thought secretly, having already considered the future of the three mythical dragons.

He glanced at the three-headed bone dragon with a smile and said gently:

“Now that you have recovered, come with me.”

After saying that, he turned around and walked towards the World Tree in the center of the Kingdom of God.

That is the projection of His body, the core of the kingdom of God, and the place where the power of the laws under His control is strongest.

This is also the best place to help a few bones grow meat.

A few bone dragons nodded, and then like several giant dogs waiting for food, they followed Eve step by step, walking towards the projection of the World Tree with great hope.

Arriving under the World Tree, Eve summoned the Staff of Life again, and then pointed lightly.

As he moved, the projection of the World Tree bloomed with radiance, and new and tender branches sprouted from the thick branches, entangling towards several skeletal dragons…

“Don’t resist, take a sleep and you will be new to your life.”

Eve said.

Hearing what the goddess said, the three-headed bone dragon nodded slightly, then sat obediently and waited quietly.

The branches swarmed up and entangled them, eventually forming three huge “cocoons”.

After that, the branches retracted, and the giant cocoon flew up and hung under the trunk of the World Tree.


Eve once again pointed lightly at the giant cocoon wrapped in the branches.

Golden light bloomed, covering the giant cocoon surrounding the bone dragon, and vitality began to burst out.

At the same time, the divine power stored in Eve’s body began to be consumed rapidly…

The upper limit of divine power possessed by a demigod is 300 points, more than half of which lies in the body.

“Resurrecting” a demigod consumes more, at least twice as much.

Although Eve has mastered part of the dragon bloodline power by helping the dragon purify dragon beasts and dragon eggs, the mythical dragon is ultimately different from the ordinary dragon.

If it weren’t for the fact that several bone dragons still had bones, and the bones contained the power of dragon blood, it would be really difficult for Eve to help them reshape their bodies.

Even so, Eve would have to spend at least thousands of divine power to reshape the bodies of several skull dragons.

However, it is a worthwhile investment.

Mythical dragons are extremely powerful in combat. As long as they help Eve kill a few demigod-level demon monarchs in the war between gods and demons, they will make money back.

With these big guys holding the line, the players will be able to perform better when the time comes.

Not to mention anything else, just the suppression of the dragon’s might by the mythical dragon is enough to drink up the demon army.

Cerotically, Eve poured thousands of points of divine power into it.

The giant cocoon shines even brighter, like three golden little suns.

Eve slightly sensed the time it took to reshape her body and frowned slightly:

“Half a year…”

It’s been a while.

He thought for a while and simply took out the bottle of mysterious golden blood.

The amount of divine blood in the bottle has been reduced by one-third compared to when Eve first obtained it.

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Most of the divine blood consumed was used by Eve to analyze the elven priesthood, helping her to complete various knowledge about the elves in the World Tree inheritance.

In addition, there was also a drop given to the black dragon Myriel by Eve, which was used to enhance the little black dragon’s strength and prepare for the integration of the black dragon’s godhead.

This time, Eve took out more than a dozen drops of golden liquid from the bottle and threw it into the giant cocoon.

This blood can help the True God understand the laws, and it can also speed up the operation of the [Reshaping] magic.

The golden blood was poured into the giant cocoon, and the breath of life around the giant cocoon became more vigorous.

Eve sensed it again and finally nodded with satisfaction:

“It has been reduced to one and a half months, not bad.”

Next, just wait for a few bone dragons to “break their shells”.

After taking care of the bone dragon matter, Eve pondered for a moment and then tapped the void.

Following his movements, divine power condensed in mid-air, transforming into an illusory mirror.

In the mirror, a black castle is reflected. In the castle hall, a lazy black dragon is yawning, leaning leisurely on the “pillow” piled with gold coins like a big orange cat. Paralyzed.

Beside it, there were more than a dozen players busy, some holding steel brushes, and some holding blankets woven with gold silk cotton smuggled from the human world, scrubbing its scales until they shined brightly. Bright.

It is the black dragon Meirel whose belly is getting bigger and bigger.

Eve twitched the corners of her mouth, and a sacred and majestic voice resounded in Merrill’s heart:

“Myriel, how is the digestion of the blood of the true **** given to you?”

Hearing this sound, the black dragon Meirel trembled, and a carp jumped up from the pile of gold coins, causing the players who served it to jump.

“Go, go, go… No need to brush, Mairel needs to stay by himself for a while, go down first with your rewards!”

While it skillfully distributed contribution points and saliva rewards to the players, it also kicked out the ecstatic players…

Then, Merrill smiled and said to the sky:



After taking one look at the opponent’s strength that had not yet broken through the legend, he knew that this guy was lazy again.

After a moment of silence, He sighed:

“Myriel, I will give you one month to absorb the divine blood and become a legend.”

“Otherwise, I will consider changing to a god-like dragon.”

As she spoke, Eve flicked a finger and put a picture into the little black dragon’s mind.

That was the scene of three huge bone dragons worshiping Him.

The picture flashed by, and Merrill jumped up.

“Bone…bone dragon? Semi-god-level bone dragon?!”

Astonishment was written on its dragon’s face.

“Goddess, where did you find the bone dragon? Do you want to bestow the black dragon godhead on them?”

Merrell said a little uneasily.

No matter how stupid you are, you can’t resist the temptation to become a god.

That is not only an improvement in strength, but also means eternity.

“That depends on your performance.”

Eve replied calmly.

After saying that, he cut off contact.

Merrell’s expression changed, and then he stood up and rushed out of the castle like a vigorous reptile.

The player responsible for serving the barbecue was shocked.

They looked at the roasted whole bear that had not yet been roasted on the campfire and said flatteringly:

“Lord Mairel, um… dinner is not ready yet, you need to wait a little longer.”

However, they were driven away by the black dragon:

“Go, go, Mr. Merrill won’t eat! Mr. Merrill is going to start exercising! You flattery guys, hurry up and bring the barbecue down!”

After saying that, in the confusion of the players looking at each other, it swayed towards the hillside where dragon language magic was practiced…


After beating the little black dragon, who was becoming more and more lazy in the comfortable environment, Eve’s consciousness returned to the temple in the Kingdom of God.

This time, his consciousness moved slightly, projecting the blood power obtained from the Titan.

Said to be the power of blood, it is actually more like the embodiment of the law of racial blood, but only Eve, the goddess of life, can embody it.

This is not the complete blood power of the Titans, but only part of it, and cannot support Eve to “resurrection” the Titans.

Of course, Eve has no intention of resurrecting those big guys.

He plans to use these bloodline powers to enhance the power of Behemoth.

With the surrender of the Death Desert, the Behemoth beasts living in the desert have also been incorporated by players. Now many guilds favor these hard-working big guys, and many of them have become players’ Warcraft.

These giant beasts with Titan bloodline have thick blood and high defense. When they reach adulthood, they are silver. Some of them have strong bloodline and can even become gold. Their wisdom is higher than that of ordinary monsters. They are considered to be excellent choices for magic pets.

Not only that, they are very suitable for siege of cities and territories and have great potential for war.

After thinking for a moment, Eve contacted the exchange mall again and put the power of the Titan’s blood into it.

At the same time, He added annotations:

“The blood power of the Titan can be used on the Behemoth after being exchanged, which can enhance the potential and power of the Behemoth.”

In the future, as long as a player redeems it, the “Initiation” can be triggered, and the game system will automatically inject the blood power of the Titan into the body of the Behemoth to enhance the opponent’s strength.

Of course, the premise is that the other party has signed a contract with the player and is connected to the game system…

After listing the Titan’s bloodline power, Eve pondered for a moment, and then took out the true artifact obtained from the Titan’s Tomb – the Sword of Damocles.

The divine sword is flowing with brilliance and is very domineering.

“Is it [Absolute Cutting] that can cut off everything…”

Reciting silently the only ability of the Sword of Damocles, Eve narrowed her eyes.

After he learned about the power of this true artifact, he had a bold idea.

Now, maybe you can give it a try.

I saw Eve holding the divine sword, and her body changed from the incarnation of consciousness to the entity of a true god-level clone.

Then, his consciousness moved slightly, leaving the Kingdom of God and flying towards the bottom of the main body.

Through the surface and underground, Eve quickly came to her own roots, and then continued downward along the roots, entering the roots that were most closely connected with the world of Segas.

Looking at the intricate root system, Eve fell into deep thought.

Then, He raised the divine sword in his hand high and struck it down with one strike…

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