Game of the World Tree Chapter 240: Eve’s doubts, the fastest update to the latest chapters of the World Tree game!

The orcs were driven back.

Seeing the orc army receding slowly like the tide, Nature Saint Alice also breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, she quickly joined the druid players and began to rescue other players who were injured in the defensive battle just now.

More than a thousand Orc warriors died in the battle, but the players also suffered many casualties.

The players participating in the defense mission are generally of low level. Even with the protection of the city wall, nearly 500 players have returned to the World Tree.

As for the number of injured players, there are more than a thousand.

But compared to the orcs, this loss is already small.

Not to mention that the players who died also rushed back through the teleportation circle as soon as possible after being resurrected.

Therefore, in fact, the defensive strength of the entire castle has not been reduced much.

To be honest, the only losses were the fortifications and city walls that were destroyed by the Orcs and Behemoths in the previous battle.

After the players cheered, they also began to clean up the battlefield.

With the coordination of the two legion commanders, some players began to collect the equipment dropped by the orcs on the city wall; some players began to repair the city walls that were damaged during the battle; and some players obtained the permission of Zero, the God’s Favored One, Opening the city gate, he went to the city wall to collect the equipment left behind after the orc army retreated…

It is strange to say that the battle was obviously fierce, with both sides fighting for their lives, but after the battle, there was not a single body on the battlefield, only bloodstains and equipment…

This weird situation made the indigenous elves jump at the sight, but the players had long been used to it and didn’t care as if nothing was wrong.

As the players cleaned up, the city walls became lively again.

However, after winning a big victory, the atmosphere in the Black Dragon Castle at this moment was much more relaxed than before the war started.

Even… the players became faintly more restless.

The benefits brought to the players by more than a thousand dead orcs far exceed their losses.

Having tasted the sweetness of the big plot, players can’t wait for the next round of orcs’ siege.

“The experience value of these orcs is so high! I just killed a warrior with others and got 5,000 experience points directly!”

Follow the public account: Book Friends Base Camp, follow and you will receive cash and coins!

A level 11 third-test player said excitedly as he looked at his experience bar.

“Hey, it’s only 5,000? I rushed ahead. Although I died once, my cumulative contribution was more than 200%, which directly increased my experience by more than 30,000! This half-orc has a higher experience value than a human mercenary! ”

Another tank warrior player proudly raised the scimitar in his hand.

“But you died once! Isn’t that a loss?”

“Hey, I’m from the Meng Meng Committee. I’m a taunting warrior of our guild. If you die in a big plot mission, your contribution points will be reimbursed.”

“I’m so jealous!”


However, there are still many players who simply like the feeling of fighting:

“Exciting! This is what war should feel like. Previous RPG games were so weak!”

“It’s great! This is much more interesting than fighting Warcraft!”

“It’s true… I just fought for a while and got a little feel, and they retreated! What a pity…”

The players tasted the sweetness, and their fighting spirit was completely mobilized. When they looked at the orc army in the distance again, their eyes had completely changed:

“They won’t stop coming, right?”

“Don’t worry, there will definitely be another wave of attackers! How many people did they lose? They will definitely not give up.”

“Haha! If all these orcs are eliminated, how much experience will it cost!”

“Hey, being promoted to the middle rank of Black Iron is not a problem!”

“Haha! I just told our friends on the side of the ambush about our results. They are so jealous.”

“Hey, hey, who told them not to choose to defend the city?”

The players are extremely happy and their morale is high.

However, the orcs who retreated were very decadent and embarrassed.

Imsh, the Lionheart King, withdrew from the shooting range of the castle with less than 9,000 orcs, his face was very ugly:

“I was careless… I didn’t expect the elves to gather such a strong force.”

He originally thought that with an army of 10,000 and five Behemoth beasts, it would be easy to capture the Black Dragon Castle, but he did not expect that he would have to bite a hard nut…

“It seems… we still need to ask for help from Father God.”

Imsh, the Lionheart King, clenched his fists.

If he could defeat the elves with only secular power, he would definitely please the true **** greatly. However, it seems now… that the totem guardian must be summoned.

The favored ones of the elves have appeared, and the castle’s defense is very strong, and seems to be blessed by divine power…

If you only rely on orcs to fill the gap with your lives, you will suffer heavy losses!

Thinking of this, Lionheart King Imsh took a deep breath and ordered to the left and right:

“Invite the high priest…”

After a while, the chief high priest of the orcs, accompanied by two silver priests, came to the front of the Lion-Hearted King Imsh.

“Your Majesty, it seems that your attack is not going well.”

The chief high priest, wearing a bone crown and oil paint on his face, smiled slightly.

And in her hand, she still held a skull necklace that was constantly shining.

At this moment, the red color on the necklace seems to be darker…

Imsh, the Lion-Hearted King, squinted his eyes and took a deep look at the necklace in her hand, seeming to be very afraid.

As if sensing his gaze, the high priest touched the necklace in his hand and chuckled:

“Don’t worry, Your Majesty, I won’t use this divine item until the last moment.”

The Lionheart King was silent.

After a moment, he glanced at the high priest complicatedly and said slowly:

“I underestimated the power of the elves, High Priest, I decided to directly summon the totem guardian. Are you ready to summon the altar?”

After hearing what the Lionheart King said, the chief high priest nodded with a fanatical expression:

“Of course!”

“If you wish, we can always ask for the power of God the Father!”


The players clean up the battlefield very quickly.

There are no corpses, you just need to pick up equipment, and this is what players are best at.

Soon, the ground under the city wall was completely empty. The players did not even let go of the clothes on the orcs, they seized them all and took them back…

On the city wall, the damaged fortifications are also being repaired in an orderly manner.

Everyone is looking forward to the next attack of the orcs.

However, Eve’s expression standing on the city wall was a bit solemn…

“Just now…something was fighting for my life force.”

A similar situation occurred again after the deaths of several people in Demacia.

In the battle just now, nearly half of the life force in the bodies of the orcs who died was not absorbed by Eve’s war sacrifice!

Especially for those orcs who died outside the city wall, even if the skill triggered the war sacrifice, Eve did not get much vitality, but seemed to evaporate out of thin air.

Fortunately, the vitality of the dead players was 100% recovered, and the vitality of the orcs who died on the city wall was almost completely absorbed by Eve.

However, overall, about a third of the more than a thousand orcs who died in battle are still missing.

Although overall, Eve still made money, but it was less than she expected.

That’s a loss.

“It is an ability similar to sacrifice! However… it should not be a true **** or an evil god, because the opponent’s absorption of life force seems to be just a mechanism, or instinct, more like some kind of sacrifice, or… …Artifact!”

“I’m afraid…it’s the thing I sensed before!”

“This ability to absorb life force is very secretive. If I hadn’t been controlling the War Sacrifice myself and completely taking charge of the Life Priesthood, I wouldn’t have noticed it at all!”

“What the **** are the orcs doing?”

“It seems that I have to be more careful…”

While Eve was thinking, suddenly…she felt a movement in her heart, and she sensed that the Box of the Dead stored in the Kingdom of God had faintly changed.

Hela, the **** of death, replied to the message.

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