Forty Millenniums of Cultivation: Skinny Mouse 09 Identity

The sudden appearance of a large number of magnetically exploded infantry changed the situation unexpectedly.

Bai Xiaolu saw the Boss Golden Tooth carrying the Fire God Cannon on board, gave a deafening roar, and rushed to the front of the magnetic detonation infantry. The bullet was like a storm, and he suddenly overturned a magnetic detonation infantry on the ground, but also That’s all, he was quickly submerged in the sea of ​​blue arcs, and his life and death were uncertain.

The disorganized mob attacking the “New Golden Mountain” was originally stimulated by greed and victory, and it rushed forward regardless of everything. The formidable of the magnetic explosion infantry was enough to calm them down, fearing to reoccupy each nerve ending. Fleeing, the battle suddenly reversed.

It seems that my brother is right, Boss Golden Tooth does not know that a magnetic explosion step Munitions Factory is hidden deep in the “New Jinshan”, otherwise it will never use such a stupid pig burst tactics, and struggle to accumulate his hard work in the about a dozen year .

The “Xieyong” did not tell him all the information. After all, he was just a “devil”, a dog under the “Xieyong”.

But the strength of hundreds of magnetically exploded infantry is not enough to restore the collapse of the entire city.

Not to mention that the defending army does not know how much power the attacking party has, and whether there is a regular army behind the “covenant” ready to take advantage of it.

So, after the magnetic detonation infantry opened a gap, a large number of tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, and power armor flooded out like a tide, protecting a large number of old and weak women and children, and breaking through.

The “New Golden Mountain” is destined to be unstoppable. The entire city ’s underground ecological cycle system has been broken. Even if the offensives are all dead, those natural underground people will be difficult to survive in such a harsh environment. It’s better to move to another underground city while still having spare time.

Although life is worthless this year, healthy adults who have not been subjected to too much radiation pollution and have no abnormalities in their bodies are still very popular. They go to other underground cities to send people under the fence, even as slaves and soldiers, Of course life is not as good as being in your own home, but it is also the worst option in a desperate situation.

The situation suddenly became “tackling and frightening the wolf with two heads.” Boss Golden Tooth did not want to fight for his own home, and the defender was not willing to consume too much power in the breakthrough, but the two sides were inseparable. stop? Coupled with the gangs and recruits who fled around, the underground rock formation that was constantly collapsing, and the gas pipeline that was constantly exploding, the scene was chaotic.

But these things don’t matter Bai Xiaolu.

At the moment when Boss Golden Tooth disappeared in the blue arc sea, he was under the command of his brother, and he turned and ran.

It’s a pity that his good luck seemed to be used up when he just picked up the loot. It didn’t take long to encounter a serious gas pipeline explosion, the entire road was blocked, and even he was almost swallowed by flames.

Spitting out blood and dust, and circling a few roads, either hit the broken soldiers, or encountered the convoy of the breakout, or the rock formation collapsed, almost smashing him into a patty.

The sound of fierce fighting behind him became louder and louder, and the fighting area was moving in his direction.

Bai Xiaolu is so anxious that I hate myself for not having two long legs in the radiation variation.


My brother suddenly stopped him, “Little deer, look at the center of the city, the large schist is collapsing. It wo n’t take long for this underground city to be completely destroyed!”

“What about then?”

Bai Xiaolu do n’t understand why my brother suddenly said this. After half a month of bombing, coupled with the fierce fighting inside, the rock layers above the city could not bear it, and it completely collapsed. Is n’t it normal?

“I know that both” Alliance “and” Contract “are in the grass-roots stage. The big data such as Resident information in each underground city are not necessarily interconnected. That is to say, the Resident identity data of” New Jinshan “is up to storage here In one of the databases, with the collapse of the city, it is very likely to be completely destroyed! “

The elder brother pondered, “Little Deer, go find a corpse of” New Golden Mountain “Resident of our age, take off his identity bracelet, take his identity card, and put on his clothes!”

Bai Xiaolu was slightly startled, and instantly understood what his brother meant.

“Are we going to escape in the” Jin Jinshan “breakout convoy?”

He asked while groping for the body.

“Yes, now it seems that the defenders are more likely to break through success, and their Organization will not be particularly tight. When there is nowhere to go, no one will care about who we are, and we will find a chance to escape from the breakout team Going out is much easier than running away from Boss Golden Tooth. “

Brother explained.

In ten minutes, they found a body of Resident with a similar body. The uniform on the other party’s body seemed to be the uniform of the “New Golden Mountain” uniform, with distinctive characteristics.

Although the ID card was not found, there are still bracelets. The best part is that the bracelet was just crushed by a bullet. Even if you ca n’t read the information inside, you ca n’t bring up photos and other information. explained.

It’s just that Le Ji is sad, just after they put on the “new Jinshan” student uniform and put on a broken identification bracelet, they suddenly heard a familiar roar from close by, it was Boss Golden Tooth.

He is not dead yet!

At the moment, Boss Golden Tooth seems to have just taken a hot bath in the magma. The metal corner on the head is missing a half, and the whole body is black, Fire God Cannon is missing, but the arm is wearing a miraculously. The plasma cannon used by the magnetic explosion infantry, alone, faced the three magnetic explosion infantry, just like the War God descended, and was not afraid.

When Bai Xiaolu saw him, he also saw Bai Xiaolu–and the “school uniform” on the boy.

Boss Golden Tooth‘s eyes widened, and he immediately understood the plan of Bai Xiaolu.

wēng wēng wēng wēng!”

Bai Xiaolu has a headache, as if a devil whispered in his ear, let him rush to help Boss Golden Tooth.


Brother also launched his own “ability” to fight against the Boss Golden Tooth “Legion”, which allowed Bai Xiaolu to wake up instantly, even rolling towards the exit ramp.


Boss Golden Tooth shouted not far away. Obviously, the collision of two brain waves just made him instantly understand an amazing fact-Bai Xiaolu is also a “capable person”!

Because of encountering Boss Golden Tooth, Bai Xiaolu lost the opportunity to sneak into the breakout team.

He had just escaped underground from a **** and heard the roar of armored vehicles coming behind him. When he looked back, he found that he was a team of United States of America Group scouts, including the instructors who trained him these days.

Undoubtedly, Boss Golden Tooth let them catch up.

Of course.

Every “capable person” is rare and valuable, regardless of whether it is co-opted, sold or even undergoing a living test, it can be exchanged for a hundred times the profit. Since Boss Golden Tooth sees him as a “capable person”, How can it be easily let go?

“Get in the car!”

Brother stimulated the Bai Xiaolu‘s optic nerve and told him to pay attention to a motorcycle that fell to the ground next to him-this was the first wave of attacking recruits left.

To survive on the vast expanse of wilderness, learning to drive vehicles is as important as learning to hunt. Even though the barren small mountain village they grow cannot find heavy-type armored trucks, there are still a few motorcycles.

hōng hōng , hōng hōng hōng hōng !”

Thank goodness, this motorcycle was not damaged in the arc explosion of the drone just now, and Bai Xiaolu rushed out like an arrow off the string.

At this time, a large number of army destroyers and breakouts also rushed out of underground.

Some people want to take the road and run, while others want to take advantage of the fire and ignite 800 roads of dust over the wasteland.

“Where do we flee?”

In the rear-view mirror, the armored vehicle is getting closer and closer, and the eyes of Bai Xiaolu are red.

The other party kept pouring bullets around him, picking up countless rocks and hitting his face with pain.

Although knowing that Boss Golden Tooth must instruct his men to “catch live”, Bai Xiaolu knows that there are countless ways to make life better than death in the wasteland.

“Over there!”

Brother asked Bai Xiaolu to turn his head and saw the black sandstorm that was circling the arc in the north.


Bai Xiaolu took a breath of air, “We actually encountered a thunderstorm?”


Brother smiled, “Our luck was so good that we encountered a thunderstorm.”

Most of the breakouts, pursuers, and rioters were shocked by the thunderstorm and hurriedly changed direction—although it was too late.

Only Bai Xiaolu stepped on the motorcycle and rushed in to face the thunderstorm.

Boom! Click!

lightning flashes and thunder rolls, flying sand and rocks, torrential rain pouring, all the extreme weather staggered in an instant. For a moment, Bai Xiaolu thought he was dead and was being tortured in the deepest part of hell.

He also saw countless people shattered by lightning, swallowed by tornadoes, and hit by extremely corrosive acid rain.

With the last touch of strength, Bai Xiaolu held the two large rucksacks on the chest and back.

Here is the hope of the sister and the whole village to live. Even if he died, he would not let go when he went to hell!


I do n’t know how long it has been.

I do n’t know if the storm has blown into **** or heaven.

Bai Xiaolu crawled out of the boundless red gravel.

Licked his chapped lips, the **** taste of bitterness and sweetness made him grin, and the two hard wraps around him made him laugh out loud.

The thunderstorm has subsided.

He is not dead yet, and things are still there.

Sister, there is hope in the village.

Then, not far away, he saw the black muzzle pointed at his eyebrow.

Bai Xiaolu‘s smile freezes instantly.


He cried tentatively.

“I am here.”

Brother’s voice is very solemn, “I am very weak and may not be able to kill him at once.”

“So, what to do Ah?

Bai Xiaolu is desperate.

Holding a gun, aiming at him, squatting gunman / spearman away from 7-8 meters away, is a teenager of his age and differs not much, also wearing a tattered “new Jinshan” student uniform, but received the elite in about underground For education and adequate nutrition, this teenager is obviously stronger than him. His eyes are slightly tan, and his eyes are sharp and deep, like a lizard.

The boy ’s gaze glanced back and forth on Bai Xiaolu ’s face, uniform and bracelet.

Fly through the two full rucksacks around Bai Xiaolu again.

“Escaped yesterday?”

The boy asked, his voice was hoarse, but full of strange charm.

Bai Xiaolu stunned slightly and nodded again and again.

“I am all my own, I have half of the food and water, can I do it?”

The teenager asked, in this case, it is considered “polite”.

What can Bai Xiaolu say in the face of the muzzle? Of course, he can only nod.

The boy whistled, and finally lowered his gun, squeezing out his smile.

“Meet me, my father is the laboratory director of Jinshan Water Purification Company.”

The teenager took out an identity card from his pocket, sandwiched it with two fingers, flicked it gently, and flew towards Bai Xiaolu to prove his identity, “My name is” Wan Zanghai “.”


Nothing to say, really fragrant!

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