Galactic Garbage Station Chapter 1041: Outbreak

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The taste of Su’s cigarettes has fascinated countless people. Many people also found that it not only has a refreshing effect, but it does seem to have no harm to the body. Those who cough and have a lot of sputum due to cigarettes have obviously improved after switching to Su’s cigarettes, as if they have quit smoking. Many professionals have tested and found that there are almost no harmful substances carried in ordinary cigarettes in Su’s cigarettes. As a result, Su’s cigarettes are more well received and highly respected.

Many people are deeply harmed by cigarettes, and indirectly harm their relatives and friends. They want to quit smoking, but they do n’t have the perseverance. Now, there is such a harmless and delicious cigarette in front of them, what a boon for them? Those who do not want to quit smoking just have no problems with their health. They are too lazy to care. It is not that they do not know the harm of cigarettes. Now that there are harmless Su’s cigarettes, they are naturally more willing to choose Su’s cigarettes. What effort.

In fact, even if you do n’t think about health, you smoked a Su’s cigarette once, and you are basically addicted to it, and you are no longer interested in ordinary cigarettes. Su’s cigarettes do not contain those harmful and addictive substances, it just relies on the ultimate fragrance, just like the same food, it is unstoppable.

On the Internet, netizens are spontaneously promoting.

“For the sake of good health, I will never smoke ordinary cigarettes again, only smoke Su’s cigarettes.”

“If Su’s cigarettes appear early, I wo n’t get pneumonia.”

“This Su’s cigarette really benefits mankind.”

“Unfortunately, it is a little expensive, and it costs fifty yuan a box.”

“It ’s so delicious, and it ’s not harmful to the body. The epoch-making cigarette has a fair price.”

“Those who hear that the price is higher are more delicious, but unfortunately they cannot afford it.”

“Because smoking is harmful to health, I have always refused cigarettes. This Su’s cigarette is harmless and refreshing, and it smells amazing. I plan to try it.”

In a short time, Su’s cigarette burst out in the circle of friends. There is even the slogan “Give gifts only for Su’s cigarettes”. Everyone thinks that sending ordinary cigarettes in the future will deliberately harm a person’s body, indicating that he wants you to die.

After Huo Yunshu and Fu Hongxue learned the situation, they couldn’t say a word. According to the development trend of Su’s cigarettes, the 10% share of Su Jing will be more exaggerated than expected. The family of the two of them belongs to the world’s richest people, but now there is a tendency to be crushed. But this time they did not dare to steal the seeds of Su’s cigarettes, nor did they dare to make trouble. This is a state-owned enterprise, and it is also a policy to improve the physical fitness of the people across the country.

It is needless to say that the industry before Su Jing has added Neuroprosthetics, artificial intelligence, Galactic Phone, laser cutting machine, 5G network, Macrocar, Lantian silver wire meter, Su Shi cigarette, etc. They are not weaker than or even far more than the solar cell’s money-making killer, which makes Su Jing’s‘s income ushered in a super explosion.

Zheng Nan helped Su Jing to count, not counting the total profit of Galactic Corporation, only the personal income of Su Jing. The net income in the past month actually exceeded 50 billion. This data is crazy enough. This income growth rate, even those who are on the global rich list, even Bill Gates, has been crushed.

What makes Zheng Nan to have nothing to say even more is that Su Jing once again invested almost all the money in Peak Science and Technology Research Institute, just like frantically burning money, which made her simply not understand.

“In the past two months, I have tripled the production of antimatter, and the energy value has increased from 21600 to 57600, and it has consumed more than 100 billion yuan. The recovery rate has also grown very rapidly, from 65000 to 102000. “Su Jing looked at the energy value and recovery degree in Garbage Station, and he felt full of accomplishment.

Now all industries and industries are still developing rapidly, the income is still growing explosively, the impact of recycling garbage on the earth is also spreading, and the degree of recycling will continue to increase. In other words, even if Su Jing does nothing in the future, the energy value and recovery will continue to skyrocket, reaching one million each morning and evening.

However, of course, Su Jing will not do nothing. He hopes that Garbage Station will be promoted to the second level as early as possible. Otherwise, you will wait for the process of waiting for a certain accident of garbage dumping, then regret it. Time.

“At present, the growth rate of energy value has just exceeded the growth rate of recovery degree, and the development is relatively balanced. However, it can be expected that this balance will soon be broken. Now all walks of life are still developing rapidly, and I am afraid that income will become Although the growth rate of recovery degree is not slow, but according to the calculation method of recovery degree, when the general garbage has just been promoted and has a huge impact and impact on the earth, the recovery rate increases the fastest, and then the impact spreads and the recovery rate continues to increase. , But it will not increase explosively anymore. Therefore, it is estimated that the increase in energy value will soon exceed the increase in recovery degree. In the future, the center of gravity will be shifted toward recovery degree. “Su Jing analyzed.

Only when the energy value and the recovery degree reach one million, Garbage Station will be upgraded. Therefore, while Su Jing increases two values, it also tries to achieve balanced development as much as possible. The two do not conflict, and even complement each other, but the tendency of Su Jing‘s research focus will affect the growth rate of the two, so it is better to balance it. Otherwise, one item will reach one million, and the other item is still far away.

“Don’t worry about this, let’s sort out the garbage.” Su Jing continued to collect garbage from 《Legend of the Supreme Soldier》‘s time and space, spent another two days, and finally sorted out all the garbage. Unfortunately, until the end, Su Jing did not combine a dream light armor, which made Su Jing depressed.

“Although the recovery rate of the light armor is very high, it is generally not thrown in the trash, but I have somehow small white mouse The repair function, even one of the lowest level of light armor can not be combined, it is really too faceless. ” Su Jing I was very helpless. I repeatedly confirmed the garbage, disposed of the garbage that was determined to be useless, and collected all the useful and potentially useful garbage. Especially those light armor parts, he was a little unwilling.

At the same time, in a luxurious box, four young people are sitting, Huo Yunshu, Fu Hongxue, and a fat young man, and a calm young man with a beard. If an outsider sees this scene, I’m afraid it will be stunned. The fat young man is one of the four sons Li Sheng, and the young man with a chubby chest is one of the original four sons Yuan Yining, which is squeezed by Su Jing.

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