Forty Millenniums of Cultivation Chapter 97: Joke and miracle


Xie Tingxian‘s smile is all frozen on his face, his beard is scratched, and he can’t speak for a long time.

Ding Lingdang’s beauty eyes widened, widened, widened, pink lips opened, opened, opened, trembling to the extreme.

All admissions staff, all journalists, all onlookers, students and parents all seem to have been thundered and unable to speak for a long time.

After half a minute, it seemed like an Spiritual Energy bomb detonated in the middle of the crowd, and the whole scene was uproar!

Great Wasteland War Institution Artificer Department? Is it wrong to fill in Ah? Great Wasteland War Institution and Artificer Department? Isn’t that a Elite University specially produced by Combat Type Cultivator?”

“Yes, yes, Great Wasteland War Institution Artificer Department is claimed to be one of the worst four majors of ‘Nine Elites‘. It is small in scale and low in level. The transfer is over! “

“Is he crazy? With Deep Sea Elite University Artificer Department unselected, choose Great Wasteland War Institution Artificer Department?”

“Even if you want to choose Great Wasteland War Institution, you also choose Martial Combat Department. Why would you choose Artificer Department? It’s just a dizzy head!”

“What is he thinking in his head!”

Many people are pulling at their hair and trying to break their heads can’t understand why Li Yao made such a weird choice. It’s simply outrageous!

Xie Tingxian is like a statue, silent for more than a minute, the wrinkles finally unfolded, and smiled bitterly: “Student Li Yao, you always do something unexpected, and everyone is stunned. “

Li Yao apologizes sincerely: “I’m really sorry, Professor Xie, I didn’t expect you to come a long way, Deep Sea Elite University is a good school, and I absolutely believe that you and Chu Dean have the ability to train me to be second Supernovas. “

“But what I want to be is not the second supernova, but the first ‘Fiend Star‘, so I chose Great Wasteland War Institution.”

Xie Tingxian sighed deeply:

“You said that your dream was to enter ‘The Refiners’ Holy Land‘. I didn’t expect you to give up this dream because of a momentary mood-it’s not worth it, Student Li Yao!”

Li Yao smiled: “Professor Xie, you were wrong, I was not impressed, and never gave up my dream for a second. Now Deep Sea Elite University Artificer Department is The Refiners’ Holy Land, but in the future, maybe this glory will belong to Great Wasteland War Institution Artificer Department. “


Xie Tingxian is wrong, Ding Lingdang is wrong, all recruiters of Nine Elites are wrong.

Li Yao calmly said: “This is why I have always apologized to you-I have to do more than just join Great Wasteland War Institution Artificer Department.”

“In the near future, I will lead Great Wasteland War Institution Artificer Department, challenge Deep Sea Elite University Artificer Department, and take away the honor of Supreme,” The Refiners’ Holy Land “!

“I want the entire Federation and the entire Heaven Origin Sector to know that Great Wasteland War Institution not only has the top-tier specialty of Martial Combat Department, but Great Wasteland War Institution Artificer Department is the strongest Artificer Holy Land in Federation!”

Li Yao‘s extremely sincere expression mixed with the extremely crazy declaration made everyone in the room suspect that there was something wrong with their ears, and it also made Xie Tingxian lose a moment’s attention.

“He, what is he talking about Ah?, does he know what he is talking about Ah?

“Young people do n’t know how high they are, they are too proud, too self-reliant, and they need to be hard-working!”

“Leading Great Wasteland War Institution Artificer Department to challenge Deep Sea Elite University Artificer Department, isn’t it equivalent to taking a group of mice to challenge an elephant?”

“It’s not just mice and elephants? It’s like taking a group of ants to challenge a dinosaur!”

Many “Great Nine” admissions staff were provoked.

Xie Tingxian was silent for ten seconds, and suddenly laughed: “Student Li Yao, young people must have dreams, but they should understand the difference between dreams and delusions-you are too arrogant.”

Li Yao’s eyes is as clear as water, shaking his head: “Professor Xie, I’m not arrogant, I’m just scared, very, very scared.”

“Afraid?” Xie Tingxian was confused.

“Yes, I’m afraid, because I know very well that Deep Sea Elite University Artificer Department is powerful, like a gods and demons who stands out from the crowd. Don’t say to challenge it, even if you only have the mind to challenge it, it is extremely difficult. . “

“If I do n’t speak this second, I ’m afraid to wait until tomorrow, no, do n’t need tomorrow, wait until the next hour, the next minute, the next second-I will completely lose the challenge to this gods and demons Courage! “

“But now, I have spoken out. In front of so many teachers of ‘Nine Elites‘, I have made this crazy idea public, so I do n’t have to worry about being hesitant, conflicting, tangled, or Flinch and give up. “

“Either reduced to a big joke, or accidentally created a miracle, there is no third way ahead, I can only do my best, grit my teeth, and go straight!”

Xie Tingxian: “I understand. You don’t seem to be arrogant-just too young, too impulsive, too naive! Miracles are miracles because the chances of happening are too small and too small, maybe only a thousand points. One, one in ten thousand! “

Li Yao smiles, the stars seem to sparkle in the depths of the eyes: “Either one thousandth or one in ten thousand, even if it is 100 million one in ten thousand, that is not equal to zero, right?”

Xie Tingxian was silent, long sighed, boarded Flying Shuttle Car with deep regret.

Xie Tingxian is gone.

Sister Ling!”

Li Yao is relieved, smiles and smiles, turns to Ding Lingdang, “My choice, did not disappoint you too much? You can rest assured, as long as I have time, I will still go to Martial Combat Department …”

The second half of the sentence has not yet been said, Ding Lingdang has swooped up, shaking his collar and shaking it vigorously, like a female leopard rampage thunder:

“Small boy, you’ve already planned to take Great Wasteland War Institution, right? Then the life of your fart is farewell! The old lady screamed for a long time, and his mother sighed! Why didn’t you say it earlier!”

“I want to surprise you …”

“Surprise you a big watermelon! Your mother’s feelings have been played by you! Believe me or not I hit you!”

[End of Volume One “Hundred Days Sprint”]

Trailer of “Great Wasteland Storm”:

Crystal Armor is the greatest Magical Artifact in the Modern Cultivation world. It is known as ‘Modern King of Magical Artifacts‘ and is ‘Magical Artifact in Magical Artifact‘. Even Deep Sea Elite University Artificer Department wants to make a brand new model of Crystal Armor, which is extremely difficult. Things. “

“I just rely on your Great Wasteland War Institution Artificer Department garbage major, and I rely on your few wastes-also want to make Crystal Armor?”

“What Ah? piece of waste copper and rotten iron is the Crystal Armor you made? It’s torn and rotten, silly and thick, it’s just a pile of waste residue!”

“Just such a pile of waste residue, do you dare to call it ‘Mystic Skeleton Battle Armor‘? Excuse me, where is this pile of waste residue from‘ Xuan ’?”

“Let me change the name of this pile of waste residue, don’t call it Mystic Skeleton-called ‘residual bone’!”

In the depths of Great Wasteland, storms strike, and the wonders of billion one in ten thousand are coming soon!


It will be on time tomorrow, and there will be another testimonial from the shelves later.

Because the old cow still has to go to work during the day, the son of the family is too old for dogs, and his energy is limited. What can be temporarily guaranteed is that there must be two chapters every day after the shelves. Whether it can burst depends on the situation, old cow I must do my best and I hope everyone understands that after all, Lao Niu is not strong enough to feed his wife and children by writing.

But on the first day of the shelves, you still have to celebrate. Tomorrow, you will have three thousand words to make three changes. Then if the first order is more than five hundred, then you will have one more. If you can still have more than five hundred, then you will have one more. analogy.

The first order is very important for a work, and the subscription is an important indicator that determines the development prospects of this book. It is time for the sword to come out and see the true chapter. The old cows rely on everyone’s support. There are recommendations, subscriptions, Monthly pass or something, although it’s like dropping money on the old cow’s head like you don’t need money! !! !!

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