Game of the World Tree Chapter 436: Heart of Life, the fastest update to the latest chapters of the World Tree game!

“The creator of this world has fallen?”

After hearing what Elder Lueg said, the players were stunned, and then their eyes lit up.

“Could it be…that the evil **** is involved again?”

“Hiss, I smell the smell of a copy…”

A few people whispered to each other, looking slightly excited.

Among the five players, only Benten still kept an expressionless expression.

He kicked the teammate who ruined the atmosphere, looked at Elder Lueg, and asked in a deep voice:

“Can you tell us the details?”

Seeing Ben Lian’s serious expression, several other players also became serious.

Elder Rueg nodded slightly, his eyes slightly dazed, as if he was recalling something…

“This starts from the birth of this world…”

Elder Rueg sighed lightly and began to tell the players the secrets he knew.

As he told it, the players finally knew the story of this demiplane.

Elder Lueg’s story is similar to what Lilia told the players.

In other words, it is more like a combination of the legend of the Divine Grace clan and the legend of the church…

Of course, in addition to these, there are some more secret and detailed things.

After listening, the players combined the various mysterious knowledge they knew and had a clearer judgment on the legend of this plane:

Thousands of years ago, a powerful being from the goddess Eve camp brought three hundred elves across the void and came here, and evolved this demiplane with his own power.

Evolution, not development.

This word was spoken by Elder Rueg.

In other words, this demiplane already existed, but it was just further evolved by this powerful being.

Then, in order to avoid powerful enemies, this powerful being led these elves to settle here.

He possesses a magical item called the “Heart of Life”.

Relying on the Heart of Life, this powerful being used his own flesh and blood to evolve a new race-the Divine Grace race.

Under the leadership of the elves, the Shen’en clan developed a new civilization in this world.

For this reason, this powerful being is respected as the God of Creation by all creatures on this plane, and the three hundred elves are called the gods.

The core of civilization is the church, which respects nature and life.

In the beginning, the church did not bear the name “Creation”.

The true God that the church believes in is not the God of Creation, but a more powerful mythical being who has fallen asleep and is followed by the legendary “God of Creation”.

She is called the Mother of Gods.

The Creation God and the gods also share a common goal.

That is to gather strength, counterattack the God Realm, and awaken the Mother of All Gods that he follows.

However, the good times did not last long.

As time went by, the elves realized that their life potential was rapidly depleting, and the life span of the divine grace family that was born was far lower than expected.

A hundred years later, another unexpected event changed everything.

With the development of the plane, this world finally attracted the attention of the former enemies of the “Creation God”.

Outside gods invaded, and the entire world ushered in a war that lasted for more than ten years.

In the end, relying on the integration with the origin of the plane, the God of Creation drove the invading powerful enemies out of the world.

However, in the process, the God of Creation revealed another secret of himself.

After coming to this world, His true goal was neither to counterattack the God Realm nor to awaken the legendary Mother of Gods.

His purpose is to sublimate his own status by devouring the life potential of the creatures on this plane, and even seize the power of the Mother of Gods who has fallen asleep.

In the eyes of the Creator God, the creatures living in this plane are all tools he uses to strengthen himself.

He is no longer the creator **** who leads the elves to evolve the new world.

In the words of the elves, He has fallen.

So, the war happened again.

This time, it is a war between the three hundred elves who are the gods and the God of Creation.

And the end result is obvious.

The three hundred elves were naturally no match for the God of Creation, and were ultimately defeated by him.

The God of Creation relied on the “Heart of Life” to swallow up the lives of the elves.

There are no more gods in the world.

Since then, the church in this world has officially changed its name to the Creation God Cult.

The God of Creation controlled the thoughts of church members, and everything about the elves was gradually erased by the church, leaving only the legend of their divine identity…

To this day.

After listening to Elder Shen’en’s narration, the players were very sad and also a little confused:

“But how did Mr. Rueg know these secrets?”

“It is the inheritance of an adult.”

Rueg replied.

“The earliest **** to guide the blessed ancestors on the road to civilization was a powerful legendary elf. We respectfully call him Mr. Wise.”

“Before he sacrificed, he recorded everything he knew in the classics, stored it secretly in our lineage, and used half of his life to perform the great prophecy…”

“In his prophecy, the world will eventually usher in destruction, and destruction will be accompanied by rebirth. When a new race of gods comes, it will be the time when everything returns to light…”

“He also mentioned that if new elves come here, it must mean that the mother goddess, the mother of all gods, has revived…”

“The new race of gods will be the envoys of the Mother Goddess.”

“And the Mother of All Gods will be the hope of all creatures on this plane!”

“These are the core secrets of our Shen’en clan. Only the elders of each generation know these information. If I die, Lilia will inherit these secrets.”

“In the past few hundred years, we have been waiting for the arrival of the divine messengers in the prophecy. In the prophecy, the place where the divine messengers will come is the Elf Forest. It is also for this reason that our lineage moved here to settle. .”

“Unfortunately, the power of the church is too strong. For the survival of more people, we can only protect these secrets and pass them on among the elders from generation to generation…”

Rueg sighed.

After listening to his story, the players felt a sudden realization:

[Read books and get red envelopes] Follow the public account [Book Friends Base Camp] and draw up to 888 cash red envelopes!

“So that’s it…”

“I didn’t expect that there is such a story in this world…”

“So, this creation **** is the goddess’s former subordinate **** or dependent? He just betrayed?”

“Could the fragment of the scepter of life that the eldest sister asked us to find be the ‘Heart of Life’?”

They communicate in the chat channel.

After telling the secret he knew, Elder Lueg looked solemn again.

He took a deep breath, saluted the players, and sincerely requested:

“Dear envoys of God…”

“Here, we are just lambs whose life potential is snatched away…”

“We can’t go on like this… If we continue like this, what awaits us will only be destruction…”

“I know that behind you all, there must be the great Mother of All Gods…”

“Mr. Wise Man said that the Mother of All Gods is the most benevolent and greatest existence in the universe.”

“My lords, please defeat the conspiracy of the God of Creation and open up a new future for the creatures in this world!”

After hearing Lueg’s words, the players’ eyes lit up and they were ready to make a move.

“What should we do?”

They licked their lips and asked.

Seeing the players’ reactions, Lueg looked happy.

He bowed again and replied:

“It’s the heart of life!”

“Legend has it that if the God of Creation wants to go one step further and devour the potential of living beings, he relies on the Heart of Life!”

“Now He has fallen into a deep sleep because of two wars hundreds of years ago.”

“As long as we capture the Heart of Life, His conspiracy can be thwarted!”

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