Forty Millenniums of Cultivation Chapter 983: Breakthrough!

“My father is not interested in all kinds of addictive cigarettes, alcohol and psychedelic drugs, and he is not too enthusiastic about female **** and gambling. Even cultivation is not crazy, he rarely has nothing intact. The only habit I like is to enjoy a meal of ‘Star Stripped Scarlet Flame Oyster‘ as a supper after the end of each day’s work. “

Li Yao raised an eyebrow: “Star Stripped Scarlet Flame Oyster, what is that, is it precious?”

“It’s too precious to talk about.”

Jin Xinyue said: “Star Stripped Scarlet Flame Oyster is a shellfish that grows in a bay on the Golden Crow Country coastline,” Red Flame Bay “. The meat is fresh and tender, and the juice is rich. Just pry it open with” opened the shell with a knife “and dip it with local seawater. Yes. “

“It is said that the seabed in Chiyan Bay contains a semi-dormant volcano. The special minerals ejected from the seabed volcano give the sea water a unique taste, and this kind of food is born. But I can’t eat it very much. “,

Star Stripped Scarlet Flame Oyster is a very popular food among Golden Crow Country nobility, not because of its taste, but because it is not interesting to eat.”

“First of all, the outer shell of Star Stripped Scarlet Flame Oyster has patterns like flames and meteors. Each Star Stripped Scarlet Flame Oyster has a completely different pattern. You can enjoy it before eating, and even use shells to make various bonsais and decorations. It’s a very elegant thing. “

“Secondly, the two pieces of outer shell of Star Stripped Scarlet Flame Oyster are closed tightly, and you need to use special techniques and patience to manipulate opened the shell with a knife and pry it a little bit. If the technique is proficient, it will make a very pleasant crisp sound when prying. A kind of spiritual enjoyment, if you pull it apart with brute force, you will not hear such a moving voice. “

“The most important thing is that occasionally in the meat of Star Stripped Scarlet Flame Oyster, there will be a crystal similar to pearls, we call it” Red Pearl “, Red Pearl is not a baby, nor is it a lot of Spiritual Energy like” Fiend Core ” It ’s a different treasure, but it ’s full of brilliance. It ’s so beautiful, it contains a line of living-like lines, and when it is illuminated, every angle can inspire different patterns. It ’s gorgeous to the extreme. ”

Golden Crow Country’s traditional customs believe that eating‘ Red Pearl ’in Star Stripped Scarlet Flame Oyster is a very auspicious thing. In ancient times, even red beads were used for divination. The record of auspicious and evil is determined.”

“So, many Feathers Clan experts have the habit of eating Star Stripped Scarlet Flame Oyster every day. It is better to use a cumbersome eating process and the elegance of playing with shells and red beads to soothe highly nervous nerves, rather than greedy for the deliciousness. Right! “

“My father is no exception. Although he looks like a machine, he is personal in the end, and he is intriguing. After all, he will be nervous and exhausted, so eating a little Star Stripped Scarlet Flame Oyster every night may be special. Relax. “

Li Yao narrowed its eyes, and the Star Glow in the fundus was flaming like jump, pondering, “Is there any characteristic of the Star Stripped Scarlet Flame Oyster your father eats? Is it the same as others?”

Jin Xinyue thought about it carefully for a while: “Star Stripped Scarlet Flame Oyster only grows in the area of ​​Chiyan Bay. Because it depends on the moisture of the volcano on the sea floor, it cannot be cultivated artificially. The output is extremely scarce.”

“My father is Feathers Clan Patriarch, of course, those who have the largest body, the most gorgeous appearance, or the old fisherman judges that they are most likely to form‘ Red Pearl ’, are exclusively for him to enjoy.”

Li Yao asked again: “Then you estimate. After your father became Myriad Fiends Allied Armies Commander and stayed away from Golden Crow Country, will he still maintain this habit?”

Jin Xinyue nodded: “It should be possible. Before I became a Myriad Fiends Allied Armies Commander, my father often went to Heav­enspan City to handle official duties, and even stayed at Heav­enspan City. At that time, there was a daily flight of Fiend Beast, specially for him to air Star Stripped Scarlet Flame Oyster, anyway, we Golden Crow Country In charge of air power, air transportation is also convenient, and it does not cost too much. As a Feathers Clan Patriarch, this hobby is not a luxury. “

Li Yao blinked: “Every day must be airlifted, not every two or three days?”

Jin Xinyue smiled and said: “Master doesn’t know, the red flame star oyster is the most precious food. Once it leaves the original seawater, it will not be spoiled in a few hours, even if it is soaked in the original seawater. It ca n’t support a day, no matter how fresh it is stored with Glyph Array. “

“With the Frost Glyph array, storage can be used for a longer time, but if it is frozen and then thawed, it will lose its original flavor. With my father ’s identity and status, how can I eat such a thing?”

“So, when he lived in Heav­enspan City, he was rushed by the flight Fiend Beast eight thousand miles every evening, and even continued to relay through Teleportation Array to ensure that the red flame star oyster was delivered to him within two or three hours. In front! “

Hearing here, Li Yao finally let out a long breath, with a mysterious smile in the corner of his mouth: “So, after the red flame star-pointed oyster is salvaged from the sea, it will be rushed to your father in eight thousand li, since you want to It’s impossible to go through too many links in the race, right? “

Jin Xinyue froze for a moment, her eyes widened and exclaimed: “Master, do you want to?”

Li Yao thought about it and confirmed it again: “Is there a possibility that someone will pry all the Star Stripped Scarlet Flame Oyster off and present the shellfish directly to your father for enjoyment?”

Jin Xinyue shook his head: “It is absolutely impossible for us Jinwu nobles to enjoy Star Stripped Scarlet Flame Oyster. What we want is the first appearance, and then slowly open the shells to find the fun of” Red Pearl “, but it is not really greedy. Tender meat, pre-pryed open, shellfish exposed to the air for too long, the taste has changed, let alone all the fun is deprived, is it not the cow chewing peony, the scenery? “

“Eating this kind of stuff is all hands-on. This is rules and regulations for thousands of years.”

“Then there is a way!”

Li Yao patted the thigh gently, took a deep breath, and calmly said, “Listen, let’s do this next.”

“First of all, I want to take a tube of blood and a bone marrow from you. Rest assured, you are Core Formation cultivator anyway, a little bone marrow, and I will add it after a break!”

“Originally I planned to take you back to the last base of Blade Of Chaos, but now things have changed, we cannot stay in the neighborhood for too long, and there is no time for us to come and go.”

“You can only put your blood and bone marrow in a special biochemical storage tank, put it at the third connection point, and let Yuchi Ba bring them back to the base.”

Fire Ant King has mastered a lot of ‘Fiend God Virus‘ experimental data and data, including most of the gene maps, plus your blood and bone marrow cells containing ‘Chaos God Blood‘, I hope they can modulate in the shortest time Come out with a vaccine and antidote! “

“I will tell them the latest situation, including our next move, and believe that the two tactics Specialist, Han Tuhu and Suo Chaolong, know what to do!”

“And after we dropped the biochemical storage tank, we went to Heav­enspan City and dived into the fish and dragons mixed in together‘s Xiacheng District to make the best preparations for meeting with your father!”

“After everything is ready, we will go to Chiyan Bay!”

“But first of all, do you know if there is any place in Blood Fiend Sector, with a large number of crystal and Magical Artifact, even if it is the Magical Artifact wreckage seized from Heaven Origin Sector, I need a lot of materials!”

Jin Xinyue stunned, said: “Over 1,400 kilometers southeast of us, there is a” Wucheng City “, where a large number of swords, firearms, Crystal Tank and even Crystal Armor seized from Heaven Origin Sector are piled up!”

“All Magical Artifact seized are identified and tested in ‘Wucheng City‘. Among them, those that can be repaired are selected for use by Myriad Fiends Allied Armies. Those that cannot be repaired are used as” targets “or disassembled into raw materials and returned to the furnace. Even copy it. “

“In the past hundreds of years, Blood Fiend Sector has been gradually surpassed by Heaven Origin Sector on Magical Artifact refining technology. In this way, the System equipment of Myriad Fiends Allied Armies is more or less a supplement.”

“But I don’t know, what does the Master want these Magical Artifact wreckages?”

“I want to make bombs.”

Li Yao licked his lips, lightly said, “more Crystal Bomb.”


Ten days later, Heav­enspan City, Shangcheng District, Myriad Fiends Allied Armies Commander House.

With the intensified planning of “Red Tide Plan“, the “No. 2 command center” was newly established in Commander Fuchu. The huge command center is covered with the most powerful Biochemical Brain. Countless biochemical nerve are like red vines. Occasionally mixed with Mainframe Crystal Processor smuggled and seized from Heaven Origin Sector, the light curtains are blooming like snowflakes on the heads of thousands of staff and generals, and the digital jump and light and shadow change, weaving an elusive expression on their faces turn over.

Myriad Fiends Allied Armies Commander Jin Tuyi is surrounded by a huge ring-shaped light curtain. A total of about a dozen roots and biochemical nerve beams penetrated his Brain and spine like a snake in all directions, and the information analyzed by the main brain of about a dozen biochemistry was continuously sent to his Brain, hundreds of millions of data, pictures and videos, like a flood, arbitrarily flowed deep in his neural field, even with this strong High Rank Fiend Emperor physique, from time to time showed a painful look.

It is through this kind of near-torture information transmission method that he can control the most critical intelligence of Heaven Origin and Blood Fiend in the blink of an eye, including the latest developments of all the main forces of Blood Fiend Sector, and the deployment of various defense lines of Heaven Origin Sector , Traces of 16 Federation’s all Crystal Armor clan, and so on.

It ’s just, true, false, true, false, true, how much of this information is true, how much is false, how much is true but the enemy deliberately gave him, how much is false but can It can be seen that the enemy person’s heart thinks … everything depends on his own Brain.

This is my responsibility as Myriad Fiends Allied Armies Commander! (To be continued.)

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