Forty Millenniums of Cultivation: Skinny mice 18 side by side

After another long journey, they successfully crossed the hinterland of the “Northern No Man’s Land” despite encountering several dangers along the way-such as quicksand belts not recorded on the map, super strong radiation zones, and poisonous fog In the polluted area, there were several sandworm attacks, but they were all solved by the experienced Boss Golden Tooth.

The night slowly and the clouds are overcast, and there seems to be no trace of Vulture Gang ’s reconnaissance falcon behind. Perhaps Scorpion Gang and Vulture Gang are afraid of the danger of the “Northern No Man ’s Land” and dare not chase this deep place?

According to Boss Golden Tooth, if he advances one day and one night at his current speed, he can reach his destination. Although he did n’t say what that place is, he must be hopeful if he looks confident.

But human luck always has its limits.

Especially in the place of the fierce blood wasteland, “Le Ji Ji Sheng Bei” is simply the normal state of survival.

When the sky was about to dawn, the lead clouds in the sky again showed a bleak blood awn in infiltration. They were looking for a place to stop and rest. They heard the sound of “hiss” coming from the desert not far away, and soon , Two silver-grey objects drilled from the gravel and gravel, stretched out four long and pointed walking feet from the oval body, and drove towards the off-road vehicle at the speed of surprisingly quick, as if they were two A huge mechanical spider.

“Terrorist robot!”

All three people’s faces became particularly ugly.

“Terrorist Robot” is a characteristic arm of “Alliance” developed by Doomsday Technology. It is a small type-based unmanned warfare machine. It is famous for its small and flexible and agile action. It has infrared sensing, optical sensing and sonic sensing. A kind of enemy search and lock mode, specifically targeting enemy tanks, armored vehicles and other vehicles.

Although it does not carry a long-range attack weapon, it is equipped with a powerful magnetic bomb inside. Once it gets under the chassis of an enemy tank or armored vehicle, it can be wiped out with the enemy and replaced with a “terrorist robot”. The main battle tank of the other party is a very good deal.

Of course, if the enemy does not have vehicles and armor protection, and only has a single scattered soldier, the terrorist robots will never mind using their sharp and profitable walking foot to completely tear the scattered soldiers.

In the long war of “Alliance” against the “Convention”, Alliance has launched countless fully automated terrorist robots on the ground. If there are no enemies around, they will automatically enter a dormant state, even absorbing solar energy and radiant energy to give It charges its own battery, so it can maintain a standby time of five to ten years. Once the engine sound is detected, it can immediately wake up and launch a ruthless attack.

Horrible robots are the enemies they are least willing to encounter now.

Not to mention two!

Two silver-gray four-legged mechanical spiders approached off-road vehicle quickly, and in a blink of an eye, there was only a few hundred meters left between the two sides.

“Damn it!”

Boss Golden Tooth gave a hard spit and pressed Wan Zanghai to the driver ’s seat, “Turn it on, or everyone will die!”

He clearly has a wild boar and rhinoceros body, but at this time he was dexterous like a monkey. He suddenly drilled into the back seat and lifted off the partition and rainproof canvas behind off-road vehicle to reveal A mechanism gun fixed on the welding firing track.


Boss Golden Tooth yelled at Bai Xiaolu again, “Help me stabilize the chain!”

Two terrorist robot soldiers are divided into two lines, outstriped from the left and right, and two sinister arcs are drawn, getting closer and closer.

hōng hōng hōng hōng hōng hōng boom!”

The Boss Golden Tooth ’s mechanism gun began to speak, and the powerful recoil caused his wounds that had just scabbed all over his body to burst, and a fierce blood arrow burst out like a burst of smoke caused by bullets on the sand, turning into a block Block the criss-cross sand walls.

However, the horrible robot is far more flexible than their imagination. The Boss Golden Tooth ’s barrage like a torrential rain only delays the attack of the horror robot on the left. Continue to stagger forward with the other three legs, only slightly slower.

“Change the chain!”

Boss Golden Tooth soon fired an empty armor-piercing shell and roared towards Bai Xiaolu.

“But, on the right-”

Bai Xiaolu is terrified.

“Change the chain!”

Boss Golden Tooth growls.

kā chā!”

The new bullet chain is in place. Boss Golden Tooth does n’t even look at the horror robot on the right, but still throws down the heavy rain like armor piercing bullets, all cast to the left “three legs”, after all, this horror robot has been injured, agility Slightly lowered, and finally completely locked by Boss Golden Tooth after a few seconds, the fire line of the mechanism gun was like a thorn whip, and it was sucked to death. It suddenly shot a lot of holes, and the remaining three legs were interrupted. “With a blast, it exploded in situ.

However, in this way, the horror robot on the right is less than thirty meters away.


The horror robot leaped high, launching a deadly rush towards them.

“Left to the left!”

Boss Golden Tooth roared loudly, hooked up the compressed fuel bottle of a flamethrower scattered in the back compartment with his toes, and flew out into the air.

The Wan Zanghai is desperately fighting the direction. The off-road vehicle spins violently at almost 360 degrees, but there is no sign of overturning. It seems that the Wan Zanghai’s is not so simple for beginners.

“West Virginia, Mother Mountain-”

Boss Golden Tooth dropped the hot mechanism gun, crossed his hands behind him, and pulled out two Huang Chengcheng giant python pistols from his waist, grinning, “The country road, take me home!

pēng pēng pēng pēng pēng pēng Bang!”

The compressed fuel bottle of the flamethrower draws a beautiful arc in the air, which just fell in front of the horror robot, and was torn by the bullet of Boss Golden Tooth. The compressed fuel inside suddenly vaporized, expanded and splashed by the bullet. spark ignited, “Bang” sound, turned into a dazzling fire!

The horror robot’s “hiss” came from the fire.

Although this type of mechanical monster is difficult to explode with ordinary bullets, their sensing elements are weak points. At extremely high temperatures, the sensing elements are likely to fail, causing it to lose its enemy’s ability to function, even better luck, use high temperature Detonate the magnetic bomb it carried in advance and completely abolish it.

pā tà!”

Although this horror robot does not have self-destruct, it also burned into black shovel, fell helplessly from midair, and curled up in a grit.


Boss Golden Tooth grinned, the golden python pistol threw two beautiful spears and retracted his waist, “MAGA!”

At this time, Wan Zanghai screamed.

off-road vehicle seemed to hit an invisible gas wall and braked hard. Both Boss Golden Tooth and Bai Xiaolu fell into the car.

A third terrorist robot was drilled in front of them less than fifty meters away.

It turns out that this is a squad of three terrorist robots. The next two are nothing but bait. This one ambush in the front is the deadly killing move.


The distance is too close. The Wan Zanghai’s is a smart car, and it is a young boy who has not yet grown up. He ca n’t hide from it. He can only watch the third horror robot and get into the off-road vehicle.

off-road vehicle immediately violently bumped like a drunk madman.

“Five seconds, get the necessary supplies and firearms, and abandon the car!”

Boss Golden Tooth gritted his teeth.

The horror robot has been firmly attached to the chassis. Unless there is a state-of-the-art repair shop in front of you, the fairy is hard to save.

Before it self-destruct, they have up to five seconds.

At this time, no matter who the guns and ammunition fell in, the three of them grabbed the package closest to them and threw their hearts across.

Fortunately, Wan Zanghai has reduced the speed to a minimum, and the soft sand is outside, and all three are not injured.

As soon as Bai Xiaolu landed, he heard a deafening explosion behind him. The strong air wave knocked him to the ground, and he couldn’t breathe for half a minute.

When he finally calmed down the neural field and the blood wave surges in his chest, he heard the sound of gunshots from behind him again. He looked up and suddenly his face was pale.

Their off-road vehicle and a lot of supplies are finished with the third horror robot.

However, the second horror robot burned by flames was not completely scrapped, but was dragging the black-black limbs, like a deformed steel monster, crawling towards them step by step.

Boss Golden Tooth is at the forefront, kneeling on one knee, holding a golden python pistol with both arms, firing calmly and calmly-it ’s a pity that the pistol is not a mechanism gun, and the ordinary pistol bullet is also not an armor piercing bullet, which is difficult to cause to terrorist robots. Effective damage.


I do n’t know when, Wan Zanghai quietly crawled behind Bai Xiaolu and shoved him, “If you do n’t leave now, when will you wait?”


Bai Xiaolu froze for a moment, “Now?”


Wan Zanghai said, “Do you still want to die with Boss Golden Tooth?”

“No …”

Bai Xiaolu looked at Boss Golden Tooth ’s sturdy and brutal posture and shook his head. “We ca n’t go. This is the depth of the“ Northern No Man ’s Land ”. Without the help of Boss Golden Tooth and transportation, we ca n’t go Going out, not to mention, if you do n’t help Boss Golden Tooth to kill this horrible robot, maybe it will break us all and die faster. “

Wan Zanghai was slightly startled.

“It also makes sense.”

He looked at the boy up and down, as if he had met Bai Xiaolu for the first time.

Boss Golden Tooth!”

Bai Xiaolu gritted his teeth, no matter what Wan Zanghai really thought of him, he endured severe pain, climbed up, pulled out an automatic rifle from his rucksack, rushed over and swept wildly, “I will help you!”


Wan Zanghai rolled his eyes, pulled out his weapon from his rucksack, hid a pistol in his trouser pocket, stuffed a dagger in his boots, and picked up an assault rifle, and rushed over, “Hold on, We are here, we-fight side by side and die together! “

pēng pēng pēng pēng Bang!”

The three fires are staggered, and the terror robot’s momentum is stopped.

Especially Boss Golden Tooth, after receiving the heavy firearms thrown over by the two little ghosts, he became even more powerful and transformed into a fixed turret.

This horrible robot was covered with fuel all over and was burnt by the flames, and its defense power was greatly reduced. Where can it not stop the three people ’s crazy fire, and after ten seconds of stalemate, “boom” , Finally exploded.

*pant*, *pant*, *pant pant*

The three of them were sitting on the ground with one buttocks. Only then did they feel the pain of bruises all over the body. Looking at the burning debris, and then looking at each other ’s miserable conditions, they could n’t help laughing.

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