Forty Millenniums of Cultivation Chapter 890: The “God” appears!

The section produced by the blasting, after being simply flattened, just happens to be a relay station, where Expeditions team members make final preparations, and then slowly sink into underground through a temporary lifting platform.

About one hundred combat staff responsible for pathfinding, and a few times more small type Fiend Beast were put in for preliminary Expeditions to ensure safety before researchers entered in batches.

Li Yao is assigned an interactive tentacle-like brainwave receiver and two biochemical chips that look like contact lenses.

When he gently glued his tentacles to his forehead, and put the biochemical chip on the eyeball, with the two sounds of “dī dī“, a large amount of information immediately appeared on the retina, as well as a series of instructions, including a rough structure picture of Chaos God Tomb .

The underground space outlined by light green lines is dozens of times larger than Li Yao imagined. It has several floors above and below, with countless corridors and independent spaces. It really looks like a magnificent underground palace.

The pulley flew, and the lifting platform descended slowly. Li Yao felt like an ant, with silk thread tied around his waist, and was lowered under the 10,000-meter cliff.

After traversing the narrow vertical corridor, a space of more than 500 meters in length and width appeared in front of me, and the black walls in all directions seemed to have a weird suction, engulfing all the light and sound.

They seemed to have fallen into Abyss for three minutes before the lifting platform landed on the ground.

The ground is dry and hard, made of some unknown rock material. Li Yao took a short breath until he was down to earth.

When the mutated fireflies fly around in the huge space and spread the cold fluorescence in all directions, everyone including Li Yao is attracted by the huge biological skeleton in the center of the space.

It can’t be said what the remains of this fierce beast, the thick bones poked straight into the sky, forming a dense and virgin forest. Under the fluorescent light, the bones emit a light blue metallic luster, and several of them are have several ten meters long. Tougher than Crystal Warship’s Primary Artillery.

Li Yao narrowed its eyes and looked towards the surrounding walls.

Dozens of Iron Ring are deeply nailed on the wall, and a huge iron chain is attached to the Iron Ring, which is wrapped around the skeleton. After the time of 40,000, all the iron chains are as bright as new, even if the spirit mark with thin hair on it is clearly visible.

Almost all chains have traces of being pulled forcibly, and many Iron Rings are even pulled from the wall. Only the holes covered with spider web cracks are left, and some chains, like noodles, are stretched to the limit.

The surrounding walls are covered with claw marks that are several meters deep. Many thick claws and phalanges are cut off and deeply embedded in the wall

A pit with a diameter of tens of meters appeared on a wall, like a huge siege hammer, which had been hit hard here.

Li Yao closed his eyes and imagined the scene of 40,000 years ago.

There is a fierce beast hundreds of meters long. For some reason, some people used a chain to deadlock here.

And this giant beast seems to be in a state of extreme pain, struggling and tearing hard, tearing off a lot of chains Magical Artifact engraved with Glyph Array.

At the same time, it left a shocking claw mark on the wall, even painful to the point that the claw breaks, and it will not stop when it is embedded in the wall. Hit the wall heavily.

What is it that makes this beast so painful?

Is it some kind of experiment?

Several Ancient Life Form scientists and historians, near the corpse of the giant beast, discuss spiritedly.

One of the Ancient Life Form scientists. It seems to be assigned to mission, which is to study this giant beast and immediately start working with the assistant.

And while fighting the experienced Li Yao, he soon noticed a strange phenomenon.

The bones on the torso of this giant monster are broken in many places, but they are not broken inwards. It burst out.

It was like something was burrowing into it’s stomach, and after being turned upside down, it came out again.

Li Yao swallowed and felt for the first time that even with the strength of a Quasi Nascent Origin, Expeditions Chaos God Tomb may not necessarily be safe.

Taking a deep breath, under the guidance of the retina arrows, Li Yao took a few researchers and continued to walk deep into the huge space.

Crossing a long corridor, the scene that appeared in front of him was the illusion that he had a foot in the air and fell into Star Ocean.

The huge space that has just appeared has made them feel the grandeur and depth of the palace.

However, compared to this hall in front of you, it is like the difference between a matchbox and a skyscraper!

This hall, which can’t be seen at a glance, they just appear above the hall, with a straight downward stairway in front, but shrouded in a faint mist.

The gray mist is like a living creature, an indescribable mystery.

Li Yao finally understands why Yuchi Ba has to risk so many Beginners to participate in this operation.

Chaos God Tomb is so vast, no matter how many Expeditions people enter it, it seems that salt particles are sprinkled into the water, and Shadowless disappears instantly.

Soon, the virtual light and shadow image of the whole hall was displayed on his retina through the biochemical chip.

The length and width of the main hall detected by echo is more than 30 kilometers, which is a huge city.

And this is just First Level.

Under the guidance of the arrow, they fumbled for ten minutes before going down the stairs to the hall lowest level.

The ground here is not hard slate, but moist soil. When stepped on, the sound of “chī chī” will sound.

At the edge of the hall, there are still black rocks, but on the rock walls, a magnificent relief is engraved at every distance.

Most of the reliefs are some strange giants. In a world of eccentricities, the scene of sowing the seeds of life, and sometimes several huge reliefs are connected in series to form a complete story.

For example, the beginning of one of the reliefs is a huge light gray disk that descended on a steaming planet, and in the ocean below the reliefs, some traces of Ancient Life Form were engraved.

The second relief, but a huge Tyrannosaurus rex, was sent to this planet by a conical light wave.

However, compared with the fossils unearthed today, these Tyrannosaurus rex possesses extremely strong arms, but it is somewhat similar to the Pangu Clan that Li Yao saw in the depths of memory.

In the third relief, the Tyrannosauruses stretched their arms to the ocean, and under the erosion of some strange power, their arms shrank, and from the folds of the skin, they secreted a lot of light. Golden liquid dripped into the ocean.

That seems to be the essence of their arms.

The fourth relief, innumerable sea creatures devouring golden liquid, evolved primitive limbs and began to march on land.

The four reliefs are connected in series. It seems that these Tyrannosaurus rex paid for their arms, so that marine creatures have the ability to march on land.

“As a result, at least the first conjecture about Primal Chaos was overturned.”

Master Primal Chaos, Chu Zhengqing expression grave, said slowly, “From the perspective of structure of this hall and its relative position in the entire underground building System, this should be a temple used by the ancients to worship, since it is around the temple In the reliefs, there are so many scenes of Pangu Clan groundbreaking and Enlighten beings, indicating that Primal Chaos also has some kind of adoration for Pangu. “

“In the history of Fiend Clan in the last ten thousand years, the mainstream view has always believed that Primal Chaos is an unending enemy of Pangu. These reliefs can effectively refute this view.”

Another researcher coldly said: “Of course Primal Chaos is not the enemy of Pangu, but the orthodox heir of Pangu. It is part of the ambitious and heartbroken Fiend Clan who betrayed Great God Chaos and made it like this today! What we have to do is to discover Everything in Chaos God Tomb is original and clear, so that the truth is known to the world! “

Chu Zhengqing smiled slightly and continued walking forward.

Many Expeditions team members have gathered in front of them, and the most basic lighting system has also been built.

Under the mysterious light, Li Yao saw that at the end of the temple, a very indescribable object stood, both as a monolithic bridge and a strangely shaped, tall and throne, among which embed , But it is a pair of about a dozen long light golden bones.

The body of this skeleton should be wearing some kind of armor, but the armor has been fused with the body for a long time.

The upper body of this skeleton is almost the same as Human Race except for its slightly larger size.

However, at the crotch, it suddenly contracted and slowly closed together, becoming a thick keel. It was not until the end of the tail that it suddenly split into about a dozen roots, which separated like crab claws.

If it is restored to its original appearance, it should be some kind of half-human half-snake, or half-human half-dragon.

On the bones without armor, densely packed spirit mark, especially the relatively complete skull, a circle of spirit mark, a mysterious vortex, attracted Li Yao’s eyes and divine soul.

Several Ancient Life Form scientists and archaeologists have been working meticulously next to the throne of bones, carefully cleaning the dust falling from the bones, and scanning every section of the bones.

“The shape of the armor and the seat of the skeleton are incompatible with the style of the surrounding buildings, and the level of 40,000 years ago Civilization we have mastered. It has a taste that exceeds Era, especially facing the skeleton, it looks like an” operating platform “. The area, the complexity of various spirit mark, even today we are difficult to crack. “

“It can be preliminarily concluded that this skeletal and fused seat are not built in Chaos God Tomb, but migrated from elsewhere.”

“The coordinates it locates in the temple are exactly in the center of several golden cutting points. According to the construction rules of Ancient Cultivation Era , this is the **** position!”

“You can think that this skeleton is the‘ God ’that Primal Chaos believes in!”

Chu Zhengqing revolved around the throne of bones three times and spoke his speculation lightly. (To be continued.)

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