Game of the World Tree Chapter 202: Orc King’s Court, the fastest update to the latest chapters of the World Tree game!

The Black Dragon returns with a full load!

When Meirel and dozens of players returned to Black Dragon Castle with more than 200 cows, sheep, and several cars of chickens, ducks, and geese, many players who had received the news came to watch.

“Rua! How’s it going? How did the transaction go with Merrill?”

Looking at the attracted chosen ones, the little black dragon was very proud.

“Is the transaction really successful? And you bought so much at once?! Is the purchasing power of silver coins so strong?”

“It’s awesome! It’s different when the dragon comes out!”

The players are very excited.

But soon, everyone focused on the placement of these livestock.

“Sir Mairel! My backyard is very big, how about giving me a cow to raise?”

“I have herded sheep before! I can be responsible for these sheep…”

“Sir Mairel, I see that some of the chickens in this cage are lethargic and look like they are suffering from heatstroke. How about…”

“Get out!”

Merrell protected the livestock he bought and bared his teeth at the players who spoke:

“This is bought by Mairrell, so everything must be listened to by Mairrell! Don’t think that I don’t know what you cunning guys are planning!”


In the end, the players did not trick even a sheep or a chicken away from the little black dragon, and the black dragon Meirel arranged these livestock near the black dragon castle under Eve’s oracle.

It was a small junction area between the Dark Mountains and the Elf Forest. It was relatively hidden. Under the order of the black dragon, the players cleared the trees and opened up a breeding area.

However, breeding is different from planting. In the world of Sagas, elves can accelerate the growth of plants through magical means, but the same is not true for farmed livestock and poultry.

If you want to be self-sufficient, it will definitely take time.

For a long time, if players want to eat meat, they will probably have to rely on World of Warcraft.

Fortunately, although some of the monsters in the underground world don’t taste very good, they are large and easy to catch, which can barely satisfy the needs of some meat lovers.

In addition, although the monsters in the safe zone have been almost destroyed, the number of monsters in the north of the Elf Forest is still huge.

And as the magic power in the core area of ​​the Elf Forest increases, more and more monsters begin to migrate here, which makes the forest area that players can explore more and more vibrant.

In short, the completion of the [Poultry Breeding] mission also means that the last side mission of [Developing Power] has been completed.

The rest are the recurring daily tasks in the [Develop Power] mission, such as [Resource Collection], [Main City Construction], [Livestock Raising] and the like.

Lifestyle players are increasingly obsessed with farming, relying on mission experience and contribution to level up.

The construction team of the crazy Mengmeng Committee became even more addicted to playing construction. After completing the basic construction of the Chosen City, they began to meticulously carve out the entire city, making it full of Blue Star style. The dream city becomes more and more beautiful and spectacular.

Even Feileng Cui has gradually restored its former glory with the help of players.

On the other hand, combat players focus on the underground world, brushing shadow monster copies, or hunting Warcraft and monsters in the underground forest.

Of course, there are still players who continue to go north to look for new monsters in the Elf Forest——

With the migration of Warcraft, many new varieties of Warcraft have indeed entered the player’s range of activities, and some people even said that they saw creatures suspected of being unicorns!

This incident also caused a sensation among the players, but when they rushed forward to look for it, they were disappointed to find that nothing could be found…

In short, with the opening of the underground world map, the general gameplay of “Elf Kingdom” has a clear direction.

Of course, players are still exploring the details.

For example, life-oriented players explore cooking, brewing, and even magic potion making, and combat-oriented players continue to explore along the depths of Rivendell, or go deep into the underground forest to challenge powerful monsters.

The forces under Eve have entered a relatively stable period of development.

The trade with the Dark Dwarves has also made the entire Elf Forest more prosperous, and even the elves of the Flame Tribe have clearly felt the sudden improvement in their living standards.

Although there is no main plot for the time being, the entire Elf Forest is getting busier and busier, and many things require manpower to do.

And Eve understood that this actually meant that the expansion of the Elf Forest was really going to reach a bottleneck.

What limits the bottleneck is none other than manpower!

However, the time for the third closed beta is getting closer and closer, and the new leeks that Eve and the closed beta players are looking forward to are about to arrive…


South of the Elf Forest.

Climbing through the long and narrow dark canyon and passing through the continuous dark mountains, what comes into view is an endless desert.

This is the Desert of Death, and it is also the largest desert in the entire Saigas world.

It is said that this desert was a dense rain forest in ancient times, and it was the royal court of the Titans during the Titan Era.

Unfortunately, the war between dragons and titans ruined everything.

The Titan civilization that once ruled the continent for tens of thousands of years disappeared, the Titan Royal Court was reduced to ruins, and the rainforest became a desert.

Only a few oases barely maintain life in the desert…

The intelligent creatures that now dominate the Death Desert are the orcs who migrated from the north with the assistance of elves during the peak of the Silver Civilization thousands of years ago.

Orcs were once a branch of the northern orcs. They were the descendants of the orcs who robbed the human race and took human slaves.

Unfortunately, half-orcs seem to have inherited all the shortcomings of orcs and humans. They have the ugliness and stupidity of orcs, but also the greed and weakness of humans.


Compared with real orcs, the physique of half-orcs can be considered weak.

As a result, half-orcs were double discriminated against by humans and orcs.

It wasn’t until more than two thousand years ago that a great hero named Ullal was born in the orc tribe.

Ullal is not an orc.

In fact, he is a tribal totem that awakened in the orc tribe.

In other words… false god!

With his efforts, the orcs who migrated to the Death Desert spent a hundred years unifying their country, and established the Orc King’s Court in the core oasis of the Death Desert-Wakaqina.

The orcs, who had become stronger, finally had their own foothold in the world of Segas and became a force that should not be underestimated.

And Ullal relied on the faith of the half-orcs to gather the priesthood of hunting, and successfully became a god, as Ullal, the **** of hunting.

Afterwards, He brought the Orcs to rejoin the forces of the Orcs and became one of the subordinate forces of the Orc Alliance. He was rewarded with the new priesthood “Bitter Winter” by the main **** believed by the Orcs, Lord, the God of Destruction and War. ” and became the **** of winter and hunting!

Similarly, Ullal has also become a **** under the God of War, one of the three major gods in the heavens.

In the War of the Gods a thousand years ago, Ullal joined the Celestial Alliance, defeated the elves, and allowed the orcs to gain nominal dominance over the Dark Mountains and the southern region of the Elf Forest after the war. .

For hundreds of years, the orcs have been working hard to clean up the remaining elven forces in these two areas.

To this day.

This is the history of orcs…

Wakaqina, the Orc King’s Court.

The 73rd generation monarch of the Orcs, the Lion-Hearted King Imsh, sat on his throne, looking at the several trembling Orc warriors **** in the audience, silent.

After a moment, he took the lion-hearted sword handed by his subordinates and pointed it at the orc warrior kneeling in front of him. His rough voice could not hear the emotion:

“So…you mean you were defeated by a group of elves? The entire cave tribe was destroyed?”

“Yes…yes…King, those elves will not die!”

The orc warrior said tremblingly, as if he still had endless fear in his heart about the scene he saw at the beginning.

After listening to his words, Lionheart King sneered:

“Can’t die? Do you still have to find reasons for your weakness? If you don’t die…are you still undead? No, the undead will also be purified. Even the favored ones of the God of Death are not immortal, you stupid guys! ”

“No…that’s not the case, I really saw them come back to life after death!”

The orc warrior insisted.

“And…and there seems to be a powerful false **** behind them. Even…even Lord Walker, the summoned totem guardian, also…also…seems to have fallen…”

The voice of the orc warrior became smaller and smaller.

Totem Guardian Walker?

Hearing this name, Lionheart King Imsh’s pupils shrank slightly.

Demigod Walker is the most valued envoy of God the Father, and has been responsible for the encirclement and suppression of the remaining strong men of the elves for hundreds of years.

As the orcs’ fortress in the Elven Forest, the cave tribe has naturally summoned this great demigod more than once for hundreds of years.

Although the demigods are not true gods, they have also embarked on the road to becoming gods, and their life levels have reached the pinnacle of the Segas world.

Slandering the fall of a demigod, especially if this demigod is an envoy of the true God, will be severely punished for any believer!

It’s just that… seeing the half-orc warrior’s almost collapsed expression, Lion-Hearted King Imsh’s heart couldn’t help but beat fast, and he suddenly felt a ridiculous feeling.

He suddenly felt… what the other party said might actually be true!

At this moment, a female half-orc wearing a luxurious sacrificial robe entered the royal tent.

She wore a bone crown on her head, her face was painted with oil paint, and her expression was very serious.

When he saw the person coming, Imsh, the king of the half-orcs, immediately put down the long sword in his hand, stood up from the throne, and bowed respectfully to her:

“Your Excellency, Chief High Priest, why are you here?”

The female Orc priest looked at the tied Orc warrior, and then at the submissive Lionheart King Imsh…

She sighed, and then said solemnly:

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“The Father God… has issued an oracle.”

“A new true **** was born in the Elf Forest. He is gathering the elves on the mainland and destroyed the cave tribe two months ago. Even Lord Walker also fell under his hands…”

The new true god? Demigod falls? !

Imsh, the lion-hearted king, looked dull.

He took a deep breath and his face gradually became serious:

“Then what?”

The chief high priest glanced at him, and his expression gradually became fanatical:

“The Father God is extremely angry and intends to start a war of faith and kill the new true **** of the Elf Forest!”

In the big tent, there was deathly silence.

Only the sound of the howling wind could be heard outside the tent. The rolling clouds in the sky blocked the sunlight, causing the interior of the tent to flicker.

The rainy season is here.

The desert of death is about to change…


Volume 2 (End)

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