Forty Millenniums of Cultivation: Thirteen fish girls escape

Shan Nuya!”

Peipei burst into tears and could n’t help but reach out and touched, just stirred a thin ripple on the 3D 3D light curtain, tearing the Void Hunter ’s huge body into a dappled image.

In reality, the void hunter does.

With its huge mountain-like flesh and blood, it lies between Human Race and the ripples in space, and it has endured most of the devastating power from “Voidshake“.

Even if the Void Hunter has a different talent, he has an extremely keen sense of space and can fine-tune the frequency of cell tremors to adapt himself to various distorted spaces, but the destructive power of “Voidshake” is far beyond it. Withstanding the limit, within a few minutes, its huge body cracked at a speed visible to the naked eye, blasting out a bunch of thick body fluids, as if the Human Race‘s red blood.

Under the protection of Shan Nuya, the panicked Human Race Starship accelerated his escape.

It’s just this speed that is destined not to escape the clutches of the red and blue vortex.

Shan Nuya‘s skin is red to the limit, like a flame of burning fiercely in the universe.

The flame even burned into the space beside it, rippling with dazzling ripples, and inserted bright and gorgeous wings for this ugly beast.

Peipei stared wide-eyed, instantly understood what Shan Nuya wanted to do.

It wants to enter the Star Ocean jump state, take all Human Races, pass four dimensional space, and escape “Voidshake“.

This is extremely dangerous!

Even if the space is stable and the environment is calm and calm, Star Ocean jump has a certain degree of danger, not to mention “Voidshake” strikes, the space collapses, and the invisible space gaps are like sickles harvesting all the life around them. And non-life.

In this case, performing Star Ocean jump is like flying extremely fast soaring from the broken viaduct in the earthquake city.

But they have no choice, this is the only way to escape.

The surviving Human Race Starship, also aware of Shan Nuya ’s intention, is like a drowner grabbing a life-saving straw and desperately rushing to Shan Nuya ’s side, trying to hide deeply between the tentacles of the Nether Hunter.

It seems that everyone has tacitly forgotten the purpose of this trip, forgotten that they came to this dangerous Star Field, originally intended to kill the “demon” Shan Nuya.


Peipei is staring at these Starships, I do n’t know what to say.

For a moment, she even wanted to spit hard at these Starship, commander, father and brother.

The shameless guys are not eligible for Shan Nuya asylum, they are not eligible for the innocence and kindness of Shan Nuya, and even have to sacrifice the life of Shan Nuya!

Peipei even hopes that Shan Nuya do n’t care about them, do n’t care about everyone, just let themselves run away-with the talent of the Void Hunter divine ability, if you discard all Human Races, you should have a great chance to escape from “Voidshake” Right?

As for them … Peipei would rather die than face Shan Nuya again with such a mean face!

It is a pity that her call or curse cannot be heard by Shan Nuya.

The tentacles opened to the limit by the Nether Hunter have steadily sheltered dozens of Human Race Starships, and rely on suction cups to output huge suction power to fix these Starships on themselves.

The “flame” that surrounds Shan Nuya is bright enough to illuminate the entire star ocean.

It seems to burn its entire life, just for a short and urgent Star Ocean jump.

Peipei can even see that its countless tentacles withered in an instant, like vines burned by flames, lost all their functions, and turned into a little bit of ashes.

Only such sacrifices can open the way to escape.

In front of Peipei, the three-dimensional 3D light curtain suddenly goes out.

No, it ’s not extinguished, but it was burned into a white that stabbed the blind eyes by a beam of extremely intense light, and even the room where Peipei was turned into snow.

Peipei felt stretched to hundreds of kilometers long, turned into a slender line, and fell into a spiral tunnel.

The body and even the soul have become transparent, and the walls and decks that are heavily blocked from Shan Nuya are melted, as if you can reach Shan Nuya with one hand and communicate with it spiritually.

Shan Nuya! Shan Nuya!”

The girl could n’t help shouting, “Can you hear me, can you hear me? Hurry up, wait for the end of Star Ocean jump, leave here immediately, leave all Human Race, go to the other side of Star Ocean, where there is no Human Race, then Do n’t come back! “

Unfortunately, the Nether Hunter used all his power to perform Star Ocean jump, and it also sheltered the fragile Human Race Starship, resisting the aftermath of “Voidshake“, and did not realize the call of Peipei.

After a long, long time, or just half a second, the white light gradually dissipated, and the soul of Peipei returned to the body.

Star Ocean jump is over.

They are still alive.

success, Shan Nuya really took all Human Race Starship, escaped the **** “Voidshake“, they success!

Peipei wept with joy, but when she saw Shan Nuya in the three-dimensional 3D light curtain, her tears changed.

The sudden “Voidshake” and Star Ocean jump, like two ferocious beasts, ripped the young void hunter into pieces.

About two-thirds of its tentacles are withered and torn off, and the remaining one-third of its tentacles are also full of holes and twitching.

Originally healthy and shiny body, at this moment, ugly black spots appeared, and many places were deeply sunken, as if a large group of blood and flesh were annihilated by the fire of space.

There is also a shocking scar in the center of the body, which should be left directly by the tearing of the space, almost tearing it in half.

Although the body was barely patched together, the large group of fluids spewed out along the wound and floated around it, turning into pearl-like spheres.

Shan Nuya can no longer shelter all Human Race Starship, it is powerless to disperse, all Starship are thrown out hundreds of thousands to millions of kilometers-under its careful protection, most of the Starship is miraculous No injuries were suffered in “Voidshake” and Star Ocean jump, and the ability to sail normally or even fire was still maintained.

And it floats quietly in Star Ocean, motionless, I do n’t know if I ’m panting or …

Peipei dare not think about it anymore.

The girl was shrouded in an inexplicable emotion, every nerve ending was trembling, and the courage from nowhere came. She made up her mind and made up her mind to do something “great.”

Peipei yanked open the hatch, and flew deep and shallow towards life vessel.

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